Need Help Pleease, Hormone & Labs


Dec 4, 2016
At the moment I am in an exhausted state, as well a lack of comprehension with all the wealth of knowledge on here. I think I would benefit with some simple directions.

I had not been to a dr since 2016. With the wealth of knowledge on here and lots of prayer I felt as if I was doing pretty well on NDT. Toward the beginning of the year in 2018 I sought out a doctor for my estrogen dominance. He was not very helpful in this area. Sept 2018, I sought out another dr in regards to same thing and again still no help. She wasn’t going to help because in Aug 2018 I switched to T3 only and she did not approve. Unfortunalty, I was not aware T3 increases estrogen. 4 weeks ago I had a reaction and wasn't sure if it was the niacin the doctor put me seeing how it happened a week after starting it. Or if it was an ingredient in the T3 I couldn't tolerate. However, I believe it was my Estrone.

As of right now I am back on NDT (only) since Nov 14 at 60mg. From Nov 14- 20 my temp was doing fine. On the 20th, temp did not get above 97.4 all day long. On Nov 21st I upped dose to taking 90mg a day. Now my estogen has shot through the roof. My legs are swelled and hurt, I am bloated, nipple sensitivity. I get this weird pressure in my face and in my eye's. All over body aches, especially upon awakening. I have had someone tell me this was my tsh causing this. I don't think it is seeing I have dealt with these sympotoms off and on for over 2 years even when I was on a higher dose o f NDT in the past, just not as intense. I have also read somewhere on this that I need to up my dosage until I resolve the estrogen symptoms.

My concern is that this is estrone dominance not the main estrogen and If I flush to much out I would kick myself into menopause.

Also, the other day I took 1 tsp of coconut oil by mouth and these symptoms shot through the roof!!!

I am female, 45, 5'7, 150lbs, At the age of 33 I had one ovary removed, a year later an oblation procedure. I do not have a normal cycle because of this. But I still do have PMS symptoms. I would GREATLY appreciate any direction on this. @haiduit

I am currently on recommended dosage of Vit e, ADK, selenium, magnesium, methyle gaurd, vit c & 9mg of progesterone. Aspirin gives me increased estrogen. DIM constipates me. Thinking of trying nettle root..any thoughts?

April 10th, 2018
- Zinc 97 Range 60-120
- Estrone 400 Range 36-68
- Estradiol 6 Postmenopause- No HRT: 1-4 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 2-10 pg/ml
Follicular - 2-10 pg/ml
Luteal: 3-16 pg/ml
- Estriol 15
Postmenopause- No HRT: 7-18 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 14-38 pg/ml
Cycling female: 12-25 pg/ml
- Progesterone 1580
Postmenopause- No HRT: 5-95 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 100-300 pg/ml
Follicular - 20-100 pg/ml
- Luteal: 65-500 pg/ml
- DHEA 10 Range 3-10
- Testosterone 74 Borderline:
6-9 pg/ml Normal: 10-38 pg/ml
- Lipoprotein 89.0 Range 29
- Autoimmune/collagen test- CPR High sensitivity - .45 (not sure what this one means) Range: Low 1.0, Average 1.0-3.0, High 3.0
- Ferritin 51 Range: 11-307
- Homocysteine 5.9 Range 3.7-13.9
- Vit D 26.7 Range 30.0-100.0
*Cortisol Rhythm - all were in normal range
- 6-8a 16 (13-24)
- 11-1p 8 (5-10)
- 4-6p 5. (3-8)
- 10- midnight 3 (1-4)

-Leptin 6.3 Range 0.5-15.2
-T3, free 4.32 Range 2.52-4.34
-TSH .010 Range .270-4.200

•Below labs taken 9.23.18
-Ferritin 64 15-150 ng/ml
-TSH 2.28 .27-4.2
-Free T4 .45 .93-1.70ng/dl
-Free T3 2.1 2.0-4.4 pg/ml
-Vit D 40 30-10 ng/ml
-B12 1125 500-900 pg/ml
-Folate 20.0 12.0-18.0 ng/ml
-CoQ10 3.59 .70-1.40 mg/L
-HbA1c 5.5 5.7-6.4
-Insulin 3 5-159
-Magnesium 2.4. 1.6-2.6 mg/dl
-Fibrinogen 323 R- 370-470 mg/L
-Hs-CRP .03 R 1.0-3.0 mg/L
-LpPLA2 Activity 167 R 180-224
-MPO1 391 R 470-530

* Nov 14, 2018 Labs
-Free T3 - 2.99. R- 2.52-4.34
-Free T4 - 0.51 R-.55-1.60
-TSH - 1.22 R - .270-4.200.


Dec 4, 2016
Reaction from pregnonelone in the past. Do you think it could of been from high progesterone i was on? Now that i am on a lower mg, maybe i should give it another try. What could it hurt? It seems like nothing at this point is! Do you think the brand i stated is okay? If so, suggestions on starting it and how much?

Also, i have read through some of your postings, will I need to worry about my testosterone and progesterone being high also? I read pregnonelone increases progesterone. Thoughts?

By the way, i GREATLY appreciate your time and wealth of knowledge on this. Comforting to know someone cares to take time and help!


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I'm no expert or a Dr. so just some random thoughts...

T4 seems kind of low, I guess T3 is decent because of the T3 meds. I assume you took T3 only because you had trouble converting T4 to T3 and was making rT3 instead?

This is somewhat of a complete stab in the dark by someone is completely not a medical professional but just someone with a curiosity on these things, but maybe with low T4 and the fact you have nipple sensitivity that suggests to me fibrocystic breasts which according to some Dr.'s (I dunno RP's stance on this) often is a result of severe Iodine deficiency. Not to scare you, but this is usually a precursor to breast cancer, so its best to get it sorted as soon as you can. I say that could also be cause of low T4 because you need Iodine to make T4 as well, which is low enough to be outside the reference range. In addition, toxic halogens in the body like Chlorine (if you swim a lot), Bromine (from pesticides, sodas), and Flourine (toothpaste, contaminated water) and heavy metals can aggravate Iodine stores in the body, even if you otherwise take sufficient intake of Iodine. Finally, if you have a lot of dental implants, and are exposed to high levels of EMF on a regular basis, EMF's have been shown to liberate heavy metals from dental implants and cause havoc on the body, in extreme cases, people have literally been sent to a psych ward as a result of extreme mercury toxicity due to liberation from dental implants aggravated by EMF's. EMF's also damage the blood-brain-barrier, allowing the liberated metals to seep straight into the brain, which in extreme conditions can cause extreme depression or even suicidal tendencies. Women tend to be at much higher risk at iodine deficiency than men (RP is very anti-Iodine supplementation BTW, but I'm generally in favor of it for most people, and I think women in particular need to supplement at least a little bit, they need twice or even triple or more compared to men since the breasts use a lot of Iodine plus during pregnancy you lose a lot of Iodine). I personally believe strongly that this is one major reason why many women who have kids struggle with their weight. Because this is the RP forums you should use your own judgment to decide if Iodine is right for you. You can always do tests to see how much Iodine is in your body as well as test for toxic halogens that I just mentioned previously and see if your Dr. would recommend supplementation based upon these results. I am always an advocate of getting as much information as you can from as many tests as you can get done. Knowledge is power. The human body is very complex and in my opinion is always important to get a complete picture before making any judgments on what supplementation or medicine to take. A lot of Dr.'s in my opinion are too quick to prescribe meds by looking at only one or two lab results which IMO is usually a mistake. Of course, I confess, I don't even practice what I preach a lot because I'm cheap/lazy and hate to spend money on tests lol... but if I was rich, I'd do so many tests so often to see what works and what doesn't.

Insulin seems super low too... that seems suspicious to me as well. Not to jump the gun necessarily but have you been tested for type 1 DB? I have no idea if that is low enough to qualify for T1 DB, but it's definitely outside the ref range.
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Dec 4, 2016
I'm no expert or a Dr. so just some random thoughts...

T4 seems kind of low, I guess T3 is decent because of the T3 meds. I assume you took T3 only because you had trouble converting T4 to T3 and was making rT3 instead?

This is somewhat of a complete stab in the dark by someone is completely not a medical professional but just someone with a curiosity on these things, but maybe with low T4 and the fact you have nipple sensitivity that suggests to me fibrocystic breasts which according to some Dr.'s (I dunno RP's stance on this) often is a result of severe Iodine deficiency. Not to scare you, but this is usually a precursor to breast cancer, so its best to get it sorted as soon as you can. I say that could also be cause of low T4 because you need Iodine to make T4 as well, which is low enough to be outside the reference range. In addition, toxic halogens in the body like Chlorine (if you swim a lot), Bromine (from pesticides, sodas), and Flourine (toothpaste, contaminated water) and heavy metals can aggravate Iodine stores in the body, even if you otherwise take sufficient intake of Iodine. Finally, if you have a lot of dental implants, and are exposed to high levels of EMF on a regular basis, EMF's have been shown to liberate heavy metals from dental implants and cause havoc on the body, in extreme cases, people have literally been sent to a psych ward as a result of extreme mercury toxicity due to liberation from dental implants aggravated by EMF's. EMF's also damage the blood-brain-barrier, allowing the liberated metals to seep straight into the brain, which in extreme conditions can cause extreme depression or even suicidal tendencies. Women tend to be at much higher risk at iodine deficiency than men (RP is very anti-Iodine supplementation BTW, but I'm generally in favor of it for most people, and I think women in particular need to supplement at least a little bit, they need twice or even triple or more compared to men since the breasts use a lot of Iodine plus during pregnancy you lose a lot of Iodine). I personally believe strongly that this is one major reason why many women who have kids struggle with their weight. Because this is the RP forums you should use your own judgment to decide if Iodine is right for you. You can always do tests to see how much Iodine is in your body as well as test for toxic halogens that I just mentioned previously and see if your Dr. would recommend supplementation based upon these results. I am always an advocate of getting as much information as you can from as many tests as you can get done. Knowledge is power. The human body is very complex and in my opinion is always important to get a complete picture before making any judgments on what supplementation or medicine to take. A lot of Dr.'s in my opinion are too quick to prescribe meds by looking at only one or two lab results which IMO is usually a mistake. Of course, I confess, I don't even practice what I preach a lot because I'm cheap/lazy and hate to spend money on tests lol... but if I was rich, I'd do so many tests so often to see what works and what doesn't.

Insulin seems super low too... that seems suspicious to me as well. Not to jump the gun necessarily but have you been tested for type 1 DB? I have no idea if that is low enough to qualify for T1 DB, but it's definitely outside the ref range.
Thank you for you reply. I do know i am iodine deficient from the patch test. However, the last time i tried iodine it only increased my estrogen. I am wondering if it is like suppose to increase it before it gets better kind of thing ? I always immediately stop anything that increases cause symptoms are so irritating already

I have not had anyone comment on my insulin, nor have i been tested for DB.

I really feel as if my symptoms are due to Estrogen dominance rather then iodine. However, it could be due to both. I concerned because i keep reading, not on here of course, that sugar increases estrogen. I am just so overwhelmed at the moment. I really am not sure what direction to go. I just need some relief.

Once again thanks for reply..appreciated!


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Was it just Iodine or Iodine mixed with Potassium Iodide like with Lugol's mixture? Iodine alone might not be sufficient.
That said, if you have concerns, I'd recommend carefully undergoing a regiment under the guidance of a holistic Dr. if you think you want to try it again. There are certainly many reasons why you might feel bad starting off on it. But I would only be guessing if I started listing those off, better to just get labs done.


Dec 4, 2016
Was it just Iodine or Iodine mixed with Potassium Iodide like with Lugol's mixture? Iodine alone might not be sufficient.
That said, if you have concerns, I'd recommend carefully undergoing a regiment under the guidance of a holistic Dr. if you think you want to try it again. There are certainly many reasons why you might feel bad starting off on it. But I would only be guessing if I started listing those off, better to just get labs done.
Sorry about last nights rant. I am just seriously frustrated with symptoms as well as the world of medical doctors. All four of the doctors (since I started this journey in 2014) lean on holistic side. The the last 2 of this year are the ones that ran the tests i posted. As you see nothing has been addressed. I even asked about the high sex hormones and got nothing.

Yes, it was lugols 5% i used. I took one drop yesterday and symptoms increased. I think this may be why i was so down when i replied.

I dont swim, i do have 1 mercury filling in my mouth and i dont have the $500 to remove it.

Seriously frustrated


Nov 28, 2014
You might be raising your NDT too much too fast and not giving your body a chance to adjust.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Sorry about last nights rant. I am just seriously frustrated with symptoms as well as the world of medical doctors. All four of the doctors (since I started this journey in 2014) lean on holistic side. The the last 2 of this year are the ones that ran the tests i posted. As you see nothing has been addressed. I even asked about the high sex hormones and got nothing.

Yes, it was lugols 5% i used. I took one drop yesterday and symptoms increased. I think this may be why i was so down when i replied.

I dont swim, i do have 1 mercury filling in my mouth and i dont have the $500 to remove it.

Seriously frustrated

Haha you're fine, trust me I know all too well, I'm still healing of my own issues as well.

Strong possibility in bold for sure. In fact I wonder if I'm having similar problems, and it may explain why I'm more sensitive to EMF than most. If you can't remove the filling yet, at least try to avoid sources of EMF's as much as you can for now, that's what I do. Also try getting as many anti-oxidants as you can to help protect yourself from some of the damage of liberated heavy metals. I find large dose vitamin C to be helpful for this.

Yeah with the lugols unfortunately according to the Iodine experts you will usually get a large TSH spike at first with restoring iodine, and also detox symptoms, which can make things worse before they're better though without labs specifically testing for all of this it is hard to be sure (24 hr iodine loading test, bromine toxicity test, and of course TSH test). You know your body better than me so I will not tell you to just power through it, if the symptoms are especially bad then something probably is wrong.
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Dec 4, 2016
You might be raising your NDT too much too fast and not giving your body a chance to adjust.
I raised my dose only by 30 mcg on nov 20th. I would think by now, seeing i havent raised it anymore, that i would be adjusted. What are your thoughts on this?

The nipple sensitivity and breast usually happen a couple of days a week before cycle. I have been dealing with it for a week now. Pain has dissipated, nipple sensitivity has not. I am pretty sure it is ED


Dec 4, 2016
Haha you're fine, trust me I know all too well, I'm still healing of my own issues as well.

Strong possibility in bold for sure. In fact I wonder if I'm having similar problems, and it may explain why I'm more sensitive to EMF than most. If you can't remove the filling yet, at least try to avoid sources of EMF's as much as you can for now, that's what I do. Also try getting as many anti-oxidants as you can to help protect yourself from some of the damage of liberated heavy metals. I find large dose vitamin C to be helpful for this.

Yeah with the lugols unfortunately according to the Iodine experts you will usually get a large TSH spike at first with restoring iodine, and also detox symptoms, which can make things worse before they're better though without labs specifically testing for all of this it is hard to be sure (24 hr iodine loading test, bromine toxicity test, and of course TSH test). You know your body better than me so I will not tell you to just power through it, if the symptoms are especially bad then something probably is wrong.
I am sorry Cirion for my ignorance. But remind me again what EMF's stand for?


Nov 28, 2014
I raised my dose only by 30 mcg on nov 20th. I would think by now, seeing i havent raised it anymore, that i would be adjusted. What are your thoughts on this?

The nipple sensitivity and breast usually happen a couple of days a week before cycle. I have been dealing with it for a week now. Pain has dissipated, nipple sensitivity has not. I am pretty sure it is ED
Forgive me if I have the timeline wrong, but I understood you to be on t3 only for a while, then in November you went on 60mg NDT. Then a week later you increased the NDT by 30mg so now you're at 90. I'm just saying that could have been too much of an increase too fast for your body to adjust with everything else going on. It can take up to 6 weeks for the body to adjust when adding t4.

Have you tried increasing progesterone to see if it helps your symptoms?


Dec 4, 2016
Forgive me if I have the timeline wrong, but I understood you to be on t3 only for a while, then in November you went on 60mg NDT. Then a week later you increased the NDT by 30mg so now you're at 90. I'm just saying that could have been too much of an increase too fast for your body to adjust with everything else going on. It can take up to 6 weeks for the body to adjust when adding t4.

Have you tried increasing progesterone to see if it helps your symptoms?
No worries, you had it right.I had been on t3 only for 3 months then added as you said. I only added because I was so miserable and my temp dropped drastically. Maybe i should of waited..uurgh!

Unfortunately when adding more progesterone it makes symptoms worse.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I am sorry Cirion for my ignorance. But remind me again what EMF's stand for?

EMF = electro-magnetic forces from your cell phone, microwaves, cell towers, electrical wiring in the wires... basically anything electronic

Couple of good resources
Knowledge - No Radiation (ELF/RF EMF/EMR) For You (EHS)
Recommended List of EMF Meters and Instruments

Basically, EMF's can disrupt many processes in your body, including but not limited to your blood-brain barrier (allowing excess heavy metals, tryptophan into your brain) - a major problem if you have metal dental implants in particular, aggravation of gut flora (promotion of bad bacteria growth, inhibition of good bacteria - causing endotoxin, serotonin overload), VGCC (voltage gate calcium channel) - causes excess nitric oxide in the body - can be triggered by lots of calcium intake (unfortunately, one of the RP staples), and clumping/inefficiency of red blood cells (this clumping over time can eventually even lead to cancerous growths) just to name a few fun things they can do to you.


Dec 4, 2016
EMF = electro-magnetic forces from your cell phone, microwaves, cell towers, electrical wiring in the wires... basically anything electronic

Couple of good resources
Knowledge - No Radiation (ELF/RF EMF/EMR) For You (EHS)
Recommended List of EMF Meters and Instruments

Basically, EMF's can disrupt many processes in your body, including but not limited to your blood-brain barrier (allowing excess heavy metals, tryptophan into your brain) - a major problem if you have metal dental implants in particular, aggravation of gut flora (promotion of bad bacteria growth, inhibition of good bacteria - causing endotoxin, serotonin overload), VGCC (voltage gate calcium channel) - causes excess nitric oxide in the body - can be triggered by lots of calcium intake (unfortunately, one of the RP staples), and clumping/inefficiency of red blood cells (this clumping over time can eventually even lead to cancerous growths) just to name a few fun things they can do to you.
I have to say all this is new information form me...oh my!


Dec 4, 2016
I had tingles on and off through out today on face and arms. Cant get warm, hands and feet very cold, top of thigh pressure and bloating. Any thoughts? @haidut


Sep 23, 2017
I had tingles on and off through out today on face and arms. Cant get warm, hands and feet very cold, top of thigh pressure and bloating. Any thoughts? @haidut
what is your diet like

give examples of what you have for BF, lunch, and dinner..also how big are the portions you eat...guess estimate the calories per meal.


Dec 4, 2016
what is your diet like

give examples of what you have for BF, lunch, and dinner..also how big are the portions you eat...guess estimate the calories per meal.
B - 1 egg w/7 oz parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup honey dew melon, 6 oz OJ, hour later 6oz coffee w/4oz of milk , 1 tbs sugar & 1tbs collagen added to coffee.

L- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2-1 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

3p- i usually have handful carrots w/ 6 oz cup coffee, 4oz milk, 1tbs sugar & collagen added.

D- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

Not sure what my calorie intake is. Its been awhile since i have kept track, usually never got above 2000 a day


Sep 23, 2017
B - 1 egg w/7 oz parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup honey dew melon, 6 oz OJ, hour later 6oz coffee w/4oz of milk , 1 tbs sugar & 1tbs collagen added to coffee.

L- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2-1 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

3p- i usually have handful carrots w/ 6 oz cup coffee, 4oz milk, 1tbs sugar & collagen added.

D- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

Not sure what my calorie intake is. Its been awhile since i have kept track, usually never got above 2000 a day

lets start with your estrogen. when ESTROGEN goes up SHBG(sex hormone binding globulin) goes down. you need shbg to bind to estrogen, testosterone, dht. this is protein carrier and when you don't have enough you get a lot of free Estrogen and Estrogen will activate all sorts of things.

I know the peat diet promotes sugar but sugar in your situation is counterproductive because sugar/high insulin/ will LOWER SHBG and then you get all the symptoms you have because of the free Estrogen.

now a diet in low insulin will raise SHBG. this can be low glycemic diet, a diet or food that does not spike insulin...what works is protien and low glycemic carbs. get glycemic index and see the serving size for the glycemic reaction. you want to minimize insulin for a while and this will help speed up your metabolism to some degree.

ditch the fat with your meals too as fat increases the insulin response. high insulin is going to slow down thyroid, lower shbg, shut down methylation/adrenals, increase weight gain, increase PCOS, increase T in females, increase E in males.

i've been dealing with some of yoru symptoms along with adrenal fatigue and the culprit was non other than my hyper insulimia aka BODY produces too much insulin and this shut down my adrenals and metabolism. cutting my insulin down had helped a lot, i've lost weight, have more energy, but just know that slightest amount of stress can push you to eat a lot of sugar again so the cycle just repeats.


Aug 9, 2013
B - 1 egg w/7 oz parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup honey dew melon, 6 oz OJ, hour later 6oz coffee w/4oz of milk , 1 tbs sugar & 1tbs collagen added to coffee.

L- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2-1 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

3p- i usually have handful carrots w/ 6 oz cup coffee, 4oz milk, 1tbs sugar & collagen added.

D- 3-4 oz of meat, 1/2 c of vegetable ( spaghetti squash, potatoe or swt pt) whatever is my left overs frm night before dinner. 1 can of Coke

Not sure what my calorie intake is. Its been awhile since i have kept track, usually never got above 2000 a day

You should run this through chronometer

(Is this list correct- 7 oz of Parmesan cheese for breakfast?! That’s 800 calories and 56 grams of fat. If this is listed correctly then it’s insane!).

Looks to me that it may be High I’m fat compared to protein, and generally too low on calories after breakfast

You need 100g of protein to help clear estrogen through the liver

Meal 3 seems a bad choice. Liquid, coffee, no dense proper food, I’m sure this would spike cortisol and if you don’t have good liver activity then you’ll get a blood sugar spike

I would add a well-cooked starch, some whole fruit like honeydew and a solid protein to the 3p meal

Suggest you aim for 20% fat, 35% protein, 45% carbs, balanced at each meal, with 4 proper meals to help Balance your blood sugar, and fewer liquid calories


Dec 4, 2016
lets start with your estrogen. when ESTROGEN goes up SHBG(sex hormone binding globulin) goes down. you need shbg to bind to estrogen, testosterone, dht. this is protein carrier and when you don't have enough you get a lot of free Estrogen and Estrogen will activate all sorts of things.

I know the peat diet promotes sugar but sugar in your situation is counterproductive because sugar/high insulin/ will LOWER SHBG and then you get all the symptoms you have because of the free Estrogen.

now a diet in low insulin will raise SHBG. this can be low glycemic diet, a diet or food that does not spike insulin...what works is protien and low glycemic carbs. get glycemic index and see the serving size for the glycemic reaction. you want to minimize insulin for a while and this will help speed up your metabolism to some degree.

ditch the fat with your meals too as fat increases the insulin response. high insulin is going to slow down thyroid, lower shbg, shut down methylation/adrenals, increase weight gain, increase PCOS, increase T in females, increase E in males.

i've been dealing with some of yoru symptoms along with adrenal fatigue and the culprit was non other than my hyper insulimia aka BODY produces too much insulin and this shut down my adrenals and metabolism. cutting my insulin down had helped a lot, i've lost weight, have more energy, but just know that slightest amount of stress can push you to eat a lot of sugar again so the cycle just repeats.
Wow thanks for this, i have had. Alot of good replies. However, this one really made a lot of since to me. Seeing how i am dealing w/ high T, E and progesterone. I will diffantely be taking a look into this. Did you follow any specific meal plan?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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