Is Malic Acid Potentially Dangerous?


Jul 3, 2016
Hi. I have used a capsule of 800 miligrams of malic acid. What followed that night was heart palpitations during sleep and skipped heartbeats. My diet has been crap for a while now so I was probably low in electrolytes already. I also developed this very strong left eye twitch, which keeps popping up throughout the day and doesn't go away by rubbing the eye. Could malic acid with its chelating actions have stolen electrolyte minerals from my body causing this disturbance in heart rhytm and electrolyte balance?

Thank you
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Mar 29, 2014
Hi. I have used a capsule of 800 miligrams of malic acid. What followed that night was heart palpitations during sleep and skipped heartbeats. My diet has been crap for a while now so I was probably low in electrolytes already. I also developed this very strong left eye twitch, which keeps popping up throughout the day and doesn't go away by rubbing the eye. Could malic acid with its chelating actions have stolen electrolyte minerals from my body causing this disturbance in heart rhytm and electrolyte balance?

Thank you
I don't know about mallic acid.
But I'm in favour of you making it a priority to restore electrolytes and minerals by eating a more nutritious diet.
If it were me, and the palpitations etc continue or worsen, I'd be considering a dr visit to at least check for those electrolytes etc, and get whatever other information and viewpoint about what's going on.


Jul 3, 2016
I don't know about mallic acid.
But I'm in favour of you making it a priority to restore electrolytes and minerals by eating a more nutritious diet.
If it were me, and the palpitations etc continue or worsen, I'd be considering a dr visit to at least check for those electrolytes etc, and get whatever other information and viewpoint about what's going on.
Thnx for your reply!

Okay so here's an update... The eye twitch wouldn't go away and started appearing in my right eye as well, no matter how much magnesium I took transdermally and orally, along with potassium rich foods and eggshell calcium, they wouldn't go away. I also developed a fast heart rate for a whole day and felt really warm. I ended up taking 1 drop of nascent iodine at night which is about 650mcg of iodine and that succesfully lowered my heart rate so I could sleep, also taking vitamin E 200 IU and selenium 200 mcg LEF Super K and zinc to accompany the iodine.

I wonder however, if a B12 deficiency could be the cause of both the eye twitches and fast heart rate as a deficiency in it has been implicated in both.

I was taking lung enhancing supplements which would've increased oxygen intake in my body and perhaps this could've caused a b12 deficiency? My lung capacity improved drastically after having taken the lung supplements, as it was lowered alot due to heavy smoking in the past. I had the eye twitches before I started the malic acid, but the malic acid worsened it. Perhaps the malic acid also contributed to a b12 deficiency one way or another due to the ATP production?

Anyways, I have taken a sublingual adenosylB12 lozenge now and am interested if it would work with the tachycardia and eye twitches.

Also @haidut perhaps you could elaborate?

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Mar 29, 2014
I was taking lung enhancing supplements which would've increased oxygen intake in my body and perhaps this could've caused a b12 deficiency? My lung capacity improved drastically after having taken the lung supplements, as it was lowered alot due to heavy smoking in the past.
Can't remember if I've asked this before - if I have, sorry, and no need to repeat yourself if you've already replied. How's your breathing? Is it relaxed, nasal, diaphragmatic, slowish at rest, including in sleep? Or hard, oral, thoracic, or oral? Have you checked out threads or websites about CO2 or Buteyko etc? Just thought, which could be completely off-base, that maybe you could have been working on filling your lungs and increasing your ventilation rate, and maybe overdone it? That could possibly contribute to tachycardia.


Jul 3, 2016
Can't remember if I've asked this before - if I have, sorry, and no need to repeat yourself if you've already replied. How's your breathing? Is it relaxed, nasal, diaphragmatic, slowish at rest, including in sleep? Or hard, oral, thoracic, or oral? Have you checked out threads or websites about CO2 or Buteyko etc? Just thought, which could be completely off-base, that maybe you could have been working on filling your lungs and increasing your ventilation rate, and maybe overdone it? That could possibly contribute to tachycardia.
After I had taken the supplements, my lungs suddenly felt like how they were back when I was a teenager and hadn't started smoking yet. It was so overwhelming and it was mainly my right lung which felt functional again.

I haven't heard about Buteyko yet but I will look into it. Just breathing slowly and focusing on the breathing lowers my heart rate. But whenever I "think" of my fear for tachycardia, I get this quick short feeling of anxiety,and my heart rate goes up again. I also feel a bit of an deoxygenated sensation in my heart sometimes as if it just pumped real hard But I am having a hard time distinguishing this sensation with my costochondritis in the same area. At night in bed I could literally feel my heartbeat pounding from my chest cavity. No idea why this happens.

I think perhaps my body has to re-adapt to this new default baseline influx of oxygen?

Oh, and for almost all of my teen and adult lifetime, I somehow always have a tendency to sleep with my head beneath the bed sheets, which I do almost always. The gaps to the outside will also be sealed by the sheets most of the times, so limited oxygen gets in. Is this bad or good?

Ever since I have taken the adenosylB12 my eye twitches have dissapeared for about 80%. Multiple magnesium chloride foot baths and oral magnesium also contributed to that I think. Also vitamin D3 helped, I think. Oh, by the way, I am not taking any eggshell calcium a day, so my PTH might perhaps be high all the time. I thought I never needed it. Perhaps another clue?

I also never exercise. I should be doing that right?

I also might be dehydrated, as I don't drink alot of fluids or water and I am often waking up thirsty and dry mouthed in the middle of night.

It just bothered me that my tachycardia started after I had taken the malic acid and I was afraid that that caused some weird effect like kidney dysfunction or electric dysfunction of the heart. Before I took the malic acid I almost never noticed anything. The eye twitch was already presenting itself in the past 2 weeks before I took the malic acid though. I attributed it to stress, but when it abruptly became worse after having taken the malic acid, I started worrying.

In the mind I am always afraid for "permanent" damage to my body, like heart damage that went unnoticed and can't be rolled back. This has some people sometimes call me a bit of a hypochondriac. I just think I am being vigilant and cautious, but this might have to do with my childhood past as I suffered from juvenile onset arthritis and was treated with methotrexate injections till the age of 12 and as a baby I had emergency surgery for pyloric stenosis, and doctors previously thought I wouldn't make it as I suffered from major malnutrition before my parents found my pyloric stenosis as a cause in a medical book and told them! If it wouldn't be for my parents, I would've died. Can't completely trust alot of these doctors can you? Hehe.

Thank you so much for the help!!
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Mar 29, 2014
I haven't heard about Buteyko yet but I will look into it. Just breathing slowly and focusing on the breathing lowers my heart rate. But whenever I "think" of my fear for tachycardia, I get this quick short feeling of anxiety,and my heart rate goes up again. I also feel a bit of an deoxygenated sensation in my heart sometimes as if it just pumped real hard But I am having a hard time distinguishing this sensation with my costochondritis in the same area. At night in bed I could literally feel my heartbeat pounding from my chest cavity. No idea why this happens.
I'm not familiar with coctochondritis.
Increased heartbeat and feeling of air-hunger can both be symptoms of hyperventilation. Anxiety can be both causal and consequential of hyperventilation. Good that you can slow it down by slowing breathing.

Oh, and for almost all of my teen and adult lifetime, I somehow always have a tendency to sleep with my head beneath the bed sheets, which I do almost always. The gaps to the outside will also be sealed by the sheets most of the times, so limited oxygen gets in. Is this bad or good?
I think this might be an adaptation to help counter hyperventilation. My guess is it probably has advantages from that angle. Disadvantages might be if the mattress puts out fumes that are all harmful?

I also might be dehydrated, as I don't drink alot of fluids or water and I am often waking up thirsty and dry mouthed in the middle of night.
I've noticed that insufficient water is another way I can get that noticably strong heartbeat at night.
my childhood past as I suffered from juvenile onset arthritis and was treated with methotrexate injections till the age of 12 and as a baby I had emergency surgery for pyloric stenosis, and doctors previously thought I wouldn't make it as I suffered from major malnutrition before my parents found my pyloric stenosis as a cause in a medical book and told them! If it wouldn't be for my parents, I would've died.
Glad your parents were on to it.


Nov 24, 2017
I remember malic acid was helping a lot with my dermatitis and eczema. No idea why, but I stopped cause I was scared to take it over longtime period


Oct 23, 2015
I remember malic acid was helping a lot with my dermatitis and eczema. No idea why, but I stopped cause I was scared to take it over longtime period

Reduced sebum for me, fats work on coenzyme A combining with fats and forming Acyl CoA the fat version of acetylCO.
Taking malic acid, I think you spare NAD, and this causes increased fat oxidation. NAD is what burns fats more in mito, then causes less oily skin.

Malic acid seems to assist the citric acid cycle, so hence the above.


Nov 24, 2017
Reduced sebum for me, fats work on coenzyme A combining with fats and forming Acyl CoA the fat version of acetylCO.
Taking malic acid, I think you spare NAD, and this causes increased fat oxidation. NAD is what burns fats more in mito, then causes less oily skin.

Malic acid seems to assist the citric acid cycle, so hence the above.

Thanks! Any more advices for my dermatitis?


Nov 29, 2017
I can't seem to find the article I am referring to now but I recall reading that malic acid prevents the build up of lactate in the blood by increasing NAD to NADPH (increases both) and helping to moving along the krebs cycle. What I can say is that I make a drink in the morning with taurine, malic acid and baking soda (sometimes a little niacinamide). I'm more vascular when I train, body fat seems to be dropping and my libido/erection quality is quite good. I mainly started taking malic acid for my gallbladder but am finding it to be very effective at multiple things. I actually also like citric acid but due to mold/contamination during production, I prefer to get it from citrus. I am using malic acid (derived from apples) instead of citric acid. Also, I read that the second highest acid in oranges next to citric is malic acid. Maybe that's another benefit of drinking fresh OJ!


Aug 17, 2018
Hi. I have used a capsule of 800 miligrams of malic acid. What followed that night was heart palpitations during sleep and skipped heartbeats. My diet has been crap for a while now so I was probably low in electrolytes already. I also developed this very strong left eye twitch, which keeps popping up throughout the day and doesn't go away by rubbing the eye. Could malic acid with its chelating actions have stolen electrolyte minerals from my body causing this disturbance in heart rhytm and electrolyte balance?

Thank you
What brand do you use? Could be the excipients that are causing these issues.

I have been using pure bulk and so far no palpitations or twitching.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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