New To Forum. Looking For Direction

Jul 20, 2016
Hey whats up yall! As above am new to forum and trying to absorb all the info I can as quickly as I can haha. Have been dealing with ***t for too damn long!

Ok so what I have had go on is having low energy and always needing to take naps/use stimulants to keep myself up.

I had blood tests done last summer with the same conditions. Back then I was sleeping 12 hour days and would wake up tired and fatigued as a mofo.

Earlier this year back in Feburary I had my t4 and tsh tested and they came back as:
T4- 6.5
TSH- 6.41

And had them retested recently and they came back as
T4 - 6.8
TSH - 1.74

During the time between Feburary and July I was taking Armour, however inconsistently, and was taking 1 whole grain. It was way too much at the time and would throw me from hypo to hyper I felt. So going upon that I would take it every once in a while (couldn't tell you true frequency) and do yoga for it.

So after being retested last time and seeing normal levels I knew something still wasnt right as I am still tired and dragging ****.

Based upon that I requested a smaller dose of Armour and have the 30mg and take 15mg now.

I still am tired though which I do not get. I take things for my adrenals, sleep, and other amino acids.

Things I currently take:
Gaia Herbs - Thyroid Support - (
Gaia Herbs - Adrenal Health
From fatigued to fantastic (Enzymatic Therapy Energy Revitalization System on sale at
Aloe Vera Juice
Dr Axe Leaky Gut Support (
L-Glutamine, Licorice root, N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (NAG), Quercetin, Slippery Elm, MSM, Zinc)
B complex

(Just Started these recently)
Vitamin E
Magnesium Glycinate

I also am beginning to eat more calories especially protein as I saw this was a big thing on here.

I have also seen on here things about co2 breathing and am curious about this?

I currently experience anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, low sex drive, poor sleep
I have a hard time looking people in the eye as well, and this is annoying on its own (it just feels so damn weird). If someone can help me with this one alone I will be your servant for ever haha.

So what I am looking for is direction...
Where do I go from here? I can request blood tests as needed and should be able to get them.

Also what is the main theme of this forum? I have yet to find it. I actually stumbled upon this forum through a google search under brain fog and fatigue...I have noticed people use terms like "recovering". Just want to make sure I am in the right place if you will.

Anyways I appreciate the help in advance and anything will be helpful at this point. Haha am ready to move on from experiencing life like this. It is getting old!


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
If you read Peat's work, you'll gain an understanding of the process of life as one of regeneration and growth or degeneration and decay. "Recovering" means to regenerate and re-fill your genetic template.

You should start with just thyroid and maybe coffee with small amounts of aspirin (maybe a baby aspirin/day). 1/4 grain to start, increase by 1/4 every two weeks. Thiroyd is a good brand, but the synthetic options are more potent.

1. Get labs.
2. Get labs.
3. Get labs.
4. Pay attention to how you feel, and get labs.
5. Measure pulse and temp as a guide to your thyroid supplement in the morning. Broda Barnes has some good information of pulse and temp IIRC, as does Peat. Also, get labs.
6. Your lifestyle has to change. You need to have purpose, manage your life, become ordered and directed. Appreciate meditation and spirituality: join a religious organization if you'd like, but do something purposeful.
Jul 20, 2016
Sweet, thank you for reply.

You have me super interested with refilling your genetic template...what does this mean?

I think I should get labs! Ha

Where is the best place to start with labs? I.e. what should I get. I have noticed people getting progesterone and things like that.

I am 22.5 years old and weigh about 160. I am 5'10".


Nov 28, 2014
TSH naturally comes down in the summer (assuming it's summer where you are), so that could explain the lower reading on that one. I'd be curious to see what your t3 levels are, to see how well you're converting the t4.

As DaveFoster mentioned, keeping track of temps and pulse are good guidelines to use in addition to any lab work. Especially since they're free, but they also are a physical measurement of any progress, along with other signs/symptoms.

Cholesterol is a good one to check; high cholesterol is another sign of hypothyroidism. Or if cholesterol is too low then you won't do well on thyroid supps.

You could check other things like steroid hormones, but being hypothyroid can cause low readings in those as well.

What is your diet like, especially calories?
Jul 20, 2016
Thanks for reply...

Can tell you after being consistent with medicine, taking
  1. Vitamin E 400iu,
  2. Taurine 2-2.5g,
  3. 1/4 grain thyroid,
  4. 81mg asprin,
  5. magneisum glycinate 400mg,
  6. 400mg caffeine daily.
  7. 600mg l-theanine
I feel much better! I think a majority of my problem laid in the fact that I was sleep deprived. I actually was exhibiting some crazy like behaviors if you will. Just was not acting properly if you know what I mean. I can say my sex drive is coming back online, which is awesome. I am more "ballsy" now as well which I lacked before.

The last thing I need to really get controlled is limiting time spent on computer/phone before bed. Limiting blue light. It is a habit I have had since I was a kid. I was always regarded as the night owl and that time was spent watching tv/playing halo 2 (shoutout to all the halo players out there). I have recently bought a pair of the blue blocker glasses found by Charlie - which can be bought here (Uvex Skyper Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses with SCT-Orange Lens (S1933X) - Safety Glasses -

Basically have seen a ton of improvement.

Here is a record of temps (should have more after this week):

July 27
6pm Temp: 97.1
6pm pulse: 57-60bpm
12:20am temp: 96.2
12:20am pulse:72
July 28
temp am 96.8
pulse am 69
Temp pm 98
Pulse pm 54
July 29
temp am 97.1
pulse am 75

As far as diet goes here is a snapshot of one of my days course of meals (from breakfast to lunch). Went out to drink friday lol needless to say it didnt get completed.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome Elchapchapchapo

Glad you are feeling better. As you say, sleep is important.

As above am new to forum and trying to absorb all the info I can as quickly as I can haha.
I'd recommend reading and/or listening to Peat directly, as well as reading forum posts.

Also what is the main theme of this forum? I have yet to find it. I actually stumbled upon this forum through a google search under brain fog and fatigue...I have noticed people use terms like "recovering". Just want to make sure I am in the right place if you will.
The theme is discussion Ray Peat's work, and how we can use it practically. People here use some of his ideas in various ways, an there are sometimes different interpretations and emphases from different members. Peat tells some good stories that tend to unify various aspects of health and function, including basics of cellular energy production as a foundation for recovering and maintaining sound structure and function.

It looks as though you have settled on a regular dose of thyroid, rather than sporadic - this looks like a good idea to me.
I'd recommend taking a look at some of Peat's diet ideas, as well as continuing to monitor temps ad pulse from time to time.

Heavy alcohol drinking is unlikely to serve you well.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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