No government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population.


Jun 20, 2015
"Between 1900-2006, campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance were twice as successful as violent campaigns. Erica will talk about her research on the impressive historical record of civil resistance in the 20th century and discuss the promise of unarmed struggle in the 21st century. She will focus on the so-called "3.5% rule"—the notion that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating. In addition to explaining why nonviolent resistance has been so effective, she will also share some lessons learned about why it sometimes fails."

The success of nonviolent civil resistance: Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder - YouTube


Aug 13, 2020
Could also be titled "A Practical Guide to Color Revolution"


Jan 1, 2013
Wasn't the English population overwhelmingly against the second Irak invasion?

They organized the biggest manifestation in UK's history.

We know the rest.


Apr 6, 2018
Excellent observation. Please see my post on How Yo Fight Back Against Vaccines. I explain how politicians and corporations use Trial Balloons to determine how much resistance there is to their plans and scrap it if enough people say NO to them DIRECTLY. Failure to do so will result in mandatory vaccination.


Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Wasn't the English population overwhelmingly against the second Irak invasion?

They organized the biggest manifestation in UK's history.

We know the rest.
Actual opposition is more than a few demonstrations. Demonstrating is the cargo cult of political activism. It used to be a marker of a powerful mass movement, so now people who are not actually committed do it to make themselves feel better.


Sep 24, 2016
Problem is, thar can be abused for sinister purposes.

3.5% environmentalists following Greta Thunberg to the streets. In Germany, we are nearly there, and accommodation has already occurred in parts.

Same with every other globalist crap: Gender, race, Identity, open borders.

3.5% will easily be mobilized to force the others into vaccination because of „science“

And so on


Apr 30, 2015
This is basically the minority rule from Nassim Taleb.

It is true, but it cannot work with any old thing it wants. The majority will fight back if its too disruptive.


Apr 6, 2018
You must learn to say NO to your leaders DIRECTLY. Do not let 3.5% of leftist extremists silence and dictate to the 35%. An email takes minutes to write, a phone call to a politician takes seconds.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Problem is, thar can be abused for sinister purposes.

3.5% environmentalists following Greta Thunberg to the streets. In Germany, we are nearly there, and accommodation has already occurred in parts.

Same with every other globalist crap: Gender, race, Identity, open borders.

3.5% will easily be mobilized to force the others into vaccination because of „science“

And so on

Could also be titled "A Practical Guide to Color Revolution"

Exactly what I thought when I read it. The rulers are sharing their playbook with us.

Has anyone watched the video? What practical suggestions does she have, or is that not part of her job duties as a scientist?

I'm cynical.


Mar 25, 2016
Wasn't the English population overwhelmingly against the second Irak invasion?

They organized the biggest manifestation in UK's history.

We know the rest.
Correct Burt, there were approximately 1.5 - 2 million people protest marching one weekend across the UK. Thing is, we didn't do anything other than that. They correctly assessed that would be the limit of our 'action' and proceeded regardless. The government of the time were extremely competent and staffed with competent political operators. I dont mean they were a good government or that I liked the individuals - I dont in either case., but if they wanted to do something, it would get done. Peace in Northern Ireland - done. Invade the middle east - done.


Jan 1, 2013
This isn't a dig against UK people: what i meant was nonviolent civil resistance is totally powerless against totalitarian regimes.

It only works as long as the power in place respects human life and the rule of law.

Jul 6, 2016
Yeah no. We can tell from civil wars that that's not true. 10% of the population can be fighting and still lose.

It's more accurate to say that 3.5% or so of a population can take over, when it faces no resistance. The rest of the population either has to be neutral, apathetic, or mildly supportive.

As it stands protests are a complete joke and will do nothing. Protests only work when they're backed by force. That's the entire point that's been lost in history. Read about the history of original work related protests and you'll see that in many cases the workers would literally use force and hold the boss hostage until he met their demands.

Might makes right, it's as simple as that. Protests don't work because nowadays they're just collective nagging and social media exploitation. You ask the government permission to protest (WRONG), they 'let' you protest in a specific area (WRONG), and they guard you with police (WRONG).

The only protest that would ever work would be one where there's literally millions of people in a single area. Besides that, the elites won't respect it.

Protests are certainly a good start but we just know from the past that they're simply not respected. Reason being, people mixed up the reasoning for why protests matter (a show of collective force). You basically show your enemy that you may not have money, but you have collective organization and the power to f*ck them up, and they get scared and cave to your demands.

We'll see how many people resist the vaccine, and how hard they'll push it. If they push it in an authoritarian way, protests will be a good start, but we might have to push a bit harder than collective nagging and chants. They laugh at that stuff.

We're dealing with psychopaths who've watched Presidents die and toppled entire nations. They don't care about protests.

It only works as long as the power in place respects human life and the rule of law.

That basically sums it up. Back in the 80s and beyond, in the West, the elite feared the population enough to allow the image that rule of law and sanctity of life still existed. They feared that if they pushed those things too hard, we'd rebel. Now that many decades of mental and health corruption has set in, and they've conditioned people to not be willing to fight or disagree, they don't even pretend to pretend that these things mean anything, and it'll only get worse.

Like I said: we're dealing with people who send hit squads and assassins after others. We're dealing with people who've started wars. They don't care about protests.

When George Floyd was a thing, a Black French guy threw a window through Macron's office. Yet when we're dealt far worse things on a society wide basis, we do nothing. That has to change. It's time to reawaken the savage or be made into a sheep.


Jun 20, 2015
The following is from the book "Why Civil Resistance Works" by Erica Chenoweth (the speaker in the original post) and Maria J. Stephan.


Our central contention is that nonviolent campaigns have a participation advantage over violent insurgencies, which is an important factor in determining campaign outcomes. The moral, physical, informational, and commitment barriers to participation are much lower for nonviolent resistance than for violent insurgency. Higher levels of participation contribute to a number of mechanisms necessary for success, including enhanced resilience, higher probabilities of tactical innovation, expanded civic disruption (thereby raising the costs to the regime of maintaining the status quo), and loyalty shifts involving the opponent’s erstwhile supporters, including members of the security forces.

Mobilization among local supporters is a more reliable source of power than the support of external allies, which many violent campaigns must obtain to compensate for their lack of participants. Moreover, we find that the transitions that occur in the wake of successful nonviolent resistance movements create much more durable and internally peaceful democracies than transitions provoked by violent insurgencies.
"Raising the costs to the regime of maintaining the status quo" is important. Looking back in history, using slaves to work the land often turned out to be highly inefficient and costly. To rent out land in exchange for goods and/or money made things much easier to handle. Tactical innovation is necessary: elites have their think tanks, and they learn fast from former failures.

In short, we argue that nonviolent campaigns fail to achieve their objectives when they are unable to overcome the challenge of participation, when they fail to recruit a robust, diverse, and broad-based membership that can erode the power base of the adversary and maintain resilience in the face of repression.
Things may change gradually or they change when a window of opportunity opens. Maintain resilience long enough.

Civil resistance employs social, psychological, economic, and political methods, including boycotts (social, economic, and political), strikes, protests, sit-ins, stay-aways, and other acts of civil disobedience and noncooperation to mobilize publics to oppose or support different policies, to delegitimize adversaries, and to remove or restrict adversaries’ sources of power (Sharp 1973). Nonviolent resistance consists of acts of omission, acts of commission, and a combination of both (Sharp 2005).
Protest is only one of the the most visible forms of civil resistance.
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2013
Looking back in history, using slaves to work the land often turned out to be highly inefficient and costly. To rent out land in exchange for goods and/or money made things much easier to handle.

They're still enslaving one another in Africa.

Because slavery works - for the slave owner.


Apr 6, 2018
They're still enslaving one another in Africa.
Because slavery works - for the slave owner.
Here’s an insidious idea:
- Promote freedom of slaves by leftists who like big bureaucratic government
- When slaves are free they will now need to work to pay for the expenses of the state via taxes
- The state constantly runs into deficits due to election promises for hand-outs, useless wars, and the like
- To pay for deficits the state borrows from banks at interest while simultaneously devaluing the currency (aka inflation)
- The “free” people now are burdened by endless taxes, those promised handouts begin to dry up, and the economy stagnates or goes into decline
- The “free” people get buried by debt while a handful of oligarchs become wealthier thanks to the state and its special loopholes, and special investment knowledge and connections
- The “free” people see more socialism as the only solution to their woes, the oligarchs and elite gleefully comply in exchange for their freedoms
- Under socialism the “free” people no longer own much property if anything and must continuously work to survive by decree of the state. They’ve lost many of their liberties as the state requires their “cooperation” for socialism to work, effectively turning the people back into slaves.

In the end bankers and international oligarchs win and become the new feudal lords.


Feb 18, 2016
Great post!
The duality of reality at work, the opposite always rises, they try to frame the dual narratives because they understand it’s the best way to control people while the create the real agenda behind the framed one, it’s a difficult balancing act.
It seems we have a new system in place now which has more identity groups than at any other point in history so it will be interesting to see how it plays out, very difficult for people to reconcile and come together when the groups are so multi faceted.


Jun 20, 2015
For those of you who are frustrated by the obedience of those around you... The text does not fit 100% here, but I did not want to start a new thread.



Aug 17, 2016
For those of you who are frustrated by the obedience of those around you... The text does not fit 100% here, but I did not want to start a new thread.

Nice article. Thx
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