My Feet Are Air Conditioning Units!


Oct 21, 2018
Past three months my feet have been cold.

I have tried so many things and while sometimes the temperature does get back to normal.

I still Am dealing with cold feet. I wake up and my feet are cold.

IN FACT when I wear socks the socks get cold. What i mean by this is the socks are now at a colder temperature than what they were before i wore them. I am literally cooling things with my feet. I feel like this is adrenaline related. But i am not sure how to fix this.

To me this all points to a form of plantsr hyperhidrosis. I do notice my feet feel damp or clammy.


Sep 19, 2018
You're undereating, man. You admitted that yourself already. Eat your maintenance calories or a bit more and your feet will get warmer. I say this because mine always get cold when I eat less than I should.
It doesn't matter what foods you eat or what supplements you take. If you're in a caloric deficit, your body will save energy.
If you don't feel hunger, try adding up 50 calories a day, eventually you're gonna get where you need, and your body will have time to adjust well.


Sep 10, 2019
Temporary solution is to put a little cayenne pepper in your socks. It might sound ridiculous but it will warm your feet. Maybe look into putting your bed at an incline. As I've stated on the hair loss thread, consistent eating (~350 calories every two hours) has improved my body temps. Also sitting too long makes my feet colder. Make sure you're moving around every 30 min - 1 hr.


Oct 21, 2018
You're undereating, man. You admitted that yourself already. Eat your maintenance calories or a bit more and your feet will get warmer. I say this because mine always get cold when I eat less than I should.
It doesn't matter what foods you eat or what supplements you take. If you're in a caloric deficit, your body will save energy.
If you don't feel hunger, try adding up 50 calories a day, eventually you're gonna get where you need, and your body will have time to adjust well.

Okay while i understand where you are coming from. Why when i am sleep my feet are warm. I wake up they are cold. I mean no one eats when they are asleep.

Or perhaps my body is just adjusting knowing that ive been on a caloric deficit for so long it automatically downregulates my energy consumption during the day?


Sep 19, 2018
Okay while i understand where you are coming from. Why when i am sleep my feet are warm. I wake up they are cold. I mean no one eats when they are asleep.

Or perhaps my body is just adjusting knowing that ive been on a caloric deficit for so long it automatically downregulates my energy consumption during the day?
I think you become warmer when you go to sleep because of other mechanisms. It happens to me as well, but during the day it's always cold, specially if I'm working.

I took cyproheptadine for 2 months a while ago, and that really upped my calorie intake. I would feel my feet very warm all day. I did it the wrong way tho, I went from 1500 kcal to 3000 immediately. I obviously got fat, and other problems came with it, but temperature and metabolism got a lot better.
After that, I lowered the calories to lose that fat (just couldn't handle looking at the mirror) and I saw my hands and feet getting colder everyday.

Right now I'm doing what I said, I'm adding 50 calories (or less) a day, to give my body more time to adjust. It's been a week, and I didn't gain any weight yet. Today I feel less cold than I felt a week ago, although I'm still cold, and I feel that this is the proper way to recover from a long caloric deficit.


Oct 21, 2018
I think you become warmer when you go to sleep because of other mechanisms. It happens to me as well, but during the day it's always cold, specially if I'm working.

I took cyproheptadine for 2 months a while ago, and that really upped my calorie intake. I would feel my feet very warm all day. I did it the wrong way tho, I went from 1500 kcal to 3000 immediately. I obviously got fat, and other problems came with it, but temperature and metabolism got a lot better.
After that, I lowered the calories to lose that fat (just couldn't handle looking at the mirror) and I saw my hands and feet getting colder everyday.

Right now I'm doing what I said, I'm adding 50 calories (or less) a day, to give my body more time to adjust. It's been a week, and I didn't gain any weight yet. Today I feel less cold than I felt a week ago, although I'm still cold, and I feel that this is the proper way to recover from a long caloric deficit.

Interesting. I will give this a try. I just dont understand why my body cant burn fat storage to keep my feet warm. I have at least 4 pounds of fat available. I am 5,10. 140-135 pounds.

Also the fact that my feet are below room temperature makes me question if this will work
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Dec 17, 2018
Interesting. I will give this a try. I just dont understand why my body cant burn fat storage to keep my feet warm. I have at least 4 pounds of fat available. I am 5,10. 140-135 pounds.

You are calculating very wrong here. If you had 4 lbs of body fat that would put you at 2% body fat. Basically close to death. You are likely with 6-12% body fat if you are thin like you say are.

Body fat availability has little to do with it. Its already established undereating will cause adrenaline to rise, when you sleep adrenaline isnt activating so your feet are warmer. I dont know why its just the feet and not the hands with you but Im sure it still applies.

Your body increases adrenaline for many reasons, basically in response to various perceived stressors whether chronic or acute. Undereating and poor dietary habits are a big one. You are decently tall at 5'10 and your height and weight puts you at the borderline of the underweight category so its no wonder you get cold so easily, your body thinks you are close to death because you are so lightweight for your height.

Getting to 160lbs would be a good spot for you. Idk how you are at 140lbs or so at that height that is nuts. Eating a lot of quality foods but also calorie dense foods as well and building muscle will make you look better while also increasing bodyweight which will help reduce perceived stress and your adrenaline problems should significantly reduce.

No other way to go about it. Its clear where the problem is nothing else can fix it and dare I say your hair loss may be heavily related to undereating/possible malnutrition and therefore wasting and everything else you are theorizing about is either minor or not even related at all to your particular type of hair loss. Its useless to try other treatments or fixes until your weight is more normal imo.


Oct 21, 2018
You are calculating very wrong here. If you had 4 lbs of body fat that would put you at 2% body fat. Basically close to death. You are likely with 6-12% body fat if you are thin like you say are.

Body fat availability has little to do with it. Its already established undereating will cause adrenaline to rise, when you sleep adrenaline isnt activating so your feet are warmer. I dont know why its just the feet and not the hands with you but Im sure it still applies.

Your body increases adrenaline for many reasons, basically in response to various perceived stressors whether chronic or acute. Undereating and poor dietary habits are a big one. You are decently tall at 5'10 and your height and weight puts you at the borderline of the underweight category so its no wonder you get cold so easily, your body thinks you are close to death because you are so lightweight for your height.

Getting to 160lbs would be a good spot for you. Idk how you are at 140lbs or so at that height that is nuts. Eating a lot of quality foods but also calorie dense foods as well and building muscle will make you look better while also increasing bodyweight which will help reduce perceived stress and your adrenaline problems should significantly reduce.

No other way to go about it. Its clear where the problem is nothing else can fix it and dare I say your hair loss may be heavily related to undereating/possible malnutrition and therefore wasting and everything else you are theorizing about is either minor or not even related at all to your particular type of hair loss. Its useless to try other treatments or fixes until your weight is more normal imo.

i had no idea under-eating would result in increases adrenaline. If this is a fact then this powerful proof to support everything you guys are saying.

@Summer @redsun @victormgc

Thank you All. I will give this a try and i think and am hopeful it should resolve the matter. !


Sep 19, 2018
i had no idea under-eating would result in increases adrenaline. If this is a fact then this powerful proof to support everything you guys are saying.

@Summer @redsun @victormgc

Thank you All. I will give this a try and i think and am hopeful it should resolve the matter. !

About the little fat you said you have, in my experience it's nearly impossible to lose it using calorie deficit if your metabolism is low. I was looking at pictures of myself as a kid, and I had a bit of fat in my belly even though I was really underweight, so much that my parents took me to doctors thinking that I was sick.

When you stay in caloric deficit for a while, there's a point where your body stops burning fats and start using muscles instead, while also lowering your metabolic rate even further. Probably because of the energy required to keep the muscles.

I hope it works for you, man. Keep us posted.


Oct 21, 2018
I am here to update. Eating may finally be working.

At first eating has been giving all sort of weird results.

my chief complaint was cold feet. But one complaint that i didnt mention was this awful body odor. Apocrine sweat when gaming. I smelled like skunk. It was sooo bad no matter how well i showered. This stuff came back quick!

Anyways i started eating more and my hands would get cold too then eventually warm back up an hour after eating. My feet felt a minor increase in temp.

So i started eating more and increasing food even more. It wasnt until like the 6th day did i finally start seeing my feet get warmer. Still not 100% where i would like them to be. But the biggest thing i noticed was when i gamed i no longer was getting awful smelling sweat! I mean for once i could game hardcore kinda sweat and it had practically no odor!

Will continue to do this. It hasnt been easy. I legit was eating every 30 mins to an hour.


Aug 9, 2019
Test Iron and Copper status.
It's been 1 week of taking supplemental Copper, and my cold feet problem has reduced significantly.
And of course, eat often, every 2hrs. And sip on salted and sugared water hourly.


Oct 21, 2018
Test Iron and Copper status.
It's been 1 week of taking supplemental Copper, and my cold feet problem has reduced significantly.
My iron is good i tested it. Ferritin was like 75. I think thats an optimal level. As for copper i havent done that yet.

my diet is low pufa. I mean i havent had eggs in a long time. Really dont eat chicken too much anymore. Lots of rice and fiber and dates! These seem to be not as heavy on my stomach as things that are pufa concentrated. Pufa food really over fills me. I dont feel satisfied i feel bloated.

I guess this finally explains why mcdonalds looks so good then you eat it and for some reason you legit felt goos while eating it but 15 mins later you feel absolutely like ***t.


Dec 17, 2018
Test Iron and Copper status.
It's been 1 week of taking supplemental Copper, and my cold feet problem has reduced significantly.
And of course, eat often, every 2hrs. And sip on salted and sugared water hourly.

OP is very underweight and thats likely the main problem, causing too sensitive adrenaline. So thats why eating a lot is helping him.

Copper helps as well, both thyroxine (thyroid) and norepinephrine (which needs dopamine (iron) -> norepinephrine (copper) ) work together for increasing nonshivering thermogenesis.


Oct 21, 2018
Ya 140 pounds guys at 5,10.

My friends are shocked when i tell them my Weight.

I did research on anorexia and their adrenaline and symptoms and funny enough. Body odor. High blood adrenaline. I have so many of the symptoms of a person that anorexic even though i am not anorexic.

Going to keep ramping up food and i will get back to everyone in a week! I am optimistic this will fully give me good temps! Oh also i am not super warm in bed anymore. The temps normalized when sleeping.


Feb 13, 2016
Increasing salt intake and lowering fluid intake should lower adrenaline and increase appetite.


a salted milk shake at night before bed ish really helped my temps and adrenaline etc. i just postmate from this place here that has no gum ice cream shakes and add a bunch of salt. excellent sleep and toasty toes.


Feb 18, 2018
Sausages and lemon tonic water are where I’m at right now. Nice and toasty, and I’m a notorious cold hands and feet kind of guy. Anxiety surrounding hand shakes...who wants to feel a cold hand?? But when they are nice and easy human touch becomes! More calories isn’t the answer imo. Especially sticky hard to digest starch. First starch free day today, let’s see how long I can keep it up! Fruit is ok in that it digests fine, but most of it is far too high in sugar content and makes me cold. Red wine also heats me up like an oven, but that’s not practical when I’ve got things to do!!

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Past three months my feet have been cold.

I have tried so many things and while sometimes the temperature does get back to normal.

I still Am dealing with cold feet. I wake up and my feet are cold.

IN FACT when I wear socks the socks get cold. What i mean by this is the socks are now at a colder temperature than what they were before i wore them. I am literally cooling things with my feet. I feel like this is adrenaline related. But i am not sure how to fix this.

To me this all points to a form of plantsr hyperhidrosis. I do notice my feet feel damp or clammy.
I have hyperhidrosis since childhood and have dealt with cold hands and feet my entire life. One day of undereating and bad sleep can throw off weeks of warm hands and feet. My hands and feet are consistently warm when I eat enough.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Lot more salt needed. Eat a big bowl of ridiculously salted popcorn cooked in coconut oil before bed and report the good news in a few days.
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