Hyperbaric Oxygen And Elevation


Mar 29, 2014
Luvfoody said:
post 101113 Tnx would anyone know if you don't have a paper bag handy, is cupping your hand over your nose something to do on a dime? Likewise sleeping with pillow partially over face, woukd that lead to a more co2 enhanced sleep. Are you suppose to only breathe in and out through your nose throughout the day too and keep mouth closed when asleep? Or is in through nose, out with mouth in regular course of day better aside from when doing brown bag breathing? Tnx

My understanding is in and out through the nose day and night is ideal, with the possible exception of short bursts during top competition by extreme athlete (but mouth breathing during training). People who talk a lot can benefit from practising talking in ways that don't involve overbreathing for long periods.

I've heard that some people find cupping hands over mouth to be a useful technique. There are many other variants you can practice that don't even require the hands. Eg. one that Peata posted recently:
Peata said:
post 100597 You inhale through nose to count of 4, hold for count of 7, then release for count of 8.
You can practice relaxing all the breath out and just pausing briefly before inhaling again, and/or consciously breathing in just a bit less than you feel like.
Pursed lip breathing is thing - also slows down gas exchange.
Ujayi(sp?) breath if you are not around people who will freak at the sound of Vader.
I sometimes practice in the car waiting at lights, etc. But once more noticable hyperventilation is underway for me, I have to get moving to interrupt it and restore calm breath.

If you are walking or doing gentle movement of some kind, you can just hold your breath a few times. If it's more vigorous, just keeping your mouth shut is likely to retain enough CO2. Patrick McKeown says that asthmatics who can train themselves to walk 80 brisk steps while holding their breath can completely eliminate asthma symptoms (as long as they keep up the training).

Some people find sleeping with their head part or all under blankets works. I sometimes put a cloth over my head with a bit of a fresh air gap. Seems to help get me to sleep if I need it. Maybe head half under pillow would do it too. Taping the mouth is great if you habitually sleep with your mouth open.

Check if you breath using your chest or diaphragm - unless you are exerting yourself, belly should rise but generally not chest and shoulders.
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Oct 11, 2016
Not much talk about the hyperbaric oxygen therapy mechanisms. Many people say it has helped them - and Peat has recommended it - but I haven't heard how it increases co2 in the issues, or verification that it really does. Any info on that?
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