I Lost Hope


Mar 17, 2020
Hello to all. I'll tell you my story. I am a 30 year old male and have been suffering from PSSD for 5 years after using escitalopram. I started gaining weight, losing my hair and having zero sexual desire. I can only get an erection after manual stimulation and it lasts a few seconds. I have no ejaculation or pleasure problems, just getting an erection. I did my hormonal tests which showed an overall imbalance: - severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with TSH at 20 - low vitamin D level 7 - low Dhea - low free testosterone - high prolactin at level 17 limit I supplemented vitamin D bringing the level to 90, I integrated the thyroid with T4 and T3 but the symptoms of hypothyroidism have not disappeared. I am supplementing DHEA and in recent days, reading around, I am taking cyproepthadine every evening plus forskolin which is supposed to help the thyroid gland and increase cAMP. Also I am taking Maca and Vitamin C. Do you have any suggestions for my hormonal imbalance? Especially the thyroid even though TSH has gone down, I still feel the symptoms of hypothyroidism. SSRI led me to severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with skyrocketing autoantibodies. Help me, please.


Mar 17, 2020
[QUOTE = "lampofred, post: 506939, membro: 3755"] Com'è la tua vitamina A? [/ CITAZIONE]
I haven't tested it, I eat a lot of carrots every day
Aug 21, 2018
Have you talked to your doctor about bupropion prescription for your PSSD?


Jul 8, 2014
Hello to all. I'll tell you my story. I am a 30 year old male and have been suffering from PSSD for 5 years after using escitalopram. I started gaining weight, losing my hair and having zero sexual desire. I can only get an erection after manual stimulation and it lasts a few seconds. I have no ejaculation or pleasure problems, just getting an erection. I did my hormonal tests which showed an overall imbalance: - severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with TSH at 20 - low vitamin D level 7 - low Dhea - low free testosterone - high prolactin at level 17 limit I supplemented vitamin D bringing the level to 90, I integrated the thyroid with T4 and T3 but the symptoms of hypothyroidism have not disappeared. I am supplementing DHEA and in recent days, reading around, I am taking cyproepthadine every evening plus forskolin which is supposed to help the thyroid gland and increase cAMP. Also I am taking Maca and Vitamin C. Do you have any suggestions for my hormonal imbalance? Especially the thyroid even though TSH has gone down, I still feel the symptoms of hypothyroidism. SSRI led me to severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with skyrocketing autoantibodies. Help me, please.
Would you mind sharing what your diet looks like as well as any other life stressors besides your current health struggles?


Mar 17, 2020
[QUOTE = "methylenewhite, post: 506948, membro: 9131"] Hai parlato con il tuo medico della prescrizione di bupropione per il tuo PSSD? [/ QUOTE]
no, he didn't propose it to me. can it be useful for me?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hello to all. I'll tell you my story. I am a 30 year old male and have been suffering from PSSD for 5 years after using escitalopram. I started gaining weight, losing my hair and having zero sexual desire. I can only get an erection after manual stimulation and it lasts a few seconds. I have no ejaculation or pleasure problems, just getting an erection. I did my hormonal tests which showed an overall imbalance: - severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with TSH at 20 - low vitamin D level 7 - low Dhea - low free testosterone - high prolactin at level 17 limit I supplemented vitamin D bringing the level to 90, I integrated the thyroid with T4 and T3 but the symptoms of hypothyroidism have not disappeared. I am supplementing DHEA and in recent days, reading around, I am taking cyproepthadine every evening plus forskolin which is supposed to help the thyroid gland and increase cAMP. Also I am taking Maca and Vitamin C. Do you have any suggestions for my hormonal imbalance? Especially the thyroid even though TSH has gone down, I still feel the symptoms of hypothyroidism. SSRI led me to severe hashimoto hypothyroidism with skyrocketing autoantibodies. Help me, please.
The T4 could be converting to rT3, which is blocking the effect of T3, thus you don't feel better.
Hashimoto is usually due to inflammation caused by the diet (such as gluten, dairy, PUFAs, beans, legumes, nightshade, etc.) and lifestyle.
Although you didn't mention that you tested testosterone, it might be low, because thyroid and vitamin D is low. Focusing on optimizing thyroid first is key, and then focus on testosterone and dopamine.
SSRI drugs, which increase serotonin and noradrenaline inhibit T3 entry into cells. Lowering those would help. You're already using cypro, so elevated noradrenaline might still be an issue.


Mar 17, 2020
The T4 could be converting to rT3, which is blocking the effect of T3, thus you don't feel better.
Hashimoto is usually due to inflammation caused by the diet (such as gluten, dairy, PUFAs, beans, legumes, nightshade, etc.) and lifestyle.
Although you didn't mention that you tested testosterone, it might be low, because thyroid and vitamin D is low. Focusing on optimizing thyroid first is key, and then focus on testosterone and dopamine.
SSRI drugs, which increase serotonin and noradrenaline inhibit T3 entry into cells. Lowering those would help. You're already using cypro, so elevated noradrenaline might still be an issue.
what should i do for noradrenaline? could i use doxasozin?

My testosterone free is low. Total its ok


Nov 22, 2017
For what it's worth, there is seemingly still much for you to improve about your life
with changes to your environment/thought patterns/diet.

No reason to lose hope. I hope you find the answers you're looking for. It can be energy-consuming to research all this stuff, which is worse when you do not have energy.

Here are a few other thoughts:

-Congrats on getting that vitamin D up higher. That's a good foundation.

-As for the prolactin, try eating oysters 2x a week for the zinc as that will help the prolactin go down a lot. Also take vitamin E (get it from healthnatura or idealabs) as that as been shown to decrease prolactin by more than 50% in doses of 400-800UI. This is your main problem. When prolactin is high we can't get it up. (Prolactin spikes after sex/masturbation) Do you watch porn? If so, you should stop. For several months. It affects your dopamine levels and probably contributes to the problem.

- T3/T4 supplementation doesn't really fix the problem on its own. I say this from experience. If your temps haven't improved despite supplementation, you need to do more. Or at the very least ramp up your intake from 2 grains to 3, maybe 4 slowly over months. But realistically it won't fix the problem.

-Start walking outside, in the middle of the day, during your lunch break or whatever. Get as much walking as possible. Just walking at a solid pace, nothing more than that. It can really make a difference in making your metabolism work again. You'll also get light which is good for more reasons than just vitamin D3. Walking also activates digestion from the nerves in the legs, and making sure to have very fast transit times can do wonders for your mental state/metabolism.

- Eat smaller meals, if you're getting fat it means you're not metabolizing your food fully and some of it goes to fat storage. Start the day with fruits/fructose as that doesn't require insulin, and can go straight to the liver and help your metabolism start again. Take niacinamide if you have some to help assimilate your food. Start eating your more protein/fat heavy meals a couple hours after you're up, when your temperatures are back up again, as it will make it more likely you'll truly assimilate the food.

- Cyproheptadine is excellent. That or aspirin is a great support at night. I say keep up with it, some of the members on this forum have reported great benefits when using it long term.

- Try to get away from your state of 'hopelessness' or 'learned helplessness' and focus on straightforward goals: reducing weight, increasing morning temperatures, decrease prolactin. Track these values in an excel spreadsheet or chronometer. Give yourself a basic goal: get healthier for summer. 3 months chunks. And above all find ways to appreciate life even it's far from ideal, because it can always be worse and that's when we suddenly realize what we thought was a nightmare was quite nice after all. It's truly a matter of perspective. You're rebuilding. It's a process.


Sep 28, 2016
I've found ancestral supplement's MOFO to be very good for testosterone and sexual health and I've taken a lot of supplements.


Mar 17, 2017
in my experience,cypro lower libido quite a lot and kills my erection.
maybe you could try progesterone instead and stack with DHEA. progesterone is a serotonin antagonist and increase GABA which makes you relax.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
[QUOTE = "lampofred, post: 506939, membro: 3755"] Com'è la tua vitamina A? [/ CITAZIONE]
I haven't tested it, I eat a lot of carrots every day
Man, to get the proper vit A you have to eat animal food.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
what should i do for noradrenaline? could i use doxasozin?

My testosterone free is low. Total its ok
Adaptogens can help to lower noradrenaline. Magnesium, glycine, taurine, vitamin C, zinc, progesterone and inosine can help lower it as well.
Dec 18, 2018
Diet now please and what was your diet like before taking SSRI?
I need to gauge the malnutrition.


Jul 8, 2020
You made this website yourself, right? It's in your own language, it has a similar writing style, you only post in this thread and then post your website months later. This is just a scam. Shame on you.
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