On Palm Oil And Cocoa Butter


Nov 26, 2012
I read everywhere that palm oil and cocoa butter are a good source of saturated fat which, I think, is true when looking at the fatty acids composition of it, but not when ingested and digested.

Even if palm oil is 50% saturated fat, like pork fat, there is a biological subtlety linked to the distribution of fatty acids in the 1,2 and 3 positions of the glycerol.
The biodisponibility of a fatty acid is maximal when this one is linked to the position 2 of the glycerol.
In Palm oil, like in cocoa butter, the unsaturated fatty acids are in the bioavailable position (position 2) whereas, for example, satured fatty acids occupy that position in lard.
Palm oil has to be considered like an oil which is rich of unsaturated fatty acids, like cocoa butter, and not like a source of saturated fatty acids because, when ingested and after digestion, palm oil’s saturated fatty acids are mostly evacuated via the bowel (the calcium salt of the saturated fatty acids are insoluble and are then excreted) due to their position (1 and 3) of the glycerol and their non-utilisation by the body.
"Differences in the distributions of fatty acids among the positions of the glycerol moiety in triacylglycerols from natural fats and oils were first demonstrated systematically by enzymatic hydrolysis procedures, specifically pancreatic lipase hydrolysis for the analysis of the fatty acids of position sn-2 (regiospecific analysis), before complex stereospecific hydrolysis procedures were developed that permitted the complete positional distributions of the fatty acids to be determined. Because of this historical development of the analytical procedures, there has been a tendency to assume that the composition of fatty acids esterified to the sole secondary hydroxyl group must have greater importance than those of the two primary positions. It is certainly true that the composition of position sn-2 is of great importance when triacylglycerols are consumed and digested by animals, since 2-monoacyl-sn-glycerols are then formed which can be absorbed by the intestines and utilised as such." 

Source:  http://lipidlibrary.aocs.org/lipids/tag1/index.htm
             - Brockerhoff H., (1967 – Stereospecific analysis of triglycerides: an alternative method – J.       Lipid Research, 8, 167-169.
             – IUPAC: International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Here is what Ray Peat says:

Ray Peat said:
Q: You say vegetable oils are hazardous to your health. What vegetable oils are you talking about?

Mainly, I'm referring to soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, canola, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil, palm oil, and any others that are labeled as "unsaturated" or "polyunsaturated." Almond oil, which is used in many cosmetics, is very unsaturated.

Chemically, the material that makes these oils very toxic is the polyunsaturated fat itself. These unsaturated oils are found in very high concentrations in many seeds, and in the fats of animals that have eaten a diet containing them. The fresh oils, whether cold pressed or consumed as part of the living plant material, are intrinsically toxic, and it is not any special industrial treatment that makes them toxic. Since these oils occur in other parts of plants at lower concentration, and in the animals which eat the plants, it is impossible to eat a diet which lacks them, unless special foods are prepared in the laboratory.

These toxic oils are sometimes called the "essential fatty acids" or "vitamin F," but this concept of the oils as essential nutrients was clearly disproved over 50 years ago.

Linoleic and linolenic acids, the "essential fatty acids," and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are now fed to pigs to fatten them, in the form of corn and soy beans, cause the animals' fat to be chemically equivalent to vegetable oil. In the late 1940s, chemical toxins were used to suppress the thyroid function of pigs, to make them get fatter while consuming less food. When that was found to be carcinogenic, it was then found that corn and soy beans had the same antithyroid effect, causing the animals to be fattened at low cost. The animals' fat becomes chemically similar to the fats in their food, causing it to be equally toxic, and equally fattening.

These oils are derived from seeds, but their abundance in some meat has led to a lot of confusion about "animal fats." Many researchers still refer to lard as a "saturated fat," but this is simply incorrect when pigs are fed soybeans and corn.

Ray Peat said:
Although I don't recommend "palm oil" as a food, because I think it is less stable than coconut oil, some studies show that it contains valuable nutrients. For example, it contains antioxidants similar to vitamin E, which lowers both LDL cholesterol and a platelet clotting factor. [B. A. Bradlow, University of Illinois, Chicago; Science News 139, 268, 1991.] Coconut oil and other tropical oils also contain some hormones that are related to pregnenolone or progesterone.


Nov 21, 2012
Palm Oil

Hi everyone,

I have a question, I heard Palm oil next to CO is a good source of saturated MCT fats, but buying the certified organic version over here is quite expensive (as are all orgaic products).
Now there is a tropical supermarket over here that sells various brands cheaper,but it doesn't have a label that it's organic. So,how bad is this?

I have no idea what it tastes like,can it be used in baking stuff or will it alter the taste,so one would need to buy a refined version? (There are these awesome organic Coconut spelt cookies over here,which obviously contain coconut but the ingredients also mention Palm Oil,but the cookies taste like sweet coconut).


Wilfrid said:
I read everywhere that palm oil and cocoa butter are a good source of saturated fat which, I think, is true when looking at the fatty acids composition of it, but not when ingested and digested.

Even if palm oil is 50% saturated fat, like pork fat, there is a biological subtlety linked to the distribution of fatty acids in the 1,2 and 3 positions of the glycerol.
The biodisponibility of a fatty acid is maximal when this one is linked to the position 2 of the glycerol.
In Palm oil, like in cocoa butter, the unsaturated fatty acids are in the bioavailable position (position 2) whereas, for example, satured fatty acids occupy that position in lard.
Palm oil has to be considered like an oil which is rich of unsaturated fatty acids, like cocoa butter, and not like a source of saturated fatty acids because, when ingested and after digestion, palm oil’s saturated fatty acids are mostly evacuated via the bowel (the calcium salt of the saturated fatty acids are insoluble and are then excreted) due to their position (1 and 3) of the glycerol and their non-utilisation by the body.

I read there are refined versions of palm oil, such as palm kernel oil, and palm shortening. What do you think about those?


Jan 25, 2014
The safety of non organic oils is a function of the pesticides used since most pesticides are oil soluble and may be accumulated in the fat of the plants to which they are applied. This is true for all dietary fats.

Palm oil is presently a hot item in Pacific island countries and oil palm is being intensively planted on newly deforested land, in many cases illegally. That should tell you something about the ethics of the plantation owners. So even palm oil labeled organic may not be.

Somewhere there are statistics on palm oils tested for pesticide residues. If you would track those down, it would be a help to the rest of us.

(That is, aside from the dietary value or anitivalue of the oil itself.)

AND!!!: http://endoftheicons.wordpress.com/tag/ ... anization/


Jul 27, 2016
Isn't Palm Oil similar to extra virgin olive oil? It has monosaturated just like extra virgin olive oil, but more vitamin e in two formats as well as the other beneficial compounds that RayPeat speaks of?

Since Vitamin e protects Vitamin a, I try to consume some red palm oil with my liver and eggs, which are cooked in coconut oil and have butter added after.


Mar 6, 2022
I read everywhere that palm oil and cocoa butter are a good source of saturated fat which, I think, is true when looking at the fatty acids composition of it, but not when ingested and digested.

Even if palm oil is 50% saturated fat, like pork fat, there is a biological subtlety linked to the distribution of fatty acids in the 1,2 and 3 positions of the glycerol.
The biodisponibility of a fatty acid is maximal when this one is linked to the position 2 of the glycerol.
In Palm oil, like in cocoa butter, the unsaturated fatty acids are in the bioavailable position (position 2) whereas, for example, satured fatty acids occupy that position in lard.
Palm oil has to be considered like an oil which is rich of unsaturated fatty acids, like cocoa butter, and not like a source of saturated fatty acids because, when ingested and after digestion, palm oil’s saturated fatty acids are mostly evacuated via the bowel (the calcium salt of the saturated fatty acids are insoluble and are then excreted) due to their position (1 and 3) of the glycerol and their non-utilisation by the body.

"Differences in the distributions of fatty acids among the positions of the glycerol moiety in triacylglycerols from natural fats and oils were first demonstrated systematically by enzymatic hydrolysis procedures, specifically pancreatic lipase hydrolysis for the analysis of the fatty acids of position sn-2 (regiospecific analysis), before complex stereospecific hydrolysis procedures were developed that permitted the complete positional distributions of the fatty acids to be determined. Because of this historical development of the analytical procedures, there has been a tendency to assume that the composition of fatty acids esterified to the sole secondary hydroxyl group must have greater importance than those of the two primary positions. It is certainly true that the composition of position sn-2 is of great importance when triacylglycerols are consumed and digested by animals, since 2-monoacyl-sn-glycerols are then formed which can be absorbed by the intestines and utilised as such."

Source: http://lipidlibrary.aocs.org/lipids/tag1/index.htm
- Brockerhoff H., (1967 – Stereospecific analysis of triglycerides: an alternative method – J. Lipid Research, 8, 167-169.
– IUPAC: International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry.
@haidut @Hans @Lokzo what do you think about all this?
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