I Think Eating A Ray Peat Style Diet Messed Me Up


May 4, 2017

So this style of eating, helped me go from a cold insomniac. To warm and able to sleep.

But then eventually to something like a completely overactive nervous system.
And it's kind of like it caused me to burn through all my energy and reserves.

Theres metabolism types called fast and slow oxidizers.

Fast oxidizers are meant to eat more fat and fibre. And also I noticed it was suggested to avoid citrate (citric acid) and amino acids like glycine, serine etc. I find these intolerable now. Along with large amounts of carbohydrates

I think I'm a fast oxidizer.
And I think my initial problem was undereating, so it seemed to help me for a while. As I genuinely needed the increase in calories.
And now I'm very worried about my health.

I dont think this diet is one size fits all. And I think it might be dangerous for some.

I've had to backtrack completely, and the only thing keeping my health somewhat in check is eating a lot of vegetables and very low carb, very moderate protein. Otherwise I get terrible heart racing episodes and a feeling of agitation that keeps me up all night with sweating and overheating.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Have you read the metabolic typing diet? It's all about fast vs slow oxidizers and how to meal plan for them. I found the outline fairly useful for me


Jul 31, 2019

So this style of eating, helped me go from a cold insomniac. To warm and able to sleep.

But then eventually to something like a completely overactive nervous system.
And it's kind of like it caused me to burn through all my energy and reserves.

Theres metabolism types called fast and slow oxidizers.

Fast oxidizers are meant to eat more fat and fibre. And also I noticed it was suggested to avoid citrate (citric acid) and amino acids like glycine, serine etc. I find these intolerable now. Along with large amounts of carbohydrates

I think I'm a fast oxidizer.
And I think my initial problem was undereating, so it seemed to help me for a while. As I genuinely needed the increase in calories.
And now I'm very worried about my health.

I dont think this diet is one size fits all. And I think it might be dangerous for some.

I've had to backtrack completely, and the only thing keeping my health somewhat in check is eating a lot of vegetables and very low carb, very moderate protein. Otherwise I get terrible heart racing episodes and a feeling of agitation that keeps me up all night with sweating and overheating.

Let me guess, next post will be an exclusive offer for a 50% discount on Helen's hair mineral analysis?


Sep 27, 2018
Why is this getting flagged as anti-peat?
I can understand that tag for posts that are theoretical or evidence based and challenge RPs ideas.
This is just one person not feeling well on this type of diet and talking about their struggle. An anecdotal report.
Feels kind of weird that every post that is not completely in line with Ray's ideas gets this tag. Feels dogmatic and authoritarian. I oppose it.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017

So this style of eating, helped me go from a cold insomniac. To warm and able to sleep.

But then eventually to something like a completely overactive nervous system.
And it's kind of like it caused me to burn through all my energy and reserves.

Theres metabolism types called fast and slow oxidizers.

Fast oxidizers are meant to eat more fat and fibre. And also I noticed it was suggested to avoid citrate (citric acid) and amino acids like glycine, serine etc. I find these intolerable now. Along with large amounts of carbohydrates

I think I'm a fast oxidizer.
And I think my initial problem was undereating, so it seemed to help me for a while. As I genuinely needed the increase in calories.
And now I'm very worried about my health.

I dont think this diet is one size fits all. And I think it might be dangerous for some.

I've had to backtrack completely, and the only thing keeping my health somewhat in check is eating a lot of vegetables and very low carb, very moderate protein. Otherwise I get terrible heart racing episodes and a feeling of agitation that keeps me up all night with sweating and overheating.
What did your (Peat) diet consist of? It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible as there isn't a definite Peat diet.


Jun 19, 2016
Let me guess, next post will be an exclusive offer for a 50% discount on Helen's hair mineral analysis?
Costs 500 dollars a month for hair tests and supplements. 30 pills a day, can be bought only from the test providers online store. Must be done continuously for atleast 3 years to see "results"


May 4, 2017
Let me guess, next post will be an exclusive offer for a 50% discount on Helen's hair mineral analysis?

What did your (Peat) diet consist of? It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible as there isn't a definite Peat diet.

No, I'm not selling anything unfortunately. I've been disabled by a form of chronic fatigue for years. So I'm not in any business currently.
I am interested in trying the hair testing though, as their dietary advice is suiting me at the moment.
Is there a reason you oppose it, out of curiosity?

The reason I mention the oxidizer types, is because the only foods I can eat at the moment are following a diet that mentions them. And as I was reading I noticed that a lot of the pro peat suggestions are not reccomended for fast oxidizers, and I'm having issues with my nervous system and everything being too fast.

What did your (Peat) diet consist of? It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible as there isn't a definite Peat diet.

My diet consisted of orange juice, gelatin, coffee, milk, potatoes, honey, ,mushrooms, occasional zucchini and aubergine, cottage cheese sometimes, not too much muscle meat, some eggs, cheese, shrimp. I did eat grains. Some rice, and bread. (I know bread, isnt reccomended.) Took vitamin E. And K. Some b vitamins sometimes. Magnesium (chloride, which may have been a mistake) Occasional liver.
Avoided PUFA's.
I didnt take hormones.
Probably 120g protein, 250g carbs, not sure about fat, a day. Maybe not enough protein? But I'm not sure how the would help with this situation.

Maybe I was doing it wrong, but it feels like the pro metabolic route wasnt right for me. Like maybe this works perfectly for the type of person who processes food more slowly?
I've always had a crazy strong appetite, and when I was healthy I always had energy, prone to anxiety and panic attacks.
I guess I thought my metabolism was slow because of how cold I was when i used to undereat.

And any of the ray peat foods I was eating, now, set off my symptoms horribly.

Maybe I messed something up. Like put my electrolytes out? Magnesium has been giving me a bit of relief.

It seems the diet doesnt really suit me though.


Jun 25, 2017
Have you read the metabolic typing diet? It's all about fast vs slow oxidizers and how to meal plan for them. I found the outline fairly useful for me
How to determine if fast or slow? I've never been able to figure out which I am.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
How to determine if fast or slow? I've never been able to figure out which I am.
Well, its based on a questionnaire. Im not sure how scientific for valid it is, but when I eat the way outlined, I do feel fuller and more energized for longer. Fast-oxidizers are "protein types" as the author called it, doing best on high-purine meats. Slow-oxidizers are "carbo types" doing best on high carbs.


Nov 21, 2019
It might just be the coffee. It was for me and some others
Continue peating on zero coffee and stimulants to get your nervous system to baseline.
The food you eat will hardly affect it
Ironically, even gbol says peating is good for fast oxidizers and emphasises the balance of oxidation rate and nervous system. Not either or
Coffee in caloric deficit is terrible. Since drastically upping my cals I can drink it again
If that doesnt help experiment with macros through cronometer
Also funny how 80% here consider themselves fast oxidizers when they are supposed to be in the minority
If you are truly fast you need all the nutrient dense foods along all the sugar, because you burn through nutrients (especially with overactive n. System)
Cut down on the sugars if you really want to cut down on something. Not on eggs liver milk etc
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Nov 21, 2019
How to determine if fast or slow? I've never been able to figure out which I am.
Extreme simplification anyways, not helpful. If you really want to figure it out like me, just do s high fat experiment, but careful, you might end up feeling terrible like me


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Also funny how 80% here consider themselves fast oxidizers when they are supposed to be in the minority
Its a good point. I have the feeling "fast-oxidizer" is a nice way of saying "insulin resistant" or simply "unhealthy", and healthy people dont usually fiend health forums (I could be wrong)


Nov 21, 2019
Its a good point. I have the feeling "fast-oxidizer" is a nice way of saying "insulin resistant" or simply "unhealthy", and healthy people dont usually fiend health forums (I could be wrong)

yeah. And ironically I cured signs of insulin sensitivity through peating which involves upping sugar from close to 0 to 2000cal worth of it lol


Nov 21, 2019
But what needs to be said, is that if you up your sugars, you need more nutrients as well. Living on oj and skipping eggs for breakfast/ liver for dinner seems like a bad idea
Sugar truly speeds up your oxidation. In my high fat experiment I gained weight on 2.5k cal while I keep weight on low fat high carb with 4k cal on higher temps
Ray is right about the macros, but carbs require a more effective digestive track than fats, which also seems kind of counterintuitive since fats feel so heavy. But they slow down the digestive process. My digestion is better on high fat, but it’s the only plus and probably the best reason not to go „no“ fat
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May 4, 2019
I feel like 75% of people reporting problems on this diet are undereating (sometimes in combination with high coffee consumption)

Yeah I'm definitely guilty of this.

Trying to to undo years of undereating but just can't gain weight at 3.000-3.300 calories and still get cold hands throughout the day... I reckon drinking 3 cups of coffee per day is just stupid (though I love the dopaminergic effect).

I am pretty much shredded (milk makes working out unnecessary lol) but I think it would be a lot healthier if I was a few kgs heavier. Will replace coffee with ginger tea and see how it goes


May 15, 2020
>can’t gain weight on XYZ calories

have you tried working out bodybuilding style... you want to gain muscle, not just pure fat
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