Mega Salt Diet Improves Type 1 Diabetes In Children And Increases Glucose Oxidation


May 12, 2015
San Diego, CA
Effects of Excessive Ingestion of Sodium and Potassium Salts on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Blood Pressure in Diabetic Children: Nine Figures

The amounts given were very high. For a 100 lbs child, 45 - 90 g of salt was given per day! Human study from 1936.

Interestingly, potassium had the opposite effect as sodium in every manner.

When given a lot of sat, they peed out less glucose, they burned more glucose (respiratory ratio increased), and they had less ketones in the blood.

  1. The effects of ingesting excessive quantities of sodium and potassium salts on the blood pressure and carbohydrate metabolism have been studied in one non-diabetic and four diabetic children. Repeated tests were made in the case of each diabetic subject. While the most striking effects were observed in the case of one particular diabetic, who consistently required between 60 and 90 gm. of NaCl daily to satisfy his craving for salt, all patients submitted to the tests responded in like manner.

  2. The daily ingestion of between 1 and 2 gm. of NaCl per kilogram of body weight resulted within a period of from 2 to 4 days in a gain of from 4 to 5 per cent in body weight and an increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure to new plateaus between 30 and 50 per cent above the control levels. These higher pressures were maintained so long as the salt was taken.

  3. In addition to this effect on blood pressure, the excessive ingestion of NaCl was found to cause a marked reduction in the degree of glycosuria in the diabetic subjects studied. The effects were qualitatively the same in one mildly diabetic patient not given insulin as in those patients who received insulin at regular 6-hour intervals.

  4. The fasting blood sugar was found to range at lower levels after a few days of the high NaCl ingestion than during the foreperiod, the patient's food intake, insulin dosage and activity remaining unchanged. The fasting R.Q. was slightly higher during the period of high NaCl intake than previously. The shape of the sugar tolerance curve, however, was not measurably influenced by salt ingestion.

  5. In severe diabetes, ketonuria appeared earlier after withdrawal of insulin when the NaCl intake was low than when it was very high.

  6. With a constant protein intake estimated to maintain nitrogen balance under ordinary conditions the nitrogen output exceeded the intake during periods of low NaCl intake. During periods of high NaCl intake, however, the nitrogen balance became positive.

  7. Typical insulin reactions were found to occur at times during the period of high NaCl intake in patients receiving insulin in dosages found during the low-salt periods to be sufficient to completely prevent glycosuria.

  8. Sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate when given in amounts with equivalent sodium values had similar though less marked effects than those of NaCl.

  9. The maximum effects of NaCl on both the B.P. and the carbohydrate metabolism were obtained only when the patients were given simplified diets which were low in potassium. Ordinary diets, high in potassium, either prevented or greatly lessened the effects of the NaCl.

  10. Potassium chloride, when given in doses of 10 to 20 gm. daily along with a simplified diet low in sodium, resulted in a slight fall in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and at the same time a significant increase in the degree of glycosuria, thus exerting effects diametrically opposite those of the sodium salt.

  11. When the two salts were given simultaneously one part of potassium was found to completely abolish the effects of at least three chemically equivalent parts of sodium.

  12. A small number of serum potassium determinations have been made. The high NaCl intake depresses the serum potassium.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Effects of Excessive Ingestion of Sodium and Potassium Salts on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Blood Pressure in Diabetic Children: Nine Figures

The amounts given were very high. For a 100 lbs child, 45 - 90 g of salt was given per day! Human study from 1936.

Interestingly, potassium had the opposite effect as sodium in every manner.

When given a lot of sat, they peed out less glucose, they burned more glucose (respiratory ratio increased), and they had less ketones in the blood.

  1. The effects of ingesting excessive quantities of sodium and potassium salts on the blood pressure and carbohydrate metabolism have been studied in one non-diabetic and four diabetic children. Repeated tests were made in the case of each diabetic subject. While the most striking effects were observed in the case of one particular diabetic, who consistently required between 60 and 90 gm. of NaCl daily to satisfy his craving for salt, all patients submitted to the tests responded in like manner.

  2. The daily ingestion of between 1 and 2 gm. of NaCl per kilogram of body weight resulted within a period of from 2 to 4 days in a gain of from 4 to 5 per cent in body weight and an increase in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure to new plateaus between 30 and 50 per cent above the control levels. These higher pressures were maintained so long as the salt was taken.

  3. In addition to this effect on blood pressure, the excessive ingestion of NaCl was found to cause a marked reduction in the degree of glycosuria in the diabetic subjects studied. The effects were qualitatively the same in one mildly diabetic patient not given insulin as in those patients who received insulin at regular 6-hour intervals.

  4. The fasting blood sugar was found to range at lower levels after a few days of the high NaCl ingestion than during the foreperiod, the patient's food intake, insulin dosage and activity remaining unchanged. The fasting R.Q. was slightly higher during the period of high NaCl intake than previously. The shape of the sugar tolerance curve, however, was not measurably influenced by salt ingestion.

  5. In severe diabetes, ketonuria appeared earlier after withdrawal of insulin when the NaCl intake was low than when it was very high.

  6. With a constant protein intake estimated to maintain nitrogen balance under ordinary conditions the nitrogen output exceeded the intake during periods of low NaCl intake. During periods of high NaCl intake, however, the nitrogen balance became positive.

  7. Typical insulin reactions were found to occur at times during the period of high NaCl intake in patients receiving insulin in dosages found during the low-salt periods to be sufficient to completely prevent glycosuria.

  8. Sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate when given in amounts with equivalent sodium values had similar though less marked effects than those of NaCl.

  9. The maximum effects of NaCl on both the B.P. and the carbohydrate metabolism were obtained only when the patients were given simplified diets which were low in potassium. Ordinary diets, high in potassium, either prevented or greatly lessened the effects of the NaCl.

  10. Potassium chloride, when given in doses of 10 to 20 gm. daily along with a simplified diet low in sodium, resulted in a slight fall in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and at the same time a significant increase in the degree of glycosuria, thus exerting effects diametrically opposite those of the sodium salt.

  11. When the two salts were given simultaneously one part of potassium was found to completely abolish the effects of at least three chemically equivalent parts of sodium.

  12. A small number of serum potassium determinations have been made. The high NaCl intake depresses the serum potassium.
Very interesting!
Pity tho, they also developed such a high blood presure.


May 30, 2018
I think hyperosmotic stress could improve metabolism at the cellular level, by removing excess intracellular water.

The dysfunction of metabolic controlling of cell hydration precedes Warburg phenomenon in carcinogenesis

"As CO2 solubility in aqua medium is more than 20 times higher than O2 solubility [28], oxygen could not reach to mitochondria and would lead to generation of Warburg phenomenon. Therefore, prevention of generation of Warburg phenomenon can be achieved by both cell dehydration and the decrease of CO2 solubility in cytoplasm."

Dry Fasting Physiology: Responses to Hypovolemia and Hypertonicity - PubMed
"The association of adrenaline and EPO with both edema elimination (Fig. 2) and improved cellular oxygenation raises the question of whether edema elimination and improved cellular oxygenation are causally linked."


Jan 28, 2019
I have just read a book, where I see 3 patients reversed in 100% of their type 1 diabetes.
They used proteolyc enzyme cure for 4-6 months.

"Another Type-1 diabetic was from the Flathead tribe in Montana. He was in his mid-thirties, had acquired Type-1 in his mid-twenties, and was receiving three to four injections of insulin a day. Toes in both feet had been amputated, he was suffering neurological degeneration in the legs, paresthesia in arms and hands, he had received one kidney transplant and the other one was beginning to fail. He took proteolytic enzymes for six months. Circulation improved and the regimen saved his toes and foot from amputation. His need for insulin dropped to none. His neuropathy disappeared, which I hypothesize is secondary to fibrosis in the nerve trunks, or poor circulation due to inflammation. His kidneys began to function again. We hypothesize that the inflammation and subsequent scarring in the kidneys decreased through use of the proteolytic enzymes as his only new supplement. His creatinine, an indicator of kidney function, went to normal.

These two cases suggest an interesting theoretical way to understand the disease process in Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. A first step in the degenerative process is inflammation, termed insulinitis in Type-1, either due to antibody attack on the beta cells of the pancreas from cow’s milk antibodies or against certain viruses. The inflammation progresses to scarring. In Type-2 there is a progression from hyperinsulinism and its inflammation, in which the beta cells are stressed through overproduction and free radical production. The inflammation leads to a chronic scarring, which either blocks the flow of insulin from the beta cells, inactivates the beta cells, or perhaps blocks the circulation to the beta cells. The recovery, in one case from more than fifty years of Type-1 diabetes, theoretically suggests that the beta cell function is not destroyed, but is only blocked by the scarring. This may lead to a new way to understand the intermediary degenerative process in diabetes and it gives us a new way to supplement the treatment approach by using high-potency proteolytic enzymes both for opening up general capillary, arterial, and major artery circulation and reestablishing the blocked, but not destroyed, function of the beta cells of the pancreas."
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2015
I have just read a book, where I see 3 patients reversed in 100% of their type 1 diabetes.
They used proteolyc enzyme cure for 4-6 months.

"Another Type-1 diabetic was from the Flathead tribe in Montana. He was in his mid-thirties, had acquired Type-1 in his mid-twenties, and was receiving three to four injections of insulin a day. Toes in both feet had been amputated, he was suffering neurological degeneration in the legs, paresthesia in arms and hands, he had received one kidney transplant and the other one was beginning to fail. He took proteolytic enzymes for six months. Circulation improved and the regimen saved his toes and foot from amputation. His need for insulin dropped to none. His neuropathy disappeared, which I hypothesize is secondary to fibrosis in the nerve trunks, or poor circulation due to inflammation. His kidneys began to function again. We hypothesize that the inflammation and subsequent scarring in the kidneys decreased through use of the proteolytic enzymes as his only new supplement. His creatinine, an indicator of kidney function, went to normal.

These two cases suggest an interesting theoretical way to understand the disease process in Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. A first step in the degenerative process is inflammation, termed insulinitis in Type-1, either due to antibody attack on the beta cells of the pancreas from cow’s milk antibodies or against certain viruses. The inflammation progresses to scarring. In Type-2 there is a progression from hyperinsulinism and its inflammation, in which the beta cells are stressed through overproduction and free radical production. The inflammation leads to a chronic scarring, which either blocks the flow of insulin from the beta cells, inactivates the beta cells, or perhaps blocks the circulation to the beta cells. The recovery, in one case from more than fifty years of Type-1 diabetes, theoretically suggests that the beta cell function is not destroyed, but is only blocked by the scarring. This may lead to a new way to understand the intermediary degenerative process in diabetes and it gives us a new way to supplement the treatment approach by using high-potency proteolytic enzymes both for opening up general capillary, arterial, and major artery circulation and reestablishing the blocked, but not destroyed, function of the beta cells of the pancreas."
That counsin's book?


Apr 7, 2017
I have just read a book, where I see 3 patients reversed in 100% of their type 1 diabetes.
They used proteolyc enzyme cure for 4-6 months.

"Another Type-1 diabetic was from the Flathead tribe in Montana. He was in his mid-thirties, had acquired Type-1 in his mid-twenties, and was receiving three to four injections of insulin a day. Toes in both feet had been amputated, he was suffering neurological degeneration in the legs, paresthesia in arms and hands, he had received one kidney transplant and the other one was beginning to fail. He took proteolytic enzymes for six months. Circulation improved and the regimen saved his toes and foot from amputation. His need for insulin dropped to none. His neuropathy disappeared, which I hypothesize is secondary to fibrosis in the nerve trunks, or poor circulation due to inflammation. His kidneys began to function again. We hypothesize that the inflammation and subsequent scarring in the kidneys decreased through use of the proteolytic enzymes as his only new supplement. His creatinine, an indicator of kidney function, went to normal.

These two cases suggest an interesting theoretical way to understand the disease process in Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. A first step in the degenerative process is inflammation, termed insulinitis in Type-1, either due to antibody attack on the beta cells of the pancreas from cow’s milk antibodies or against certain viruses. The inflammation progresses to scarring. In Type-2 there is a progression from hyperinsulinism and its inflammation, in which the beta cells are stressed through overproduction and free radical production. The inflammation leads to a chronic scarring, which either blocks the flow of insulin from the beta cells, inactivates the beta cells, or perhaps blocks the circulation to the beta cells. The recovery, in one case from more than fifty years of Type-1 diabetes, theoretically suggests that the beta cell function is not destroyed, but is only blocked by the scarring. This may lead to a new way to understand the intermediary degenerative process in diabetes and it gives us a new way to supplement the treatment approach by using high-potency proteolytic enzymes both for opening up general capillary, arterial, and major artery circulation and reestablishing the blocked, but not destroyed, function of the beta cells of the pancreas."


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
"In the first century A.D., Pliny estimated that the average Roman Citizen consumed only 25 grams of salt per day" page 65

"The salt intake of Europeans, much of it in the form of salted fish, rose from forty grams a day per person in the sixteenth century to seventy grams in the eighteenth century." page 128.

From "Salt: A World History" by Mark Kurlansky

From RP newsletter - January 2000 from mega master ray newsletter.pdf pages 167- 172.

continues a bit later on page 4 of the newsletter


and a little later on page 5



GAF Comment: Most of us may be way under-salted. Easy, cheap harmless experiment. Control liquid input. Way increase salt input. See what happens. I am doing it and losing weight and tightening up and reducing pain dramatically, not to mention, sleeping deeper. Theory: since salt protects and preserves, is it even possible for cellular debris (viruses) to harm a properly salt saturated person.


Jan 17, 2020
"In the first century A.D., Pliny estimated that the average Roman Citizen consumed only 25 grams of salt per day" page 65

"The salt intake of Europeans, much of it in the form of salted fish, rose from forty grams a day per person in the sixteenth century to seventy grams in the eighteenth century." page 128.

From "Salt: A World History" by Mark Kurlansky

From RP newsletter - January 2000 from mega master ray newsletter.pdf pages 167- 172.
View attachment 17963

continues a bit later on page 4 of the newsletter

View attachment 17964

and a little later on page 5

View attachment 17965
View attachment 17966

GAF Comment: Most of us may be way under-salted. Easy, cheap harmless experiment. Control liquid input. Way increase salt input. See what happens. I am doing it and losing weight and tightening up and reducing pain dramatically, not to mention, sleeping deeper. Theory: since salt protects and preserves, is it even possible for cellular debris (viruses) to harm a properly salt saturated person.
How do I get past the thirst though? I already eat a lot of salt but I also drink lots of tea and coffee because I am truly thirsty


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
How do I get past the thirst though? I already eat a lot of salt but I also drink lots of tea and coffee because I am truly thirsty
Me too


Apr 21, 2014
I also tried more salt but it made me too thirsty and retain water even more every time. I found a solution (for myself anyway) very recently and lost 7lbs in 3 weeks and feel way more energy. My meals are always very watery and I drink salted water a couple of times between meals. I usually use these:

- Bone broths
- Miso soups
- Congee (asian rice porridge)
- ORS (salt, glucose, and water)

I can't drink sugary drinks as I developed fructose malabsorption and it actually made more thirsty and milk isn't very good to me either.


Jan 17, 2020
I also tried more salt but it made me too thirsty and retain water even more every time. I found a solution (for myself anyway) very recently and lost 7lbs in 3 weeks and feel way more energy. My meals are always very watery and I drink salted water a couple of times between meals. I usually use these:

- Bone broths
- Miso soups
- Congee (asian rice porridge)
- ORS (salt, glucose, and water)

I can't drink sugary drinks as I developed fructose malabsorption and it actually made more thirsty and milk isn't very good to me either.
Do you add salt to your meals as well?


Apr 21, 2014
Do you add salt to your meals as well?

My meals typically include meat that I salt to taste and one of the following sides: congee, broth with some pasta, rice (that I don’t salt at all) or sourdough bread. So it’s not a lot more salt than what I described.


Jan 28, 2019
Book title is "There is a cure for diabetes the tree of life 21-day+ program by Gabriel Cousens, David Rainoshek"
Not a Peat style book, however contains lot of very useful information.

Nowadays I sell Natural Factors Papaya Enzymes with amylase und bromelain, 120 chewable tablets for my customers, its wholesale price is about 5 USD in Europe
Dec 18, 2018
Awful study.Salt isnt a good guy after all.Most people have way too much already.Peat is off in that regard too,even salt to taste is excessive imo.
Dec 18, 2018
Personally, I would try increasing salt intake. I always want to try the opposite of what makes logical sense.

What do you believe is the maintenance dosage of salt for humans from all sources?Can we also need less,and if,why so?


Apr 30, 2015
Book title is "There is a cure for diabetes the tree of life 21-day+ program by Gabriel Cousens, David Rainoshek"
Not a Peat style book, however contains lot of very useful information.

Nowadays I sell Natural Factors Papaya Enzymes with amylase und bromelain, 120 chewable tablets for my customers, its wholesale price is about 5 USD in Europe
guy is a total hack. I personally tried his systemic enzymes and fasting for 6 days type 1 diabetes cure. Dead end there
Dec 18, 2018
Also,important,do not load up or deload fast with Salt,it can cause damage to the brain.Slow increases over days or weeks.
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