NDT Brand, And Whether Or Not To Take Thyroid


Aug 31, 2016
I'm looking into trying desiccated thyroid, but I'm confused about whether I should or shouldn't take it based on my latest blood work. Also looking for advice on which US-available brands of desiccated thyroid are reliable and don't have harmful additives.

Does anyone have any experience with this brand?: Natural Thyroid - Natural Supplements for Health

I would order this, but it's unavailable currently: American Biologics Thyroid Glandular 130 mg 90 Caps - Swanson Health Products

This is from the last time I had blood work done, over a year ago:

Thyroglobulin Antibodies - 5.4mg/dL (4.0 - 6.4)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies - 351 IU/mL (<9)
T3, Free - 7.2 pg/mL (2.3 - 4.2)
T4, Free, Non-Dialysis - 2.5 ng/dL (0.8 - 1.8)
TSH - < 0.01 mIU/L (0.40 - 4.50)

I'm about to have the same tests done, plus prolactin and cholesterol. Since switching to Peat-eating over the last year and a half, so much has improved. The last bits I'm working on are: sleep quality, weight (could stand to lose 10-15 lbs), and swollen parathyroid.
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Apr 16, 2014
Your blood tests indicate you are slightly hyperthyroid as you are over the range on free t3 and free t4, why do you want to take thyroid meds?


Aug 31, 2016
Your blood tests indicate you are slightly hyperthyroid as you are over the range on free t3 and free t4, why do you want to take thyroid meds?

Well, that's why I'm looking for guidance. Peat has stated that he rarely ever sees anyone who is truly hyperthyroid - only hypothyroid, with adrenaline. I believe I may be the same. Cardiologist and 2 endos said I have "severe hyperthyroidism" and should consider having my thyroid removed. Something didn't sit right with me about that diagnosis. They said it "may" be Graves, but they weren't sure. The reason for my curiosity with desiccated thyroid is because my TSH is low. So maybe 'feeding it' would allow it to calm down? Er...

I had tachycardia (resting HR was ~130) - it may still be that, but I'm taking beta blockers. What doesn't "fit" with the hyper diagnosis is that it's extremely easy for me to gain weight now. When symptoms started appearing/before I discovered Peat and changed my diet, I was very active (walking at least 1-2 miles a day for over a year), ate around 1500 cals/day (sometimes less), and was the heaviest I had ever been. Since adding sugar back into my diet, I have lost about 10 lbs. The reason I mention weight is that it seems to be mentioned as being a problem in hypothyroid circles (vs hyper).

Eating thyroid suppressing foods (I used to eat plenty of leafy greens, cabbage... cauliflower, broccoli, etc.) made me feel really, really lousy.


Jul 8, 2015
That's interesting, why do you say that?

Because the overwhelming majority of them don't work.
If I was inclined to put Ray's recommendations to work I'd want to put myself in the best position for success not the worst.
Even Ray has been emphatic that over the years the NDT products have gotten worse and worse.
I'd expect if there was one on the market that worked reliable he'd probably use it. He doesn't.


Aug 31, 2016
Even Ray has been emphatic that over the years the NDT products have gotten worse and worse.

I wasn't aware of that. I read lots about Cynomel, but didn't feel comfortable purchasing online. There also seems to be much discussion in various Peat places about desiccated thyroid and its benefits, so I was looking for alternatives.



Jul 8, 2015
Most modern NDT is wishful thinking.
There was a time this was true but as I said Ray himself has discussed this at length.
With the only possible exception being Idealabs.com/lab
Purchasing cynomel from a mexican pharmacy has been easy.


Nov 3, 2017
Because the overwhelming majority of them don't work.
If I was inclined to put Ray's recommendations to work I'd want to put myself in the best position for success not the worst.
Even Ray has been emphatic that over the years the NDT products have gotten worse and worse.
I'd expect if there was one on the market that worked reliable he'd probably use it. He doesn't.

Hi, so you think for somebody who wants to start on thyroid it's better to get cynomel or cytoplus?

I am in Europe, I think there is an alternative to the Mexican drug which is Cytomel. I might try to get it instead.

First, I will wait for my next period and watch my temperatures.


Nov 9, 2016
No matter what you do don't get your thyroid removed. If you have Graves it is treatable & it will go away. I was in a similar situation.
Some people become slightly hypo when it goes away; some go back to normal.
NDT obviously does something as it significantly affects my thyroid labs (TSH, Free T3, Free T4).
But I can't say for sure if it works in other ways because my temp & pulse will not budge even though I'm top-of-range Free-T3, and above range Free T4.
Right now I take 2 grains NDT, 100 mcg Levo.
(If you think you have Grave's then get a TSI test to confirm. If you want advice then read everything from Elaine Moore.)


Apr 19, 2017
The reason for my curiosity with desiccated thyroid is because my TSH is low. So maybe 'feeding it' would allow it to calm down?

This doesn't make much sense to me. Your TSH is already really low, giving yourself thyroid supplements would only decrease it more. I would assume that any of the doctors you see are diagnosing you as hyperthyroid because of this particular lab value. In some cases TSH is the only number they look at, although RP has said that sometimes a high TSH is the result of a deficiency in calcium. But your free t3 is high. Have you tried the recommendation of taking your temps and pulses throughout the day? If your temp/pulse go down after breakfast that would be indicative of adrenaline being overactive in the morning and then breakfast would lower the adrenaline response. If thyroid is working properly, the temp should steadily increase throughout the morning and afternoon.

There are some hyperthyroid people on this forum, I would try to figure out what they have done. I agree that you don't want to remove your thyroid unless you want to be dependent on thyroid meds for the rest of your life.
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