If you want to look like a supermodel (and why you should want to look like a supermodel) - a case for head insulation 24/7



Jun 22, 2021
why dont you use K2 orally? are you using thornes drops, whats the ingredients and have you tried thornes K2 in capsule form
When Danny Roddy told me it gave him stomach problems it made me reluctant to try it that way - a serotonergic or allergic reaction is much easier for me to deal with just on my wrists then if it entered my digestive system (probably cause of absorption like you said)

I have not tried in capsule form but ingredients for the drops are:
K2 (MK-4)

"Medium Chain Triglycerides Oil, Mixed Tocopherols"


When I had gotten the negative effects from Kuinone I had also rubbed it on my wrists with the same dosage- I have no idea what could be the case but the rest of haidut's supplements have always worked really well for me so I'm not sure could just be me because a lot of users on here seem to have no problem with Kuinone
I’ve never tried Kuinone but the K2 Mk4 from HealthNatura is working well for me (4-5 drops in the am). I do like Thorne’s Vit D and recently I just picked up their D/K2 drops...

Btw, thanks for sharing this. I seem to have some good benefits from mewing. I used to follow a few mewing influencers on IG and one was Mike Mew. It led me to practice proper tongue posture, nasal breathing (I was a frequent mouth breather) and mouth taping during sleep. My jaw seems more define, nasal breathing is a lot better and so as my posture. I try to walk bare feet whenever I can. I also have been wearing barefoot shoes for work for over a yr now. Vivo barefoot and Xero shoes I alternate everyday. I got rid of the rest of my thick sole sneakers. I think those were the cause of my bad posture and back/hip/knee pains.

I’m liking the positive results with nasal breathing, mewing, and going barefoot. Appreciate your post!


Jan 4, 2021
Do you take d3 with the k2? I take one that has 75 μg K2 mk7 and 200 UI d3 daily. Those are 100% RDD. I don't want to take some absurd amounts. It is a small EVOO drop and I take it with the meals no problem. It tastes like olive oil.

As far as breathing throught the nose, removing milk improves post nasal drip symtphons a lot as much as I like milk.


Do you take d3 with the k2? I take one that has 75 μg K2 mk7 and 200 UI d3 daily. Those are 100% RDD. I don't want to take some absurd amounts. It is a small EVOO drop and I take it with the meals no problem. It tastes like olive oil.

As far as breathing throught the nose, removing milk improves post nasal drip symtphons a lot as much as I like milk.
I normally take D3 in the pm w/ meals (4-5 drops) and K2 in am w/ a meal as well but the store made a mistake and ordered the D/K2 combo for me so I might have to change my time. Check your Vit d levels and see where you are. I increase my dosage during the winter months. It varies where you are located. I work inside so I don’t get as much sun exposure. And I have no issues at all w/ MCT.

I used to think that way about milk and I used to get post nasal drip several times a yr. I was led to believe that milk can increase your mucus, etc. So I was on all kinds of nut milk for many yrs b/c I thought dairy can cause inflammation. Welp, that change beginning of last yr. I stopped almond milk and pufa and started raw dairy. No allergies or colds last yr. No cohed symptoms. So far this yr I’ve been doing well w/ no seasonal allergies which I used to get every yr. I didn’t even had to use my Neti pot at all. And I’ve used Flonase, saline spray etc. in the past. lol. Me thinks the nuts and seeds caused my allergies. That was my experience.


Feb 8, 2021
When Danny Roddy told me it gave him stomach problems it made me reluctant to try it that way - a serotonergic or allergic reaction is much easier for me to deal with just on my wrists then if it entered my digestive system (probably cause of absorption like you said)

I have not tried in capsule form but ingredients for the drops are:
K2 (MK-4)

"Medium Chain Triglycerides Oil, Mixed Tocopherols"
why do you think wrist application provides better facial benefits than facial/oral application and do you apply on both wrists


Jun 15, 2020

just thought I'd drop this here
Jun 16, 2021
The minimum height to be a " supermodel " is 6ft and most agencies won't sign anyone over 25 to start ... can wearing a cap do that ? kidding.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The minimum height to be a " supermodel " is 6ft and most agencies won't sign anyone over 25 to start ... can wearing a cap do that ? kidding.
why is there a minimum height involved? you can't tell the height in pictures/videos unless theyre standing next to someone taller or specific objects usually
Jun 16, 2021
oh, i was just talking about professionally, and I assume that is what being a " supermodel " is. i used to work for a top agency and was in that business. there really is no such thing as a short supermodel but now the age limits are expanded but usually it is older veteran models who get booked. maybe he is talking about being a instagram model ? bc those people arent really models but think they are . having a square jaw doesn't really make anyone a supermodel :) to answer your question about height requirements , especially with male models, they need to be versatile, fit into runways clothes, fit into sample sizes for editorial and also be taller or as tall as the femal models they work with who also have height requirements. in order to to be a supermodel which is someone who works on top jobs, you need to be tall, low body fat , young , and have a certain look that is either commercial or editorial or runway or all three.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
oh, i was just talking about professionally, and I assume that is what being a " supermodel " is. i used to work for a top agency and was in that business. there really is no such thing as a short supermodel but now the age limits are expanded but usually it is older veteran models who get booked. maybe he is talking about being a instagram model ? bc those people arent really models but think they are . having a square jaw doesn't really make anyone a supermodel :) to answer your question about height requirements , especially with male models, they need to be versatile, fit into runways clothes, fit into sample sizes for editorial and also be taller or as tall as the femal models they work with who also have height requirements. in order to to be a supermodel which is someone who works on top jobs, you need to be tall, low body fat , young , and have a certain look that is either commercial or editorial or runway or all three.
they have plus size, fat, all categories of models now, big and tall
I think its more about looking exotic and unique than attractive, I have seen too many models who were ugly, and many who look sickly thin
part of it is also about advertising things to the public, so maybe because the average bodyfat has risen so much, they now also need plus size models and etc...seems like they also try to get models of different races, hair textures etc


Jan 4, 2021
I normally take D3 in the pm w/ meals (4-5 drops) and K2 in am w/ a meal as well but the store made a mistake and ordered the D/K2 combo for me so I might have to change my time. Check your Vit d levels and see where you are. I increase my dosage during the winter months. It varies where you are located. I work inside so I don’t get as much sun exposure. And I have no issues at all w/ MCT.

I used to think that way about milk and I used to get post nasal drip several times a yr. I was led to believe that milk can increase your mucus, etc. So I was on all kinds of nut milk for many yrs b/c I thought dairy can cause inflammation. Welp, that change beginning of last yr. I stopped almond milk and pufa and started raw dairy. No allergies or colds last yr. No cohed symptoms. So far this yr I’ve been doing well w/ no seasonal allergies which I used to get every yr. I didn’t even had to use my Neti pot at all. And I’ve used Flonase, saline spray etc. in the past. lol. Me thinks the nuts and seeds caused my allergies. That was my experience.
Why not take the k2 and d3 at once?

As far as milk, I tried finding a2 milk but I can't order it online anywhere, I would need to go to a shop to buy it that's 20 minute away from train, that's too much work. Also, a2 milk from what I can see is sold only as fresh milk, so im not sure if it may contain bacteria etc. "Fresh milk" sounds more natural and stuff but it can also have drawbacks.
I may still go to the shop and buy some bottles tho and see if my mucus doesn't buildup as with (what I suspect) is increased with regular milk products.
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Why not take the k2 and d3 at once?

As far as milk, I tried finding a2 milk but I can't order it online anywhere, I would need to go to a shop to buy it that's 20 minute away from train, that's too much work. Also, a2 milk from what I can see is sold only as fresh milk, so im not sure if it may contain bacteria etc. "Fresh milk" sounds more natural and stuff but it can also have drawbacks.
The D/K2 combo is what I just bought since I’m almost out of the Vit D but the reason why I got the Healthnatura K2 is I wanted a little more K2 than the D/K2 bottle. Also, good reviews from other users, quality and reasonable price compared to Thorne and kuinone. And I actually like their K2 and have been using it for months now.. The bottle of D/K2 is actually my second. First bottle I mainly used topically that’s why it didn’t last that long..

You can go for whole milk if you can’t find raw milk. I’m fortunate to find a farm 10 min off the hwy on my way home from work that sells raw milk. Have you check Realmilk.com to see what’s in your area?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The D/K2 combo is what I just bought since I’m almost out of the Vit D but the reason why I got the Healthnatura K2 is I wanted a little more K2 than the D/K2 bottle. Also, good reviews from other users, quality and reasonable price compared to Thorne and kuinone. And I actually like their K2 and have been using it for months now.. The bottle of D/K2 is actually my second. First bottle I mainly used topically that’s why it didn’t last that long..

You can go for whole milk if you can’t find raw milk. I’m fortunate to find a farm 10 min off the hwy on my way home from work that sells raw milk. Have you check Realmilk.com to see what’s in your area?
there unfortunately could be scams on there, like people selling cheap milk passing it off as raw, and with no liabilities in states where raw milk is illegal for direct sale, some states you have to sign a contract saying you wont hold the farm/farmer accountable even if the milk causes injury, death, disease etc
Jun 16, 2021
they have plus size, fat, all categories of models now, big and tall
I think its more about looking exotic and unique than attractive, I have seen too many models who were ugly, and many who look sickly thin
part of it is also about advertising things to the public, so maybe because the average bodyfat has risen so much, they now also need plus size models and etc...seems like they also try to get models of different races, hair textures etc
yes to all the but the category of " supermodel " usually means making way up in the top tier of earnings - def millions a year with high profile clients and campaigns. there really are no plus-sized , big and tall " supermodels " making that kind of money and having huge contracts and earnings. it's that the term " supermodel " is way more than having a strong jaw etc blah blah blah . i know many many models and really, especially the male ones, all were really genetically blessed, work hard at what they do and most of them work out a lot. some diet , some eat junk food 24/7.


Oct 12, 2020
When Danny Roddy told me it gave him stomach problems it made me reluctant to try it that way - a serotonergic or allergic reaction is much easier for me to deal with just on my wrists then if it entered my digestive system (probably cause of absorption like you said)

I have not tried in capsule form but ingredients for the drops are:
K2 (MK-4)

"Medium Chain Triglycerides Oil, Mixed Tocopherols"
Why do you guys taking K2 in the first place btw? Is it good for bone health?

Green Dot

Jun 4, 2021
Also, semi related:


Jun 22, 2021
Super interesting thread. Thanks for this contribution.
No problem - Glad to share
Why do you guys taking K2 in the first place btw? Is it good for bone health?
K2 seems to help tremendously with calcium depositing - reducing calcification - I get good bone definition and better results mewing from just about anything that lowers serotonin, but especially K2 - I am not 100% sure if this is because it lowers serotonin or because of something else...

Serotonin seems to interfere with where calcium is deposited and seems to cause calcification to some extent

which is why I made this thread for head insulation - keeping the head warm - really seems to make it easier to mew and help with calcification - it's also much easier to be in this state 24/7 then taking supplements like K2 throughout the day but i like using both...

The only issue is once you get serious results mewing and growing the skull no cap will fit you anymore... your skull becomes too big to fit into these things which is a good problem to have i suppose ... but i like headwear for beginners because it helps you get to this stage quick ... thats the stage im at now - even double XL caps barely fit - so im usually wearing a large scarf loosened up or a super large head tie on my head .... works reallly well for reducing serotonin and works very well with mewing

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
No problem - Glad to share

K2 seems to help tremendously with calcium depositing - reducing calcification - I get good bone definition and better results mewing from just about anything that lowers serotonin, but especially K2 - I am not 100% sure if this is because it lowers serotonin or because of something else...

Serotonin seems to interfere with where calcium is deposited and seems to cause calcification to some extent

which is why I made this thread for head insulation - keeping the head warm - really seems to make it easier to mew and help with calcification - it's also much easier to be in this state 24/7 then taking supplements like K2 throughout the day but i like using both...

The only issue is once you get serious results mewing and growing the skull no cap will fit you anymore... your skull becomes too big to fit into these things which is a good problem to have i suppose ... but i like headwear for beginners because it helps you get to this stage quick ... thats the stage im at now - even double XL caps barely fit - so im usually wearing a large scarf loosened up or a super large head tie on my head .... works reallly well for reducing serotonin and works very well with mewing
the k2 could potentially reduce glutathione so you may need to supplement antioxidants or boost glutathione using other supplements
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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