Milk and cheese cause me constipation is it the calcium?



Oct 4, 2019
No, it's not the calcium, it's probably the A1 casein protein.

You can drink A2 milk or non-cow milk. For cheeses make your own, or goat/sheep
And is there A1 Casein in haagen daz ice cream?

I think A2 milk is discontinuned in the UK now


Oct 4, 2019
personally, i would continue eating oats if it was giving you bowel movements.

from best to worst, i think it goes like this:

1. No gas and discomfort, with good bowel movements

2. some gas and discomfort, with good bowel movements

3. no gas and discomfort, but no bowel movements

4. gas and discomfort, with no bowel movements.

if the oats give you temporary relief it's better to take it, and then experiment slowly with other things to try and improve without it.
Some claim that the bowl movements are from serotonin from plants/ starch fiber/ in the gut?

It is recommended to keep serotonin in the gut low? Maybe mine is too low
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Jun 13, 2019
Some claim that the bowl movements are from serotonin from plants/ starch fiber/ in the gut?

It is recommended to keep serotonin in the gut low? Maybe mine is too low
bowel movements can be from serotonin, as a defensive mechanism. usually though those types of bowel movements involve some serotonin symptoms such as anxiety, or ibs, or deformed stools, or diarrhea. i think the benefit of a very slight "scratching" of the intestine out weighs the benefits if the bowel movements make you feel better overall, but ideally you should be able to have a bowel movements purely off thyroid causing quick digestion


Oct 4, 2019
bowel movements can be from serotonin, as a defensive mechanism. usually though those types of bowel movements involve some serotonin symptoms such as anxiety, or ibs, or deformed stools, or diarrhea. i think the benefit of a very slight "scratching" of the intestine out weighs the benefits if the bowel movements make you feel better overall, but ideally you should be able to have a bowel movements purely off thyroid causing quick digestion
Well the oats dont cause anxiety, ib or any of that, I feel more confident if anything and the stools like like a thick sausge the one the bristol chart recommonds as most healthy + also ghost wipe.. the oats also keep my body temp stable at 37degrees for 2-4hours


Jan 15, 2016
i peel them too but one thing i've always wondered: wouldn't the outside skin have the most antibacterial properties because it's directly in contact with the dirt?
woah never thought about that :eek: in my brain it was always like a potato skin. I'll have to try it and see if it makes a difference


Jun 13, 2019
woah never thought about that :eek: in my brain it was always like a potato skin. I'll have to try it and see if it makes a difference
well now that you mention potatoes, I wonder why potatoes and other roots don't have the same anti bacterial benefits as carrots if they're grown the same?


Mar 15, 2014
And is there A1 Casein in haagen daz ice cream?

I think A2 milk is discontinuned in the UK now
All cow milk is A1 casein unless otherwise stated.

Jersey cows have *less* (not zero)

A2 milk, and Guernsey breeds have zero. Goats/sheep also have zero. Buffalo probably less or zero not sure.


Sep 22, 2012
Higher calcium intake can lower serotonin, I think this leads to very slow peristalsis in people with low thyroid function. Irritation by thinks like oats can stimulate the intestine in a negative way;
"Yeah irritable bowel syndrome is a typical high estrogen, high serotonin problem. "

"Basically is the inflammed bowel and the same chemicals that can cause the usual paralysis that develops with aging and causes constipation, those same substances can shift over to causing intensified peristalsis, leading to diarrhea, but it's all an inflammatory process that is triggered by irritants, wheat and other seeds contain chemicals that the plants - the two major problems with any kind of seed, especially certain grains like wheat; they contain their protein in a storage form, gluten, which happens to resemble a protein that our tissues make under the influence of estrogen or stress. So, if a person has some problem dealing with the control of estrogen, that predisposes them to react violently to the gluten, because the same sequence of amino acid exists in our own estrogen response protein and the gluten protein. But besides the problem with the gluten, all seeds are the next generation of the plant, so the plants put the most intense toxins and offensive substances into the seeds, deliberately to interfere with grazing animals and Such_, so that you can take the enzymes that are needed to digest proteins and the substance in the seed won't affect that type of enzyme in the plant but it affects all animal enzymes; so they're specifically designed to interfere with animal metabolism. The vegetarians forget how toxic the plants have to be, because they don't have the ability to fight or to run, so what they use are chemicals as defense"

Endotoxin, Free Radicals And Inflammation- KMUD, July, 2009

“In hypothyroidism, digestion in the stomach and intestines is delayed. The concentration of acid and enzymes involved in digestion may be diminished. Motility of the gut is reduced and food is propelled more slowly along the tract. Absorption through the intestinal wall is slower.” -Broda Barnes, MD, PhD

Hypothyroidism, Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, & Lactose Intolerance – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)
Thanks that is helpful information. I have the same issue as @SamYo123 (pebble poos since I started more dairy). Seems worse with milk, it wasn't so bad with just cheese. I used to have chronic diarrhoea because of colitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I believe these were caused by overtraining (and the latter possibly also because of low thyroid function). When I got my stress controlled and started eating a more easily digestible diet, the diarrhoea stopped, but I then developed constipation within a few weeks. Part of my diet change was to cut out most of the remaining grains I was eating and replace with dairy.

I have tried cascara (started 1/8 tsp powder per day, upped to 1/4 tsp for a week with no change other than a second hard BM in the evening), I eat the carrot salad or a raw carrot, at least once a day sometimes more often, have tried oat bran. I know I could trigger my bowel by eating grains again and/or doing more running, but I believe those are increasing serotonin and irritating the bowel, not ideal.

I definitely think the constipation is my 'baseline' and that the malabsorptive diarrhoea was covering up the underlying hypothyroidism (which could well be caused by my long term abuse of endurance exercise, although I had hypo symptoms before then too).

Interestingly I also have the coated tongue, and years ago I took a fluconazole tablet which temporarily cleared it up and also improved my bowel motility temporarily at that time (that was a few years before I developed chronic diarrhoea). The affects didn't last very long though.

My approach now will be to supplement thyroid. I had started very tentatively with Metavive (a glandular extract) but I don't think it's doing much. I just bought Tyromix as I'm UK based and that's really all I can get access to. I will report back if it improves my constipation. For now I am going to keep eating cheese and possibly cut back on the milk a bit. I'll only cut out the cheese if thyroid doesn't resolve the constipation.
@SamYo123 have you tried thyroid yourself with any success?


Mar 27, 2021
Cow’s milk in all forms makes me constipated, but goat milk digests very well. You could also try cheese from A2 protein sources, such as sheep (pecorino Romano and manchego) and goat cheese
Even A2 cow milk makes you constipated?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Whenever I drink Milk or have hagan diaz icecream or cheese I am constipated, if I do get to poop its broken up into pebbles and no longer a S poop


Jun 10, 2020
Even A2 cow milk makes you constipated?
No, raw A2 cow’s milk digests very well. I needed to do more experimentation before I wrote that statement.

The A2 brand doesn’t digest well, I think because of the junk in the added vitamins.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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