My Log And My Goal To Raise Body T And Bpm


Sep 16, 2015
I am new here. Female, near 30'. Europe. :hattip
I discovered Ray Peat page in June 2015 and since then I have totally changed my mind about nutrition, dieting... a whole new concept.

I was low carb for 2 years and before that I had been eating each macro in moderation, avoiding gluten, fruit and milk but still ate a lot of processed candies - milk chocolattes the most. I have never been over weight or near but always wanted to have a lean body.
I am former runner, now weightlifting (3t/week) for over 3 years.
I have had some health issues that almost gone away on low carb regime. Eventually low carb didn't suit me anymore, started to explore the internet and finally found Ray Peat. Yay.

I am Peat-ish for more than 6 months now and still have many questions. Still researching for my best formula, I am making notes and switches in diet, reading a lot... ;)

So far just that little from me, I plan to write about my dilemma and progress I am making.
Progress is seen but more about that in my next posts.


My first log ever.

Welcome :hattip

You sound a lot like me (only you're younger and European). There is certainly a lot to learn here, and it takes a while to get it calibrated to fit your own individual needs. But it does work.




Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Thanks marikay! :):

My mission is to raise my heart beat because right now is around 40 while sitting. I was also monitoring my heart rate in 7h long sleep and the average was 35. My body temperature is also low, after bigger meal it gets maybe 36,5°C, not more. Pulse only 50-55 after eating and goes down quickly.

I feel fine but I have cold hands and feet almost all the time. Phases of dry skin, a lot of binging while low carb and now binges are gone - because I eat sugars liberally. I keep fat intake low as much as I can.
My biggest doubt when going Ray Peat style was that I would get fat or at least gain some fat around my waist but that didn't happen. :) I got thinner actually. So now that I am calm about that aspect I really just want to boost my thyorid. I would like to see and feel the feeling when hands are constantly warm, heart is strong and having enough energy. I have days when I feel low. Often having problems to fall asleep. When I do I sleep well but it is hard to fall asleep.

Last two weeks I really eat high carb with low fat. My fat intake before was moderate - I really love everything about coconuts so that was my main reason for higher fat intake, then I cut on coconut meat, flour, oil. I use oil sparingly.

I see things are improving. I eat a lot sugars from organic local honey, home made apple sauce from home-garden apples, OJ, ripe banans, raw milk (I skim fat)... these days I am trying with potatoes because of fintess. I will try to minimise starches but these days are experimental just to see how it works.

Blood panel for last three tests:
march 2015: TSH 2.16 T3 2.89 T4 12 // semi low carb (I was doing carbs after training, otherwise LCHF)
july 2015: TSH 2.17 T3 3.04 T4 12.9 // Ray Peat style 3 weeks
october 2015: TSH 2.6 T3 3.3 T4 12.14 // Ray Peat style 4 months

In average I eat 2000 kcal/day. Somedays 1800, somedays 2300... most time ~2000.

My current dilemma is:
I eat carrots daily. 1 lbs of carrots almost every day for at least 2 months now. I am not orange. My skin is the same tan. I feel fine. It is just that sometimes carrots are mono meal but usually I eat them with other food too. Sometimes cooked, sometimes raw. I must read one more time about that carrot salad what is the most correct way to eat it :oops:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107291 My current dilemma is:
I eat carrots daily. 1 lbs of carrots almost every day for at least 2 months now. I am not orange. My skin is the same tan. I feel fine. It is just that sometimes carrots are mono meal but usually I eat them with other food too. Sometimes cooked, sometimes raw. I must read one more time about that carrot salad what is the most correct way to eat it
I think 1lb of carrots might be too much. Also, cooking them will increase the beta carotene availability. Ray Peat said beta carotene that does not get converted to vitamin A will store and act like PUFA.

Ray Peat Topics>Recipes>Ray Peat Carrot Salad
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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Thanks for that. Everything at one place.
I usually eat them raw. So far I didn't have any issues but I will take in a consideration your advice (1 lbs). Carrots OD :lol:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Last time I noticed my tartar behind two bottom teeth got smaller and I wasn't so sure I see right. Then I read in some topic today that lack of Vitamin K could be a reason for having a tartar.
What can I say... I guess drinking all that milk really has its benefits.
This is first time in my life that I drink so much milk and eat diary.
As said before - I was constantly saying NO to anything milky.

I have also noticed that my teeth are (still) white. I drink 3 cups of coffee everyday, using cocoa powder all the time and my teeth don't get yellow, brown...
It is true that I don't smoke but in previouos years I have noticed my teeth had got colored when I drank more coffee. After that I stop for a while.

My hygiene is the same for years now. Using floss, natural toothpaste (no flour).
Except diet I didn't change nothing.



Mar 29, 2014
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107291 In average I eat 2000 kcal/day. Somedays 1800, somedays 2300... most time ~2000.
Hi Naninani,
Running and low carb could be expected to reduce metabolism, heartrate and temps. Energy deficiency from low fuel supply could possibly still be part of keeping temperature and heartrate low now - 2000 cals may not be enough for your body to rise out of economy mode and restore higher metabolism, especially if you are training hard.
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Nov 28, 2014
My first log ever.

Hi naninani

It looks to me like you have good t4 output from your thyroid, but low conversion of t4 to t3. Though I see your t3 has been creeping up over the months as you switched your way of eating, so that's good. Maybe it will continue to increase as you continue to eat for a high metabolism. After eating low carb, sometimes it takes the body a while to adjust to burning sugar.

Another thing to look at is stress. The stress hormones can cause t4 to convert to reverse t3 instead of regular t3. Trouble falling asleep indicates possible high stress hormones. Also, what tara said regarding calorie intake possibly being too low for your activity level. That can be a source of stress. Is there anything else in your life that's stressful?

Too many raw carrots with meals could be blocking nutrient absorption, and certain nutrients are needed to help the thyroid conversion process (things like selenium and vitamin A). Sounds like you really like carrots :)
But I think it works better to eat them away from other food when they are raw.


Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

tara and sweetpeat, I really appreciate your comment here!
I like hear opinions of someone that is more experienced.

Yeah, after reading about carrots I reduced eating them ;) I will keep them in my daily routine but not in the same quantity, they will be solo meal.
About my calories I am still in doubts. I guess, tara, you are right. I can set them higher.
I placed an app to mobile phone so I can count. Last few days I eat mostly 2000-2300 kcal per day. I must say that I am still getting leaner so probably I can raise slowly. Hooray. I really like drinking milk lately :) and eating that apple sauce! Yummy. I make it myself from apples w skin and from home garden - no pesticides.

Macros: fats ~50 g/ protein 100-120g/ rest are carbs. Mostly from simple sugars (fruit,milk,honey) and then starches (potato,rice,oats).

And another thing from me: I have PCOS :/


Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Nighteyes said:
post 107605
naninani said:
post 107592 apple sauce! Yummy.

I would love to learn more about how you make your apple sauce :) Raw apples do not sit that well with me

It is very simple. At least how I make it.
Peel apples, cut apples into the (non-stick) pan, pour a little water (depends on how much apples you use – for 3 apples I take only 2 tbs of water…) and leave it all to a boil. Boil for several minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat. You can wait or not.
Sometimes I use the cooked apples immediately and sometimes I leave them to chill. You can add cinnamon, cardamom, sugar, and honey, ginger ... whatever. You can even use some coconut oil at the beginning but I usually don’t. Some people blend it too but I prefer whole pieces. This apple sauce can be left in fridge at least one or two days. Just to prevent over eating it I make a fresh one every morning/evening :D


  • applesauce.jpg
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Mar 29, 2014
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107592 Last few days I eat mostly 2000-2300 kcal per day. I must say that I am still getting leaner so probably I can raise slowly.
I'm in favour of you eating more. :)

naninani said:
post 107592 I really like drinking milk lately :) and eating that apple sauce! Yummy. I make it myself from apples w skin and from home garden - no pesticides.

naninani said:
post 107592 And another thing from me: I have PCOS :/
Have you experimented with progest-e? I think it would probably be best to get calories up first, though.
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Sep 5, 2015
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107639 Hey!
It is very simple. At least how I make it.
Peel apples, cut apples into the (non-stick) pan, pour a little water (depends on how much apples you use – for 3 apples I take only 2 tbs of water…) and leave it all to a boil. Boil for several minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat. You can wait or not.
Sometimes I use the cooked apples immediately and sometimes I leave them to chill. You can add cinnamon, cardamom, sugar, and honey, ginger ... whatever. You can even use some coconut oil at the beginning but I usually don’t. Some people blend it too but I prefer whole pieces. This apple sauce can be left in fridge at least one or two days. Just to prevent over eating it I make a fresh one every morning/evening

Thank you! Wow that is simple! I must try that soon myself :) haha yeah I tend to do as well when I find something that works / tastes good - It becomes my main source of calories for a few days.
Trying to reach ~500-600 g of carbs per day (no starch) and honey gets a little yucky after a while :p So the apple sauce should help with that - thanks.
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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Nighteyes said:
Thank you! Wow that is simple! I must try that soon myself :) haha yeah I tend to do as well when I find something that works / tastes good - It becomes my main source of calories for a few days.
Trying to reach ~500-600 g of carbs per day (no starch) and honey gets a little yucky after a while :p So the apple sauce should help with that - thanks.

The same procedure goes with pears ;)
For adding calories, hm, maybe use some sugar too or still incorporate some honey. Apple sauce gets even better with added sugars and maybe apples hide the honey taste especially with added spices.
Hope you like the 'recipe' ii you are going to try it :)


Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

tara said:
post 107672
I'm in favour of you eating more. :)

Will try :)

tara said:
post 107592 Have you experimented with progest-e? I think it would probably be best to get calories up first, though./

I am using progesterone cream for six months now. 14 days with cream, 14 days with no cream etc... nothing happens.
I tested blood and I don't have enough estrogen neither progesterone. Well..progesterone is higher than it was but still not the best numbers.
Usually the estrogen dominance is problem but it seems like I don't have even enough estrogen. :idea:
Any idea?
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Mar 29, 2014
My first log ever.

Hi naninani,

If you haven't seen these articles by Peat, I'd recommend them: ... ries.shtml ... ions.shtml

I can't tell from that link how much progesterone is in the cream.
Quite a few people here (me included) use Progest-E, made by Kenogen.
Also, forum member Haidut recently started selling a progesterone product.
It is possible to have low blood levels of estrogen and high tissue levels at the same time - tissue levels are not normally tested. IIRC, it takes sufficient progesterone to get the estrogen out of the tissues (where it can mess with things) and into the blood (where progesterone can oppose it). ... ogen.shtml.

I think one common adaptation to long term energy deficiency from under-eating and/or over-exercising can be reduced production of reproductive hormones like progesterone along with reduced metabolism etc.


Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

tara said:
post 107795
Also, forum member Haidut recently started selling a progesterone product.

I made an order for that :)

Yesterday I was in gym and after I ate a nice portion of white rice and cooked apples. I slept like a baby. :ninja

I didn't mention before but this October I took a pause from hard excercising and these days I have returned back to normal fitness regime (3t/week, not more than 60 minutes).
The one month pause felt very good and in meantime I didn't gain weight althoug I ate the same as before or even slightly more. Hooray.
I am curious what is coming now that I am back to gym and eating even more Peaty. Before I had moderate fats, now I try to have low fat and more carbs.
So far I am still lean. I even see some 4 pack :D Beofre it was hard to see it but since I lowered my fat intake is seen better.


Another issue I am concerned about is my HbAC1.
In July it was 5,1 %, in October it was 5,4 %.
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Sep 5, 2015
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107875 I am curious what is coming now that I am back to gym and eating even more Peaty.

Let us know how it works out for you! Do you do mostly strength training or cardio? I can only say I have great experience with strength training while peating. Faster muscle gains. Leaner body. Faster recovery. Must be all the anabolic sugar I am pounding :D

By the way I made the apple sauce yesterday and it was absolutely perfect! Excellent along with a sinewy cut of beef and again later as a night snack.

Also, let me know if you receive the supplement by Haidut without problems. I also live in europe and the customs are always so annoying so I have not dared order anything yet.

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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Nighteyes said:
Let us know how it works out for you! Do you do mostly strength training or cardio? I can only say I have great experience with strength training while peating. Faster muscle gains. Leaner body. Faster recovery. Must be all the anabolic sugar I am pounding :D

I do only strength training. No cardio at all. I say that my cardio is riding a bicycle while going to work or anywhere else. I make 5 km by ordinary bicycle in average per day.
In October I went run like two times but only for 5 kilometers of easy tempo.
I will report, of course. Maybe post some before/after photo if my shy moment goes away :oops:

Nighteyes said:
By the way I made the apple sauce yesterday and it was absolutely perfect! Excellent along with a sinewy cut of beef and again later as a night snack.

I am really happy to hear this!
And it is okay with gut? No problem if they are cooked?

Nighteyes said:
Also, let me know if you receive the supplement by Haidut without problems. I also live in europe and the customs are always so annoying so I have not dared order anything yet.


Yeah I know. I was in doubts too but then I still made an exception. Usually I respect the upper limit for customs, this is my first time that I didn't.
Will let you know. I didn't receive any confirmation that the item is shipped and I have no idea when to expect it.

Have fun you too! :)
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