Me, too....Hello Everyone.


Oct 22, 2012
I am 57 and have read Dr. Peat's work since the early 90s. Have all but one of his books, a year or two of his newsletters and have read all the online articles. Even called him once in the early 90s and was surprised that he answered and was willing to offer suggestions for my then Atkins's Diet and hair thinning....the cysteine was he problem, but I still couldn't fathom how to correct it. Not sure if the hair thinning was before or after, although the women in my mother's side of the family get thin hair and have low metabolism. Had picked up Dr. Lee's menopause book and if he was following Dr. Peat's work, then Dr. Peat was who I should contact...right?

A few e-mails and one especially regarding my Mom's diagnosis of MS...which should be renamed Myxedema Syndrome. Because that's what it is...

Have kept up with reading his work, but could not put all the pieces together, yet managed to keep going with progesterone and thyroid at times...but mostly magnesium and B vitamins.

I have recently been on a low carb diet (7 months and lost 30 of 75-80 lbs to lose) and doing well sticking to it especially since I'd become a coffee drinker in April. Then I remembered the gelatin, but had forgotten why I'd bought it. Checked Dr. Peat's articles again and Googled to see if the rest of the world had caught up to Dr. Peat if there were any websites in support, and found this forum, Danny's website and the Ray Peat Fans FB page.

Still was stumbling around in the new sites and rereading his books when I finally got it. Ordered Danny's Peat Whisperer and over the last two days I put myself and husband on a SUGAR heavy diet and his blood sugars (from his supposed Type II Diabetes) are coming down. Have him also taking Pregnenolone and Thyroid and myself when I remember. And made a chart so we can keep track of our pulse, temp and blood sugar. Him especially so we can take this information to his new nutritionally oriented doctor...who doesn't know what thyroid tests to order, nor what normal is. So, we (I) do the research and we still must heal ourselves. Ha!

I practically live on gelatin coffee. And am learning to like super sugared coffee instead of Stevia extract. Will bring out the OJ tomorrow. Have a watermelon to eat first.

A few minutes ago with my latest gelatin sugar coffee my pulse was 120, but I decided to see if Thyroid and Pregnenolone would knock it down a bit, and it did. My adrenals have been giving me a racing heart for so and on instead of ON like a few years ago with drastic hair loss, which hasn't recovered yet. Always in the morning when I get up.

Anyway, I'm here. I get it (no diseases...dis-ease)...and Yes, I, too have always been the "health nut" of the family. But I'm OK with it, if it helps me get my hair back, live to 100 years and independently....well maybe in a small apartment with a little housekeeping help. Ha! And helps me to keep my husband and me together in good health for as long as possible....and around to see the grandsons have children of their own.
Thanks for letting me 'share.'
Ann B


Jul 22, 2012
Hey Ann,
Interesting that you were onto Peat back in the early '90's.
How did you come across his work then?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Narouz, if I read correctly she found Peat through Dr. Lee's book, and Dr. Lee was getting his work from Ray Peat.

Ann, welcome to the forum! Cue fireworks please! :welcome2

Don't get discouraged if you gain some weight at first, and really fast. Coming off low carb, to eating this way, you will gain a lot of glycogen/water weight. Which is good, because we need that weight and our body was running at a metabolic disadvantage when running low carb. I gained 15 pounds in a couple weeks, there is just no way to gain 15 pounds of fat in a couple weeks. It was mostly glycogen/water weight, along with even some muscle probably since this diet is very anabolic.

That's incredible about your husbands sugar going down already. Please keep us posted on how things go for you and him!


Aug 9, 2012
Welcome, Ann!

I know how you feel, I've been aware of Peat for the last 3-4 years, but it took quite a while to actually put the ideas into practice, especially the sugar.


Oct 22, 2012
Hi Ann and welcome!

I, too, am a woman with hair loss and I'm hopeful that my follicles snap out of their suicidal spiral of doom soon--I will add yours to my hope list! :lol:

I'm so happy you posted your husband's success; it's such great news! I'm a type II diabetic and was a patient of Dr. Bernstein so I was seriously low-carb for a long while. Then I was seriously "out-of-control eating everything I wanted 'cause I just couldn't stand it anymore" for a while. LOL. Now I'm newly here with Peat after stumbling upon his research along the way. Unlike your husband, my sugars have skyrocketed on Peat but after this amazing group calmed my nerves, I've learned to accept it and wait it out. I'd love for you to keep us posted on how he does. That glass of OJ will probably be the best thing you all have tasted in a long time!

Welcome to the board.


Oct 1, 2012
Hi AnnB,

Welcome. Please tell me how you get your gelatin coffee right. I did it this past summer, but, for some reason, stopped. Type II Diabetes all up in both sides of my excited to hear about your husband's blood sugars coming down. I look forward to reading more of your posts.



Hi Ann and welcome! Great that you've been reading Peat so long - I find that it takes a lot of exposure to really get his mindset and it sounds like you have a head start.

For an interesting discussion check out the Ray Peat section of the 'Low Carber' forum (should be easy to google). Some of the active posters are dealing with both diabetes and obesity and had some great success controlling blood sugar etc. I thought it was inspiring and refreshing in that its not the 'usual' group involved with Peat's work. It's a LONG discussion - I read the whole thing and it took quite a while, but little gems here and there made it worth while.

I also had the misfortune of doing low carb for almost a year, and lost about 35 lbs. But it was more like a credit card spree - I'm still 'paying off' the resulting damage a year later. Of that 35 lbs I've gained about 25 back - but prefer to think of it as a net 10 lbs loss :):


Oct 16, 2012
Welcome, Ann B.

I, too, am a recovering former low-carber. If I ever met Gary Taubes, I would be tempted to throw a watermelon at him -- but I don't believe in wasting watermelon. :D

I hope you will find this forum as useful as I do.


Aug 9, 2012
Chalk me up as a recovering low-carber. I on the other hand, believe that Peat is too much to handle for most people coming off the SAD, it's practically a U-turn, everything 'good' is 'bad' etc. It's sad, but people including me might need to go through a phase of lo-carb/paleo to get to Peat.


Oct 22, 2012
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I've been getting rid of my larger clothes as I move out of them, so hope I don't gain inches with any weight. But as a procrastinator, there are some pants in the goodwill pile and sewing room that I'll hang onto a bit longer....needing the legs shortened. I'm good with gaining muscle weight.

Yep, woke up this morning a bit tight with edema, but I also ate out of turn and very late as an experiment to see if eating some sugared strawberries in cream would turn up the body furnace. Putting on pajamas and going to bed would have been the sensible move. Ha! It was delicious with no Stevia after taste.

Coffee with cream (must find new source without Carageenan) and the right amount of Stevia was candy-like.

Adding the gelatin to the coffee was for the protein source and cysteine balance (when I ate meat), and just because I prefer to keep all my food as simple as possible. With sugar and milk it's harder to find the candy taste...probably to be acquired through more trial and error...but I still drink or eat the error (if I don't finish I put it in the frig and it jells).

It's early in the experimenting with the sugar syrup and milk and replacing the cream with butter and/or coconut oil.

When I first started to add gelatin to my coffee (before I found RP diet summary and before I could bring myself to eating the white sugar), I sprinkled 1-2 Tablespoons gelatin over cold or room temp water and let it dissolve/bloom. Then microwave until it just comes to boil....(watch as each microwave is different)....added coffee crystals (Folgers), Stevia extract to taste and last cream to taste.

Or start with the gelatin and when bloomed add hot brewed coffee. Reheating if necessary.

Sometimes added cocoa powder, but without white sugar it wasn't quite right. I am supposing with sugar it will be easier to get a fudge-like flavor. I'll post results if/when I get a result worth sharing.

Yeah, all these years reading Dr. Peat off and on and still most of it going over my head...but it's all good. His work helped me throughout.

I look forward to continued reading of the posts here and sharing if it might help. And now with new eyes to see, rereading Dr. Peats articles and the old newsletters.

All the best,


Oct 22, 2012
OK, I have a correction to make. I looked up the publish date of Dr. Lee's book. 1996, so therefore the early 90s is impossible. Had to have been 1997 when I became acquainted with Dr. Peat as I quit working outside the home (for several years) in October 1998.

Still I feel dense not making sense of his work back then. Oh well. Perhaps it took all you young people to GET IT for the rest of us. It's all good.



Oct 16, 2012
kiran said:
Chalk me up as a recovering low-carber. I on the other hand, believe that Peat is too much to handle for most people coming off the SAD, it's practically a U-turn, everything 'good' is 'bad' etc. It's sad, but people including me might need to go through a phase of lo-carb/paleo to get to Peat.

The paleo acceptance of saturated fat and hostility to grains and many processed foods are certainly helpful steps towards the wonderful world of Ray Peat. On the other hand, carb restriction, fish oil, excessive consumption of muscle meat, anti-thyroid veggies, intermittent fasting, and overtraining probably off a lot of paleo people before they reach the blessed land of orange juice and ox tail. So while I'm sympathetic to the view that, for some people, paleo can be a convenient stepping-stone toward Ray Peat, I think part of the reason is that paleo trashes many people's metabolisms.

I do not mean to be quarrelsome, Kiran. I mostly agree with what you're saying. I just don't want to miss an opportunity to bash the people who cheered me on in some of my stupidest and most self-destructive behavior. :D

PS: I know that some paleo authors have retracted or qualified some of their crazier stances (e.g. Robb Wolf and fish oil), but their backtracking is too little, too late.


Oct 14, 2012
Hi Ann! :): Welcome to the best forum in the Galaxy. I have heard there is a slightly better one in the Andromeda Galaxy but their wireless doesn't yet reach this far and even if it did that forum doesn't speak English, Ewok or something like that. Rank No 2 in the universe isn't bad though. But I digress (Ducks back under his Halogen lamp).


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
:yeahthat :rolling


Aug 10, 2012
kettlebell said:
Hi Ann! :): Welcome to the best forum in the Galaxy. I have heard there is a slightly better one in the Andromeda Galaxy but their wireless doesn't yet reach this far and even if it did that forum doesn't speak English, Ewok or something like that. Rank No 2 in the universe isn't bad though. But I digress (Ducks back under his Halogen lamp).
Yes ^^.

Ann, I was ill when you first posted, but began to notice you when you started commenting. Welcome! This is a great spot. Never dull. Lots of intelligence. And humour. I'm sure you know it.
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