If I Knew What I Know Now I Would Never Get Thin Hair


Nov 24, 2017
Took me years to find all that out , and still I don't know ***t

But what makes my hair fall out is too much histamine.
Histamine = eczema /dandruff/ hair loss

I was reading a lot here about guys who get itchy scalps from protein- I guess that's histamine related too.

But why the histamine problems? I got some diagnoses , but I don't know what of these are really the root cause.

I got high methabe (sibo)
Got E. coli , klebsiella, clostridia sp overgrowth (histamine builders )

I am copper, zinc and Coeruloplasmin deficient. (Important for DAO and so for histamine levels)

Also I was reading a few guys are constipated all the time - same here. Guess that's because of the sibo.

But why sibo? Just from eating wrong the most of my life? Or is the liver the root cause (not enough bile = bad digestion etc)?
I got gilbert syndrome too, so who knows.

When I take zinc an copper kind of high dosed my itchy scalp and hair loss disappears. Just started it, but I'm not sure if this is the right way, cause I was reading a lot about taking it could be harmful when Coeruloplasmin is low, so maybe I just need to increase this...

What do you think? Taking copper and zinc or wait til cp raised a bit ?

I need to get rid of sibo, need to support my liver/bile flow and need a good zinc /copper balance in my body.

Hopefully my hair gets thicker again.

Ps. Oh are here successfully regrow stories in the forum ?

Pps. I think histamine is connected with estrogen btw
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Jul 18, 2018
I know this is an old forum but did taking zinc/copper or an Antihistamine (Benadryl, claritin etc) solve your itchy scalp issues Motif?

Took me years to find all that out , and still I don't know ***t

But what makes my hair fall out is too much histamine.
Histamine = eczema /dandruff/ hair loss

I was reading a lot here about guys who get itchy scalps from protein- I guess that's histamine related too.

But why the histamine problems? I got some diagnoses , but I don't know what of these are really the root cause.

I got high methabe (sibo)
Got E. coli , klebsiella, clostridia sp overgrowth (histamine builders )

I am copper, zinc and Coeruloplasmin deficient. (Important for DAO and so for histamine levels)

Also I was reading a few guys are constipated all the time - same here. Guess that's because of the sibo.

But why sibo? Just from eating wrong the most of my life? Or is the liver the root cause (not enough bile = bad digestion etc)?
I got gilbert syndrome too, so who knows.

When I take zinc an copper kind of high dosed my itchy scalp and hair loss disappears. Just started it, but I'm not sure if this is the right way, cause I was reading a lot about taking it could be harmful when Coeruloplasmin is low, so maybe I just need to increase this...

What do you think? Taking copper and zinc or wait til cp raised a bit ?

I need to get rid of sibo, need to support my liver/bile flow and need a good zinc /copper balance in my body.

Hopefully my hair gets thicker again.

Ps. Oh are here successfully regrow stories in the forum ?

Pps. I think histamine is connected with estrogen btw


Nov 24, 2017
Sorry guys, no. I can slow the hair loss down a lot by diet but that's it


Jul 18, 2018
Please can you share your diet which helped? Im having the same issues but havnt been able to figure if its stress, supplements or something im eating.

Sorry guys, no. I can slow the hair loss down a lot by diet but that's it


Nov 24, 2017
For me it's histamine and salicylates probably


Nov 16, 2018
Histamine does not cause dandruff, it's the opposite.

Clean your scalp with antifungals like ketoconazole shampoos.
Apr 24, 2017
Seems like we're dealing with the similar issues. I'm a 30 yo male and dealing with balding since the age of 24, had severe allergies since childhood (still have them, but not as severe) have myopia (been linked to histamine If I'm not mistaken), 2 years ago developed some kind of dysbiosis which was pretty severe - led to food intolerances, lost near 25 pounds which now I know is SIBO, and taking antibiotics atm. Right now I would say I'm 90 percent healed, almost feel like my old self. I experimented with a lot of things, including probiotics, herbal antibiotics/antifungals, medications, antibiotics. The issue I'm dealing with now is histamine intolerance, which is probably caused by SIBO - I'm bloated after meals, have weird symptoms like not situational anxiety out of the blue, cold hands and feet and many others. Experimented with cyproheptadine for a few month - worked wonders in my digestion a period of like a month or two, but it's benefits faded away and now I'm trying get off it. What happened I think that it depleted the levels of the DAO enzyme. And it somewhat makes sense - you block the histamine receptor nad body makes less DAO, because there's not point of breaking it down. According to a lot of health gurus long term antihistamines deplete DAO, along with Aspirin, which I took aswell. Tried to supplement zinc in the past, but didn't notice any benefit. Eating beef liver regularly helped, however - it has lots of B6 and copper which are needed for the DAO enzyme plus vitamin A which according to Chris Masterjohn is important for histamine issues. Antihistmaines only mask the problem and I wouldn't use them for more than a month. If you gonna take zinc, take it separately from copper, because they compete for absorption, and don not take large doses. Best way is to eat oysters - they are packed with both copper and zinc, but they're are hard to find and expensive in my country.
Things that I've also experimented with:
Thyroid hormone - been playing with it for last year - gave me anxiety mostly, probably no effect on hair.
Vit K2mk4 - using larger doses (more than 2mg/day) increased shedding.
Vitmain D in larger doses - gives me fatigue.
Vitamin e - using it regularly, gives me a mood boost sometime.
Pregnenolone - improved my hair, but made me moody.

Hope that helps, hit me up if you have questions.


Feb 8, 2017
Seems like we're dealing with the similar issues. I'm a 30 yo male and dealing with balding since the age of 24, had severe allergies since childhood (still have them, but not as severe) have myopia (been linked to histamine If I'm not mistaken), 2 years ago developed some kind of dysbiosis which was pretty severe - led to food intolerances, lost near 25 pounds which now I know is SIBO, and taking antibiotics atm. Right now I would say I'm 90 percent healed, almost feel like my old self. I experimented with a lot of things, including probiotics, herbal antibiotics/antifungals, medications, antibiotics. The issue I'm dealing with now is histamine intolerance, which is probably caused by SIBO - I'm bloated after meals, have weird symptoms like not situational anxiety out of the blue, cold hands and feet and many others. Experimented with cyproheptadine for a few month - worked wonders in my digestion a period of like a month or two, but it's benefits faded away and now I'm trying get off it. What happened I think that it depleted the levels of the DAO enzyme. And it somewhat makes sense - you block the histamine receptor nad body makes less DAO, because there's not point of breaking it down. According to a lot of health gurus long term antihistamines deplete DAO, along with Aspirin, which I took aswell. Tried to supplement zinc in the past, but didn't notice any benefit. Eating beef liver regularly helped, however - it has lots of B6 and copper which are needed for the DAO enzyme plus vitamin A which according to Chris Masterjohn is important for histamine issues. Antihistmaines only mask the problem and I wouldn't use them for more than a month. If you gonna take zinc, take it separately from copper, because they compete for absorption, and don not take large doses. Best way is to eat oysters - they are packed with both copper and zinc, but they're are hard to find and expensive in my country.
Things that I've also experimented with:
Thyroid hormone - been playing with it for last year - gave me anxiety mostly, probably no effect on hair.
Vit K2mk4 - using larger doses (more than 2mg/day) increased shedding.
Vitmain D in larger doses - gives me fatigue.
Vitamin e - using it regularly, gives me a mood boost sometime.
Pregnenolone - improved my hair, but made me moody.

Hope that helps, hit me up if you have questions.

Which thyroid supp did you use? I am thinking of going back on tyromix.

Which preg supplement did you use, and what dosage? Preg improved your hair for sure? in what ways? thanks.
Apr 24, 2017
Which thyroid supp did you use? I am thinking of going back on tyromix.

Which preg supplement did you use, and what dosage? Preg improved your hair for sure? in what ways? thanks.
I tried all the haidut supplemets:
Thyromax - the NDT supplemetn - tried 2month - didnt see ant benefits.
Thyromix - th t3+t4medication - didn't do much.
Tyronene - worked sometimes.
Did blood work recently after not using thyroid and everything was fine (TSH, t3 and t4, antiTpo antibodies all normal).

I think thyroid didn"t work for me (monitoring temps and pulse, mood, overall how i felt, sometimes it made even anxious), because I'm in some way resistant to it. Ray mentioned, that if somebody resistant to thyroid, then there can be an underlying chronic infection, which the SIBO essentially is. I thing if someone has chronic gut issues it has to be addressed first, although hypothyroidism can cause SIBO, in that case thyroid would be a good thing to try. Do blood work and find out exactly was is the underlying cause for you. Screen for celiac disease too. For me SIBO was caused by chronic stress, poor lifestyle, poor sleep, messed up circadian rhythm and a possible gut infection, it's still not clear. And do not come in with the mentality that one course of antibiotics will cure your SIBO - something like 2/3 of patients with sibo relapse within the first year after antibiotics, because the underlying cause is not addressed - hypothyroidism, gut/brain axis problems (stress response, chronic stress),food intolerances, gut infections, circadian rhythm.
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Apr 24, 2017
I tried all the haidut supplemets:
Thyromax - the NDT supplemetn - tried 2month - didnt see ant benefits.
Thyromix - th t3+t4medication - didn't do much.
Tyronene - wotked sometimes.
Did blood work recently after not using thyroid and everything was fine (TSH, t3 and t4, antiTpo antibodies all normal).

I think thyroid didn"t work for me (monitoring temps and pulse, mood, overall how i felt, sometimes it made even anxious), because I'm in some way resistant to it. Ray mentioned, that if somebody resistant to thyroid, then there can be an underlying chronic infection, which the SIBO essentially is. I thing if someone has chronic gut issues it has to be addressed first, although hypothyroidism can cause SIBO, in that case thyroid would be a good thing to try. Do blood work and find out exactly was is the underlying cause for you. Screen for celiac disease too. For me SIBO was caused by chronic stress, poor lifestyle, poor sleep, messed up circadian rhythm and a possible gut infection, it's still not clear. And do not come in with the mentality that one course of antibiotics will cure your SIBO - something like 2/3 of patients with sibo relapse within the first year after antibiotics, because the underlying cause is not addressed - hypothyroidism, gut/brain axis problems (stress response, chronic stress),food intolerances, gut infections, circadian rhythm.
Only recently I realized that some of my bad habits were contributing greatly to my condition - having late night meals, too much blue light at night, not going to sleep early. Never underestimate these things.
Apr 24, 2017
Which thyroid supp did you use? I am thinking of going back on tyromix.

Which preg supplement did you use, and what dosage? Preg improved your hair for sure? in what ways? thanks.
Pregnenolone i used the idealabs Stress non for near two months - it made the hair thicker, slowed down shedding. But it's hard to tell, because at that time my sleep was great and other compounding factors were present also, and it was before my digestive issues started. Dosage was 10-15 mg/day topically, sometimes orally. I've also tried the idealabs DHEA/Pregnenolone. Recently ordered the keto-progesterone - gonna try it together with DHEA, we'll see how it goes.
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