If You Are A Male, Do You Like The Smell Of Androsterone?


Mar 26, 2014
Mid 30s male and I like the smell of it. It's unusual but pleasant. I've seen it described as musky and 'like a new baby' and I agree with both of those. It's an ephemeral smell that can seem to change.


Sep 11, 2017
I can't notice the smell of androsterone and I also don't notice any effects, but it could have influenced me in ways that I was not aware of. I also used it due to high estrogen, but I believe I've made substantial more progress in that domain by ramping up meat/egg/dairy/nut consumption and cutting back on starch.

Pansterone is a completely different story though. I very much enjoy the smell of it, pleasantly intoxicating. It also provides a nice warm sensation wherever I apply it. I'm not sure if it has any more effects besides smelling very nice and having a pleasant sensation wherever I apply it, but I think it may be doing something, because I enjoy the smell and physical sensation so much.

However, I've never been able to notice as much of a state change from supplements as I have from foods. Supplements induce much more subtle state changes, that in the face of serious inflammation from food allergies, sensitivities, and maldigestion, will become masked and unnoticeable. Now that my diet has been much better and I'm more accurately able to recognize the appropriate foods for my body given the internal and environmental contexts, I may be able to distinguish more accurately the subtle ways supplements can influence the physiology/psychology.

I will probably continue to use Pansterone indefinitely, almost as a cologne, and it could be interesting one day to make my own cologne with pansterone in the mix.

That's interesting...I was thinking about that this morning....I first started reading Peat in 2012 and got out of my low carb years, only to fly to the other extreme. It wasn't till I started synthesizing the information with the Rubin's emphasis on blood sugar regulation that I started to stabilize. I don't think I would be on supplements now if it weren't for having a strong foundation there now. And probably not with the psychological trauma I underwent for a decade and got out of a year ago...I can better gauge things now. Through somatic psychotherapy modalities I also in the past year have started to better understand the biology of prolonged trauma (stress) and how it sort of gets wired in the system and even effects structural changes. Because of this, I feel more justified in taking more overt measures to reorient my system. Considering I'm much less dissociated now, I feel I can perceive better, too.

My diet is higher on the animal proteins, too. Low dairy. No cane sugar, just a steady combo of roots and fruits.

The addition of Pansterone has been great so far...I believe for the Progesterone effects. It's almost like it adds a more grounded stability to the confidence and happiness (euphoria) of Androsterone.
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Aug 29, 2017
You guys that use it, are you not afraid of shut down of your natural test production?

Thats why I stopped using it. High DHT (with alrady low estrogens) leads to too low estrogens and this leads to low testosterone. I experienced less strength with the usage of androsterone, but you should recover from this in about two weeks so it isn't permanent.
Dec 5, 2018
Where is everyone smelling this musky smell? ...Arms? Crotch? I can't figure where it's coming from lol


Feb 18, 2018
That's interesting...I was thinking about that this morning....I first started reading Peat in 2012 and got out of my low carb years, only to fly to the other extreme. It wasn't till I started synthesizing the information with the Rubin's emphasis on blood sugar regulation that I started to stabilize. I don't think I would be on supplements now if it weren't for having a strong foundation there now. And probably not with the psychological trauma I underwent for a decade and got out of a year ago...I can better gauge things now. Through somatic psychotherapy modalities I also in the past year have started to better understand the biology of prolonged trauma (stress) and how it sort of gets wired in the system and even effects structural changes. Because of this, I feel more justified in taking more overt measures to reorient my system. Considering I'm much less dissociated now, I feel I can perceive better, too.

My diet is higher on the animal proteins, too. Low dairy. No cane sugar, just a steady combo of roots and fruits.

The addition of Pansterone has been great so far...I believe for the Progesterone effects. It's almost like it adds a more grounded stability to the confidence and happiness (euphoria) of Androsterone.

Yes once good health is reached, and the body is free from inflammation and is producing lots of energy, it becomes much easier to recognize the negative shifts that can happen from inappropriate foods, substances, environments, etc... and which appropriate measures are necessary to re-center and balance the system.

When stuck in a state of chronic stress though, it becomes very, very hard to escape, requiring a substantial amount of resources to holistically deal with and escape the chronically stressful state. At least it was in my experience and I imagine very many other people as well.

Falling into and then escaping chronic stress though is ultimately a very rewarding experience because it opens one’s eyes to the depth of human experiences and how much suffering and hell we can experience, and it’s made me empathize a lot more with people who are undergoing the range of mental and physical illnesses.

My next step will have to be giving back and helping those who I am competently able to deal with, and of course consistently striving to be an example of a healthy, loving, good person.


Sep 27, 2018
Where is everyone smelling this musky smell? ...Arms? Crotch? I can't figure where it's coming from lol

The androsterone itself has that smell. You can smell it on the spot you applied it to. I wasn't able to smell it in the first couple of weeks of using it, but now I do and really like it.


Sep 11, 2017
I've used it a few months, and today I noticed the smell emanating from my body like seven hours after applied. Never had that before...


Feb 26, 2018
Yes once good health is reached, and the body is free from inflammation and is producing lots of energy, it becomes much easier to recognize the negative shifts that can happen from inappropriate foods, substances, environments, etc... and which appropriate measures are necessary to re-center and balance the system.

When stuck in a state of chronic stress though, it becomes very, very hard to escape, requiring a substantial amount of resources to holistically deal with and escape the chronically stressful state. At least it was in my experience and I imagine very many other people as well.

Falling into and then escaping chronic stress though is ultimately a very rewarding experience because it opens one’s eyes to the depth of human experiences and how much suffering and hell we can experience, and it’s made me empathize a lot more with people who are undergoing the range of mental and physical illnesses.

My next step will have to be giving back and helping those who I am competently able to deal with, and of course consistently striving to be an example of a healthy, loving, good person.

Great post.
The first step for action is awareness. It might be the hardest / most important one, given that most people never make it past this one...

One thing that you didn't mention ,that I experienced, is the power and sheer magnitude of hormones and human biochemicals on our behavior !!! I can't stress that enough.
There are some quotes that capture what I want so quite well: "There are no bad people, just people with bad metabolisms" or
" When Endocrinology is fully understood there will be no need for Psychiatry"
I sometimes think about people that stress me out and try to imagine what specific (hormonal) problem they have e.g. hyperreactive nervous system, estrogen dominance ,...
That makes me more compassionate for their circumstances

Concerning helping others : How do you plan to do so ?


Feb 18, 2018
Great post.
The first step for action is awareness. It might be the hardest / most important one, given that most people never make it past this one...

One thing that you didn't mention ,that I experienced, is the power and sheer magnitude of hormones and human biochemicals on our behavior !!! I can't stress that enough.
There are some quotes that capture what I want so quite well: "There are no bad people, just people with bad metabolisms" or
" When Endocrinology is fully understood there will be no need for Psychiatry"
I sometimes think about people that stress me out and try to imagine what specific (hormonal) problem they have e.g. hyperreactive nervous system, estrogen dominance ,...
That makes me more compassionate for their circumstances

Concerning helping others : How do you plan to do so ?

It’s interesting, I was in quite the state of good health when I wrote that post, but things have been regressing as of late without any change in dietary habits. This has made me reorient and rethink about just how important our habits and environments are towards good health as well.

I’ve been feeling fatigue for the past week, as if my sleep hasn’t been high quality. I’m sure I have some level of sleep apnea, being about 15 pounds overweight, and I can hear my labored breathing in my dreams. In thinking about how I can solve this problem, I examined the lives of hunter gathers, and also animals in general, and how as a rule of thumb, most animals are much more active through out the day then we are. Certainly everyone rests, but in many cultures it’s common to walk 5-10 miles every day, and probably more if the situation called for it.

Then I recalled Buteyko, and how he recommended that in order to maintain top health, it was necessary to be active at least 2 hours every day.

So I walked for about 3 hours today. It honestly was pleasant for the first 2.5 hours, as I put on Dan Carlin’s Armageddon YouTube talk. It was only the last half hour that was difficult, and i had much preferred to cut it there, but alas I had to reach my car. I feel pleasantly exhausted, and my legs are quite sore, especially my lower leg musculature and feet. I’ve eaten a good meal with eggs, which are a very potent anabolic food, so I’m confident I will be able to walk again tomorrow for the same duration.

I want to figure out a solution towards re-orienting society so that we have a health producing instead of a degenerative structure. Our over reliance on computers, motor transportation, and seated entertainments are destroying health, and the more active we could be, simply in terms of walking much more, i think would benefit us all tremendously.

I want to understand deeply the societal, economical, political, and cultural history that has led us to this point, and see what structural changes must occur to shift things in a more positive direction. Is it possible to start over? Create a city with an entirely new design, so that motorized transportation is unnecessary, food, work, shelter, entertainment are all within walking distance. Much more emphasis on natural beauty, integrating a more natural environment with the structures we create, and an emphasis on sustainability vs waste.

I think people would be much happier in such a place.
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
I want to figure out a solution towards re-orienting society so that we have a health producing instead of a degenerative structure. Our over reliance on computers, motor transportation, and seated entertainments are destroying health, and the more active we could be, simply in terms of walking much more, i think would benefit us all tremendously.

I want to understand deeply the societal, economical, political, and cultural history that has led us to this point, and see what structural changes must occur to shift things in a more positive direction. Is it possible to start over? Create a city with an entirely new design, so that motorized transportation is unnecessary, food, work, shelter, entertainment are all within walking distance. Much more emphasis on natural beauty, integrating a more natural environment with the structures we create, and an emphasis on sustainability vs waste.

This is getting extremely off-topic, but my own search for such a system has led me to study movements like New Urbanism and what I call the Collapsniks. There are several books about New Urbanism, and there are several communities that have been designed by Andres Duany, the godfather of the movement. To whet your interest, here is a clip where he discusses the demise of Male Space (He makes good points but unfortunately panders, for laughs, to the stereotype of all men being slovenly buffoons). I found Seeing Like A State to be very valuable. Probably one of favorite books.

Regarding Collapsniks, I highly recommend Dmitry Orlov's Reinventing Collapse, or anything by John Michael Greer. For podcast junkies, you can check out author James Howard Kunstler's podcast. For something that is less theory, and more of an interesting exercise, I enjoyed the BBC series Victorian Farm.

More to the end of why things are the way they are, Mr. Orlov also has a great book called Shrinking the Technosphere. And you could read Industrial Society and its Future.


Mar 17, 2017
Where is everyone smelling this musky smell? ...Arms? Crotch? I can't figure where it's coming from lol

I think the musky smell is coming from inside of the body. not from scalp or armpits atleast in mycase.
I often can smell it when I drink coffee or taking shower.
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Sep 11, 2017
Still a regular User. It's really interesting how the smell of andro will seem to emanate from my body briefly about 15 minutes after applying it. Just this noticeable whiff of it, very briefly. As if my body has fully assimilated it at that moment.

I realized another food that has an androsterone taste/smell is very heavy cream such as you'd find in a homemade whipped cream or really high quality ice creams.


Sep 14, 2020
Still a regular User. It's really interesting how the smell of andro will seem to emanate from my body briefly about 15 minutes after applying it. Just this noticeable whiff of it, very briefly. As if my body has fully assimilated it at that moment.

I realized another food that has an androsterone taste/smell is very heavy cream such as you'd find in a homemade whipped cream or really high quality ice creams.

Do you no longer use it every day? If so, why?


New Member
Aug 16, 2020
I still use it almost every day. But I will take breaks from it and use it every few days sometimes.

Sorry for being off topic, but what's your experience after almost two years supplementing androsterone. Guess it has been worth it for all this time, what you like most about it?


Sep 11, 2017
Sorry for being off topic, but what's your experience after almost two years supplementing androsterone. Guess it has been worth it for all this time, what you like most about it?

It's very grounding, and I think helps with strength. I have a very physically demanding job. When I first started using it, I noticed it erased my severe inability to concentrate, which seems to still be the case


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
It smells awesome, like an earthy musky cologne.... Pansterone has no smell, except the carrier solvents....
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