Jennifer's Cellular Regeneration Log


Jul 8, 2014
Some members have expressed interest in knowing more about kidney filtration, but since it's dependent on many factors and difficult to explain without involving some non-Peaty things, I figure this is the best place to discuss it. Plus, I've been wanting to log my experiments/experience over the past 28 months with detoxification and regeneration via an alkalizing fruit-based diet and herbs so here we go...

Just a recap for those unfamiliar with my hellth story — I was a healthy, active hiker in my 20s and without explanation, began losing weight rapidly when I was around 26 leaving me at 69lbs and by 27, while lifting half a watermelon, I felt my spine collapse under me. Within seconds I had fractured 12 vertebrate, 8 of which compressed, due to advanced osteoporosis, leaving me with a kyphotic back and almost 4" shorter.

Years later and after what seemed like a million tests, it was discovered that I had extremely high levels of toxic mold. I do think it was a contributing factor but knowing what I know now, I had tissue weaknesses present from birth. Except for the spinal deformity, which has greatly improved, I'm so much healthier than even before my weight started dropping and for the first time in my life, I'm at peace with myself.

I guess I'll start off by sharing my stats, what I put in and on my body, some favorite healing tools and what I'm currently working on. Hopefully, if anything, it will give the detail-oriented a cheap thrill. lol I tracked daily in the beginning just to establish a pattern so I knew how to proceed. Unless I'm doing an experiment with new foods or herbs, I now only check my BP, temps and pHs once a week to see where I stand...


Age: 37
Height: 5'1" — gained back an inch so far
Weight: 99lbs — same as when following higher protein diets
Average blood pressure*:
  • Right arm (morning): 105/70
  • Left arm (morning): 110/70
  • Right arm (afternoon): 115/75
  • Left arm (afternoon): 120/80
Average pulse: 80
Average morning temp: 98°F
Average afternoon temp: 98.6°F
Average urine pH: 6.7
Average saliva pH: 7*
Digestion: no gas, no bloating, regular — BM after every meal
Menstrual cycle: regular and light — only a couple days of light spotting, no mood changes other than a rise in libido, and no other PMS symptoms whatsoever.

*Systolic (top #) reflects the strength of the adrenals and diastolic (bottom #) the strength of the kidneys — ideal is 120–130/60–70

*Saliva pH measured at least a half hour away from food and drinks

Diet & Supplements

Current fruits/diet:
  • Fresh pressed OJ (2 liters daily) — stabilizes my blood sugars best
  • Galia melon
  • Canary melon
  • Red grapes
  • Strawberries
  • zucchini
  • Papaya
  • Jackfruit
  • Ataulfo mangos
  • Pitaya (yellow dragonfruit)
  • Thai coconut water (Exotic Superfoods or Harmless Harvest brands)
  • Celery juice — when craving salt — means my adrenals are stressed.
Fat sources:
  • Thai coconut meat (Exotic Superfoods brand)
  • Haas avocados
  • Raw olives — vinegar-free and soaked in distilled water to remove salt (Good Faith Farm and Natural Zings brands)
Average daily caloric intake and macro percentages: 2500+ and 85C/10F/5P — over the last decade I've probably tried every WOE that exists and this is what I feel best on.

Current supplements — whole herb tinctures at a 1:4 strength (
  • Kidney and Bladder Tonic I — dandelion leaf, cornsilk, juniper berry, goldenrod leaf, couch grass leaf, parsley leaf, horsetail herb, stinging nettle leaf, cordyceps
  • Endocrine Balance — eleuthero root, kelp frond powder, bee propolis powder, saw palmetto berry, parsley (whole), chaste tree berry (vitex), ho shou wu root, wild yam root, suma root, astragalus root, prickly ash bark
  • Healthy Upper Circulation (keeps away headaches) — ginko leaf, butcher's broom root, gotu kola herb, rosemary leaf, white oak bark, bayberry root, rhodiola root, schizandra berry, bilberry leaf, hawthorn berry, prickly ash bark
  • Liver and Gallbladder — milk thistle seed, burdock root, dandelion root, asparagus root, bayberry root, schizandra Berry, turmeric root, cleavers herbs, yellow dock root, bupleurum root, prickly ash bark
  • Skin Tonic — Oregon grape root, Jamaican sarsaparilla root, burdock root, bayberry root, white oak bark, prickly ash bark
  • Chamomile tea (just chamomile — no caffeine)
Body Care Products

Oral care:
  • Baking soda
  • Floss (Radius brand)
  • Heal All Tea — used as a mouth rinse when needing to raise my saliva pH (alkalize my mouth) — black walnut hull, burdock root, marshmallow root, white oak bark, plantain leaf, chaparral herb, comfrey root, comfrey leaf
Shampoo/body wash:
  • Plant-based soap nuts body wash (SunFood brand)
  • Apple cider vinegar — hair and scalp clarifier
  • Hibiscus rinse — hair moisturizer
  • Virgin coconut oil
  • Cocoa butter
  • Orange oil and rosewater (Heritage brand) — not needed but their scent makes me happy
Essential oils/absolutes — organic and CO2 extracted whenever possible:
  • Rose — supports the endocrine glands, is good for depression due to its thyroid supporting properties
  • Sweet orange — used for the spleen, adrenal glands (anxiety, stress, shock etc.), heart, liver, blood, its anti-fungal and laxative properties
  • Vanilla — used for anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, is anti-bacterial
  • Jasmine — for inflammation (itis'), adrenal support (in cases of anxiety), liver conditions, respiratory issues, nervous system support, muscles
  • Sandal wood — supports the liver, pancreas, bladder, thyroid (especially with depression, calcium issues), skin conditions, stress, vomiting, contains anti-fungal properties
  • Chamomile — a smooth muscle relaxant, used for anxiety and digestion
Detox Tools

Favorite forms of movement for lymph stimulation:
  • Dancing
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Indoor rock climbing
  • Bouncing — rebounding to music, indoor trampoline parks
  • Swinging/playing on jungle gyms — forever young! :thumbsup:
Favorite tools for loosening up lymph/lymph stimulation:
  • Alkalizing minerals from fruit and veggies
  • Fruit — particularly lemons and dark grapes for their astringency
  • Herbs — poke root, blood root, fenugreek, mild cayenne pepper, cascara sagrada, white oak bark, cleavers, blue flag, plantain, red root, yellow dock
  • Alternating hot and cold water in shower — ending with cold
  • Massages
  • Dry brushing the skin
Favorite tools for kidney filtration:
  • Fruits — particularly lemon, dark grapes and watermelon
  • Herbs — coriander seed, corn silk, couch grass, dandelion leaf, gravel root, lespedeza herb, stinging nettle, horsetail, parsley, pipsissewa leaves,
  • Intermittent dry fasting — done overnight from 6pm – 9am only when my adrenals were strong enough to handle it
  • Getting to bed by 10pm and resting whenever possible — the kidneys are dependent on the adrenals and rest is one of the most healing things for them
Preferred tools for slowing down detox:
  • Steamed veggies (low/non-starchy)
  • Backing off herbs
Current Plan

What I'm currently working on:
  • Regenerating my adrenals
  • Regenerating my kidneys
  • Regenerating my parathyroid gland(s)/bones/spine — enough to hit the minimum height requirement to ride the Matterhorn at Disney :D
Below are some additional things I found helpful that others may find helpful too. I would of typed it out here for easier viewing but I didn't want to crash the system lol...

Here's a link to discovering tissue weaknesses:

And here is a very thorough health questionnaire that is also helpful in determining any weaknesses and can be shared with your doctor:

@charlie — those questions you have on filtration, feel free to ask away! Hopefully I can answer them. :):

I think that's about it. Oh wait! Music...

Last edited:


Jul 8, 2014
You're welcome, @Blossom! Thanks for reading all that! Haha!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You're welcome, @Blossom! Thanks for reading all that! Haha!
It's extremely fascinating! I'm sincerely so thrilled you've been able to synthesize all your knowledge into an approach that works for you. I also love learning new things.:p:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie — those questions you have on filtration, feel free to ask away! Hopefully I can answer them.
I have noticed that if I get a bad nights sleep, pee is clear the next day. Great night sleep, makes for super cloudy pee which goes with what you are saying above. I am just wondering how we know for sure the cloudiness is good? Is there any more reading that can be done(sources) on it? Wondering what is exactly the cloudiness. I wonder if this is part of the process of glucuronidation that Peat talks about. Which could show sign of stress response that the body is dumping excess stress hormones. So I am wondering if it could possibly be from body in stress mode trying to get protein and breaking it down in the body via stress hormones.

I see you are going low protein. How do you feel? I do wonder if fruit does have enough protein, even Peat wanted to test for it but he was not able.

Thank you for sharing. I am going to up my lemons, and maybe add in a couple more of your kidney filtering things and see how it goes. Been heavy fruit lately, little bit of chicken and liver and eggs and milk, lots of greens and juice but I saw you say greens lowered your filtering. Did the juice from greens also do that? I guess I need to watch and see if it effects mine.

Anyhow, this is all fascinating, thank you. Been interested in lymph system. And after adding watermelon I get a lot of cloudiness, so it all ties in.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thank you for sharing! This vvas a big text but easy to read, your thoughts appear organized.

Some questions if you don't mind:
- What made you create another log thread? Different of the phases?
- What's your opinion on thyroid supplementation? Do you plan to give it a go some day?
- Where did the mold come from?
- Why do you hesitate to use synthetic supplements?
- What do you suspect happened for that sudden decline?

I was looking for a decent flosses of the dentals, so thank you again for this tip.


Apr 30, 2015
I will mirror what Charlie said above. First thank you very much for writing this. I also looked for more info on kidneys filtering, cloudy pee, etc, and was not able to nail anything down. I had a tough time listening to Morse after that. I have had bad experiences with health gurus making up markers of health and striving to get there.


Jul 8, 2014
My pleasure, guys! I'm really psyched to be able to discuss this and share our experiments.
Charlie said:
I have noticed that if I get a bad nights sleep, pee is clear the next day. Great night sleep, makes for super cloudy pee which goes with what you are saying above. I am just wondering how we know for sure the cloudiness is good? Is there any more reading that can be done(sources) on it? Wondering what is exactly the cloudiness. I wonder if this is part of the process of glucuronidation that Peat talks about. Which could show sign of stress response that the body is dumping excess stress hormones. So I am wondering if it could possibly be from body in stress mode trying to get protein and breaking it down in the body via stress hormones.

I see you are going low protein. How do you feel? I do wonder if fruit does have enough protein, even Peat wanted to test for it but he was not able.

Thank you for sharing. I am going to up my lemons, and maybe add in a couple more of your kidney filtering things and see how it goes. Been heavy fruit lately, little bit of chicken and liver and eggs and milk, lots of greens and juice but I saw you say greens lowered your filtering. Did the juice from greens also do that? I guess I need to watch and see if it effects mine.

Anyhow, this is all fascinating, thank you. Been interested in lymph system. And after adding watermelon I get a lot of cloudiness, so it all ties in.

Do you feel more stressed since upping your fruit intake?

This is what Ray says the cloudiness is:

"PATRICK TIMPONE: What does cloudy urine indicate? Is it the body wasting calcium or yeast infection? The emailer wants to know.

RAY PEAT: If you are drinking lots of milk, for example, or a high meat diet, the phosphate has to get excreted and the phosphate shows up in the urine, and precipitates in the presence of either magnesium or calcium. And it only precipitates if the pH is above a certain point. And so, if you have a very high protein diet, most of the time your urine will be acidic and it will be cleared despite having a tremendous amount of phosphate in it. But when something raises the pH of your urine, which can be eating a lot of fruit or vegetables or hyperventilating is another thing. If you blow out too much carbon dioxide, the pH of your urine goes up to keep your blood at the right pH, slightly alkaline. When your urine pH is neutral or higher on the alkaline side, then any phosphate and calcium is going to precipitate and make it cloudy."

Ray Peat

So my experience — while consuming lots of dairy following RBTI, my urine was clear but its pH chronically alkaline. Same while eating high protein Peaty. Now I'm eating nothing but fruit and my urine is finally cloudy and my pH acidic. Based on what Ray says, I would think the only explanation is that my muscles or maybe bones(?) are breaking down but my weight and body composition/muscle mass have not changed and on this diet I have no bone pain, which is one of the main reasons I've stuck with it.

Dr. Morse says the cloudiness is the byproducts of metabolism and toxins like pesticides, prescription drugs etc. From what I understand, urine is typically made up of 95% water and 5% dissolved or suspended solids including ammonia, urea, uric acid, hormones, dead blood cells, proteins, minerals/salts and toxins. However, I wonder if those with strong kidneys would have more than 5% solids or those with weak kidneys would have less than 5%. I'd be curious to see the % of solids in UTI urine.

I'd say if you see any issues resolve the more time you filter, the sediment is a good sign or in the very least not hurting you. For me, the cloudiness has corresponded with a reduction in pain. When I'm having pain in my lower back muscles, say from overdoing it with dancing, I inevitably develop knots and after doing a press and release technique on them to break them up/release the acids, I'll have a ton of sediment the following morning and the pain will be gone.

The sediment has also corresponded with the disappearance of the rash and pustules which were always worse on the side where my systolic and diastolic BP were worst meaning my adrenal and kidney are weakest on that side. At this point, I won't know for certain if the cloudiness is a good sign unless I have experienced total regeneration of my spine. That's why I wanted to log my experiments. My spine has definitely straightened since fracturing, to the point that the kyphosis is now only visible when I'm naked.

I feel awesome eating this way. I no longer have chronic pain, suicidal depression or painful digestion, my anxiety is almost nothing (still working on regenerating my adrenals), I no longer wake between 3–4am needing to pee — I sleep soundly through the night, and for the first time in my adult life I finally have a menstrual cycle without the need for supplemental hormones — my progesterone level is more than 10x that of my estrogen level. My period is so mild that it's like just another day.

Oh, I'm sorry! I don't know why I would of said greens lowered my filtering since that's not true or at least I don't know if that's true because I haven't tested them since I began filtering well. They slow my digestion down so I've been slow to test them out. So far of the foods I've tested, only broccoli (cooked) slowed my filtering — to a screeching halt, actually.
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Jul 8, 2014
What made you create another log thread? Different of the phases?
Sorry, do you mean why didn't I just add on to the old one? If so, I felt it would make it confusing. Plus, the other one was more like a journal. It was therapeutic for me at the time because it forced me to share my thoughts which is something I've struggled with (my heart used to race after each post, no lie!), but I now want one that is more for keeping track of experiments.
What's your opinion on thyroid supplementation? Do you plan to give it a go some day?
I do think that some people have such weak thyroids that diet and supplements/herbs may not be enough for them (certainly not for those missing a thyroid) but in my mind, the goal is to get to a point where supplementation is no longer needed because that would mean the thyroid has regenerated. Though, it gets more complicated when talking about those living in cold, dark climates.

Part of me feels that giving the body energy as is the case with thyroid supps., allows us to become active when we really should be resting so the tissue can heal up. However, if we think of the body as a web where each strand represents a different tissue and pulling just one strand affects the whole web, we can see how not supporting the gland can have a nasty domino effect on the rest of the body. Perhaps the best solution is to make an effort to rest despite the newfound energy from a thyroid supp.?

If my thyroid was weak and rest, diet and whole herbs weren't enough, I would go with Cynoplus and hope I tolerated it. If I weren't vegan, my first choice would be a raw whole thyroid glandular or thyroid broth/extract made from animal necks since they contain calcitonin which is missing from Cynoplus and even NDTs now (it's removed and sold as a separate supp.), and possibly other important properties yet to be discovered.
Where did the mold come from?
My childhood home. After I found out I had toxic mold, my dad remembered how he had a mysterious rash on his face (the only place mine would appear) that disappeared after moving out of that house. His music studio was in the basement where we had flooding a few times and subsequent black mold. We cleaned it up but now suspect it grew behind the walls up the studs. I spent most of my time in his studio and my bedroom was also right above it.
Why do you hesitate to use synthetic supplements?
Because every synthetic supplement I've ever taken, which is many, caused me negative side-effects, particularly migraines and subsequent vomiting. The only negative side-effect I've ever had from whole herbs is some nausea, mostly when first starting on a formula.
What do you suspect happened for that sudden decline?
I started hiking right before we moved out of my childhood home and given the harsh conditions I hiked in, along with the stress of trying to start my own business and other difficult things at that time, I suspect my immune system tanked and that's why I was unable to "detox" it out of me unlike my dad. Just 3 months of raw fruit, Dr. Morse's Parasite M formula and rest and my mold level went from 5x the upper limit to within the normal range.


Jul 8, 2014
And a related one: what makes you think herbs are safe?
I wouldn't say all herbs are safe or at least, without any ill effects. One example being the popular herb ayahuasca. I follow a few YouTubers who shared their experiences with it at retreats and they reminded me of what I experience during an anxiety attack. I thought it must be affecting the adrenals/nervous system somehow so I checked out what Dr. Morse had to say about it and he said it's a neurotoxin. Anxiety is a sign of weak adrenals — the adrenals produce the neurotransmitters that affect the nervous system. I also wonder if aya affects serotonin because most experienced psychedelic visions like those from LSD while on it.

Not that this is true for all who use it, but one common thing I noticed with these YouTubers who dabbled with it is they have a history of low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and/or substance abuse. One was even on the verge of committing suicide before a friend intervened. I often think of substance abuse as a sign of underlying anxiety, a form of self-soothing, and often accompanying sugar dysregulation — low blood sugar — the adrenals produce the glucocorticoid steroids, namely cortisol and corticosterone, primarily responsible for carb digestion/metabolism and also produce neurotransmitters which affect pancreatic function.

I feel safer looking to master herbalists/books by master herbalists when deciding on which herbs are safest to use but even then, a person can still have a negative reaction to them, though the worst of the reactions are typically rashing and/or vomiting. Not that those are great, but...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Do you feel more stressed since upping your fruit intake?
I tend to feel better with higher fruit intake, but then if I try and go strictly fruit then I get really hungry, even if I am full up on fruit I am super hungry. The only thing I can think is that I am hungry for protein because soon as I eat some protein then the hunger goes away.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I also wonder if aya affects serotonin because most experienced psychedelic visions like those from LSD while on it.
I'm pretty sure it does-similar DMT. There are different formulas depending on the shaman making it but I know some have Syrian Rue. That's one of the herbs my cousin used to put in aya when he brewed it.


Jul 8, 2014
will mirror what Charlie said above. First thank you very much for writing this. I also looked for more info on kidneys filtering, cloudy pee, etc, and was not able to nail anything down. I had a tough time listening to Morse after that. I have had bad experiences with health gurus making up markers of health and striving to get there.
Yeah, I totally hear you! We've talked about this in an other thread so you already know I share a similar experience with and view on chasing health markers. I do believe Dr. Morse is genuine, he certainly spends a lot of time teaching us and answering viewers' questions, and there's visual proof from videos showing his clients with severe degenerative conditions that have overcome them.

However, whether or not filtration played a role in that, I don't know. It could simply be due to the fact that he gets people to eat more fruit and veggies, which I do believe is healthy, certainly healthier than a lot of the chemically laden junk being passed off as food. I think it's easier for me to feel secure in Dr Morse's work because of my positive experience with the diet prior to finding him.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm pretty sure it does-similar DMT. There are different formulas depending on the shaman making it but I know some have Syrian Rue. That's one of the herbs my cousin used to put in aya when he brewed it.
Hahaha! I'm replying to my own comment but I found a good read for comparing aya and dmt.
Ayahuasca vs DMT: How Are They Different?


Jul 8, 2014
I tend to feel better with higher fruit intake, but then if I try and go strictly fruit then I get really hungry, even if I am full up on fruit I am super hungry. The only thing I can think is that I am hungry for protein because soon as I eat some protein then the hunger goes away.
Ah, yeah! That's what my mum and I experienced. That's why she also includes a lot of cooked veggies in her diet and I include some fat from the coconut, avocado or olives. For me, it usually takes a pound of young coconut meat or a large avocado to prevent the intense hunger.


Jul 8, 2014
Hahaha! I'm replying to my own comment but I found a good read for comparing aya and dmt.
Ayahuasca vs DMT: How Are They Different?
Haha! I'm so slow at responding. I swear, my communication is so much better IRL. Typing...ugh!!!

Thank you for sharing this! Do you have experience with ayahuasca and also, what was your cousin's experience with it? I know many say it changed their life. I just fear it can make things worse for some of us with weak adrenals/nervous systems.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Haha! I'm so slow at responding. I swear, my communication is so much better IRL. Typing...ugh!!!

Thank you for sharing this! Do you have experience with ayahuasca and also, what was your cousin's experience with it? I know many say it changed their life. I just fear it can make things worse for some of us with weak adrenals/nervous systems.
I tried it once about 15 years ago but it was a very small dose (measured out by my cousin) and nothing much happened except that I had nausea and the stars looked especially pretty to me that night.
My cousin used it regularly for years and he felt he was becoming somewhat dependent on it to escape reality so he stopped brewing it all together.
I'm not experienced with it enough to judge across the board but I personally wouldn't try it again. I tried it for relief from depression and fortunately I don't have that anymore. The truth is I'm sort of hesitant about all psychedelics for myself anyway. I tend toward anxiety if I don't remain balanced so I'm afraid it would set me on a negative trajectory at this point in my life. My perspective is that I'm fine so why mess with things if that makes sense? 15 years ago I wasn't fine and I was desperate to feel better so I tried it. It wasn't a complete failure but I sort of wish I'd had a higher dose.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Sorry, do you mean why didn't I just add on to the old one? If so, I felt it would make it confusing. Plus, the other one was more like a journal. It was therapeutic for me at the time because it forced me to share my thoughts which is something I've struggled with (my heart used to race after each post, no lie!), but I now want one that is more for keeping track of experiments.

I do think that some people have such weak thyroids that diet and supplements/herbs may not be enough for them (certainly not for those missing a thyroid) but in my mind, the goal is to get to a point where supplementation is no longer needed because that would mean the thyroid has regenerated. Though, it gets more complicated when talking about those living in cold, dark climates.

Part of me feels that giving the body energy as is the case with thyroid supps., allows us to become active when we really should be resting so the tissue can heal up. However, if we think of the body as a web where each strand represents a different tissue and pulling just one strand affects the whole web, we can see how not supporting the gland can have a nasty domino effect on the rest of the body. Perhaps the best solution is to make an effort to rest despite the newfound energy from a thyroid supp.?

If my thyroid was weak and rest, diet and whole herbs weren't enough, I would go with Cynoplus and hope I tolerated it. If I weren't vegan, my first choice would be a raw whole thyroid glandular or thyroid broth/extract made from animal necks since they contain calcitonin which is missing from Cynoplus and even NDTs now (it's removed and sold as a separate supp.), and possibly other important properties yet to be discovered.

My childhood home. After I found out I had toxic mold, my dad remembered how he had a mysterious rash on his face (the only place mine would appear) that disappeared after moving out of that house. His music studio was in the basement where we had flooding a few times and subsequent black mold. We cleaned it up but now suspect it grew behind the walls up the studs. I spent most of my time in his studio and my bedroom was also right above it.

Because every synthetic supplement I've ever taken, which is many, caused me negative side-effects, particularly migraines and subsequent vomiting. The only negative side-effect I've ever had from whole herbs is some nausea, mostly when first starting on a formula.

I started hiking right before we moved out of my childhood home and given the harsh conditions I hiked in, along with the stress of trying to start my own business and other difficult things at that time, I suspect my immune system tanked and that's why I was unable to "detox" it out of me unlike my dad. Just 3 months of raw fruit, Dr. Morse's Parasite M formula and rest and my mold level went from 5x the upper limit to within the normal range.
Do you think lack of enough vit D played a role in all this?
What's your Instagram? For some reason I have in mind that you look like this blogger.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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