If You Never Want To Use Laundry Detergent This Is Your Answer

Nov 21, 2015
I was in a strange country when watching the only station I could understand, which was Japanese (in English) and they had a puff piece on this product but it grabbed me.

Since then I've used it and have relatives using it and it is AWESOME.

It's simply magnesium beads in a sachet. Somehow, it functions like laundry detergent, except without all the chemicals.

Don't know how. But it works awesome. Doesn't remove stains, but removes all odors and makes clothes clean. And you don't need to worry about laundry detergent residue.

Terra Wash. It is AMAZING and supposedly lasts 365 washes.



Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Terra Wash.
..because you and your family don't deserve less.

Dear hamster, are you actually getting paid to post this? If not by Terra Wash, by the vaccine industry?

Magnesia might neutralize the acids that are responsible for smell and abrasion might scrape off visible dirt. Saponificata is the neutralization of fatty acids, so it's understandable that a soap might not be as effective in getting rid of odors since there isn't anything left to react in such way. Is there something in it that can take care of fatty stuff, since this is the part that is most troublesome to remove with just water and abrasa?
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May 21, 2015
Nov 21, 2015
..because you and your family don't deserve less.

Dear hamster, are you actually getting paid to post this? If not by Terra Wash, by the vaccine industry?

Magnesia might neutralize the acids that are responsible for smell and abrasion might scrape off visible dirt. Saponificata is the neutralization of fatty acids, so it's understandable that a soap might not be as effective in getting rid of odors since there isn't anything left to react in such way. Is there something in it that can take care of fatty stuff, since this is the part that is most troublesome to remove with just water and abrasa?

I don't know why it works. But it does. It removes odors perfectly. And leaves clothes clean. It just won't work as well to remove stains.


Jul 13, 2015
I wash my workout ( :eek: ) clothes with epsom salts added to the mix. Works great at removing/preventing perma-stink.


Sep 12, 2015
Seems like you could make that product yourself for less money by breaking up cheap magnesium rods bought from eBay and putting them into an appropriate bag.

You can find also the magnesium prills on eBay for less money over time than the product mentioned.


Feb 26, 2016
When I've used washing soda it did a great job of deodorizing. Harsh on fibers, totally worth it. Still wouldn't go back to detergent and dryer sheets. I switched to baking soda. After 4 years all the baking soda and epsom salt doesn't seem like its hurting the plumbing. My laundry greys but you could use bluing for that. Maybe methylene blue would even work but I guess you'd have to dilute a lot first. Less stink to cover up with stuff that makes more stink. Well, pufa depletion probably too.


Mar 29, 2014
It's simply magnesium beads in a sachet. Somehow, it functions like laundry detergent, except without all the chemicals.
Is it basically magnesium hydroxide?


Mar 29, 2014

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Not surprising, Borax is nothing but a mineral, sodium tetraborate, and it has been used successfully as a laundry additive for years. Borax is a fantastic cleaner, one of the best for glassware, etc. I use it in laundry all the time.


May 21, 2015
Not surprising, Borax is nothing but a mineral, sodium tetraborate, and it has been used successfully as a laundry additive for years. Borax is a fantastic cleaner, one of the best for glassware, etc. I use it in laundry all the time.

Also the key to cure hypothyroidism caused by Fluoride that many people are affected by and who will probably spend the rest of their lives using dietary and supplemental crutches while still having a calcified thyroid gland filled with Fluoride that inhibits Iodine uptake. It specifically increases Fluoride excretion.

It is also a potent decalcifying agent, which keeps calcium in bones and out of soft tissues, and has been used in supp stacks for hair regrowth in males that several people have had success with. Probably also prevents atherosclerosis, arthritis and heart disease since they are tightly linked with calcification.


Comprehensive Organic Synthesis


Aug 28, 2012
Also the key to cure hypothyroidism caused by Fluoride that many people are affected by and who will probably spend the rest of their lives using dietary and supplemental crutches while still having a calcified thyroid gland filled with Fluoride that inhibits Iodine uptake. It specifically increases Fluoride excretion.

It is also a potent decalcifying agent, which keeps calcium in bones and out of soft tissues, and has been used in supp stacks for hair regrowth in males that several people have had success with. Probably also prevents atherosclerosis, arthritis and heart disease since they are tightly linked with calcification.


Comprehensive Organic Synthesis

Interestingly Travis was telling me boron kills aspergillus which apparently can cause arthritis in addition to its other well known diseases.


May 21, 2015
Interestingly Travis was telling me boron kills aspergillus which apparently can cause arthritis in addition to its other well known diseases.
Yes it has a wide range of effects that synergically reverse many conditions. Speaking of nwo, Israel has the highest concentrations of Boron in the soil (though they also fluoridate water for 70% of the population)

it was suspected that excessive use of soluble chemical fertilizers had damaged the soils of the sugar producing lands. Food grown on these soils were found to have low boron levels.
By contrast the foods consumed in Israel had high boron concentrations associated with a low incidence of arthritis.
Agricultural practices affect arthritis. - PubMed - NCBI


Nov 29, 2017
How do you get your boron @Elephanto ? Do you drink diluted borax in water or a boron supplement. I've done the borax a long time ago when I was a curezone reader.

Ted from Bangkok recommended it as well I think

He recommended 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a liter of water for men and 1/8 of a teaspoon for women...
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May 21, 2015
How do you get your boron @Elephanto ? Do you drink diluted borax in water or a boron supplement. I've done the borax a long time ago when I was a curezone reader.

Ted from Bangkok recommended it as well I think

He recommended 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a liter of water for men and 1/8 of a teaspoon for women...

Nature's way Boron from iherb.com. I've tried between 3 to 9 mg. It was mainly for fluoride excretion and decalcification, but it might work better for gut cleansing to take the powder (in higher doses too) in a large quantity of water since it would cover a larger portion of the gut.
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Nov 29, 2017
If anybody wants to read what Ted had to say. ...

Would Boron Work Instead of Borax?

Posted by Mary (Port Orange, Florida) on 08/17/2008

I am a little leary of using the borax laundry soap and was wondering if using a boron supplement would give the same result? What is found in the health food store is Tri-Boron Plus, made by Twinlab. Each capsule has 1.5 mg of boron, with serving size being 2 capsules. It also has magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and a couple others. If this will work, how many mg per day of the boron do you suggest? Thanks, I'll be looking for your response.

Keep up the good work, your site provides a wealth of information!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
384 posts
Dear Mary:

Most manufacturing process of products I do call and check factory was whether any additional inert ingredients or other ingredients was added in a laundry detergent, or a generic borax product. Most of my problem I encountered is the consumer products rather than products people assumed to be unsafe, that is assumed to be as safe but it killed people, such as aspartame for example.

Or some product that people thinks it promotes good health but is really dangerous (in serious conditions) such as yogurt if it was consumed by people with a cancer metastasis that leads to rapid blood clotting and acted as an anti-nutrient as casein milk protein (in yogurt and cow's milk product) renders nearly all anti cancer supplements (indole 3 carbinol, lysine, etc.) useless as it covers whatever that was consumed and reduced bioavailability to almost zero.

This is why hospitals used milk for food poisoning, or that milk is prohibited whenever antibiotics are given. Even something as innocuous as a children's playground has toxic levels of arsenic, cadmium and mercury as the source of children's metal toxicity. So most of the problem I encountered from poisoning are the ones people don't expect.

Many sickness I also encountered (as heavy metals are common in tap water, filter or unfiltered in nearly 3/4 of homes I investigated, including the house i live in) resulted in worsening of health. Even common household goods such as paint thinner is another one. What is more disturbing is the fact that certain pipes filling to reduce chlorine in showers add to the problem of worsening health crisis, such as a special devices that releases copper to neutralize the chlorine, creates copper poisonng in unsuspecting victims trying to avoid chlorine. It creates a Catch-22 situation.

Locally at least here, a chemical supplier I bought sold me pharmaceutical grade borax, or sodium tetraborate. This is the route I prefer. In some places I buy borax from a drug store which is often a pharmaceutical grade, such as USP, or BP grade being the common identifier. As to how many milligrams of borax I used that is roughly equivalent to 1/4 teaspoon in a per 1 liter solution, a conversion therefore is necessary. But a lower dose of 1/8 teaspoon of borax also needs a formal conversion.

So the accept conversion for a teaspoon contains 5 mL or 5 cc of any given substance. 5 cc or 5 mL for one teaspoon is equivalent to 5 grams or 5000 mg of the substance. Since I used a straight powdered from a 1/4 teaspoon would equal to 5000 mg/4 or a low dose of 1/8 teaspoon is equivalent to 5000 mg/8, which is 1250 mg for 1/4 teaspoon and 625 mg for 1/8 teaspoon.

Before figuring out how much Tri-Boron is needed, here is the labeling information:
Tri-boron Plus Ingredients
Boron (from boron citrate, boron aspartate - boron glycinate) - 3mg*, Calcium (from calcium citrate - calcium carbonate) - 1000mg - 100%, Magnesium (from magnesium asparate - magnesium oxide) - 500mg - 125%, Vitamin D-3 - 400iu - 100%, Zinc (from zinc picolinate - histidine complex) - 15mg - 100%, Manganese (from manganese gluconate) - 5mg*, Copper (from copper gluconate) - 500mcg - 25%, Betaine HCI (betaine hydrochloride) - 324mg*
[* NoU.S.RDA established]

I really have a problem against aspartate, boron aspartate or any supplements that has the name aspartate as it is an excitotoxin that works in similar ways as the artificial sweetners as aspartame, which causes metabolic acidosis. So I would not personally consider this for a couple of reasons. I contains boron aspartate, magnesium aspartate. And I have some issues about hydrochloride, such as Betaine Hydrochloride, since it is an acid forming product. So it is back to square one, things people consider as safe is usually not safe. But assuming that it IS safe and another boron supplements were found without aspartate or other amino acid excitotoxins and hydrochloride acid forming product, and we try to figure out how many capsules are needed in a 3 mg of boron products.

So in a product such as Tri-Boron, which as 3 mg, will require 625/3 = 208 capsules. This is then dissolved in a one liter of water. Which would not make practical sense. I worked out all these problem long time before and this is why supplements company stands to make a huge amount of profits. In my opinion it won't have the therapeutic dose.

So all products I have to investigated, I have found unsuprisingly that at least a local laundry detergen (borax) I have bought years ago had less heavy metal impurities then the supplements by 99%. It seems that the more it is processed the more contaminants they are introduced. So a laboratory analysis can offer assurances of the product in question or I would at least demand a "technical specification" or "purity analysis" from the manufacturers or chemical suppliers. For me it is much easier if I just get a BP grade and USP grade, and I might ask them for purity analysis sheets while I am at it. Sometimes the situation is even more strange, that a non graded product turns about to be more pure than the USP grade. That's because the company didn't formally register for USP grade.

Therefore things do not appear what it is really. This is problem of the labelling syndrome when people should investigate further what is behind all surface information we are given. There is an old one movie I watched, The Wizard of Oz, when the Wizard gave the cowardly lion a medal of courage, and a degree to a scarecrow with no brains, and medal of purple heart to the robot with no heart. It is just a label. Just because a wizard give these labels won't change the fact that they still intrinsically don't have courage, knowledge or bravery.It's a placebo effect, at the very least, but at its worse, we may be only fooling ourselves.


Ted's Remedies, Borax Cures and Health Benefits
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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