Keeping Nutrition Within


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I read over Amazoniac's notes on Ray Peat's "Nutrition for Women" and was floored by Ray's vitamin and mineral RDI:

"[For mere curiosity, Ray's suggested requirements to deal with stress back then:]
Ninety grams a day of protein, preferably including liver, eggs, milk and seafoods. Fruits and starchy vegetables can make up the rest of the calories. Calcium and magnesium, 1200 mg. each; potassium chloride 2 to 4 grams; zinc 20 to 30 mg.; iodine about a fifth of a milligram; and manganese and other trace minerals from seafoods, such as kelp. Vitamin B1, 5 to 20 mg.; Vitamin B2, 20 to 30mg.; Niacin, 100 to 500 mg., with the requirement somtimes increasing just before menstruation; Vitamin B6, 10 to 50 mg.; Pantothenic acid, 100 to 500 mg.; Folic acid, from 1 to 5 mg.; Biotin, 1 mg.; Vitamin B12, 25 to 100 micrograms (100 micrograms is the same as one tenth milligram).; Inositol and choline, about 500 mg. each.; Vitamin A, 50,000 to 100,000 units, always taken with vitamin E (200 to 400 units of d-alpha tocopherol). Rutin and the bioflavonoids are sometimes used when capillaries are abnormally fragile (some types of purpura, petechial hemorrhages, and spontaneous bruising have this cause).; Vitamin D from fish liver oil. up to 2000 units a day in winter unless pregnant. The evidence for vitamin D toxicity is based on the synthetic form of the vitamin, but remember that vitamins A and D (and other oils) can be toxic in large amounts.; [..] vitamin K is available only by prescription, but is contained in leaves."

The vitamin and mineral needs are ABSURDLY high. And I think hes right that we need nutrition in this amount.

Now, add metabolic boosters - coffee, aspirin, thyroid, nicotine, depletive exercise, sugar (especially white sugar) - and these requirements only go UP.

Add (if male) that you lose vitamins & minerals through ejaculation.

And finally, your needs increase with stress.

I'm going off coffee and white sugar for a while, probably ejaculation too. I'm going to decrease the exercise intensity. I'm going to increase the frequency of mineral broths and liver.

Maybe this made sense to some of you but it just clicked for me. This forum is all about speeding things up, speeding metabolism up, but as someone that isnt really hypothyroid, I feel I need to focus on slowing things down, and re-building my reserves.

Tea & chocolate at the maximum, as much milk as I can handle, and maybe some meat and gelatin every couple of days.


Sep 13, 2012
That sounds like a list for women no? Women who may become pregnant definitely have higher needs. Menstruation in general as well. But some of that seems outdated. He doesn't recommend that much vitamin A at all. And I have never heard him talk about that nuh folic acid.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
That sounds like a list for women no? Women who may become pregnant definitely have higher needs. Menstruation in general as well. But some of that seems outdated. He doesn't recommend that much vitamin A at all. And I have never heard him talk about that nuh folic acid.
It is for women, but men are larger and I could only assume have even higher requirements, although they dont get pregnant to my knowledge. He goes on to say pregnant women need ~200 more calories than usual (and ~1000 more in nursing)
May 29, 2013
Cheers for this. I’ve often wondered whether it’s wise to use any stimulants until you’re absolutely sure you’re meeting all requirements. Which happens to be extremely difficult these days.

I went off coffee for about a month earlier this year, and I must admit I felt incredible calm and warm in that time. I’m starting to think it’s because I was letting my system rest without being ramped up all the time. I only started drinking it again because it’s a social drink for me. I might try some more time off it.
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