Magnesium Chloride Oral Use



In Ray's book From PMS to Menopause, he recommends 500 mg of magnesium as chloride (specifically to treat cervical dysplasia in women). I assume this is an oral dose, as it is one in a list of many oral supps. Does anyone have experience and a recommended source for an oral magnesium chloride?

I have found 2 liquids, one including lactic acid, one with potassium sorbate, both less than ideal additives. Can magnesium oil be taken orally? Thanks!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I could not imagine taking it orally. I used it topically and it burns.


Feb 20, 2013
Here is a RP quote on magnesium supplement

Ray Peat said:
All of the magnesium supplements that I have tried caused allergy symptoms and bowel inflammation, but some people don't have a problem with magnesium carbonate or magnesium glycinate. I think it's best to use the foods with high magnesium content, and to start the thyroid slowly, allowing the tissues time to absorb magnesium; the other minerals, Ca, Na, and K, have antistress effects that spare magnesium

1 quart of milk around100 mg
1 oz of instant coffee around 100 mg
1 quart OJ around 100 mg
He also recommends epsom salt bath. Vegetable broth is high in magnesium.
Nov 16, 2012
Magnesium chloride is magnesium oil. It's perfectly fine to take it orally. Usually I took 2-3 shot glasses daily. Sometimes I just took a really large swig and occasionally that puts you in some kind of 'high' that is nice for a while, but after a while you get a tolerance and the effect is gone. Other than that, hasn't done anything useful for me but I take it for preventative reasons, I guess.


Thanks! I am unsure if I am getting enough magnesium in my diet, I suspect it is low. I plan on trying mag oil and mag bicarbonate next, as many folks have reported good results with both.


Aug 16, 2012
I personally do a few sprays of ancient minerals mag oil in my water daily. i like it.
Mag chloride flakes are much more easily absorbed and retained than the sulfate/epsom salts form in baths.


Jan 1, 2013
[ moderator edit: posts moved from Methylene Blue ]

I have no experience with methylene blue, but if you need something to fight an infection, i do have experience with:
- magnesium chloride: Ray has written it's multiplying many folds the activity of white blood cells and helps efficiently to fight infections.
- MMS: it's a very powerfull anti bacterian, anti viral and anti parasitarian. I've used it to abort colds many times and it never failed me once. And it's dirt cheap.


Nov 9, 2012
burtlancast said:
I have no experience with methylene blue, but if you need something to fight an infection, i do have experience with:
- magnesium chloride: Ray has written it's multiplying many folds the activity of white blood cells and helps efficiently to fight infections.
- MMS: it's a very powerfull anti bacterian, anti viral and anti parasitarian. I've used it to abort colds many times and it never failed me once. And it's dirt cheap.

You mean magnesium in general? I don't see Mg chloride specifically mentioned, nowhere.


Jan 1, 2013
jyb said:
burtlancast said:
I have no experience with methylene blue, but if you need something to fight an infection, i do have experience with:
- magnesium chloride: Ray has written it's multiplying many folds the activity of white blood cells and helps efficiently to fight infections.
- MMS: it's a very powerfull anti bacterian, anti viral and anti parasitarian. I've used it to abort colds many times and it never failed me once. And it's dirt cheap.

You mean magnesium in general? I don't see Mg chloride specifically mentioned, nowhere.
Nutrition for women:

pg 54
P. Delbet used physiological magnesium chloride (12.1 grams per liter) to stimulate phagocytosis in white blood cells. The activity was more than doubled by injection of 150 cc. of this solution into a dog, or by application to cells in vitro. (See Magnesium: the Nutrient that Could Change Your Life, J.I. Rodale, Pyramid, New York, 1968.) Dr. U.D. Register, of the School of Health at Loma Linda University, has done related work that shows a decline of white blood cell activity with increased sugar in the diet.

pg 51:
That writer suggests that the calcium might not be desirable in the formula. I think the magnesium is extremely important, and it might be better to use it in a more soluble form, such as magnesium carbonate or magnesium chloride,

pg 34:
The mildly sedative action of magnesium can also have a dramatic effect. One half to one gram of magnesium is enough if it is taken in a highly soluble (and assimilable) form such as magnesium chloride.

Also, from pg 53, he mentions folic acid against viruses:
Folic acid, known for its ability to cure some anemias (red blood cell deficiency) also improves the function of white blood cells, improving antibody production. It is also possibly involved in a non-antibody process which allows white blood cells to destroy virus, fungi, and other parasites.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Magnesium chloride is magnesium oil, and vice versa. Trace Minerals is one brand and that stuff from the ancient underground lake (more than one brand) is another source. You can buy flakes and take a bath in it.

But, yeah, it's the magnesium that's important.


Aug 18, 2013
Burtlancast, thanks for reminding me about Magnesium. I have bottles of supplements all over and I work really hard on getting enough calcium, but I always forget magensium. I have a full bottle of oil I just dug out and put it at my jawline where I think I have TMJ. Pain was gone in 10 minutes. Amazing stuff.


Feb 22, 2014
[ moderator edit: posts moved from Methylene Blue ]

I have no experience with methylene blue, but if you need something to fight an infection, i do have experience with:
- magnesium chloride: Ray has written it's multiplying many folds the activity of white blood cells and helps efficiently to fight infections.
- MMS: it's a very powerfull anti bacterian, anti viral and anti parasitarian. I've used it to abort colds many times and it never failed me once. And it's dirt cheap.

I found your response about mag chloride while searching for same. Can you clarify-- do you mean the oil applied to the skin, or the liquid taken orally? Is either way ok? I was reading an article by Dr Carolyn Dean who is a great mag proponent, and she claims that the spray form absorbs 2x greater than the same amount taken orally.

Thank you.


Jan 1, 2013
I think either's ok, but the powder dissolved in water then drank has, in my opinion, a more general and desirable effect, as it's distributed everywhere.

There's an original french researcher from the early 20 th century , Pierre Delbet, who wrote books on magnesium chloride and it's anti infectious and anti cancer effects.


Feb 22, 2014
I think either's ok, but the powder dissolved in water then drank has, in my opinion, a more general and desirable effect, as it's distributed everywhere.

There's an original french researcher from the early 20 th century , Pierre Delbet, who wrote books on magnesium chloride and it's anti infectious and anti cancer effects.

Wow, pretty amazing. Have not heard this before. I found this link: MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE

From the reading, it sounds almost too good to be true. I recently purchased a liquid formula and will try it. Do you supplement with chloride? Wonder if you don't have to take as much as with other forms. My bottle gives 66+mg/half teaspoon, 1-3 times a day.

Thank you for the information.
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Jan 1, 2013
Yes, i take NIGARI salts (from evaporated sea water), which contain naturally a lot of magnesium chloride.

"It allows one's body to supplement in magnesium, and still respond to pure magnesium chloride taken in case of an infection.The pure magnesium chloride form shouldn't be taken regularly, because the body will get used to it, and thus in case of an infection, the effect on white blood cells won't be as dramatic."
(EDIT: DISREGARD THIS PARAGRAPH: i've not been able to verify this with other trusted sources: both NIGARI and pure MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE do the same job, most certainly.)

Magnesium chloride is the only substance that will help the body kill the chikungunya virus and it has been used successfully in recent outbreaks, although the medical orthodoxy will absurdly deny this. Chikungunya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've used it each time i get a cold, and it does very noticeably shorten it's duration (twice less, or more).
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Feb 22, 2014
Thanks very much for the info on mag chloride. I'll pull back and keep it in reserve, per your suggestion. Also news on the chikungunya virus but, like you, not surprised something so simple would not be given as valuable information to the public. No money to be made on that!

Looking online, I found several brands of Nigari Salts. Do you make your own and do you prefer a particular brand? I see that on the bag it states, "magnesium chloride". Just curious how this would be any different from the liquid product I've been taking, and why would it be ok to take the Nigari salts ongoing as a supplement but not the other?

What is your suggestion for a daily dosage on the Nigari?

Thanks again!
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Apr 17, 2013
Yes, i take NIGARI salts (from evaporated sea water), which contain naturally a lot of magnesium chloride.
It allows one's body to supplement in magnesium, and still respond to pure magnesium chloride taken in case of an infection.

The pure magnesium chloride form shouldn't be taken regularly, because the body will get used to it, and thus in case of an infection, the effect on white blood cells won't be as dramatic.

Magnesium chloride is the only substance that will help the body kill the chikungunya virus and it has been used successfully in recent outbreaks, although the medical orthodoxy will absurdly deny this. Chikungunya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've used it each time i get a cold, and it does very noticeably shorten it's duration (twice less, or more).

How much Mag chloride to you take in grams? I have some. Have tried 1/2 tsp and it has a noticeable effect, but I'm wondering how to figure out how much is needed. I also found mag acetate, which someone on here claims gives a fountain of youth effect.


Mar 2, 2016
Yes, i take NIGARI salts (from evaporated sea water), which contain naturally a lot of magnesium chloride.
It allows one's body to supplement in magnesium, and still respond to pure magnesium chloride taken in case of an infection.

The pure magnesium chloride form shouldn't be taken regularly, because the body will get used to it, and thus in case of an infection, the effect on white blood cells won't be as dramatic.

Magnesium chloride is the only substance that will help the body kill the chikungunya virus and it has been used successfully in recent outbreaks, although the medical orthodoxy will absurdly deny this. Chikungunya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've used it each time i get a cold, and it does very noticeably shorten it's duration (twice less, or more).
does the nigari product you use come from japan? i want to get some but i'm very concerned about the fukushima radiation. if i took pure magnesium chloride along w/trace mineral drops would that work?


Jan 1, 2013
Looking online, I found several brands of Nigari Salts. Do you make your own and do you prefer a particular brand? I see that on the bag it states, "magnesium chloride". Just curious how this would be any different from the liquid product I've been taking, and why would it be ok to take the Nigari salts ongoing as a supplement but not the other?

What is your suggestion for a daily dosage on the Nigari?

I have no experience with magnesium oil, but as posted above, it does work locally probably in the same manner as pure magnesium chloride.

I don't have a particular Nigari brand.

I believe the daily needed magnesium dose is 6mg/kg ( 0.5g for 80 kg person)
I mix crushed Nigari flakes with table salt and use it to salt my foods.

Whether it gives me the daily recommended dose or not, i can't say.

To consider:
.Nigari has between 70% and 90% magnesium chloride, and there's 12% elemental magnesium in magnesium chloride.
.Magnesium chloride is absorbed at around 1/3.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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