I want out of the u.s i dont belong here anymore

Libra guy

Jan 29, 2018
The way this country is set up it doesn't match well at all with the type of person iam i feel i don't belong here anymore

1. Everything is based on money here

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The way this country is set up it doesn't match well at all with the type of person iam i feel i don't belong here anymore

1. Everything is based on money here

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs

I will let others recommend a country (countries) where one or more of the issues you mentioned is absent or at least less pervasive, but having seen life in both US and Europe, I can tell you the latter is not really a better option,..except possibly the cost of living, which can be mitigated in some Eastern European countries.

1. Everything is based on money here
My observation: Same in Europe, especially in the Western parts of it, but becoming more so by the day in the rest of the continent.

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow
My observation: Same in Europe, more or less

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

My observation: European cities do tend to be more walkable, but the smaller American cities seem pretty walkable too. That being said, the preference for car travel in US is definitely there.

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

My observation: I am not sure there is any place in Europe where the population does not also feel embarrassed by its politicians, especially after the pandemic fiasco. I mean, "model" European countries like Germany and Austria made vaccines mandatory for their populations and basically brought fascism back. There seems to be a bit of softening of the restrictions currently, but people who live there feel the tyranny is coming back soon, maybe as soon as this fall.

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

My observation: While most European states have a single-payer system, it is not certain which system ends up being more expensive for the end user, and which system provides better overall care. Looking at the patient outcomes both side of the Atlantic seem equally bad. If medicine in both places is based on the same fake "science" it does not really matter how you end up paying for it - i.e. taxes or directly - your health will not improve. And as far as doctors - with minor exceptions in both places, equally uninterested in your health, and in some European countries even unfit to practice medicine since they literally bought their diploma.

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern European countries as well, at least in the bigger cities. There are still opportunities for lower living costs in Europe (compared to the US) but those are disappearing quickly due to same/similar fiscal policies pursued by both the Fed and ECB. I know this first-hand from travelling back and forth and having friends/family who used to be in the US and then moved to Europe trying to get that lower cost of living. Most of them failed, and it was not for a lack of trying.

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern parts as well. In fact, Eastern parts have a well-organized mafia and a reputation as very corrupt, so even if petty/violent crime on the street is low, the entire country is often run by a mafia-like cartel, which openly mingles and does business with the underground. So, next to impossible getting a decent/honest and well-paying job where you won't have abusive (and untouchable) boss, and/or won't be involved in shady things, and/or lack good opportunities for personal development. Most hired jobs these days are either soul-crushing meaningless rituals, and in many Eastern European countries - a front for something (illegal) else.

So, maybe other people here can chime in and share how things are in say Latin America, Asia, or Australia/NZ but as far as a choice between USA and Europe - I'd say US is actually less bad than Europe for most things. That does not make it a true good choice, but in a world where things are globally not really going well, it is one of the more tolerable places to live. The social fabric has collapsed in most "civilized" places and this is manifesting in every aspect of life. I doubt there is a country out there any more where you can simply live your life as an honest citizen, find a good partner and start a family, and live a normal life. There is no "normal" anymore, at least in the "developed" world.
Just my 2c.
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Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Just become Stateless? A lot of money and maybe stress, but could be fun/a new beginning.

I've thought of it but I can't even afford a pizza now barely.

If you are looking for others countries I recommend The Moon. But it'd have no women there so it would be terrible unless some agreed to go and "terraform" there with the billionaire NPCs "money."

I don't mind if Elon Musk wants to fuel moon orgies, but everything else he does is probably stupid otherwise.


May 26, 2018


Dec 8, 2016


May 30, 2018
Basically everywhere even moderately developed is the same on the earth now. The most practical way to escape it is to get a skill set that can be used remotely, whether a tech work-from-home job, some other type of online consultant, and/or a cottage industry home business. Then choosing the most affordable rural/small town area to live in with like minded people. That’s my goal. Hopefully get into a position where I can work online for 6 hours, then work outside six hours on my own land everyday with zero commute. Maybe not for everybody, but sounds like a good life to me. This can still be done in many countries and many places in North America.

I have also felt strongly like I don’t belong in America most of my life, but recently I’ve realized a lot of people feel that way so we might as well find each other and build something better together.
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Dood, there’s at least 50 states in the US.

I live in east Texas where basically only democrats wore a mask throughout the whole pandemic. I had a list of stores I could get my stuff that didn’t care about masks… You aren’t Texan unless you have a gun; there’s a tax lowering movement gaining steam such that it’s consistently on the governor platforms now; and, you can throw a stone into a crowd of doctors and hit a covid vaxx skeptic — Plenty of practices that are offering alt-meds/care. Even the liberals here are done with democrat nonsense.

Also, when I went to Europe, any person who wanted to better themselves were trying to get to America (those who wanted to chill at a menial job and pub-hop til death, obviously liked Europe better, life is super chill where I went — and I respect that). But, it’s no joke to say America is the land of opportunity, even if that’s being attacked right now.

I’m a strong believer in being the change you wanna see. Fight for your place and people, or it’s just a matter of time until everything dies when the hold outs run out.

“It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow”

No offense bro, but, when I hear this, I’ve found it’s more an indicator of the dude than the women. Conservative women (midwestern) don’t care about personality and music skills, when you don’t have drive for goals that include safety net to provide and protect a family of kids, and get laid by a manly man every night… personality comes after confirming some fundamental standards. Since antiquity, a man climbed obstacles and dominated, building a world in which a woman can safely thrive. That fundamental instinct never changes, however much consumerism tries to neuter it… conservative people are still in touch with our instincts, is all. Conservative women want a driven man who gets what he wants, and wants them. They judge by appearances, which is logical... the women in my family trust a guy with big guns and a pickup before they trust a metrosexual who is so nice his sneezes are pleasant.
You know who has great personality? Homeless people!
Now, if you want a liberal girl who wants to take an equal/sameness role in the relationship, then disregard all I’ve said lol.


Sep 10, 2019
I’ve honestly been thinking similarly lately. People say “well this area is still good” but ignore the fact that millions of people are illegally crossing the southern border on a yearly basis, and that number is only set to rise when the insane current administration axes title 42. Where is there left to go, really? Sometimes I daydream about finding a secluded island and spending the rest of my days there, but they may just start doing nuclear testing there like in Bikini Atoll. Heh


Feb 13, 2021
“It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow”

No offense bro, but, when I hear this, I’ve found it’s more an indicator of the dude than the women.
Not necessarily true, it is indeed difficult!

I used to live in the midwest. Several girls there liked me, but after getting to know them I found most of them [sub?]consciously hated men.

IMO the only places in the US that still have a nice preponderance of real women are the South and Southeast.

As it happens, those might be the only places in the US where a life worth living can still be easily achieved.


Feb 13, 2021
The way this country is set up it doesn't match well at all with the type of person iam i feel i don't belong here anymore

1. Everything is based on money here

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
OP I agree with you. US culture has become shallow, hypocritical, psuedospiritual, economically inefficient, and just fake & annoying in general.

Even men who want to do the noblest thing of all - give themselves to a future family - aren't guaranteed any good outcome, as both US law and the average US female are against them.

All in all it's sad stuff. Hey, maybe I'll see you down in Mexico!


Jun 7, 2016
I think the US was the last hope for the west, anywhere else is going to be worse.

Unless going digital nomad in some exotic third world country.
Jul 17, 2021
I will let others recommend a country (countries) where one or more of the issues you mentioned is absent or at least less pervasive, but having seen life in both US and Europe, I can tell you the latter is not really a better option,..except possibly the cost of living, which can be mitigated in some Eastern European countries.

1. Everything is based on money here
My observation: Same in Europe, especially in the Western parts of it, but becoming more so by the day in the rest of the continent.

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow
My observation: Same in Europe, more or less

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

My observation: European cities do tend to be more walkable, but the smaller American cities seem pretty walkable too. That being said, the preference for car travel in US is definitely there.

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

My observation: I am not sure there is any place in Europe where the population does not also feel embarrassed by its politicians, especially after the pandemic fiasco. I mean, "model" European countries like Germany and Austria made vaccines mandatory for their populations and basically brought fascism back. There seems to be a bit of softening of the restrictions currently, but people who live there feel the tyranny is coming back soon, maybe as soon as this fall.

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

My observation: While most European states have a single-payer system, it is not certain which system ends up being more expensive for the end user, and which system provides better overall care. Looking at the patient outcomes both side of the Atlantic seem equally bad. If medicine in both places is based on the same fake "science" it does not really matter how you end up paying for it - i.e. taxes or directly - your health will not improve. And as far as doctors - with minor exceptions in both places, equally uninterested in your health, and in some European countries even unfit to practice medicine since they literally bought their diploma.

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern European countries as well, at least in the bigger cities. There are still opportunities for lower living costs in Europe (compared to the US) but those are disappearing quickly due to same/similar fiscal policies pursued by both the Fed and ECB. I know this first-hand from travelling back and forth and having friends/family who used to be in the US and then moved to Europe trying to get that lower cost of living. Most of them failed, and it was not for a lack of trying.

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern parts as well. In fact, Eastern parts have a well-organized mafia and a reputation as very corrupt, so even if petty/violent crime on the street is low, the entire country is often run by a mafia-like cartel, which openly mingles and does business with the underground. So, next to impossible getting a decent/honest and well-paying job where you won't have abusive (and untouchable) boss, and/or won't be involved in shady things, and/or lack good opportunities for personal development. Most hired jobs these days are either soul-crushing meaningless rituals, and in many Eastern European countries - a front for something (illegal) else.

So, maybe other people here can chime in and share how things are in say Latin America, Asia, or Australia/NZ but as far as a choice between USA and Europe - I'd say US is actually less bad than Europe for most things. That does not make it a true good choice, but in a world where things are globally not really going well, it is one of the more tolerable places to live. The social fabric has collapsed in most "civilized" places and this is manifesting in every aspect of life. I doubt there is a country out there any more where you can simply live your life as an honest citizen, find a good partner and start a family, and live a normal life. There is no "normal" anymore, at least in the "developed" world.
Just my 2c.
What about New Zealand? Or is it becoming like Australia? know a lot of elite have enclaves there. I know a very wealthy person who bought a ranch in New Zealand of few years back.
Jul 17, 2021
OP I agree with you. US culture has become shallow, hypocritical, psuedospiritual, economically inefficient, and just fake & annoying in general.

Even men who want to do the noblest thing of all - give themselves to a future family - aren't guaranteed any good outcome, as both US law and the average US female are against them.

All in all it's sad stuff. Hey, maybe I'll see you down in Mexico!
Isn’t the crime bad in Mexico or is that just certain areas?


Jun 7, 2016
What about New Zealand? Or is it becoming like Australia? know a lot of elite have enclaves there. I know a very wealthy person who bought a ranch in New Zealand of few years back.
NZ is worse than Australia, Australia is worse than the USA.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Will someone explain the praise Mexico gets on this forum? I could understand someone older like Peat moving down to a rural location in Mexico for the altitude and weather, but why would someone young want to isolate themselves in Mexico? Are the girls there really something special? From what I’ve seen, people are fairly unhealthy and their current culture isn’t anything to get on your knees for.


Jun 7, 2016
How is NZ worse than Australia? More stringent lockdowns?
Yeah plus the capital has some of the highest realestate prices in the world, NZ is colder than Aus, lack of career opportunity in NZ compared to Aus. More isolated but its beautiful and can go skiing and surfing on the same day.


Jul 5, 2019
I will let others recommend a country (countries) where one or more of the issues you mentioned is absent or at least less pervasive, but having seen life in both US and Europe, I can tell you the latter is not really a better option,..except possibly the cost of living, which can be mitigated in some Eastern European countries.

1. Everything is based on money here
My observation: Same in Europe, especially in the Western parts of it, but becoming more so by the day in the rest of the continent.

2. It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow
My observation: Same in Europe, more or less

3. To get anywhere you need a car as this country isn't very walkable

My observation: European cities do tend to be more walkable, but the smaller American cities seem pretty walkable too. That being said, the preference for car travel in US is definitely there.

4. I absolutely hate living under biden it's just embarrassing

My observation: I am not sure there is any place in Europe where the population does not also feel embarrassed by its politicians, especially after the pandemic fiasco. I mean, "model" European countries like Germany and Austria made vaccines mandatory for their populations and basically brought fascism back. There seems to be a bit of softening of the restrictions currently, but people who live there feel the tyranny is coming back soon, maybe as soon as this fall.

5.Health care is overwhelmingly expensive and doctors really don't give a care if you get well or not they are in it for the money

My observation: While most European states have a single-payer system, it is not certain which system ends up being more expensive for the end user, and which system provides better overall care. Looking at the patient outcomes both side of the Atlantic seem equally bad. If medicine in both places is based on the same fake "science" it does not really matter how you end up paying for it - i.e. taxes or directly - your health will not improve. And as far as doctors - with minor exceptions in both places, equally uninterested in your health, and in some European countries even unfit to practice medicine since they literally bought their diploma.

6. The overall cost of living is insane and most people live paycheck to paycheck
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern European countries as well, at least in the bigger cities. There are still opportunities for lower living costs in Europe (compared to the US) but those are disappearing quickly due to same/similar fiscal policies pursued by both the Fed and ECB. I know this first-hand from travelling back and forth and having friends/family who used to be in the US and then moved to Europe trying to get that lower cost of living. Most of them failed, and it was not for a lack of trying.

7. Crime in this country is getting worse by the day. i have no family here i just want to escape and find a place where i belong and can thrive and marry and start a family can anyone suggest which countries might suit my needs
My observation: Same in Western Europe, and quickly becoming so in Eastern parts as well. In fact, Eastern parts have a well-organized mafia and a reputation as very corrupt, so even if petty/violent crime on the street is low, the entire country is often run by a mafia-like cartel, which openly mingles and does business with the underground. So, next to impossible getting a decent/honest and well-paying job where you won't have abusive (and untouchable) boss, and/or won't be involved in shady things, and/or lack good opportunities for personal development. Most hired jobs these days are either soul-crushing meaningless rituals, and in many Eastern European countries - a front for something (illegal) else.

So, maybe other people here can chime in and share how things are in say Latin America, Asia, or Australia/NZ but as far as a choice between USA and Europe - I'd say US is actually less bad than Europe for most things. That does not make it a true good choice, but in a world where things are globally not really going well, it is one of the more tolerable places to live. The social fabric has collapsed in most "civilized" places and this is manifesting in every aspect of life. I doubt there is a country out there any more where you can simply live your life as an honest citizen, find a good partner and start a family, and live a normal life. There is no "normal" anymore, at least in the "developed" world.
Just my 2c.
Sorry Georgi but i cant agree with that,i can see that you didn't live in europe enough. The difference from USA to Europe it's night and day. It's much more healthier and stress free to live in europe. I don't agree with the points from an european perspective. Also women here in europe are much better than that. I just feel that the population of USA is so ignorant and low IQ,much more than europe,If i would ask where is Romania on the map to an american he would barely know the existence of it.
In some eastern europe countries the push for vaccination was limited and you could do anything without getting vaccinated and also the population of a country like Serbia were mostly all against vaccinations and bullshits they are trying to push to us. The anti vegan and antidairy push is also the biggest in the USA and people are just stupid and they buy everything authority says,in eastern europe or central europe you barely see lots of vegan communities. There is a lot of differences and it all comes to how stupid is the population and how much has been brainwashed for centuries.
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Jul 5, 2019
Dood, there’s at least 50 states in the US.

I live in east Texas where basically only democrats wore a mask throughout the whole pandemic. I had a list of stores I could get my stuff that didn’t care about masks… You aren’t Texan unless you have a gun; there’s a tax lowering movement gaining steam such that it’s consistently on the governor platforms now; and, you can throw a stone into a crowd of doctors and hit a covid vaxx skeptic — Plenty of practices that are offering alt-meds/care. Even the liberals here are done with democrat nonsense.

Also, when I went to Europe, any person who wanted to better themselves were trying to get to America (those who wanted to chill at a menial job and pub-hop til death, obviously liked Europe better, life is super chill where I went — and I respect that). But, it’s no joke to say America is the land of opportunity, even if that’s being attacked right now.

I’m a strong believer in being the change you wanna see. Fight for your place and people, or it’s just a matter of time until everything dies when the hold outs run out.

“It's so difficult to find a good woman here who isn't all about money and material things especially in the Midwest woman have 0 personality and are shallow”

No offense bro, but, when I hear this, I’ve found it’s more an indicator of the dude than the women. Conservative women (midwestern) don’t care about personality and music skills, when you don’t have drive for goals that include safety net to provide and protect a family of kids, and get laid by a manly man every night… personality comes after confirming some fundamental standards. Since antiquity, a man climbed obstacles and dominated, building a world in which a woman can safely thrive. That fundamental instinct never changes, however much consumerism tries to neuter it… conservative people are still in touch with our instincts, is all. Conservative women want a driven man who gets what he wants, and wants them. They judge by appearances, which is logical... the women in my family trust a guy with big guns and a pickup before they trust a metrosexual who is so nice his sneezes are pleasant.
You know who has great personality? Homeless people!
Now, if you want a liberal girl who wants to take an equal/sameness role in the relationship, then disregard all I’ve said lol.
People from europe that you met and they wanted to escape to america were most likely hypothyroid and brainwashed with the idea of "living the american dream" pushed by movies and media. Western media controls everything and history is written by the winners. A lot of people from europe wouldn't move to USA,they know its the worse decision ever.


Aug 17, 2016
Not necessarily true, it is indeed difficult!

I used to live in the midwest. Several girls there liked me, but after getting to know them I found most of them [sub?]consciously hated men.

IMO the only places in the US that still have a nice preponderance of real women are the South and Southeast.

As it happens, those might be the only places in the US where a life worth living can still be easily achieved.
Midwest women tend to be well (muh)educated and come from stable families. I never had to drive a car in Chicago.
Ever. It's completely walkable for everything. Of course, same with NYC.
But if you don't like Biden, Chicago would be a liberal hell-hole.

I am finding many very capable well-rounded women in central Florida. I had my haircut by a young girl--early 20's. The hairdresser banter was about the rotten spring break kids. One college kid shot a 14yr old boy with a toy gun (something akin to a paintball) and put the kid in critical condition. The young girl cutting my hair said, "Dear Lord, that college kid would be dead if it were me." Adding. I will shoot first if you pull a gun on me.
She gave me a great haircut and said she lived on a local farm, growing their own food since she was a child. Yesterday we went to look at the sunset and there she was under the bridge in waste-high waders with a net catching bait all by herself. Geez, I thought some young guy oughta grab on to this girl and not let go.
My significant other said, "Uh yeah, she's a 10. Holy smokes."
I don't think that's rare here.

I've learned there is also a large brazilian community. More in the Orlando area. Very lovely people and cohesive network.
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