Im A Mess! Not Sure Where To Start.


May 6, 2014
Hey guys. How is everyone doing?

First post here. I am a 22 year old dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and whole host of other issues. My digestive system is in shreds (think it's SIBO). I have constant bloating, pain, it seems I react to everything that I eat. For those of you not familar with CFS, my case is fairly severe. I am nearly bedridden and suffer from plenty of neurological symptoms (low blood pressure, low body temp, blurry vision, migraines, brain fog, depression, anxiety, raynauds, post exertional malaise) to go along with it.

I have tried more diets than I can count but have yet to try something like Peats. Going to give it a shot.

Any advice from someone who has dealt with CFS or GI issues? I see Peat advocates coffee which always seems to exacerbate my stomach pain so that will be the only thing I exclude.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Xhale1991, :welcome

Increasing metabolism by maximizing thyroid function will make CFS go away. Keeping blood sugar up is key for speedy healing, so small sips of OJ or sugared and salted milk all throughout the day, mexican coke can be healing too. Carrot salad can be tried. Ray Peat potato protein soup is incredibly healing. Liver should probably be eaten almost every day if you can in a small amount. Aspirin might speeds things along. Supplemental lighting if you cannot get outside enough, getting outside and just sitting in the sun should help a lot. Bag breathing could speed up healing. I have been doing good eating the cheese sticks that haidut mentioned to get the protein up. Try not to stress things if you can, I know its hard when you are beat up and broken down like you are.

You can turn this around, you have the knowledge available to you now. :hattip


May 6, 2014
Charlie said:
Xhale1991, :welcome

Increasing metabolism by maximizing thyroid function will make CFS go away. Keeping blood sugar up is key for speedy healing, so small sips of OJ or sugared and salted milk all throughout the day, mexican coke can be healing too. Carrot salad can be tried. Ray Peat potato protein soup is incredibly healing. Liver should probably be eaten almost every day if you can in a small amount. Aspirin might speeds things along. Supplemental lighting if you cannot get outside enough, getting outside and just sitting in the sun should help a lot. Bag breathing could speed up healing. I have been doing good eating the cheese sticks that haidut mentioned to get the protein up. Try not to stress things if you can, I know its hard when you are beat up and broken down like you are.

You can turn this around, you have the knowledge available to you now. :hattip


I haven't eaten dairy in a long time. Always thought I was allergic to it. It definitely gave me acne. I have some raw whole milk/cheese on the way so will see if I can tolerate the raw dairy any better.


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to the forum

If you look at a list of hypothyroid symptoms you will see it covers most of
your health issues. Modern doctors have created hundreds of new diseases
that are really rooted in hypothyroidism. It would be a good idea to have your
TSH, total T4, Total T3 and total cholesterol tested. You can also measure
your pulse and temperature 1-2 hours after breakfast to get a good idea
about your metabolic state. You are a very young person and there is a
good chance that you can turn things around very quickly.
Peat recommends healthy and nutritious foods that improve your health
and to avoid foods that irritate your gut even if that is the best food in the world.
You do not need to drink coffee if it does not agree with you. Same goes for
milk. Many hypothyroid people has problem with digesting milk due to
damaged intestinal wall and low production of Lactase.
RP thinks SIBO is a result of low thyroid function.
You can experiment with cheese as it does not have lactose.
You can make your own farmer's cheese at home. which is
pure and additive free. Many people have problem with OJ due to
poor quality of fruits. RP only recommends well ripened sweet oranges.
It is difficult to get good quality fruits. Under ripe fruits can worsen your health.
If cheese is a problem for you then you can do a non-dairy version of this style of eating.
In that case you have to make sure you are getting extra calcium to balance
high phosphorus in meat and fish. Some cheese are low in calcium too.
Here is a link to general dietary guideline
You can also try red light therapy. That gives a quick boost.
Bag breathing 1-2 minutes few times a day can do wonder.
You can find answer to most of your dietary questions here


Sep 11, 2013
I always wondered, if people have problems with dairy, would adding lactase drops to milk be an option ?
If you react to cow milk protein, you could maybe try goat milk or sheep milk.


Jul 24, 2013
Xhale1991 said:
Hey guys. How is everyone doing?

First post here. I am a 22 year old dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome..think it's SIBO). I have constant bloating, pain, it seems I react to everything that I eat. For those of you not familar with CFS, my case is fairly severe. I am nearly bedridden and suffer from plenty of neurological symptoms (low blood pressure, low body temp, blurry vision, migraines, brain fog, depression, anxiety, raynauds, post exertional malaise) to go along with it

Different factors, both in decline and restoration, are primary for different people. If many things have been tried already, perhaps you have gathered more data beyond the basic description listed.

Mittir has outlined excellent suggestions for more data. If migraine headaches are frequent or impairing, lab testing for estrogen, progesterone, maybe other "sex steroids" can be helpful. While important for all, identifying estrogen excess is especially important for females. WADR I don't know the gender for this situation.

As Mittir points out, if some Peat-y measures do not serve you at the moment, it's fine to use other supportive measures.

If digestion is difficult, think about using skin or bath measures to augment somewhat. for instance, a bath of foot baths can be used for baking soda (sodium) or epsom magnesium (either of which can be low with low blood pressure and malaise). Coconut oil applied to the skin can add some steadiness to fuel delivery when appetite or intake varies.

While awaiting some investigations, it be help to be generous with table salt, both in cooking and as a condiment. Also, if you can digest it, a bit of cholesterol intake from some source, whether eggs or eat, will give nutrients for building the restorative hormones.

When metabolic function is low, there are different compensations. One major variation is high adrenaline response. In that situation, cold hands/feet/ears, Raynaud's phenomenon, low blood pressure, a cold "chilled to the bone" feeling in winter, slim/thin frame, even difficulty gaining weight when appetite is good, lightheadness, poor/sluggish digestion/absorption, food intolerance/reflux-type stuff are some common things. Salt and fruit sugar/sugar are relieving short term measures. Often in such cases either a person craves salt or really doesn't like it.

If it helps morale, I have known numerous people improve swiftly when key factors are engaged. A little exploration here, including the numerous good suggestions above, may help select major ones.


May 6, 2014
aguilaroja said:
While awaiting some investigations, it be help to be generous with table salt, both in cooking and as a condiment. Also, if you can digest it, a bit of cholesterol intake from some source, whether eggs or eat, will give nutrients for building the restorative hormones.

When metabolic function is low, there are different compensations. One major variation is high adrenaline response. In that situation, cold hands/feet/ears, Raynaud's phenomenon, low blood pressure, a cold "chilled to the bone" feeling in winter, slim/thin frame, even difficulty gaining weight when appetite is good, lightheadness, poor/sluggish digestion/absorption, food intolerance/reflux-type stuff are some common things. Salt and fruit sugar/sugar are relieving short term measures. Often in such cases either a person craves salt or really doesn't like it.

If it helps morale, I have known numerous people improve swiftly when key factors are engaged. A little exploration here, including the numerous good suggestions above, may help select major ones.

Table salt is one of the few things I've found that helps me.

When I am feeling particularly sick and have the chills, cold hands/feet, brain fog, etc.... I drink a teaspoon of sea salt mixed in some water. It without a doubt helps give me some relief of those symptoms.

The weird thing is this. I know CFS and Hypothyroid often have similar symptoms (of course there are differences as well), but I had my doc test my thyroid levels, and he said they were normal. My hair has become extremely dry and is starting to fall out. In addition my skin is extremely dry/scaly. It's incredible how shitty my health has become and how fast it has happened. 2 years ago I was extremely active and in peak condition. Now I haven't been able to do in a damn thing in almost a year. All my muscle mass has dissapeared, I had to move in with my parents as I don't have the energy to take care of myself right now, and the brainfog is so severe that I can barely read anymore. To be honest I don't know how much longer I can live like this. I'm losing my mind.

Wow you basically listed all my main symptoms in regards to "when metabolic functioning is low". Add in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and that describes me perfectly. I often get these really weird "episodes" as well. It is definitely anxiety related, but I feel like I get a massive surge of adrenaline, i become ICE cold, start shivering violently, cant think, pulse skyrockets..... It has happened to me a few times and have considered going to the ER more than once but have been able to push through them at home.

Another thing is that I can no longer tolerate any caffeine or nicotine since getting sick. I used to smoke and drink coffee reguarly then quit both when my CFS symptoms came on. After going without them for a few months I reintroduced each to see if it would help me. The coffee makes me feel GREAT for about an hour but when it wears off I end up much worse. Often times after I drink coffee I will slip into one of those episodes I just described after the initial caffeine highs dissipates. Smoking.... forget it. I had one cigarette a few weeks ago and it gave me severe heart palpitations, made me icy cold, and it felt as if my body was going into anaphylaxis.

I'm also pretty sure my blood volume is very low. I know this could be causing my low blood pressure and also my low body temp. It also seems to be common is CFS but am not sure why. Getting bloodwork is very difficult. I pass out nearly every time and am extremely sensitive to any blood loss that occurs.

Growing up as a kid I was an amateur boxer (yes I'm male) and very seriously invested in it. I starved myself for years to make weight. This without a doubt messed up my metabolism and digestion. But if that was the case why are my thyroid tests normal?

Thanks again for the help guys and I'd appreciate any further insight you may be able to offer.


Jul 24, 2013
Xhale1991 said:
Table salt is one of the few things I've found that helps me...When I am feeling particularly sick and have the chills, cold hands/feet, brain fog, etc.... I drink a teaspoon of sea salt mixed in some water. It without a doubt helps give me some relief of those symptoms....I'm also pretty sure my blood volume is very low. I know this could be causing my low blood pressure and also my low body temp. It also seems to be common is CFS but am not sure why. Getting bloodwork is very difficult. I pass out nearly every time and am extremely sensitive to any blood loss that occurs.

Growing up as a kid I was an amateur boxer (yes I'm male) and very seriously invested in it. I starved myself for years to make weight. This without a doubt messed up my metabolism and digestion. But if that was the case why are my thyroid tests normal?

I feel for you, having recently been so fit and currently at low ebb.

Brain fog feels "circular": it can feel like a struggle to think clearly, to devise a plan to feel better enough to think clearly.

Here's some additional suggestions:

(a) Get an exact list of the (thyroid especially) tests done, and the EXACT numbers. It is said many places in this forum and elsewhere: Symptoms and finding are needed TOGETHER with lab tests to evaluate and restore thyroid function. Go beyond the provider reported test "interpretation".

(b) You might post the lab tests done so far, and see if healthcare coverage would cover the cost of other tests that help clarify the metabolism restoration picture.

(c) Start logging resting pulse and temperature, as Mittir mentioned.

(d) Search for nourishing Peat-y enjoyable foods that are comfortably digested.

(e) Be generous with using "refined" (de-odorized) coconut oil generously on the skin. good quality coconut oil is usually absorbed readily. This may help short term stability with fuel supply/metabolic demands. it may help the skin and/or scalp too.

(The health food stores stock more of the "extra virgin" "unrefined" "raw" variety that has more of an aroma and is often more grayish, that Dr. Peat has been less enthusiastic about. The stronger "unrefined, raw" odor will be less popular with some friends/family. Look for white, non-sticky coconut oil-it show melt at 76 degrees F.)

(f) In similar situations, sleep is often not restorative. Check out the forum posts for some Peat-friendly sleep tips.

(g) Excuse the repetition: Good thyroid function is necessary to conserve salt (especially sodium) and minerals, even when mineral intake is decent. Low blood pressure, sensitivity to posture changes and lack of oomph sometimes improve noticeably when mineral conservation is better. Most health care providers have forgotten this finding of previous generations. In the meantime, keep consisten salt/mineral intake, whether through food or bath absorption

(h) Once basic lab work pulse/temp tracking, and Peat-style nutrition, you might consider Pregnenolone at 50 mg or so per day to start. Things seem severe enough that an early extra boost beyond the "lifestyle" stuff may help. This is also a guess that the neuro-protective pregnenolone effects may be of use given the boxing background.

One moderator of this forum has a website outlining supplements with few or no extra additives:


May 6, 2014

Any thoughts on what those "episodes" i get may be? Or why I cant tolerate coffee/nicotine anymore?


Jul 24, 2013
Xhale1991 said:
...Any thoughts on what those "episodes" i get may be? Or why I cant tolerate coffee/nicotine anymore?

Briefly, it sounds like a state where the stress responses are acting when the reserves are nearly used up. Please regard this analogy only mildly: If a car is trying to run in overdrive, while the carburetor is not working well, the fuel lines are not optimal, and the gas is low, things will sputter. The coffee/cigs things seem like versions of trying to rev the engine too.

Certainly, it things seem like a great shock, get medical attention promptly. And have someone with you to help you get help.


May 6, 2014
aguilaroja said:
Xhale1991 said:
...Any thoughts on what those "episodes" i get may be? Or why I cant tolerate coffee/nicotine anymore?

Briefly, it sounds like a state where the stress responses are acting when the reserves are nearly used up. Please regard this analogy only mildly: If a car is trying to run in overdrive, while the carburetor is not working well, the fuel lines are not optimal, and the gas is low, things will sputter. The coffee/cigs things seem like versions of trying to rev the engine too.

Certainly, it things seem like a great shock, get medical attention promptly. And have someone with you to help you get help.

Yes. I am incredibly sensitive to stress. Even 2-3 minutes where I feel myself in a stressful/anxious state, will have me feeling like utter ***t for hours afterwards. I find it really is one of the main triggers to my CFS symptoms. I feel my body flooded with adrenaline and I think that is why I can't tolerate coffee. It increases my adrenaline even more so and sends me into a massive episode.

Now I just need to find out why I have such issues with extremely high adrenaline levels. Is it because of the CFS or some undiagnosed thyroid issue? I don't know..... Hoping ray's diet will help regardless.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
CFS=Hypothyroid. Adrenaline kicking in to keep you alive because you are hypothyroid.


Isn't the concept of 'CFS' an artificial thing, created as a way around admitting some thing about hypothyroidism?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Yeh you could add MS too. They box up a set of symptoms, slap a name on it, brand you with it, and sell you their "goods". When all you had to do was call up Pimpom. :lol:


May 6, 2014
Charlie said:
CFS=Hypothyroid. Adrenaline kicking in to keep you alive because you are hypothyroid.


Sorry but this is not true whatsoever and you must not understand CFS. The vast majority of people who have it have perfectly normal thyroid tests.

CFS is most likely a viral disease as many people find relief when taking antivirals.


Xhale1991 said:
Sorry but this is not true whatsoever and you must not understand CFS. The vast majority of people who have it have perfectly normal thyroid tests.

One big premise people accept here is that lab tests are not enough to diagnose hypothyroidism. You can have perfectly normal thyroid tests and still be hypothyroid. A better test is: do you have symptoms of hypothyroidism and reduce them when you take a supplement (with both T3 and T4).


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Xhale1991 said:
Sorry but this is not true whatsoever and you must not understand CFS. The vast majority of people who have it have perfectly normal thyroid tests.
Perfectly normal for the "establishments" results. However, not perfectly normal.

CFS is most likely a viral disease as many people find relief when taking antivirals.
"CFS" is from your metabolism being dialed down so much it decided(or left with no choice) to take a major part of your energy system off line. Fire back up the energy system, "CFS" no more.


Jul 24, 2013
Xhale1991 said:
...The vast majority of people who have it have perfectly normal thyroid tests.

CFS is most likely a viral disease as many people find relief when taking antivirals.


Excuse the pronounced zeal of some post-ers here. Dr. Peat's approach has helped many who have suffered for years. Sometimes the relief has been rapid. Their enthusiasm in gratitude for help is understandable. (Dr. Peat is not wealthy from pitching products or services, but is generous and modest in manner and life.)

The view of CFS as a viral issue, relieved by antivirals, is a worthy idea that has helped many. Dr. Peat has a view about impaired metabolism, that underlies impaired immune states and other chronic ailments. The Peat-y approach has also helped many (including people with CFS by standard definitions), often inexpensively and rapidly where long and expensive treatments had little benefit.

There is a perceived problem by informed groups that the routine thyroid testing and its interpretation has misinformed many patients, who could be helped in the crusty thyroid doctrines were more flexible. I and my family suffered many years while "reassured" by very famous and prestigious doctors that the thyroid tests were normal. Some of my problems were solved in days, after discarding the "expert" opinion.

To be clear, the approach of Dr. Peat and those who skillfully apply his methods is in the minority, even among the minority "integral"/"alternative" and non-authoritarian approaches. The measures are intended to be useful and accessible. While Dr. Peat's ideas are refreshing, the main service is to help people's lives be better. It is fine to see whether the steps serve you or not.

I'll write more soon, and answer questions for the situation as my logistics allow.


Jul 20, 2014
Hi Xhale, I can relate to your situation (diagnosed CFS at 17 and now 32), I've had low grade health issues since the begining. How is your experimentation with R.Peat perspectives going? I'd be interested to know how you tip toe your way in given our similarities, as I am trying now.

All the best! :)


Mar 24, 2014
I think glycine (via gelatin is easiest) may be helpful to you. Take it in the evening before sleep or it could make you feel sleepy(ier), also L-theanine.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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