Nothing Boring About Boron


Feb 13, 2021
What toxins/heavy metal does boron remove? I get detox symptoms from higher borax doses, just as I do from iodine. I must be carrying fluoride/chlorine/something in my body


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I simply take a tiny pinch of borax (which I've learned to "dose" correctly after weighing the pinches on a digital scale) out of a jar and dump it into a glass of oj every morning. Each pinch is roughly 50mg, or approx. 5-6mg boron.
You still taking boron?


May 31, 2015
I react super strongly to boron, like within hours. I’ve tried just about everything under the sun, one by one, but boron is by far the strongest thing I’ve ever taken so I have a feeling I’m deficient. Will report back after I take it for a little while.


Oct 6, 2020
I react super strongly to boron, like within hours. I’ve tried just about everything under the sun, one by one, but boron is by far the strongest thing I’ve ever taken so I have a feeling I’m deficient. Will report back after I take it for a little while.
Same here. Insane. Libido was insane the first day,. Felt like a teenager ready to conquer any woman crossing my path. Morning wood, random boners trough the day etc. Continued intake didnt produce these effects tho. Hair and naila grow alot faster and are less brittle (altough still not perfect). Digestion (transit time) improved. I noticed these within hours/days.

I guess finding the right deficiency leads to such a experience. It raises the question what other trace mineral is one low in? Lithium produced quite noticable effects too. All of these in low dosages of 3 mg.


Jan 28, 2013
I've been taking the boron(x) concentrate for two weeks now. One teaspoon/day for first week. Twice a day for last week.

What I've noticed:

- definitely feeling warmer. Haven't measured temp, but it's observable difference.

-bowel movements more frequent and freaky. I've posted in past about parasite/GI issues since long trips abroad 10 years or so ago. Seem to be passing more stuff.

-I have this cramp-like feeling in my left hand that radiates into my two middle fingers. Feels at times that hand is about to break in to an all-out, distorting cramp. Don't think it's magnesium because I usually first get restless legs at night when mag is low. I've just increasedy dose though, just in case. Also increasing salt. Vitamin K seems like it could possibly be a factor as I just got a new bottle of Kuinone and seem to notice it more when just applied. Though I have taken Kuinone and other K products (and at significant doses) with no such effects previously.

-Joints (particularly troublesome knees) feel just slightly worse.

Will persist with the teaspoon of concentrate twice a day. May try 1/8th teaspoon (or less- pinch maybe) of powder directly once just to see.


Jan 28, 2013
Something else I forgot to mention.

I'm definitely passing more sludge/stones from my kidneys since starting the boron. Can feel it passing through my urethra and hear the resounding pound into the toilet bowl of the heavier composition. Even had a splash ricochet into the bathroom side wall on one occasion. Have not had the dull ache in the kidneys I sometimes get either, especially after lying down too long.

Most every morning for years I squirt some of that stone breaker herb into some water or juice which keeps me out of trouble, but adding the boron seems to be improving clearance. Overall, lighter feeling in kidneys is definitely welcome.


Jun 2, 2017
Something else I forgot to mention.

I'm definitely passing more sludge/stones from my kidneys since starting the boron. Can feel it passing through my urethra and hear the resounding pound into the toilet bowl of the heavier composition. Even had a splash ricochet into the bathroom side wall on one occasion. Have not had the dull ache in the kidneys I sometimes get either, especially after lying down too long.

Most every morning for years I squirt some of that stone breaker herb into some water or juice which keeps me out of trouble, but adding the boron seems to be improving clearance. Overall, lighter feeling in kidneys is definitely welcome.
You are using Borax? How is your sleep and sense of calm? I ask because boron affected both of those for me, in the negative.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
You are using Borax? How is your sleep and sense of calm? I ask because boron affected both of those for me, in the negative.
Did you get those effects specifically from borax, or another type of boron supplement? Also, curious what dose you were using, some say that over 10 mg/day, boron needs to be cycled two weeks on and two weeks off, due to it eventually raising estrogen levels. Apparently, T levels go up in the first few weeks, with no increase in E, but if you continue, then your E levels will go up, hence cycling it to prevent that effect. This is what I had read.


Jan 28, 2013
You are using Borax? How is your sleep and sense of calm? I ask because boron affected both of those for me, in the negative.
No difference noticed in either so far.

Did you get those effects specifically from borax, or another type of boron supplement? Also, curious what dose you were using, some say that over 10 mg/day, boron needs to be cycled two weeks on and two weeks off, due to it eventually raising estrogen levels. Apparently, T levels go up in the first few weeks, with no increase in E, but if you continue, then your E levels will go up, hence cycling it to prevent that effect. This is what I had read.
I dissolved a rounded teaspoon of borax in a liter (of water) and keeping concentrate in fridge. From what I read, one teaspoon of the concentrate is 3mg of boron; so, should be good as far as need to cycle. If I get into taking small amounts straight then I'll probably start mixing in some off days.

Also, the couple days of extra magnesium (and salt) seems to have gotten rid of the weird cramp-like thing in my left hand.


Mar 26, 2014
Some research I have been doing led me to this.

Boron is an essential element for autoinducer-2 (AI-2) synthesis of quorum sensing (QS) system, which affects bacterial collective behavior. As a living biocatalyst, biofilms can stably catalyze the activity of intracellular enzymes. However, it is unclear how boron affects biofilm formation in E. coli, particularly recombinant E. coli with intracellular enzymes. This study screened different boron derivatives to explore their effect on biofilm formation. The stress response of biofilm formation to boron was illuminated by analyzing AI-2 activity, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) composition, gene expression levels, etc. Results showed that boron derivatives promote AI-2 activity in QS system. After treatment with H3BO3 (0.6 mM), the AI-2 activity increased by 65.99%, while boron derivatives increased the biomass biofilms in the order H3BO3 > NaBO2 > Na2B4O7 > NaBO3. Moreover, treatment with H3BO3 (0.6 mM) increased biomass by 88.54%. Meanwhile, AI-2 activity had a linear correlation with polysaccharides and protein of EPS at 0–0.6 mM H3BO3 and NaBO2 (R2 > 0.8). Furthermore, H3BO3 upregulated the expression levels of biofilm formation genes, quorum sensing genes, and flagellar movement genes. These findings demonstrated that boron promoted biofilm formation by upregulating the expression levels of biofilm-related genes, improving the QS system AI-2 activity, and increasing EPS secretion in E. coli.

The derivatives used were: B2O3, H3BO3, NaBO2, NaBO3, Na2B4O7, K2B4O7, and (NH4)2B4O7 but that's way beyond my level of understanding.

Good old Borax is Na2B4O5(OH)4·8H2O

This is the quorum sensing mechanism it mentions.

Autoinducer-2 (AI-2), a furanosyl borate diester or tetrahydroxy furan (species dependent), is a member of a family of signaling molecules used in quorum sensing.[1] AI-2 is one of only a few known biomolecules incorporating boron. First identified in the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi, AI-2 is produced and recognized by many Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.[2][3] AI-2 arises by the reaction of 4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione, which is produced enzymatically, with boric acid[4] and is recognized by the two-component sensor kinase LuxPQ in Vibrionaceae.

AI-2 is actively transported by the Lsr ABC-type transporter into the cell in Enterobacteriaceae and few other bacterial taxa such as Pasteurella, Photorhabdus, Haemophilus, and Bacillus,[5] where it is phosphorylated by LsrK. Then, Phospho-AI-2 binds the transcriptional repressor protein, LsrR, which subsequently is released from the promoter/operator region of the lsr operon – and transcription of the lsr genes is initiated. AI-2 signalling is also regulated by glucose and cAMP/CRP via the lsr operon. In the presence of glucose, low levels of cAMP/CRP result in almost no lsr operon (lsrABCDFG) expression. Without glucose, cAMP-CRP is needed to stimulate the lsr expression, while LsrR represses its expression in the absence of the inducer, phospho-AI-2. As AI-2 accumulates, more AI-2 is taken in via LsrABCD, phosphorylated via LsrK, and the lsr transcription is de-repressed, enabling even more AI-2 uptake.[6]

Doubts have been expressed regarding AI-2's status as a universal signal. Although the luxS gene, which encodes the protein responsible for AI-2 production is widespread, the latter has mainly a primary metabolic role in the recycling of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, with AI-2 being a by-product of that process.[7] An unequivocally AI-2 related behavior was found to be restricted primarily to organisms bearing known AI-2 receptor genes.[8] Thus, while it is certainly true that some bacteria respond to AI-2, it is doubtful that it is always being produced for purposes of signaling.
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