Orthodox Cancer Field Ripe With Fraud Article Says


Jan 1, 2013
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/ ... 2P20120328

"In cancer science, many "discoveries" don't hold up"

The article details how 90% of published cancer discoveries cannot be reproduced, then attempts to rationalise it away.

But the readers aren't fooled, so they are forced to close the comments sections. :lol:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wow, the truth is flowing out now. :P


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
burtlancast said:

"In cancer science, many "discoveries" don't hold up"

The article details how 90% of published cancer discoveries cannot be reproduced, then attempts to rationalise it away.

But the readers aren't fooled, so they are forced to close the comments sections. :lol:
It's just another example of the same old 'kill me with one hand save me with the other' behavior. Hopefully people are starting to catch onto the reality of the medical cancer cult and realizing that they are going to have to figure out how to save themselves!


Feb 12, 2014
If the Big Cancer Research Industry (and all medical research for "disease") were held up to any level of accountability for results, after over 50 years of empty promises and nothing but more dangerous drugs, fudged research data and statistics on survival, and huge amounts of taxpayer extortion, the whole industry would have been eradicated.

The Corporate State provides for the Cancer Research Welfare State.

The public are awaking up…

ETA: The article comments/letters are often even more thought provoking than the actual article itself!


Jan 1, 2013
mas said:
ETA: The article comments/letters are often even more thought provoking than the actual article itself!

That was an eye opener, to say the least...

I am a scientist and I am not surprise of what I have just read. The way science is done in academia does make sense any more. Scientific frauds reach now an endemic levels and the numerous cases of frauds reported in websites like Retraction Watch () are just the tip of a huge iceberg. The famous sentence ‘publish or perish’ is a reality in academia and rather than perish people prefer to cheat. May be we should now say ‘cheat or perish’.
For me, scientific frauds in academia can be compared to doping in sports.

The dark side of this is that researchers who are honest and who are concerned about producing good results are eliminated “by natural selection” from the system. Those who are hired (PhD student, postdocs, research associates, assistant professors, etc) are those who can produce a huge amount of results in a very short time period and most of the time no body worry about the way the results are produced. The ultimate goal is to publish and the end justifies the means… In biomedical research (my field) people who do research in academic environment do not even realize (and even if the PIs are medical doctors!!!) that at the end of the line there are patients who will receive treatments derived from their basic researches.

When you look at job postings for the recruitment of postdocs in Universities, the first criteria of selection is the number of publications in very good journals. Being responsible and having high ethic values are never criteria for selection. Never…

In many places when there are postdocs, grad students or colleagues who are too much critical or curious concerning how data are obtained…..They are literally eliminated from the place…..

Overall this results in such a waste of money…

The problem with the “Cancer Science” is the number of lies told to the Public. The other problem is Modern Medicine knows the Law, which states, funding for all Cancer Research will end when a Cure is found, so the question is, why would modern medicine produce a Cure?

When you look at the Truth about Cancer, in the late 1870’s it was cured in Europe and from the early 1900’s to present it has been cured in the U.S. and these cures have been primarily based on Proper Diet.

Samuel Hahnemann was run out of Germany for proving all medicines, including aspirin, were harmful to the human body in the late1870’s and run out of Germany. The Father of Pathology, Rudolf Virchow, defined disease and its causes based on the function of human cells in the late 1890’s. Dr. William F Koch defined the cause and Cure of Cancer by 1918. Harry Hoxsey developed a Cancer Therapy as early as 1920 using his grandfathers remedy and was persecuted by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), because he refused to give them the formula for the Cancer Cure. Royal Raymond Rife cured every known and unknown disease, including Cancer by 1930. From about 1938 -1958, based on thirty years of clinical experimentation, Dr. Max Gerson published his book on the Gerson Therapy and how he cured Cancer. A German biochemist and physicist named Johanna Budwig in the 1950’s submitted well-documented cures for cancer and her cures, like Koch and Gerson, were diet related.

We are led to believe the Cure for Cancer is just around the corner, but the facts suggest it was cured over a hundred years ago.

To Your Good Heath,


1. Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine by Daniel Haley
2. Cancer The Problem and The Solution, Dr. Johanna Budwig
3. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and The Cure of Advanced Cancer By Diet, by Dr. Max Gerson
4. A Solution To The Cancer Problem, by Dr. Cornelius Moerman
5. DVD: Cancer – The Forbidden Cures, by Massimo Mazzucco
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