Large Coffee Intake Spiking Serotonin/adrenaline?



May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
@sladerunner69 You're increasing the activity of ACTH and producing too much cortisol. Mirtazapine allows me to drink around 500 mg with zero problems. I'm going to bump it to 600 mg.

3 drops of Energin (or 100-200 mg niacinamide) every 3-4 hours can help; aspirin can as well. Also be wary that caffeine raises ammonia in doses of 300 mg+, so thiamine (300 mg every 3-4 hours) can offset this. An appetite stimulant can be very helpful with caffeine.

Increased cortisol may be part of the problem, thanks for the advice. I need to try some pur thiamine at some point. However I dont beleive this explains why Im getting GI discomfort as well as burning anus and irritable bowel syndrome after a few large cups. I think that is do to the acidity of coffee, maybe not to do with caffiene. I am going to try to cutback on coffee to no more than x2 daily, and take a caffiene pill.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
What's the rationale for *that much* caffeine again...? I know it boosts metabolism but with everything there seems to be a point where more is not better.

That just seems like A LOT and I'm a little worried for you now, @sladerunner69. I mean that in a good way. That's just a crazy amount of coffee/caffeine.

Incidentally, regarding your itchy bumhole: coffee increases the output of watery bile by the liver BUT I don't think it does anything to improve the utilization of the bile. So if you've already got gut problems (IIRC you do, although I may have you confused with someone else ;)) and maybe you aren't reabsorbing/using your bile properly, too much coffee can compound the problems. If you're excreting bile instead of reabsorbing or using it properly, I think that can cause the itch.

That's in addition to what @DaveFoster said about it boosting stress hormones.


Well reading Dr. Peat he talked about using 40 cups of coffee a day with no ill effects. I figured a few large cups would pose no issues whatsoever. But each individual is different and I think you're right, it is stimulating bile excretion which is causing the burning b-hole. Im going to start switching to caffiene pills instead, and see if that helps.


Oct 18, 2016
What's the rationale for *that much* caffeine again...? I know it boosts metabolism but with everything there seems to be a point where more is not better.

That just seems like A LOT and I'm a little worried for you now, @sladerunner69. I mean that in a good way. That's just a crazy amount of coffee/caffeine.

Incidentally, regarding your itchy bumhole: coffee increases the output of watery bile by the liver BUT I don't think it does anything to improve the utilization of the bile. So if you've already got gut problems (IIRC you do, although I may have you confused with someone else ;)) and maybe you aren't reabsorbing/using your bile properly, too much coffee can compound the problems. If you're excreting bile instead of reabsorbing or using it properly, I think that can cause the itch.

That's in addition to what @DaveFoster said about it boosting stress hormones.


I´m suffering from gut irritation with coffee and I think its due to the bile doing that. How Can I improve the reabsorption of the bile? thanks


Jul 13, 2014
Lately I have bumped up my coffee intake to about 3 or 4, 16oz drips per day. I mix it with plenty of sugar and cream and drink milk and juice and eat fruit throughout the day so my blood sugar is high. That is > 1000mg of caffiene or more. I have decent energy but overall do not feel very good at all. I feel way too anxious and my mind is fuzzy and I have a slight headache. My emotions are not very significant and I feel a bit empty aside from being anxious. My libido is low. I also notice that my skin is looking older, very porous. And of course, after my 3rd cup my anus starts to burn and sting. I have to go to the bathroom every hour or so and sit on the toilet, only to pass a small amount of waste.

What in the sam heck is going on here? I am thinking the coffee is irritating my gut and increasing my serotonin, as well as sending adrenaline skyrocketing causing me to feel anxious and tired.
exact same thing used to be a problem for me. i worked out a solution though! creatine. i specifically use creapure creatine which is made in germany, very good product. completely blunts the serotonin and adrenaline raising effect of caffeine.

I also tested this with methylene blue, because i get the exact same serotonin raising effects from Methylene blue, like with coffee. And creatine to the rescue again!

i really think creatine is very very underrated in the peatosphere. Creatine also raises DHT.

one last thing, some people need to up their regular b6 (not p5p) levels when taking creatine. im one of those people. just take them at the same time.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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