Just got the call...mandate effective Monday...


Dec 10, 2016
Again, this is not saying it's happened. In congress, bills get written and presented all the time without getting passed or signed by the President.

It basically says "There's doins a transpiring."
The Biden administration is all in on vaccine mandates. The only question now is how much time will they allow companies to set up vaccination or testing program. My guess is they won’t allow much time so companies get the programs set up before any legal challenges could halt the order.


Oct 7, 2018
I was looking at Texas because it may be the most independently-minded in the end. I'm in AZ and our gov has opposed mandates but is being ignored by the local school system. People really have gone psychotic, but there are so many of them that they don't recognize it.
Texas would probably be my first choice too if I didn't have to work on East Coast time. Protections in Texas may be getting stronger:



Jan 25, 2014
The Biden administration is all in on vaccine mandates.
They seem to be. But didn't you see the word "bluff" in my original comment? You do know a "bluff" in this context means convincing your opposition that you might do something that you aren't really planning on doing?

The "bluff" still seems like it would be more effective than the guaranteed legal battle that will ensue.


Dec 10, 2016
They seem to be. But didn't you see the word "bluff" in my original comment? You do know a "bluff" in this context means convincing your opposition that you might do something that you aren't really planning on doing?

The "bluff" still seems like it would be more effective than the guaranteed legal battle that will ensue.
I don’t think they are bluffing, and I don’t think they care about the legal battle. They will issue the order, the majority of companies will comply and set up vaccination programs by the required dates. By the time the challengers find a judge to halt the order (if they find one), at least another chunk of the population will be vaccinated. So they achieve their goal which appears to be to vaccinate as many as possible by any means necessary.


Dec 10, 2016
Once review is complete it will be published in the Federal register.
The OSHA temporary order is expected to be published in the Federal Register this week.
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2021
Just got the call - if you are jabbed pull out now ...



Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
So I saw OSHAs vaccine rule to go into effect 1/4/22. Would an individual have an argument against this with their employer if the government is allowing some entities to opt out? If you could probe it? For instance Southwest pilots, NFL, Congress?
I feel like the govt is just going to pick and choose their targets for who they fine for non-compliance. So far the company I work for has not said a word about it (private, global company). Last year they put out a survey asking if we would get the vaccine and if not, why. It is a family company and lean liberal with a lot of climate initiatives but can’t predict what they might do. We have been open since the start without shutting down ever. I am getting some religious exemption paperwork ready and I do have a feeling they would honor it. I guess I am confused why any company wouldn’t fight against the inconsistencies and legality of it all. Is it just easier to impose this on their employees rather than stand up?


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
The feds can f*ck right off. No way they will be able to enforce this if people just ignore them. Non-compliance is the only way forward... until their dictates and mandates and guidelines are completely and utterly irrelevant.


Aug 13, 2020
The feds can f*ck right off. No way they will be able to enforce this if people just ignore them. Non-compliance is the only way forward... until their dictates and mandates and guidelines are completely and utterly irrelevant.
Unfortunately, it's not individual people that they will audit, it's companies. Companies can't duck and evade the way individuals can do. Companies are not going to just ignore the Feds.

Even if your state bans vaccine mandates, any company that has a presence in multiple states, where one of those states might be aligned with the Feds, will not take the risk.

Looks like the market for fake vaxx documents is about to explode.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Unfortunately, it's not individual people that they will audit, it's companies. Companies can't duck and evade the way individuals can do. Companies are not going to just ignore the Feds.

Even if your state bans vaccine mandates, any company that has a presence in multiple states, where one of those states might be aligned with the Feds, will not take the risk.

Looks like the market for fake vaxx documents is about to explode.

If enough individuals refuse to comply, it will force companies to choose between compliance with BS mandates or going out of business. If enough businesses ignore the mandates, the Feds will not be able to enforce anything. We outnumber the Feds 10,000 to 1. It's a simple numbers game. This doesn't even account for the many legal challenges that will take place.

I'm not saying corporations will actually do this but it's a very viable approach if enough people actually had backbones. The whole charade is built on fearful submission and compliance.


If enough individuals refuse to comply, it will force companies to choose between compliance with BS mandates or going out of business. If enough businesses ignore the mandates, the Feds will not be able to enforce anything. We outnumber the Feds 10,000 to 1. It's a simple numbers game. This doesn't even account for the many legal challenges that will take place.

I'm not saying corporations will actually do this but it's a very viable approach if enough people actually had backbones. The whole charade is built on fearful submission and compliance.
Totally agree.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
"OSHA is a small agency. They have 1850 inspectors responsible for 130 million workers. They do not have the manpower to come after every business who refuses to comply with this tyranny. Business owners need to stand strong. Do not bend the knee, do not comply. They literally do not have the power to come after all of us."



Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Relevant post from anonymous user on another forum:

"It's not a law, not a mandate, the government isn't involved and it's not a change of OSHA policy, they're simply requesting federal funds to "study" it if they DID make the changes. you can't sue them if they never implement it and the news will call it a mandate and make people think it's a new law, but it's not and never will be

COVID-19 Healthcare ETS | Occupational Safety and Health Administration they filed this same ***t in june, 6 months of federal funding, runs out in late december, new ETS they filed today is the same thing (the link i gave you is the new ETS, they jsut haven't updated the new dates yet)

it means nothing, OSHA isn't changing anything and if they decide in june 2022 to make this a new guideline, it would take about a year to do it which means may/june 2023 is the earliest this would actually be mandator for ANYONE

right now, you can't fight back because they haven't done anything and that's teh point, to scare you, get you worked up and hope you just give up and get vaxxed so they can get their data. right now, they are a LONG ways from mRNA vaccines that work like they should and that's the goal, subscription health, endless stream of money and government control when paired with a social credit system like china has. you do or say anything they don't like, they cut you off and you die from the common cold"


Oct 6, 2020
If enough individuals refuse to comply, it will force companies to choose between compliance with BS mandates or going out of business. If enough businesses ignore the mandates, the Feds will not be able to enforce anything. We outnumber the Feds 10,000 to 1. It's a simple numbers game. This doesn't even account for the many legal challenges that will take place.

I'm not saying corporations will actually do this but it's a very viable approach if enough people actually had backbones. The whole charade is built on fearful submission and compliance.

Exactly what i was thinking. The same way individuals have to stand up and "risk" their job, if enough do it, they can't enforce anything and the same goes for companies/buisnesses.


Nov 9, 2018
Oh boyyyy the world feels pretty uncertain right now. Who am I kidding, it's felt that way for a while but this feels more official and certainly affects my next moves. I live in NYC, am a creative freelancer and have been working in person for over a year now, for corporate companies. I'm honestly surprised I've lasted this long--especially after contracting Covid this summer and having to ultimately divulge to my employer that no, I was not vax'd. I had however been following all their protocol, masking etc... With Biden's new mandates on private companies I guess they're being strong armed into implementing the mandate but it's still SO INSANE to me that natural immunity doesn't account for anything, but hey 'follow the science' sure. I'll never allow the government or some corporation to dictate how I manage my personal health, NO F WAY.
It's ironic this is culminating with an upcoming lease renewal. I don't even recognize this city anymore. So many of my social liberties have been taken away, the warmer weather has made it bearable but come the colder months I will literally have no where to go. All signs point to leaving but my rent is cheap and I just don't have the clarity on where to next...family will keep me in the Northeast which doesn't bode well under these social pressures but anywhere seems better than the major city right now. UGH. I'm sorry this is more of a rant than anything, feels good to get it out and share with people who can relate. How is everyone else out there doing? Hope you're all hangin in..

.I’m here in NYC too. Gonna be leaving on Tuesday, headed south,. Let’s link up for a coffee if you’re free to chat. i Can lend a helping ear.


Oct 18, 2021
Good to know about Nashville. I'm looking for a redder place to move to and was considering Nashville because I have friends there but I didn't know how it would be for a single person.
The further east u go the better! Theres some nice areas further out. I would head towards johnson city/knoxville.
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