Low Carb Eating Does Not Cause Hypothyroid


Feb 12, 2020
Lol are you quoting Aajonus Vonderplanitz
He was balding quite a bit. Comes across as a grandiose liar also


Feb 8, 2020
Haidut is not fat. And the post was not funny but a rude attack, sort of like your assumption.
Fat isn’t an insult. Its you that is making it as one.
I'm not sure being "euphoric" should necessarily be a marker of health and a goal to aim for. I'm not saying someone should be depressed and call themselves healthy, but euphoric 24/7 seems unachievable and just a pretty dumb expectation. Are you euphoric literally every minute of the day?
If your body isn’t putting energy into Euphoria, then there is a lot of damage within the body and/or you are in an energy deficit.


Jul 9, 2020
I believe hes referring to the peat quote that says something like whenever youre not in euphoria youre slowly degenerating (or something like that, cant remember exactly)

that being said, i very much agree with you that stuffing oneself with calories mindlessly ignoring everthing else is not the way. Cirion and countless others over the years shouldve taught us as much haha
I must have forgotten about that one. So many Peat quotes spread out across the internet, lol.

Yeah I'm not sure why someone would assume super high caloric diets were necessary. I don't ever recall Peat or Danny or anyone else recommending diets to be 3,500+ calories everyday. In fact, Peat has stated on a couple different occasions this is preciously why people might be getting fat.


Jul 9, 2020
Lol are you quoting Aajonus Vonderplanitz
He was balding quite a bit. Comes across as a grandiose liar also
Yikes, I didn't know OP was getting their info from this guy. Yeah Vonderplanitz was one of the biggest con artists I've ever listened to. That dude is a total quack. His theory about bacteria is fringe and dangerous. Talk about something that's putting people's lives at risk, literally.


Feb 8, 2020
I must have forgotten about that one. So many Peat quotes spread out across the internet, lol.

Yeah I'm not sure why someone would assume super high caloric diets were necessary. I don't ever recall Peat or Danny or anyone else recommending diets to be 3,500+ calories everyday. In fact, Peat has stated on a couple different occasions this is preciously why people might be getting fat.

No one said to eat “super high calorie diets”. All I said is that advocating for people to not eat to satiety is dangerous. You have a God’s complex if you think you know how much someone should eat, that you know more than their satiety. Again, no one should be giving advice on this forum if they don’t feel high/euphoric very often, if not perpetually (which is why I don’t give advice).

Yikes, I didn't know OP was getting their info from this guy. Yeah Vonderplanitz was one of the biggest con artists I've ever listened to. That dude is a total quack. His theory about bacteria is fringe and dangerous. Talk about something that's putting people's lives at risk, literally.

Saying that just because some things he believes is false, therefore everything is, is stupid. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. He healed thousands of people.
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Jul 8, 2020
If your body isn’t putting energy into Euphoria, then there is a lot of damage within the body and/or you are in an energy deficit.

You never answered, do you feel euphoric all day every day?

It sounds like a marketing buzz word. Again, I am not saying people should be depressed and they should feel good for the most part, but being euphoric 24/7 is unsustainable. If the only people allowed to give advice are people in a constant state of euphoria then all health forums on the internet would be completely empty. It sounds like someone promoting amphetamines.


Feb 8, 2020
You never answered, do you feel euphoric all day every day?

It sounds like a marketing buzz word. Again, I am not saying people should be depressed and they should feel good for the most part, but being euphoric 24/7 is unsustainable. If the only people allowed to give advice are people in a constant state of euphoria then all health forums on the internet would be completely empty. It sounds like someone promoting amphetamines.
I already answered the question. And yes, exactly, people would be way healthier if every forum on the internet shut down. I’m not talking about euphoria from drugs, its a natural state of being where you are happy no matter the circumstances, and you don’t take things so serious.


Jan 7, 2020
Honestly I felt more energetic on low carb. I started with 2 weeks keto and then because i was highly active did refeeds of 150-200g carbs post workout. I am stil unsure if my "energy" was from high adrenaline or not. However I do think lower insulin can be very protective in some regards. I now am high carb and simply never feel like working out or doing much of anything. This again could be from lowered stress horomones although i am not positive


Jul 9, 2020
No one said to eat “super high calorie diets”. All I said is that advocating for people to not eat to satiety is dangerous. You have a God’s complex if you think you know how much someone should eat, that you know more than their satiety. Again, no one should be giving advice on this forum if they don’t feel high/euphoric very often, if not perpetually (which is why I don’t give advice).
That's not a good example of a God complex, lol.

No one, and I do mean literally no one (that's credible anyways), is going to recommend the average person to consume more than 3,500 calories a day. It's profoundly misleading to think intuitive cues are going to prevent you from overeating. There's so many hormonal implications that can mislead people's satiety. Anyone that's been yoyo dieting or low carb dieting for many years are going to have leptin and insulin issues. If you're body isn't getting the satiated signals it needs to stop, you'll overeat.

This is fairly uncontroversial as well, pretty much universally accepted in the realms of nutritional science.

Saying that just because some things he believes is false, therefore everything is, is stupid. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. He healed thousands of people.

Yeah sorry, but I don't believe much of those raw primal diet testimonials. Those testimonies are from his creepy followers. I've seen the shrine these weirdos make of him, it's creepy and they worship him like he's some sort of Christ like figure. Pretty much the same way with sv3rige, albeit he's not dead yet. Still his following is very cult-like.

Excluding the works of Weston Price, because I feel like there is some validity to his work, all these other raw meat advocates are fringe and, quite frankly, cultists. Price wasn't really an advocate of any particular diet either, just making documented observations.


Feb 8, 2020
This forum is a waste of my time.

Its funny how the way you describe Aajonus’s followers is literally to the tee the way this forum acts towards Ray. They are both valuable sources of information but people will always be looking for a prophet, until they realize that the prophet is within.

p. s.) aajonus cured 96-98% of the cancer patients he had. he was a biochemist for 40 years, he just didnt have a piece of paper from the government, if thats what you care about. and obviously some people are gonna make a shrine of him because he dealt with really sick, neurotic people. when you give those people their life back, they will love you forever. aajonus clearly had some mental issues and he created a persona that was part of his marketing scheme cause the internet wasn't around. I dont even care about the guy, I never met him, and he's dead. But some of his advice to eat raw dairy and raw eggs is brilliant. And I will be forever grateful to him because he set up the co-op that I get most of my calories from.
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Jul 9, 2020
This forum is a waste of my time.

Its funny how the way you describe Aajonus’s followers is literally to the tee the way this forum acts towards Ray. They are both valuable sources of information but people will always be looking for a prophet, until they realize that the prophet is within.

p. s.) aajonus cured 96-98% of the cancer patients he had.
I mean, I think it's unhealthy to put anyone on a pedestal like that. Whether it's Aajonus, Peat, etc. doesn't matter. I'm just pointing out the fact it's very creepy to make shrines of the guy. Also his followers were calling themselves disciples. Seriously...disciples??? Come on man, you know that's kind of weird. If people did that with Peat I'd feel the same exact way tbh.

Peat holds many views that are considered fringe among the mainstream, like the "myth" of essential fatty acids for example. He certainly doesn't have all he answers. But I do think it's impossible to compare him with Aajonus, just being honest here. I mean, Peat is a biologist and physiologist. He's spent his entire life in the scientific fields.

This is a far cry from someone who believed the CIA kidnapped them poisoned them, on several different occasions I might add. Which didn't even make sense. He had no earth shattering information that would've been detrimental to the govnerment, lol. And if he did, they would've succeeded the very first attempt at assassination. Those guys aren't slouches at their jobs. If they mean to kill you, they're gonna succeed at it.


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
It causes increased adrenaline which will give energy initially but eventually leads to a crash. I experienced this myself after low to relatively low carbing (0-150 grams) and after about two months my energy levels and libido plummeted. The moment I ate a shitload of potatoes my libido came back hard just hours later.


Jun 25, 2017
It causes increased adrenaline which will give energy initially but eventually leads to a crash. I experienced this myself after low to relatively low carbing (0-150 grams) and after about two months my energy levels and libido plummeted. The moment I ate a shitload of potatoes my libido came back hard just hours later.
What were you eating? CRON-o-meter?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
No one said to eat “super high calorie diets”. All I said is that advocating for people to not eat to satiety is dangerous. You have a God’s complex if you think you know how much someone should eat, that you know more than their satiety. Again, no one should be giving advice on this forum if they don’t feel high/euphoric very often, if not perpetually (which is why I don’t give advice).

Saying that just because some things he believes is false, therefore everything is, is stupid. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. He healed thousands of people.

A feeling of constant euphoria can't be achieved through dieting alone. Even if it could, that sounds like a hopelessly flawed state of being, and is fundamentally antithetical to man's experience. How are we to grow, develop and learn if we already existed in a state of euphoria? There would be no motivation to do anything other than eat 4000 calories of fruits and dairy per day.

Peat said we are degenerating if not in euphoria, but the essence of life under time is degeneration. We should strive to achieve happiness or "euphoria" but shouldn't expect it to come so easily, no less a perpetual state of it.


Feb 8, 2020
A feeling of constant euphoria can't be achieved through dieting alone. Even if it could, that sounds like a hopelessly flawed state of being, and is fundamentally antithetical to man's experience. How are we to grow, develop and learn if we already existed in a state of euphoria? There would be no motivation to do anything other than eat 4000 calories of fruits and dairy per day.

Peat said we are degenerating if not in euphoria, but the essence of life under time is degeneration. We should strive to achieve happiness or "euphoria" but shouldn't expect it to come so easily, no less a perpetual state of it.
Except that all that human beings do when they aren’t a part of the slave system like we have today is just that. Look at all the tribes Weston Price visited. Euphoria only arises from childbirth, food, sleep i.e. the basic needs of life. Other things like playing games, making true friends, travelling places, can only be TRULY experienced and add to euphoria if the baseline bliss is already there.


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
What were you eating? CRON-o-meter?

I was following the training/diet protocol of Engineering the Alpha. It's this book that actually started my health quest. It also incorporated intermittent fasting, which I then did for a year. Even though it wasn't perfect it still offers a lot of knowledge about hormones and such and the training protocol was awesome. At first I felt great but the limited carbs intake took its toll, which then altered my view and eventually leading me to this place.


Apr 15, 2020
Most of the problems you named are symptoms of long term starvation i.e. eating less than 4000 calories per day. “Inflammation” is also just a buzz word that people know nothing about.
Yes. Cortisol has anti-inflammatory action, time to raise it 24/7 FeelsAmazingMan


Mar 27, 2018
Keto made me hypo during the diet, but I didn't have any issue afterwards when I resumed "normal" eating.


Jun 10, 2020
According to Broda Barnes and Dr. Peat, TSH alone offers a poorer reflection of thyroid status than temperature, pulse rate, mood, and symptoms.

During Keto, I registered a temp of 94.5 in the doctors office :shootself and I felt like dog poop. I was 27 years old at the time and I went like 9 months without a boner. I don't know how I let it go on so long. I think I was hypo.
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