Melissa Cuimmei discusses the implications of the digital ‘vaccine’ passports and what they are really about


Apr 19, 2020

Irish independent investor Melissa Cuimmei discusses the implications of the digital ‘vaccine’ passports and what they are really about​

34 Minute Video Melissa Cuimmei

We just watched this video and Melissa laid the groundwork out from a financial/digital perspective to where this current crazy train is heading unless people everywhere begin to wake up and stop complying. (Melissa speaks with quite a soft Irish accent, but occasionally you may need to replay.) This is from Waikane watch dot org, which is a very informative New Zealand site in these times.

Also I do not know how to unembed the video from the Waikane website, so here ya go.
Mar 10, 2021
This "chipping" is the Biblical end times prediction finally coming to fruition, inserting a chip to be able to buy or sell. I hadn't thought about the control the government will have on a chipped person, dictating where and what they can spend their money on. Of course we know once you are chipped that they can see your every move, and if they say "lockdown time" and they see you have left your prison cell they fine you or freeze your assets. If they say nobody can buy from China, they freeze those purchases and make you buy "their" products.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary ‘Safety’, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin


Apr 19, 2020
This "chipping" is the Biblical end times prediction finally coming to fruition, inserting a chip to be able to buy or sell. I hadn't thought about the control the government will have on a chipped person, dictating where and what they can spend their money on. Of course we know once you are chipped that they can see your every move, and if they say "lockdown time" and they see you have left your prison cell they fine you or freeze your assets. If they say nobody can buy from China, they freeze those purchases and make you buy "their" products.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary ‘Safety’, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Yes it seems that the "coins" you get from CBDC can be programmed very specifically. Say the "threat",whatever the powers decide, means that you cannot leave a 5KM RADIUS, then your coins may not work beyond your "leash" range. Or you can only buy staples and necessities, not other items you may think you want/need. And maybe you cannot save them month to month but YOU MUST purchase otherwise they disappear. Driving/Buying petrol etc. may be limited. Of course this is just a worse case scenario.... that they are planning for us cattle. Micro-managing the life out of us. It is a harsh reality that the Greed has created, and now they want total control. We shall see... those of us who keep awake and alive. Stay strong spiritually and do what we can to be full alive.
Mar 10, 2021
Yes it seems that the "coins" you get from CBDC can be programmed very specifically. Say the "threat",whatever the powers decide, means that you cannot leave a 5KM RADIUS, then your coins may not work beyond your "leash" range. Or you can only buy staples and necessities, not other items you may think you want/need. And maybe you cannot save them month to month but YOU MUST purchase otherwise they disappear. Driving/Buying petrol etc. may be limited. Of course this is just a worse case scenario.... that they are planning for us cattle. Micro-managing the life out of us. It is a harsh reality that the Greed has created, and now they want total control. We shall see... those of us who keep awake and alive. Stay strong spiritually and do what we can to be full alive.

Funny I have said since last year that we are heading for a communist world and I am not looking like I am wrong in that opinion yet. It wouldn't be possible with just the vaccination, but those constant graphine oxide PCR test kits are numbing people's brains to accepting anything. When all is said and done we gotta live with ourselves, and I don't understand how people are turning into these moves ready to punish people who don't want to be part of a medical experiment. The problem is most vaxxed people STILL deny that these vaccines ARE A MEDICAL EXPERIMENT.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 06:45am

First results from any randomized, controlled COVID-19 vaccine booster trial demonstrate a relative vaccine efficacy of 95.6% against disease during a period when Delta was the prevalent strainIn trial with more than 10,000 participants 16 years of age and older, COVID-19 booster was found to have a favorable safety profileCompanies plan to submit these data to FDA, EMA and other regulatory agencies to further support licensure in the U.S. and other countries."

“These results provide further evidence of the benefits of boosters as we aim to keep people well-protected against this disease,” said Albert Bourla, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pfizer. “In addition to our efforts to increase global access and uptake among the unvaccinated, we believe boosters have a critical role to play in addressing the ongoing public health threat of this pandemic. We look forward to sharing these data with health authorities and working together to determine how they can be used to support the rollout of booster doses around the world.”

“These important data add to the body of evidence suggesting that a booster dose of our vaccine can help protect a broad population of people from this virus and its variants,” said Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-Founder of BioNTech. “Based on these findings we believe that, in addition to broad global access to vaccines for everyone, booster vaccinations could play an important role in sustaining pandemic containment and a return to normalcy.”

Return to normalcy? Only the vaccinated would say that. I will will never see the world the same again.


Apr 19, 2020
This continual "changing of the goalposts" and current narrative of ever so scary variants keep people anxious, nervous and exhausted. Then the masses are easier to control, with the promises of "return to normalcy". The 'war on us humans' has begun medically, and definitely many were willing to go along until now. I think now there are many who are beginning to question the whole damn campaign. This narrative also allows the WEF and friends to try and get some digital id/currency system going that they can control. But China is so far ahead of most of the world in this and other control initiatives.

This quote from Melissa is etched in my mind,"Data is the new Gold, and Energy is the new Currency." For me this is a description of how Humans will micro manage humanity until extinction. The "energy" part can only work if they can SCARE the ***t out of the entire planet to believe the Zero Carbon Narrative.
Which, like Covid, is just a cover story for the psyops. Communism for the plebes, and Top of the pyramid capitalism for the Elites. Pun Intended!

As someone stated on a substack forum, paraphrasing here; "it is time to leave the safety of the comments section and start to do something constructive to make people query the current status." Things like 'never ending boosters', 2030 PLANS by the WEF, etc. .
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