Minocycline, Then Thrush - Now What?


Nov 27, 2019
So I wanna preface this by saying idk if it is in the right area, i couldn't find a "gut" section of the forums, so if this is in a wrong place, feel free to move it.

Anyway, so I ended up starting Minocycline (100mg, 1x per day) about a week ago. Contracting an intestinal parasite and the subsequent health decline are what led me to find Peat's work in the first place. All areas of health have improved but I've never quite been 100% on my gut and this year I plan on squashing it for good.

I got the prescription off Apostrophe, an acne website.

I noticed some definite positives - enhanced mood, noticeable spike in body temps (sweating and feeling very warm), and no intestinal discomfort (which is unusual for me.) However, after about a week I noticed that I'd developed thrush on my tongue today. I'm going to discontinue Minocycline for the time being and see what happens. I know that there is a "sweet spot" when it comes to antibiotics and that they should not be taken for any longer than when benefits are experienced. For me, I think that time is now.

I'll check back in and let you guys know how I feel later. In the meantime I'll keep on trucking on this "post-giardia/messed up gut" journey of mine.

Aug 21, 2018
Nystatin maybe?
Dec 18, 2018
So I wanna preface this by saying idk if it is in the right area, i couldn't find a "gut" section of the forums, so if this is in a wrong place, feel free to move it.

Anyway, so I ended up starting Minocycline (100mg, 1x per day) about a week ago. Contracting an intestinal parasite and the subsequent health decline are what led me to find Peat's work in the first place. All areas of health have improved but I've never quite been 100% on my gut and this year I plan on squashing it for good.

I got the prescription off Apostrophe, an acne website.

I noticed some definite positives - enhanced mood, noticeable spike in body temps (sweating and feeling very warm), and no intestinal discomfort (which is unusual for me.) However, after about a week I noticed that I'd developed thrush on my tongue today. I'm going to discontinue Minocycline for the time being and see what happens. I know that there is a "sweet spot" when it comes to antibiotics and that they should not be taken for any longer than when benefits are experienced. For me, I think that time is now.

I'll check back in and let you guys know how I feel later. In the meantime I'll keep on trucking on this "post-giardia/messed up gut" journey of mine.


Minocycline and likely other tetracycline class ABXs are Thyroid-damaging,you should take others,or ask members that have experience with your situation,we had a thread about it lately.


May 21, 2018
So I wanna preface this by saying idk if it is in the right area, i couldn't find a "gut" section of the forums, so if this is in a wrong place, feel free to move it.

Anyway, so I ended up starting Minocycline (100mg, 1x per day) about a week ago. Contracting an intestinal parasite and the subsequent health decline are what led me to find Peat's work in the first place. All areas of health have improved but I've never quite been 100% on my gut and this year I plan on squashing it for good.

I got the prescription off Apostrophe, an acne website.

I noticed some definite positives - enhanced mood, noticeable spike in body temps (sweating and feeling very warm), and no intestinal discomfort (which is unusual for me.) However, after about a week I noticed that I'd developed thrush on my tongue today. I'm going to discontinue Minocycline for the time being and see what happens. I know that there is a "sweet spot" when it comes to antibiotics and that they should not be taken for any longer than when benefits are experienced. For me, I think that time is now.

I'll check back in and let you guys know how I feel later. In the meantime I'll keep on trucking on this "post-giardia/messed up gut" journey of mine.

My guess is it might be fungal overgrowth, antibiotics tend to cause that
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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