Instructions for the Sexual Sun Bath (1940) 😃


Mar 18, 2021
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Excerpt from the book "Man of Today (1940)"

CHAPTER 5 - Sexual Power

If you have read Aldous Huxley's masterpiece, "Eyeless in Gaza", you probably remember the dramatic climax precipitated by a passionate woman's scorn of the sexual incompetency of the hero.
But we need not look to novels, however masterful, to climaxes precipitated by passionate women. Here is real evidence - a statement by no less an authority than Dr. Robert L. Dickinson, who, speaking before the American Medical Association in Philadelphia, made public the results of his study of the married life of a thousand American women. "These thousand women," Dr. Dickinson said, "were what might be called the cultural American type, considered socially normal in the ordinary relationship of work and life. Fifty per cent of these women have an unhappy family life due primarily to sexual conditions in their unions." Dr. Dickinson ascribes the cause to "sexual conditions". It does not require much imagination to presume what the eminent doctor meant.

Sexual Power ... two simple little words, but what a tremendous part they play in the happiness, or unhappiness, of man. The brilliant physician and Nobel laureate Alexis Carrel, whom I quoted in a previous chapter, writing on the subject of "Married Love" (Reader's Digest, July, 1939), speaks of the sexual urge as "an inexorable law of nature", and he says, "... it is more than a romantic glow. It is the biologic source of aspiration and achievement ... Those who achieve greatness in business, in art, in science, are strongly sexed. There are no sexual weaklings among the heroes, the conquerors, the truly great leaders of nations.” - What better proof can one have of the wisdom and necessity on the part of every man to keep himself sexually powerful than the statements by Drs. Dickinson and Carrel - the one who speaks of the unhappiness in family life, the other who credits the sexual urge with helping men to achievement and greatness.

Yet, if you were to delve deeply into the subject, if you read the writings and studied the case histories reported by physicians who specialize in the treatment of sexual disorders, you would be amazed at the large percentage of men who suffer from sexual disorders of one kind or another, including impaired sexual power. It is all the more tragic when we consider than in some cases there is a complete loss of sexual power - a most unfortunate condition, for the sexual life affects every human emotion, every thought, every activity. Energy, courage, the capacity to enjoy one's work - all these depend primarily on the normal functioning of sexual power. Loss of this power produces enervation, discontentment, a feeling of inferiority, impairment in general health, a feeling that life is not worth living, and a dread of causing unhappiness to one's mate — her unhappiness and her scorn.
The dread of causing unhappiness to one's mate may be the direst consequence of all, for the sex factor is of profoundest importance in the maintenance of a happy family life, with the associative elements of love, devotion, sacrifice, ambition, courage in adversity.

Just what is meant by Sexual Power? It is obvious that a simple explanation would be "capacity to perform the sexual act". It means much more than that, however. A married man may be capable of performing the sexual act, but he may be frigid that is, he may lack desire. While frigidity is much more common in women, it constitutes a problem with many men, especially after middle age. A condition worse by far than frigidity, is impotence, which means inability to perform the sexual act, no matter how strong the desire. The causes of frigidity and impotence are many and varied and are well deserving of the separate chapters devoted to these subjects. Many married men, however, are neither impotent nor frigid, yet their sexual organs are enfeebled. This is often the result of improper living. Such a condition sometimes can be helped by normalizing the supply to the organs of blood richly charged with oxygen. This is promoted by two comparatively simple measures. They are the Sexual Water Bath and the Sexual Sun Bath.

The Sexual Sun Bath

The sexual sun bath should be taken before noon, as the afternoon sun is not as effective and may even be harmful. Before taking the sexual sun bath rub the genitals briefly with a cold, wet sponge. Place yourself comfortably in the path of the sun's rays, fully undressed, but with the head, chest and abdomen covered with a cloth, so that only the sexual organs are exposed to the sun. It is essential that you have a bowel movement before you take the sexual sun bath.

The sun fertilizes and vitalizes everything on the earth and it also fertilizes and vitalizes the human body. When taking the sexual sun bath bear this in mind. Let something like the following train of thought run through your mind - "The genitals are the roots which gather the juices from the soil of the body in order to convey them through the spinal cord to the brain, which is the crown of the living body; the sun fertilizes the seed that is in the body and upbuilds my body to produce new life in me". Do not permit your thoughts to stray, but concentrate deeply on this contemplation. Remember that distraction affects the will power, while concentration fortifies it and spells success.

The sexual sun bath should last for 10 minutes, during which time you will notice that the skin of the testicles stretches and contracts - alternately, until it becomes soft and well supplied with blood. The sexual sun bath is of great importance in the process of invigoration, and its rapid and beneficial effects will delight you.

During the sexual sun bath you should breathe deeply, allowing not less than seven seconds for each inspiration and each expiration of air, which time may be gradually increased. If it is not convenient for you to take a natural sun bath, use an ultra-violet lamp instead - but only as an emergency measure when natural sunlight is not available. Bring the lamp close to the genitals, but not close enough to cause any discomfort. Use it for a very brief period about five or ten minutes twice a week. Every effort should be made to use natural sunlight for your sexual sun baths, rather than an ultra-violet lamp. But if you must use a lamp be sure that it is a carbon-arc type.

The Bureau of Standards of the United States has declared that, of the artificial sources of energy the carbon-arc lamp is the nearest approach to sunlight.

It is necessary to warn against the excessive use of sunlight and of the ultraviolet lamp and carbon-arc lamps. The genitals should not be exposed to direct sunlight longer than 10 minutes, twice a week. The lamps should not be brought so close to the parts as to cause the slightest discomfort. That applies especially to the ultraviolet lamp.

At first the lamps should be used at a considerable distance and for brief periods. Then the distance may be gradually reduced and the time of exposure gradually increased. The different makes of lamps are furnished with directions for their use and these should be studied carefully in order to obtain the best results and to obviate any harmful effects. And whenever the lamps are used the eyes should be protected by wearing dark sun glasses.

The sexual water bath and the sexual sun bath, together with the other health-giving measures described in this book, will invigorate all parts of your body.

You may also find it helpful to take certain hormones - they frequently help to speed up invigoration of the sexual organs. There have been considerable findings of late in the field of hormones. Only the other day there came to the writer's attention an announcement to the effect that a new synthetic chemical with male sex hormone activity is now available. Hitherto, hormones of this nature were available for injection only as testosterone propionate. The new chemical, known as methyl testosterone and obtainable in tablet form, is orally effective, and is therefore of especial value to patients who do much traveling.

Methyl testosterone is intended for use in conditions where deficiency of testicular hormone exists. Other conditions in which it may prove valuable are impotence, sterility and the so-called male climacteric. But it is obvious that preparations of this nature must be taken only upon the advice of a physician.

In many cases of impaired sexual power in married life mental impediments play a role. Thus, fear that certain youthful indiscretions (such as masturbation) and infections may have affected sexual power, fear of causing pregnancy, or indifferent love, may prevent satisfactory performance of the sexual act. Mental thoughts like these should be suppressed by an exercise of will power. This may be difficult at first, or may seem difficult, but weak will power can be overcome by continued attention to the general principles of healthful living as laid down in this book. A balanced diet, sound breathing, proper care of the intestines and skin, abstention from excesses (alcohol, smoking and late hours), sound sleep, adequate outdoor exercise, suitable bathing, a constant occupation and the sexual water bath and sexual sun bath ... these simple precautions have, for countless men, opened up a new vista of success in life and love.


Sep 9, 2019

There's a particular vibe, a particular magic to it under the sun. Somehow better if the light falls through a tall and old tree.

But do it in the sticks. In the middle of nowhere. No "dogging", no "exhibitionism" kids.


Apr 28, 2015
@miquelangeles Who wrote this "Man of Today" book? Can't find it anywhere. Online searches only direct me to this thread, or to porn
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