No Milk No OJ, Feedback For My Diet Please


Sep 4, 2020
I'm 46, 95 kg, 187 cm, elevated blood sugars (fasting glucose is ~120 while on a standard "diabetic diet", potato gives me like 180-200 postprandial). While staying HCLF for some time I noticed that glucose falls much faster after meals and fasting glucose is much lower, like 105, even 100. Feel much better/energetic eating lots of sugar (compared to standard or keto), and want to stay this way.

I'd like to get some advice or feedback on my current diet.

Milk and OJ seem to be an important part of RP foods, if not the main part of them judging by one of RP clips ().

Fresh milk - I could never drink milk, it gave me some revolting feeling even in the kindergarden :) I can drink and eat pretty much anything else from milk, like kefir, tvorog (cottage cheese I guess), cheese etc. but I've never been a big fan of those as daily food. Exept for sweetened condenced milk, especially can-boiled (a USSR kids supertreat, hehe).

Quality OJ is hard to find and expensive to consume as daily food here.

Here's what I eat.

Daily 1-2kg of well cooked potato with around 30 grams of butter.
Daily carrot salad (with salt, a tsp of olive oil and garlic) - for vit. A.
Daily a bowl of broth made of ears, tails, bones etc. with a small amount of onions, potato, rice, rarely vermicelli for a change - for minerals and gelatine.
~4-5 times a week some beef liver/heart, squid, muscle meat, not fatty fish like pollock. Normally I cook those with veggies like onions, cabbage, but not a lot of veggies. Grind, then mix with veggies and spices and gently fry or stew.
Tee/coffee/cacao with honey, powdered of condensed milk, table sugar, ginger, cinnamon, herbs. This way I get like 150 of total pure sugar.
Sweet condenced milk or marmalade as dessert if I feel like it.
Calcium supplement + Vitamin D.
Not sure if I should also take Vitamine E, and how do I combine it with vitamine D?

So far I'm satisfied in terms of satiation, have no cravings at all.

Anything I'm missing? Thanks in adviance!


Dec 26, 2013
I don't know if this will work for you, but I have been recently drinking milk warmed in the microwave. I do a coffee mug full of whole milk for about 2.5 minutes, which
improves the taste and feels very comfortable in the stomach. My milk intake has increased, and my desire to eat starch has dropped. I have lost visible weight since I began this a few weeks ago. Whole milk gets mixed reviews here, but I am losing weight, and it is the cheapest milk per calorie where I am.


Sep 4, 2020
I don't know if this will work for you, but I have been recently drinking milk warmed in the microwave. I do a coffee mug full of whole milk for about 2.5 minutes, which
improves the taste and feels very comfortable in the stomach. My milk intake has increased, and my desire to eat starch has dropped. I have lost visible weight since I began this a few weeks ago. Whole milk gets mixed reviews here, but I am losing weight, and it is the cheapest milk per calorie where I am.

no man anything that makes me even touch upon the tatse of fresh milk make me extremely nauteous. I just wantto thow up.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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