Need Sustainable Nootropics For Mental Acuity



May 8, 2017
Hahah, yeah, that's the kind of post that would really trigger me right now if I weren't on Phenibut. [On the off-chance you were serious... no]

I guess I could try to spike my water supply with some lithium (Maybe 200-400mcg/day? Split to get more even effect) but have to get a form that dissolves, doubt orotate pills would?
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Jul 28, 2016
(I'm trying to reply to these fast to make up for absence during the week)

I know it's a problem. I live alone and at best I could get someone to check up on cat after 1 week, but that's enough for a cat to starve. I'm thinking of letting a huge bowl of dry food out / dispenser which is usually enough for 1 week since they self-moderate, but there's a bug problem.

Interesting. Not specifically on chest though,....Has anyone tried it for emergencies that way?

I've taken at least 5 antibiotics. 1 of them ruined my life, 1 other introduced a crippling condition, an....

I have not ruled out chronic infection. I....

Antibiotics can be awful. I and my father have bad reactions to many of them, so I understand. My dad was disabled by ciprofloxacin.

As for DMSO. I have used it at times that I was sure I should call an ambulance. I am still alive. I am not saying it worked to stop a heart attack. I could have just been having heart burn, or a panic attack. I have no idea because I didn't go to a doctor that night or any time soon after. The first time it happened I was almost certain it was a heart attack because of many symptoms (pain going up to throat, down left arm, heaviness in chest, felt hypoxic... for hours), but I don't think it would have been a fatal one as it lasted for so long. I eventually remembered DMSO was recommended for heart attack. Within 15 minutes of applying it, I felt improved. 20 minutes later, I was back to normal. It was a very stressfull morning when this happened, so it could have just been anxiety mimicking a cardiac event. Subsequent events were not as severe. I take magnesium twice daily to protect my blood vessels and thin blood (slightly). I also take aspirin. So far, so good.

My expertise is on pets, not humans, so let me try to help with the cat. You might try boric acid powder. You can sprinkle behind drawers, trace amounts in the cracks at the backs of cabinets, behind appliances and anywhere kitty will never get to. That is fine for moderate bug activity. If things are bad and there are bugs living in walls or in/near the home in large numbers, I liquify orthoboric acid (not necessarily better, it's jsut what I had that time) in hot water then spray it on the walls behind fridge, cabinets etc. I let it drip into cracks if there are any and cover as much wall/window surface as I can (where it will not be contacted by people/pets) until the infestation is over, then carefull remove residue from exposed areas with rag and water (while wearing gloves of course). This solved a serious infestation of German roaches that I experienced in a home I was helping out at. Boric acid is not non-toxic as many claim, so I don't put it anywhere that a person or pet would contact it. It may be harmful to inhale, so do some research if you do plan to use it. The roaches i had would not go for baits, so I had to spray enough of the borate products on surfaces so that they couldn't avoid getting it on their feet. Within a few days there would be no more than 1 or two at a time showing up dead in the morning and after that *none*. It works on all insects, I think. So, you may be able to solve your bug problem and know that kitty would be ok for a few days should you become unable to care for her (is female or?). There are ant-proof bowls you can buy or you can make your own bug-proof setup I think. Try youtube for the specific bugs you are worried about.

Do you have a few bucks to spare each month? You could go to and hire someone in india for maybe a dollar a week to check up on you via email every day. You could require them to contact your emergency contact if they don't get a hold of you. If you don't have anyone nearby who would check on you should you not answer, get someone to agree to check on the cat. A cat rescue is ideal.

I highly recommend contacting a local cat rescue and asking if they would agree to take your cat should you die. I don't think you will die soon, but the peace of mind of knowing kitty is safe in any situation, may help you regain your health becuase you'll have one less thing to worry about. If they are ammendable, they will want you to sign a relinquiesment form which you can keep in a safe place in your home- such as in your cat's carrier (let them know where it is). This will prevent kitty from being confiscated by animal control should one of your family members not be willing to take her/him in. I suggest offering a donation of at least $500 if they will agree to take your cat, or you could leave them something of value that they can sell to generate the money to care for the cat. Many rescues will not take owner-relinquished cats and others require donations of thousands of dollars, so don't be surprised if you get told "no" a hundred times. If you have enough money to donate, The Cat House On the Kings has acres and acres of fenced-in kitty paradise and never says "no".

PM me if you want any help with the cat.
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Jul 28, 2016
Hahah, yeah, that's the kind of post that would really trigger me right now if I weren't on Phenibut.

I guess I could try to spike my water supply with some lithium (Maybe 200-400mcg/day? Split to get more even effect) but have to get a form that dissolves, doubt orotate pills would?
The orotate dissolves nicely. I use the one linked below and let it dissolve in my mouth sometimes (it;s pretty quick). I am not sure that 400mcg would provide any noticeable effect.


May 8, 2017
My dad was disabled by ciprofloxacin.
No kidding!!! Guess what disabled me [woops I already wrote that]. Horrible class of antibiotics. Nothing comes close. Does not discriminate based on age.

Still interesting about DMSO, I really have no idea about that. I do take tons of magnesium and notice benefits, but when I wrote that above, magnesium wasn't doing squat. I remembered now though, caffeine might have been worsening it [but I took it at least 12 hours prio].

I already tried Borax for insects, sadly wasn't enough. I'll have to Macguyver something for a dispenser, I have to think about it harder. The actual care is fine, it's just a question of someone coming fast enough. I only relatively recently managed to improve productive state enough to take care of these things, but still behind on so many life planning issues, like not having a real pension or medical insurance for drugs (good thing they all suck!). Thanks though.

About Lithium, there was research from Germany or Denmark showing possible benefits from low-dose lithium in water (some criticism on the methodology but I think someone looked into that), and it makes more physiological sense to administer it that way. Around 1mg clearly hurt me.
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May 8, 2017
I kind of feel the need to point this out, but, unlike myself my cat is currently quite healthy and the vet seemed impressed. The response time is the only real issue and I think I can socially-Macguyver something to get it down to 1 week in combination with a kitchened Macguyver contraption. Anyway didn't expect to get that kind of input on that. Thanks.


May 8, 2017
I have a jar of Noopept but haven't evaluated it properly. Over only a day it was hard to say it did anything.

Centrophenoxine, no haven't tried or heard of. Wikipedia says is derived from DMAE though, and had awful reaction to DMAE. Any luck with Centrophenoxine yourself?


Jun 27, 2016
I've tried an array of nootropics by themselves and in combination. Only one that had a marked effect for me is Methylene Blue. Noticeable verbal fluidity plus the added bonus of an energy boost. Only downside is some fogginess when it wears off. This can be avoided with low doses every 3 to 4 hours.


Aug 28, 2012
I have a jar of Noopept but haven't evaluated it properly. Over only a day it was hard to say it did anything.

Centrophenoxine, no haven't tried or heard of. Wikipedia says is derived from DMAE though, and had awful reaction to DMAE. Any luck with Centrophenoxine yourself?

When i take 20mg noopept and 200mg centro i can play guitar like a pro almost like it is in slow motion. Im a very average guitarist any other time. I do also throw in 100mg caffeine but without the other two it doesnt have this effect. I get a similar effect while taking the combo before martial arts sessions.


May 8, 2017
I know of no others but Vit K, and to me none of the forms of K seemed to counteract the effects of "blood thinners" like salmon omega-3, aspirin or such. So I assume I have to avoid those. It's a bit of a leap.

I've tried an array of nootropics by themselves and in combination. Only one that had a marked effect for me is Methylene Blue. Noticeable verbal fluidity plus the added bonus of an energy boost. Only downside is some fogginess when it wears off. This can be avoided with low doses every 3 to 4 hours.

I use that one intermittently for various uses. Very useful substance, but helps my brain unreliably (this is to be expected because at times I've had benefits from NO promoters!). To me it only works on the first 1 or 2 days and then starts to get irritating and counter-nootropic.

THAT SAID, this week I've been trialing a combo of Methylene Blue and Sarcosine.

The Sarcosine still gives me increased pain perception, but if I hold the dose at 2-4g/(3-4 hours) it's working out damn fine with the MB. It gives a smooth combo of increased thinking capacity and a very clean antidepressive effect. For some reason PRL-8-53 let me down this week; meanwhile MB + Sarcosine picked up the slack. Also Sarcosine is the only one of these that doesn't taste like paint thinner (sweet like glycine). I still wonder if it doesn't have additional unresearched MOA other than the NMDA and glycine transporter thing. It must have other extracellular signals...


May 8, 2017
Oh god I have a problem. I have family and a third of them are going to die in the near future. I want to make the best of my time with them as much as I can but I find it damn impossible without either some Phenibut or a Phenibut/alcohol combo.

Stuff like Sarc/MB/PRL/5a-DHP helps brain speed but damn they don't make up for my pseudo-autism.

Even when my vasopressin/oxytocin/5-ht2a (who knows right now) is not working I'm aware I need to be there more, but only Phen (and to a lesser extent alcohol) makes this feel intrinsic enough.

I can't stress this enough: Phenibut truly makes me a better person. I don't know how to replace that. [This isn't supposed to happen, is it? Fml.]
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Jul 17, 2018
Uridine has been beneficial to me latly. In combination with DHA and choline from eggs and sea food. Supplemental DHA like Ray used is poison.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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