Jordan Peterson Post-Recovery Interview

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
I sympathize with him, I remember seeing videos of when he went through hell. But seriously both Mikhaila and he need to wake the f*** up and stop their beef only diet before it's total collapse city. Can you imagine how much this man's brains needs some orange juice?
Are we attributing their ailments to the meat diets? And are they both completely oblivious to the fact that this may weigh in? One time I heard Peterson talk about the reaction he had from one solitary sip of apple cider. This guy needs help.


Nov 22, 2017
Are we attributing their ailments to the meat diets? And are they both completely oblivious to the fact that this may weigh in? One time I heard Peterson talk about the reaction he had from one solitary sip of apple cider. This guy needs help.

It may not necessarily be the main cause, since both of them probably have benefited greatly from avoiding grains, starches and other intestinal irritants, and getting sufficient protein. But at the same time, the brain needs some sugar, you can't breakdown tissues for ever, and ketones cannot fill that gap indefinitely.

I would love to be able to force feed him a glass of sweet orange juice. See how feels. He'd probably come back to life lol


Oct 11, 2015
I dont want to psychoanalyze someone based on their diet. Not that Peterson doesn't deserve it for how he psychoanalyzes everyone and pretends to understand the world through that lense.
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Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
Peterson is the worst kind of hypocrite. He tells guys to be strong and complains about the Western world turning men into weaklings, but at the same time he is actually the little wuz that can't get his life back together without extensive therapy that would be unaffordable for normal people. He can't live according to his own standards, he knows absolutely nothing about the interactions between drugs, foods, and consciousness, and his advice as a psychiatrist is worthless kitchen sink psychology "Clean your room". I hope his suffering has taught him some humility, and he no longer feels the need to spam the internet with his useless lectures.
This is cracking me up, man! I do hope JP gets well, though, because you can see that he has truly suffered. What would this intervention look like, with Danny Roddy marching into the room with a bag of carrots and a can of oysters or something.


Aug 6, 2017
Marinate his body in progesterone cream and feed raw milk until patient is content and calmly asleep.


Jun 13, 2019
I kinda like the Peterson, but for all the wrong reasons. He preaches to be a strong man, yet he comes accross as a brittle fragile wuss. I mean he literally cries when talking.

He's supposed to be top psychologist, yet he ends up on life support because of psycho drugs? How much more wrong can you be?

that's exactly what Nietzsche was like


Sep 25, 2017
Getting out of an SSRI seems almost as dreadful as getting out of a benzo. Didn't watch the interview yet, but curious to hear his opinion on SSRIs.
Ray mentioned sugar and to check if hormones are ok when stopping SSRIs and benzos. I Bet the all meat diet of Jordan didn't help.


Jun 12, 2016
His way of thinking resembles the hyper refined rumination of a depressive narcissist.

To tie this "thinking process" he espouses into the bigger picture, this is exactly the individualism and narcissism already quite prevalent in America. JP just put a new coat of paint on it.

Well if youre cool with the current paradigm, just call it "liberal culture," have at it.

He is precisely the kind of "doc" that patches together a steady diet of pufa and antinutrients with various pills.


Jun 12, 2016
Are you supposed to give him a pass because he is a nice guy? Meanwhile a chapter in his book is called "Take Your Pills." His entire thing was being accountable and having integrity.

Will people listen to a man because he exhibits virtue, or the man who says what they like to hear? A conumdrum old as time.

Now his daughter is in the game. Gets her hair done and divorced the father of her infant, now she is a podcaster giving out life tips.

If it werent for all the media attention and stacks of money theyd be in the same straits of many families sucked into that trap.

The hypocrisy and contradictions are too many to belabor at this point.

I dont like to divert toward ad hominem - but when you are giving out life advice, I think it is a fair criteria.


Mar 3, 2013
#35: Esoteric Hollywood, Vegan Ethics, Anti-Conspiracy Culture & Theism vs. Atheism with Jay Dyer — Generative Energy Podcast

12:36 - Danny Roddy and Jay Dyer talking about Jordan Peterson at the trilateral commission

I can't deny I experience a little schadenfreude when I read about how Jordan Peterson is struggling with poor health. I see him as a charlatan who has propped himself up as an authority for young men but in my view he is nothing but an opportunistic schemer who promotes the idiotic and barbaric ideology of social darwinism (see his "Lobster" videos for example) and preys on people who don't understand the emptiness in the rhetoric he is peddling.

Peterson is the type who will deflect and say his opponents are just reading into his philosophy too much when they call him out for his weird fetish with lobster hierarchies, but when you scroll further down, it makes perfect sense why he's so interested in "dominance hierarchies" -- because he himself is a social climber and power-hungry type that wants to be "at the top" in this corporate / power hungry elite social club that he is trying to ingratiate himself into.

He is philosophically dishonest. See for example, how he promotes Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's early writing as a critique of Marxist philosophy. For those who researched Solzhenitsyn's background, they understand this is an intellectually bankrupt way to construct philosophical arguments against political theory, but his followers eat up this kind of empty rhetoric. Peterson's self-help pablum and ideas are largely regressive and set humanity backwards a hundred years. Note him hobnobbing with the globalist elites at the Trilateral Commission:
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Apr 24, 2017
#35: Esoteric Hollywood, Vegan Ethics, Anti-Conspiracy Culture & Theism vs. Atheism with Jay Dyer — Generative Energy Podcast

12:36 - Danny Roddy and Jay Dyer talking about Jordan Peterson at the trilateral commission

I can't deny I experience a little schadenfreude when I read about how Jordan Peterson is struggling with poor health. I see him as a charlatan who has propped himself up as an authority for young men but in my view he is nothing but an opportunistic schemer who promotes the idiotic and barbaric ideology of social darwinism (see his "Lobster" videos for example) and preys on people who don't understand the emptiness in the rhetoric he is peddling.

Peterson is the type who will deflect and say his opponents are just reading into his philosophy too much when they call him out for his weird fetish with lobster hierarchies, but when you scroll further down, it makes perfect sense why he's so interested in "dominance hierarchies" -- because he himself is a social climber and power-hungry type that wants to be "at the top" in this corporate / power hungry elite social club that he is trying to ingratiate himself into.

He is philosophically dishonest. See for example, how he promotes Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's early writing as a critique of Marxist philosophy. For those who researched Solzhenitsyn's background, they understand this is an intellectually bankrupt way to construct philosophical arguments against political theory, but his followers eat up this kind of empty rhetoric. Peterson's self-help pablum and ideas are largely regressive and set humanity backwards a hundred years. Note him hobnobbing with the globalist elites at the Trilateral Commission:
Also lobsters who were high at the dominance hierarchy had the highest levels of serotonine. He pretty much agreed that serotonine makes you aggressive and less empathetic. His idea of a successful man is someone with high serotonine personality/phenotype.


Sep 9, 2019
#35: Esoteric Hollywood, Vegan Ethics, Anti-Conspiracy Culture & Theism vs. Atheism with Jay Dyer — Generative Energy Podcast

12:36 - Danny Roddy and Jay Dyer talking about Jordan Peterson at the trilateral commission

I can't deny I experience a little schadenfreude when I read about how Jordan Peterson is struggling with poor health. I see him as a charlatan who has propped himself up as an authority for young men but in my view he is nothing but an opportunistic schemer who promotes the idiotic and barbaric ideology of social darwinism (see his "Lobster" videos for example) and preys on people who don't understand the emptiness in the rhetoric he is peddling.

Peterson is the type who will deflect and say his opponents are just reading into his philosophy too much when they call him out for his weird fetish with lobster hierarchies, but when you scroll further down, it makes perfect sense why he's so interested in "dominance hierarchies" -- because he himself is a social climber and power-hungry type that wants to be "at the top" in this corporate / power hungry elite social club that he is trying to ingratiate himself into.

He is philosophically dishonest. See for example, how he promotes Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's early writing as a critique of Marxist philosophy. For those who researched Solzhenitsyn's background, they understand this is an intellectually bankrupt way to construct philosophical arguments against political theory, but his followers eat up this kind of empty rhetoric. Peterson's self-help pablum and ideas are largely regressive and set humanity backwards a hundred years. Note him hobnobbing with the globalist elites at the Trilateral Commission:
Nice insight, thank you


May 4, 2019
To me it looks like Jordan is a deeply traumatized person. Something seems off with his daughter Mikhaila too, and her patented "lion diet" ain't helping them.

Good video:



Nov 14, 2016
His daughter has a hypothyroid puffy face. They are both wrecks. I bet their extremities are frozen.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
This is an incredibly unsympathetic comment, but I agree that it's surprising that a psychologist of his stature could be so careless in his use of benzodiazepines.

He states that in the interview that he should have been more aware. I don't blame him for that though, the medical industry is so strong and thorough in its dogma that it is hard to see the truth from the inside. Usually most people only discover the truth after very bad experiences with the pharmaceuticals and mainstream medicine. I know that was the case for me and many people on this forum we had to fail and get it wrong long before we got it right because what we are told by the mainstream is so bad.

I kinda like the Peterson, but for all the wrong reasons. He preaches to be a strong man, yet he comes accross as a brittle fragile wuss. I mean he literally cries when talking.

He's supposed to be top psychologist, yet he ends up on life support because of psycho drugs? How much more wrong can you be?

You have a very poor understanding of him and his life if you think he is a brittle fragile wuss. This is a poorly thought out comment stated in ignorance.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
I hope both of them are no longer on the keto diets...

Unfortunately they both still are on this "carnivore diet" but his daughter recently said that she is going to attempt to start eating some fruit because she believes that she has healed a lot of the previous damage so she thinks she can now tolerate other foods besides meat and water.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
yes he sure showed those folk, who were at worst a minor annoyance.

The SJW crowd are the ones currently tearing down statues and calling for the collapse of western civilization, I would hardly call them a minor annoyance.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
I'm surprised by how aggressive and negative all the are comments about JP. It strikes me that most people have not watched the entirety of the interview, he is quite contrite in it and openly states that he should have known better when it comes to the medication he was on.

He is clearly wrong when it comes to Serotonin and his all meat diet is not good but it was the result of him trying to find a solution to his crushing autoimmune issues. Anyone here who claims that they have always got everything with diet right the whole way is full of ***t. I know for myself before I discovered Ray Peat I made some horrible diet choices I believed to be healthy because I felt like it was doing me good and recommend others to do the same.

The attacks on him by some in this thread are really quite abhorrent;

I can't deny I experience a little schadenfreude when I read about how Jordan Peterson is struggling with poor health.

This is really twisted in my opinion, the guy is not evil, he has helped thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of people turn their lives around, to get out of that learnt helpless state, that endless cycle of misery. He has probably saved thousands from suicide and misery. Is he perfect? No. Does he get some things wrong? Yes. But he doesn't claim to be the final authority on the topics he discusses and in my opinion he has done a lot more good then harm.

Watch the video below and then tell me you experience a little "schadenfreude" from seeing this man suffer.

By the way the audience member who asked him that question came up to him after the show when he was getting photos and told him he was the one who asked the question. He tells the story in another interview.

Saved the man's life and God knows how many people just from those who listened to this video and his other lectures. But yea go ahead and take pleasure in his suffering I would submit to you that anyone who does is the one who is in poor health.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm surprised by how aggressive and negative all the are comments about JP. It strikes me that most people have not watched the entirety of the interview, he is quite contrite in it and openly states that he should have known better when it comes to the medication he was on.

He is clearly wrong when it comes to Serotonin and his all meat diet is not good but it was the result of him trying to find a solution to his crushing autoimmune issues. Anyone here who claims that they have always got everything with diet right the whole way is full of ***t. I know for myself before I discovered Ray Peat I made some horrible diet choices I believed to be healthy because I felt like it was doing me good and recommend others to do the same.

The attacks on him by some in this thread are really quite abhorrent;

This is really twisted in my opinion, the guy is not evil, he has helped thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of people turn their lives around, to get out of that learnt helpless state, that endless cycle of misery. He has probably saved thousands from suicide and misery. Is he perfect? No. Does he get some things wrong? Yes. But he doesn't claim to be the final authority on the topics he discusses and in my opinion he has done a lot more good then harm.

Watch the video below and then tell me you experience a little "schadenfreude" from seeing this man suffer.

By the way the audience member who asked him that question came up to him after the show when he was getting photos and told him he was the one who asked the question. He tells the story in another interview.

Saved the man's life and God knows how many people just from those who listened to this video and his other lectures. But yea go ahead and take pleasure in his suffering I would submit to you that anyone who does is the one who is in poor health.

I’m glad they did that interview hope he continues to recover. It’s hard to imagine what a person without those resources would go through to recover if it’s even possible. Out of the whole experience perhaps some light will be shed on the anesthesia methods that have helped so others can benefit.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
I’m glad they did that interview hope he continues to recover. It’s hard to imagine what a person without those resources would go through to recover if it’s even possible. Out of the whole experience perhaps some light will be shed on the anesthesia methods that have helped so others can benefit.

That is exactly what I'm hoping.

I think the fact that he is so high profile is what really might bring about some positive change. It shows that even someone who has massive resources and a good deal of knowledge in the arena the western medical system is totally inadequate and often does great harm.

He was openly and directly calling out in the interview how dangerous he thought Benzo's were and how they are being over prescribed. He basically said they should be stopped immediately. He also stated that major hospitals and rehab centers in the west made his situation a lot worse.

Ironically the fact that he had access to so many resources yet they did not help him at all makes it more likely that he will be listened to and may result in some change.
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