My experience with (a lack of) dreams



I used to dream when I was younger. Nothing too vivid but at least I dreamed. I've taken steroids, I've had a series of bad trips on weed a couple years ago, took LSD and had a extremely bad trip regretfully, ate like absolute garbage, partied and drank heavy alcohol for a year in college (I experienced what is called 'the hangover effect' which can be learned about over at /r/hangovereffect.) Anyways, I ended up in the state I am in today. Every other post on my account mentions how I feel nowadays. This forum has brought me closer and closer to feeling normal and I am very thankful for that. I've been taking a lot of things that have all improved my state, such as Thiamine HCl, Calcium, Methylfolate (and the other MTHFR stuff.) I eat Peaty and have for about a month or so now. I feel better but I just can't shake this feeling of missing something. Maybe it's true emotion. Anyways, when I started the Thiamine and the Calcium, also when I started taking weekly Activated charcoal, I would have dreams those nights and wake up actually feeling really, really good. I would wake up feeling emotional which is nice. But that always ends up dying off.

What are the important things for dreams? What am I missing that is preventing me from dreaming? I've tried hundreds of supplements over the years for things unrelated to dreaming and some of them would occasionally give a dream for a night or two. Especially when I first started taking Activated charcoal. But even now, with a much improved gut and presumably lower endotoxin load the AC doesn't give me that effect anymore. I really am not looking for a bandaid supplement that promotes dreams, rather I'm looking for whatever stopped me from dreaming in the first place, presumably because whatever happened to me probably affected all of my other health problems as well.
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Aug 23, 2018
I'm interested in this discussion too. I personally have never dreamed much and never was very emotional.

I have noticed dreams from brewer's yeast, some probiotics, a low salicylates diet and recently, lactoferrin. I've read that zinc does it for some people.


Nov 18, 2019
acetylcholine for dreams

B1, zinc and high dietary choline intake will help


Feb 13, 2016
I think things that lower serotonin improve dreams. Chicken liver, white button mushrooms, niacinamide, keeping blood sugar high all improve dreams for me. But it's still unpredictable. I would love to know more how to consistently improve my dreaming, as some of my dreams have been so good that I would consider them some of the best nights of my life, and I would love to have more of such nights.


Sep 13, 2012
Take vitamin B6 you will dream all night long and get super annoyed lol.


Jun 22, 2021
I feel you, it sucks not having dreams. I don't have many at the moment as I always vape weed to help me sleep which suppresses dreaming.

I have heard that glycine is pretty good for dreams at higher doses of several grams.


Feb 3, 2020
If I take B1, zinc, B6 and magnesium before bed, I always have vivid dreams. (but not nightmares)

So I think @PaRa is right.


Dec 17, 2018
I used to dream when I was younger. Nothing too vivid but at least I dreamed. I've taken steroids, I've had a series of bad trips on weed a couple years ago, took LSD and had a extremely bad trip regretfully, ate like absolute garbage, partied and drank heavy alcohol for a year in college (I experienced what is called 'the hangover effect' which can be learned about over at /r/hangovereffect.) Anyways, I ended up in the state I am in today. Every other post on my account mentions how I feel nowadays. This forum has brought me closer and closer to feeling normal and I am very thankful for that. I've been taking a lot of things that have all improved my state, such as Thiamine HCl, Calcium, Methylfolate (and the other MTHFR stuff.) I eat Peaty and have for about a month or so now. I feel better but I just can't shake this feeling of missing something. Maybe it's true emotion. Anyways, when I started the Thiamine and the Calcium, also when I started taking weekly Activated charcoal, I would have dreams those nights and wake up actually feeling really, really good. I would wake up feeling emotional which is nice. But that always ends up dying off.

What are the important things for dreams? What am I missing that is preventing me from dreaming? I've tried hundreds of supplements over the years for things unrelated to dreaming and some of them would occasionally give a dream for a night or two. Especially when I first started taking Activated charcoal. But even now, with a much improved gut and presumably lower endotoxin load the AC doesn't give me that effect anymore. I really am not looking for a bandaid supplement that promotes dreams, rather I'm looking for whatever stopped me from dreaming in the first place, presumably because whatever happened to me probably affected all of my other health problems as well.

As others have said, things that increase acetylcholine will promote dream recall. So if you never really remember your dreams thats usually the problem. And just to clarify its not that you dont have dreams its just that your dream recall is poor.

B-vitamins (especially B1 and P5P), choline, zinc will increase cholinergic activity. Animal proteins help as they are a source of choline (especially organs and eggs) and red meat and especially oysters are very high in zinc.

Alcohol increases the need for choline, so maybe your heavy drinking depleted you of choline. Since you ate poorly as well (probably didnt get much choline) that definitely wouldnt help your choline status.


As others have said, things that increase acetylcholine will promote dream recall. So if you never really remember your dreams thats usually the problem. And just to clarify its not that you dont have dreams its just that your dream recall is poor.

B-vitamins (especially B1 and P5P), choline, zinc will increase cholinergic activity. Animal proteins help as they are a source of choline (especially organs and eggs) and red meat and especially oysters are very high in zinc.

Alcohol increases the need for choline, so maybe your heavy drinking depleted you of choline. Since you ate poorly as well (probably didnt get much choline) that definitely wouldnt help your choline status.
I’m good on everything you mentioned except B6 and Zinc. I eat liver 1-2 times a week. I’ve taken zinc although probably a shitty supplement so I’m gonna get some oysters. Is the B6 enough from beef liver?


Jul 13, 2017
Salvia officinalis tea, also known as common sage - flawless. You are welcome.


Feb 7, 2017
I didn't dream much before getting my thyroid sorted. It was something that I was used too for so long that now it's weird if I don't have vivid, sometimes intense dreams.


Dec 17, 2018
I’m good on everything you mentioned except B6 and Zinc. I eat liver 1-2 times a week. I’ve taken zinc although probably a shitty supplement so I’m gonna get some oysters. Is the B6 enough from beef liver?

Not enough B6. Not too mention you shouldnt eat liver twice a week permanently especially if you are eating a lot. It is pretty nutrient dense so can be useful for a little while but it is a very imbalanced food when it comes to vitamin A, and copper.

Meat, especially chicken is the best source of B6. You will also get small amounts also from dairy and eggs that add up.


Sep 13, 2012
Bananas and mangoes are a good source of B6. I dream every single night. Sometimes very vividly.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Bananas and mangoes are a good source of B6. I dream every single night. Sometimes very vividly.
arnt some events in your dreams desagreable when you eat bananas?


Bananas and mangoes are a good source of B6. I dream every single night. Sometimes very vividly.
Do you consume bananas & mangoes every night? I def dream when I go to bed on time and adding 1-3 drops of Tyromix sublingually but I'd have to explore Vit B6 then.


Not enough B6. Not too mention you shouldnt eat liver twice a week permanently especially if you are eating a lot. It is pretty nutrient dense so can be useful for a little while but it is a very imbalanced food when it comes to vitamin A, and copper.

Meat, especially chicken is the best source of B6. You will also get small amounts also from dairy and eggs that add up.
Yeah I definitely eat a lot of meat and eggs so hopefully I’m covered. And yeah I definitely shouldn’t eat too much liver. It’s a recent addition so I’ve been doing a little extra since I’ve never eaten liver before.
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