Milk with sugar and salt?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
im currently doing milk with a good amount organic cane sugar and half teaspoon pink himalayan salt per 16oz. is this good enough as a diet plan and carb source? I tried breads, pasta, rice, potatoes and this is the best, the sugar works much better than the other carb sources.

current diet is a half gallon whole milk with sugar and salt, small amounts of date syrup, honey, and fruit juices and coconut water.
macros are 530g carbs (250g from organic sugar, 15g from dates, 15g from honey, 20g from figs, 100g from OJ or pomegranate juice or grape juice, 100g from milk, 30g from coconut water/bananna chips),
70g protein from all milk, and about 75g fat mostly from milk, and some coconut oil.

I want to slowly add whey protein for additional protein as metabolism improves. maybe 100g protein, or 130g more protein from whey.
I would also add either an ounce grass fed liver daily (ancestral supplements), have 8oz to 16oz ground beef once a week, or add both of those, if iron and other nutrients are needed that bad. the dates provide about 1mg iron, figs also provide about 1mg, and the half gallon milk might provide 1mg as well. the burger bun is fortified with iron, so even a 12oz burger once a week would provide maybe 12mg iron from the meat, plus an additional 4mg or more iron from the bun. so given all that iron would it still be beneficial having an ounce liver a few days a week? for the vitamin A and copper or something?

this would be about 3000 calories a day before any meat or whey is added. if metabolism is really running crazy I would have a once a week cheatday and drastically increase the sugar consumption, and maybe add some starches burgers, as well as chocolates or cheesecakes, to where it totals out to 8000 to 10000 calories once a week.

I only switched to the higher sugar in place of rice or pasta or potatoes a few days ago but can tell it's working much better than those carb sources. adding sugar allows you to easily drink milk even when it's cold. it almost demands the milk be drank in the cold state, due to the metabolic effect of it.

how much salt would be reasonable daily? 5g, or 10g or more? milk has some sodium, I can get 3500mg from pink salt pretty easily. so salt intake is currently maybe 5000mg daily. i think it would be tough to increase further, I would have to eat some salt plain by the spoonful.


Jan 22, 2021
Milk with sugar + fruits is good, i would just add some kind of gelatinous meat such as shanks, oxtail and real beef liver 1-2x a week.

Salt intake should be guided by appetite, eat as much as you desire, if you have trouble putting it on your food, eating plain salt or drinking it with water is ok


Apr 28, 2018
If you would just put dark cocoa into that milk with salt and sugar...a big dash of Ceylon cinnamon...

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Milk with sugar + fruits is good, i would just add some kind of gelatinous meat such as shanks, oxtail and real beef liver 1-2x a week.

Salt intake should be guided by appetite, eat as much as you desire, if you have trouble putting it on your food, eating plain salt or drinking it with water is ok
i dont have access to good quality liver and meats besides organi grass fed ground beef.

are those gelatinous meats really needed if the overall meat intake is low? I was thinking a burger once a week, providing 15mg to 20mg iron. and possibly, ancestrals beef liver product, to get an ounce liver 2x or 3x a week.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
If you would just put dark cocoa into that milk with salt and sugar...a big dash of Ceylon cinnamon...
good idea.
i got an organic cocoa powder (processed with alkali) from whole foods.
the perfect formula ive found is, 1/4 teaspoon pink salt, 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder, 1 to 2 tablespoons (depending on carb needs) organic cane sugar, per 16 oz (2 cups) milk. any more salt than that, it gets too salty, too much cocoa powder, etc.
the cocoa powder is useful because it actually has iron and maybe copper in it too. so this basically helps reduce need for meat. cocoa also has some anti iron compounds in it, Peat said it reduces iron absorption. so im not sure how much you actually end up absorbing. 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder has 5mg iron.


Apr 28, 2018
good idea.
i got an organic cocoa powder (processed with alkali) from whole foods.
the perfect formula ive found is, 1/4 teaspoon pink salt, 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder, 1 to 2 tablespoons (depending on carb needs) organic cane sugar, per 16 oz (2 cups) milk. any more salt than that, it gets too salty, too much cocoa powder, etc.
the cocoa powder is useful because it actually has iron and maybe copper in it too. so this basically helps reduce need for meat. cocoa also has some anti iron compounds in it, Peat said it reduces iron absorption. so im not sure how much you actually end up absorbing. 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder has 5mg iron.
Yummy. I also put a chunk of creamed coconut (not coconut cream). It is whole coconut macerated to a paste and the delicious oil on rises to top of the jar, but then it melts...before I had a 5lb bucket shipped to me every other month I just put a spoon of coconut oil in each cup

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021

Yummy. I also put a chunk of creamed coconut (not coconut cream). It is whole coconut macerated to a paste and the delicious oil on rises to top of the jar, but then it melts...before I had a 5lb bucket shipped to me every other month I just put a spoon of coconut oil in each cup
how much coconut oil are you eating? I dont do that as im using whole milk. i get about 8g coconut oil from some bananna chips.


Dec 4, 2021
I make a half gallon of home made raw goats chocolate milk daily.

1/2 gallon still warm from the tit milk.

4 TBSP organic non alkalized organic cocoa

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/4th tsp Celtic sea salt

Shake like hell.

I sleep like a rock drinking a glass with a few extra pinches salt before bed.

I'm choosing maple over cane sugar because it has a fair amount of potassium/vitamin B's so isn't as much of an empty carb & I like to work in as many trace/natural minerals as I can.

I've also noticed it reliably gives me lower fasting glucose levels in the morning (not diabetic, reactive hypoglycemic) than anything else I've tried.

I'm honestly very curious about doing basically what op is doing, like a modified milk cure diet just with like a bunch of gelatin/bone broth too.


Apr 28, 2018
I make a half gallon of home made raw goats chocolate milk daily.

1/2 gallon still warm from the tit milk.

4 TBSP organic non alkalized organic cocoa

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/4th tsp Celtic sea salt

Shake like hell.

I sleep like a rock drinking a glass with a few extra pinches salt before bed.

I'm choosing maple over cane sugar because it has a fair amount of potassium/vitamin B's so isn't as much of an empty carb & I like to work in as many trace/natural minerals as I can.

I've also noticed it reliably gives me lower fasting glucose levels in the morning (not diabetic, reactive hypoglycemic) than anything else I've tried.

I'm honestly very curious about doing basically what op is doing, like a modified milk cure diet just with like a bunch of gelatin/bone broth too.
Oh that sounds DELICIOUS. I am a huge fan of "robust" grade maple syrup in milk. It is so dark and flavorful, I shake it with ice &organic cow milk from Washington State or a local dairy when avail. Love love love. Yes, just as you say, sleep like a rock. I would rather drink milk with maple syrup than eat anyday. I do love the hot drink morning concoctions--- weak drip coffee with cocoa, sugar, salt, cinnamon scaled to melt the creamed coconut ( or a spoon of oil) topped off with milk to taste. Since Dr. Peat taught me masa is good, in the winter I stir a 1/4 cup of masa in a cup with milk and bring to boil the whole hot morning concoction. It thickens and serves me as high pro gruel for a great start to my day. I find that I dont even feel like eating until evening most days if thats my morning sustenance. Gosh you got me going on that goat milk. Nothing better than goat milk, dates and ice blended for a rich treat! You are so lucky.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Oh that sounds DELICIOUS. I am a huge fan of "robust" grade maple syrup in milk. It is so dark and flavorful, I shake it with ice &organic cow milk from Washington State or a local dairy when avail. Love love love. Yes, just as you say, sleep like a rock. I would rather drink milk with maple syrup than eat anyday. I do love the hot drink morning concoctions--- weak drip coffee with cocoa, sugar, salt, cinnamon scaled to melt the creamed coconut ( or a spoon of oil) topped off with milk to taste. Since Dr. Peat taught me masa is good, in the winter I stir a 1/4 cup of masa in a cup with milk and bring to boil the whole hot morning concoction. It thickens and serves me as high pro gruel for a great start to my day. I find that I dont even feel like eating until evening most days if thats my morning sustenance. Gosh you got me going on that goat milk. Nothing better than goat milk, dates and ice blended for a rich treat! You are so lucky.
Is maple syrup safe, I think Peat said it has a toxins issue. He likes grade A more than grade B too I think, due to toxin potential. is maple syrup a fructose glucose mix similar to table sugar, honey, fruit juice etc.

I make a half gallon of home made raw goats chocolate milk daily.

1/2 gallon still warm from the tit milk.

4 TBSP organic non alkalized organic cocoa

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/4th tsp Celtic sea salt

Shake like hell.

I sleep like a rock drinking a glass with a few extra pinches salt before bed.

I'm choosing maple over cane sugar because it has a fair amount of potassium/vitamin B's so isn't as much of an empty carb & I like to work in as many trace/natural minerals as I can.

I've also noticed it reliably gives me lower fasting glucose levels in the morning (not diabetic, reactive hypoglycemic) than anything else I've tried.

I'm honestly very curious about doing basically what op is doing, like a modified milk cure diet just with like a bunch of gelatin/bone broth too.
have you compared table sugar to maple syrup?
is maple syrup fructose glucose mix like table sugar is? i think the fructose oxidizes even without needing b vitamins or something? supposedly diabetics can tolerate it too.
with the salt, i think you could do a half teaspoon, potentially full teaspoon per half gallon.
i put a half teaspoon cocoa powder in 16 oz milk. that would come out to just 2 teaspoons per half gallon, which is less than 1 tablespoon. that's a big amount of cocoa powder. i use whole foods organic alkalized cocoa powder. it seems alkalized cocoa may actually be superior to non alkalized?


Apr 28, 2018
Good questions on the maple, for me its 2 things: grade B tastes so much better, and then my bias comes in where less processed should be better. Good point to research, but for where I live in Alaska, for me to have a source directly available @$45 for a gallon of sugar direct from a tree, I am grateful!


Dec 4, 2021
Is maple syrup safe, I think Peat said it has a toxins issue. He likes grade A more than grade B too I think, due to toxin potential. is maple syrup a fructose glucose mix similar to table sugar, honey, fruit juice etc.

have you compared table sugar to maple syrup?
is maple syrup fructose glucose mix like table sugar is? i think the fructose oxidizes even without needing b vitamins or something? supposedly diabetics can tolerate it too.
with the salt, i think you could do a half teaspoon, potentially full teaspoon per half gallon.
i put a half teaspoon cocoa powder in 16 oz milk. that would come out to just 2 teaspoons per half gallon, which is less than 1 tablespoon. that's a big amount of cocoa powder. i use whole foods organic alkalized cocoa powder. it seems alkalized cocoa may actually be superior to non alkalized?
As far as toxins in maple syrup go, buy organic.

That means they're not using formaldehyde pellets to keep the taps open.

If you want your milk that salty you're welcome to add that much. However, raw whole milk will likely need less than store bought.

Maple syrup is about 95-98% sucrose, but also:

Alkalized cocoa tastes like **** to me, it's also missing a huge amount of its flavanols:

It also looks like non alkalized cocoa has higher mineral content, which wouldn't be surprising as processing foods tends to degrade things.

The main reason the industry began alkalizing it was just so the acidity wouldn't interfere with baking & such as well as reducing it's natural bitterness.


Apr 28, 2018
I don't understand how all maple syrup can be cited and measured as the same. So somewhere in northern Vermont tapping trees earlier than somewhere in Wisconsin with completely different soil and methods...will have the same compounds & content.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
As far as toxins in maple syrup go, buy organic.

That means they're not using formaldehyde pellets to keep the taps open.

If you want your milk that salty you're welcome to add that much. However, raw whole milk will likely need less than store bought.

Maple syrup is about 95-98% sucrose, but also:
View attachment 40177

Alkalized cocoa tastes like **** to me, it's also missing a huge amount of its flavanols:

It also looks like non alkalized cocoa has higher mineral content, which wouldn't be surprising as processing foods tends to degrade things.

The main reason the industry began alkalizing it was just so the acidity wouldn't interfere with baking & such as well as reducing it's natural bitterness.
what about cacao powder instead of cocoa? too many toxins?
apparently non alkalized cocoa had to be baked with baking soda for cakes to rise. alkalized cocoa isusually treated with sodium or potassium carbonate which are similar to baking soda. does that mean alkalized cocoa raises CO2 in the body more than non alkalized? do u get some of the benefits of the carbonates used to alkalize cocoa?


Dec 4, 2021
what about cacao powder instead of cocoa? too many toxins?
The main difference is the temperature they process it at OR if they add other things like soy/dairy solids.

It can also just be a spelling difference up to each individual marketing company.

But it all comes from cacao beans.

What I buy is technically cacao via lower temp production but because they're selling to Americans they spell it cocoa kinda deal.
apparently non alkalized cocoa had to be baked with baking soda for cakes to rise. alkalized cocoa isusually treated with sodium or potassium carbonate which are similar to baking soda. does that mean alkalized cocoa raises CO2 in the body more than non alkalized? do u get some of the benefits of the carbonates used to alkalize cocoa?
I'm not sure about that, it might be possible, but there would be easier ways that didn't end up stripping out the beneficial properties of chocolate.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The main difference is the temperature they process it at OR if they add other things like soy/dairy solids.

It can also just be a spelling difference up to each individual marketing company.

But it all comes from cacao beans.

What I buy is technically cacao via lower temp production but because they're selling to Americans they spell it cocoa kinda deal.

I'm not sure about that, it might be possible, but there would be easier ways that didn't end up stripping out the beneficial properties of chocolate.
doesnt non alkalized cocoa have an acidity problem? its acidic? so wouldnt it be dangerous for teeth compared to aklakized cocoa?
I think cacao is the raw powder whereas cocoa goes through processing or heat treatment. then alkalized is something else


Nov 27, 2019
i think i got a stone from adding salt to my milk and coffee. i stopped doing it when i noticed my kids' getting upset


Dec 4, 2021
doesnt non alkalized cocoa have an acidity problem? its acidic? so wouldnt it be dangerous for teeth compared to aklakized cocoa?
I think cacao is the raw powder whereas cocoa goes through processing or heat treatment. then alkalized is something else
It's all heat treated, like I said above the difference is typically how hot it's treated & things being added like dairy solids & other garbage to make it more palatable to the masses who no longer have taste buds for bitter foods.

I'd be more concerned with the acidic nature of OJ than chocolate milk.

Feel free to continue eating the alkalized stuff man, it's your choice.

For me it kinda just defeats the entire purpose of eating chocolate since it kills a lot of the health benefits but that's just me.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
i think i got a stone from adding salt to my milk and coffee. i stopped doing it when i noticed my kids' getting upset
kidney stone from adding salt? what kind of salt and what amount? 1/6 teaspoon per 16oz milk seems to be ideal, alongside 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder, 2-3 tablespoons sugar.

It's all heat treated, like I said above the difference is typically how hot it's treated & things being added like dairy solids & other garbage to make it more palatable to the masses who no longer have taste buds for bitter foods.

I'd be more concerned with the acidic nature of OJ than chocolate milk.

Feel free to continue eating the alkalized stuff man, it's your choice.

For me it kinda just defeats the entire purpose of eating chocolate since it kills a lot of the health benefits but that's just me.

cacao is supposed to be raw supposedly, raw powder. alkalized is heat treated plus treated with alkalizing agent. seems like alkalized cocoa is higher in iron per tablespoon than non alkalized. it has a darker color. theres many available with nothing added besides cocoa powder and processed with alkali. i might switch to organic cocoa powder, non alkalized.

supposedly theres health and toxin risks to cacao and raw chocolate, not sure.
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