Listlessness And Pointless Expenditures On Escorts


Oct 29, 2016
Hi @Rosie.

That story is about love not fear.

The young man believes the world is a place where you find happiness by "doing what thou wilt", living for the moment, seeking out fleeting pleasures, profiting from selling prescription drugs with terrible side effects...

Invariably he discovers that life is cold and cruel. The people he works for care more for the pigs he feeds than for him!

He remembers happier times when he held simple childhood values of truth, love, kindness...

(This was before he went to kindergarten and encountered the Philosophies of the Frankfurt School).

Perhaps he can find peace by quietly loving others, and serving them...

He repents of his former pride in his ability to spin false narratives at the advertising agency.

He no longer respects sophisticated arguments concluding that people are worthless meat.

He suddenly feels great love - love he was told he did not deserve.

He is forgiven, just as he forgives.

He has left Hell and has entered Heaven, all in the here and now.

Hi @Rosie.

That story is about love not fear.

The young man believes the world is a place where you find happiness by "doing what thou wilt", living for the moment, seeking out fleeting pleasures, profiting from selling prescription drugs with terrible side effects...

Invariably he discovers that life is cold and cruel. The people he works for care more for the pigs he feeds than for him!

He remembers happier times when he held simple childhood values of truth, love, kindness...

(This was before he went to kindergarten and encountered the Philosophies of the Frankfurt School).

Perhaps he can find peace by quietly loving others, and serving them...

He repents of his former pride in his ability to spin false narratives at the advertising agency.

He no longer respects sophisticated arguments concluding that people are worthless meat.

He suddenly feels great love - love he was told he did not deserve.

He is forgiven, just as he forgives.

He has left Hell and has entered Heaven, all in the here and now.[/QUOT
Hi @Rosie.

That story is about love not fear.

The young man believes the world is a place where you find happiness by "doing what thou wilt", living for the moment, seeking out fleeting pleasures, profiting from selling prescription drugs with terrible side effects...

Invariably he discovers that life is cold and cruel. The people he works for care more for the pigs he feeds than for him!

He remembers happier times when he held simple childhood values of truth, love, kindness...

(This was before he went to kindergarten and encountered the Philosophies of the Frankfurt School).

Perhaps he can find peace by quietly loving others, and serving them...

He repents of his former pride in his ability to spin false narratives at the advertising agency.

He no longer respects sophisticated arguments concluding that people are worthless meat.

He suddenly feels great love - love he was told he did not deserve.

He is forgiven, just as he forgives.

He has left Hell and has entered Heaven, all in the here and now.
I understand what you're trying to say but again, I don't think it's the right place to use religion here. Plus, it's about judging the OP that he's doing something wrong. "Sin, hell" etc.

I understand what you're trying to say but again, I don't think it's the right place to use religion here. It's about control and judgment!!
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Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I understand what you're trying to say but again, I don't think it's the right place to use religion here. It's about control and judgment!!

Not at all, really. The parable of the Prodigal Son is probably the most beautiful, loving thing ever written in the history of mankind.
Nov 21, 2015
Stopping masturbation and also doing meditation can get this all turned around. Not sure why. It can take six months. It’s crazy how much better a person feels when they are not jerking off and are meditating.


Jul 8, 2016
Stopping masturbation and also doing meditation can get this all turned around. Not sure why. It can take six months. It’s crazy how much better a person feels when they are not jerking off and are meditating.

The difference between my mental state when I'm regularly masturbating compared to when I'm just having sex every so often is huge.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Are you around people you even want to let it? Are you around people you think are worthy enough to let it? Sometimes I spend time with people because I feel “bad for them” and for me it’s due to having self centered parents and learning that my needs were selfish, so I carry this pattern through to adulthood. I find it so exhausting to be around most people because of course they won’t understand me and it’s very tiring to have to cut off my connection to myself to relate to someone who is completely cut off from their own self - so that yea I rather be alone too! I would say @BenjaminBullock words resonate most. I can’t talk to someone who is so steeped in the culture that they can not see beyond their own programming, but it’s pretty difficult to find people who havent eaten some pre formed template of who they are/what life is.

Mushrooms might help but sometimes I think it also weakens your barriers too much and when you stop taking them you realize what you’ve done is a little chaotic. But you will definitely learn from them no matter what. I guess it’s a good idea if you’re unstimulated and bored. Progesterone and pregnenelone give me very loving feelings.
Nov 21, 2015
The difference between my mental state when I'm regularly masturbating compared to when I'm just having sex every so often is huge.

yes I've seen it cure depression, anxiety and everything else.

I also think that intercourse and lots of naked cuddling is essential to happiness and with that, and without masturbation and with some meditation, all this garbage from the mind resolves.


Aug 17, 2016
Are you around people you even want to let it? Are you around people you think are worthy enough to let it? Sometimes I spend time with people because I feel “bad for them” and for me it’s due to having self centered parents and learning that my needs were selfish, so I carry this pattern through to adulthood. I find it so exhausting to be around most people because of course they won’t understand me and it’s very tiring to have to cut off my connection to myself to relate to someone who is completely cut off from their own self - so that yea I rather be alone too! I would say @BenjaminBullock words resonate most. I can’t talk to someone who is so steeped in the culture that they can not see beyond their own programming, but it’s pretty difficult to find people who havent eaten some pre formed template of who they are/what life is.

Mushrooms might help but sometimes I think it also weakens your barriers too much and when you stop taking them you realize what you’ve done is a little chaotic. But you will definitely learn from them no matter what. I guess it’s a good idea if you’re unstimulated and bored. Progesterone and pregnenelone give me very loving feelings.


Apr 8, 2018
Woah now, this is some rabbit hole type stuff... and as a middle aged female who is currently going through a paradigm shift... this really resonated, thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread thus far and thank you @Aaron for posting it. Have you watched Waking Life by chance yet?
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Jan 23, 2016
It's extremely difficult to "unlearn" certain realities. You have to find the "most legitimate foolishness" (credit Ernest Becker) to increase your self-esteem; or just reject it all outright in a creative way (like Zen Buddhists). I think shaking it all up by doing something spontaneous like a trip to a foreign country can help. I'm hoping that will work for me.


May 3, 2015
Hi @Rosie,

Yes, judgement and justice is an important part of Christianity, but the part I wanted to get across to the Original Poster was that Christianity holds that human life is sacred, even though death of the body is inevitable.

The theology is that God so loved us that his son was born to live among us, and die for us, before being resurrected to sit at the right hand of God.

Contrast this with the Marxist Philosophies of Nihilism and Social Darwinism, where man is essentially useless biomass, and political strength is all that matters. (Might is Right.)

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and their societies were big on mass murder of those who stood in the way of 'progress' or Social Evolution!

The West is moving from a Christian philosophy to a Marxist one.

We have adopted the "human right" to terminate a healthy pregnancy!

You can see that this is a Marxist human right not a Christian one.

With Marxism the powerful can slaughter the weak and dependent.

Whether you agree or disagree with a woman's right to choose and have control over her own body etc, the modern secular society allows a mother to legally terminate her healthy offspring.

Rather than being frowned upon, this right seems to be celebrated by many people. And of course, many women take advantage of this 'family planning' option.

How does the act of an abortion affect a mother's relationships with her later living children? Is there guilt? Is she as loving as she otherwise would have been? Does she resent the living children for showing her what she destroyed?

If our society regards a healthy fetus as disposable biomass, then can children or adults be thought of as anything more?

Will terminating the elderly be next? Followed by the mentally ill and the objectors?

In England they are rationalising expenditure on sick children and the elderly, and refusing children already in the public system to seek treatment in other countries, even under private grants!

Leaving the system is not allowed. This is just the early days!

Can we really expect the FDA to protect consumers under a Social Darwinist worldview?

If we believe in a loving and just God, rather than a barbaric and cruel God, we are more able to give and receive love.
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