Most important when maintaining/building when cutting


May 31, 2013

Whats most important when you try to maintain or build muscle when loosing weight/fat aka cutting calories.

Ive read alot of research papers and ofc RP`s information.

In the sport and bodybuilding scene protein is the most important nutrient to look at esp when you want to loose weight/fat and cutting calories while maintaining muscle or even build some. So when cutting they recommend like minimum 2.5g protein pr kg of bodyweight or at LEAST 1g/lb.

I havent heard RP talk spesific about this but i know he says 120-150g is plenty and enough no matter how much you workout.

So i was wondering with you guys esp if you had manage to do it yourself or based on research.

What is the most important things to look for when loosing weight/fat aka reducing calories. Is it protein? carbs? fat? minerals? vitamins? and wich and how much.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Normal or slightly hyper metabolic rate with optimal hormonal profile. :)

Curt :-)

Nov 22, 2013
Yo. Fellow strength trainee here. I have no
I think 120 -150 is adequate provided you're getting enough carbs. I mentioned in another post that I believe protein recommendations are unnecessarily high in bodybuilding circles because they typically go low carb/low fat, and the calories have to come from somewhere, especially if you're trying to gain mass/training your **** off.
I think if carbs are adequate then you need less protein. those guys basically run their bodies on protein instead of fat, so they need their basal amount of protein to run their normal physiological functions, plus extra protein to provide energy. That's my take on it, anyways.
I'm fair lean (about 9%) and I don't any fancy ***t anymore, just my Peaty staples. I was hypo with zero libido for years before Peat, so needless to say, I'm a believer :):
Try ditching starch and any excess fat in the diet. It has worked well for me


Jan 1, 2014
My results are quite similar to Curt's. I greatly decreased the frequency of my workout, but I stayed lean and gained a fair amount of muscles.

Optimizing your hormone levels will help you to build muslce and to lower your bodyfat, but there are three thing that helped me particularly:
-Drinking a lot of milk. Ray Peat said, that I decreases stress hormones and is likely to induce muscle growth.
-Consuming a hell of a lot calories after a workout.
-Consuming coconut oil three times a day. When I eat a bit coconut oil pre workout, it gives me a great strenght boost.


Aug 9, 2013
Curt :-) said:
Yo. Fellow strength trainee here. I have no
I think 120 -150 is adequate provided you're getting enough carbs. I mentioned in another post that I believe protein recommendations are unnecessarily high in bodybuilding circles because they typically go low carb/low fat, and the calories have to come from somewhere, especially if you're trying to gain mass/training your **** off.
I think if carbs are adequate then you need less protein. those guys basically run their bodies on protein instead of fat, so they need their basal amount of protein to run their normal physiological functions, plus extra protein to provide energy. That's my take on it, anyways.
I'm fair lean (about 9%) and I don't any fancy s*** anymore, just my Peaty staples. I was hypo with zero libido for years before Peat, so needless to say, I'm a believer :):
Try ditching starch and any excess fat in the diet. It has worked well for me

Your story sounds interesting... care to create a new thread and elaborate on your journey with your learning points?

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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