Hydrogen Gas Thread


Jan 25, 2014
I've been inhaling hydrogen.

I have had many years of severe headaches and this is the first thing that has almost gotten rid of them.

I started with a portable hydrogen generator from LifeGivingStore.com and that was super good and I am keeping it. But I have a much bigger unit that I'm using, and I ordered a very large high end unit. The difference is you can steadily inhale 150mL of hydrogen per minute with the unit I am using now as I type, and 600mL of hydrogen with the large unit that is on the way to me.

I think it will help reduce the time needed to inhale. I also have the tablets you drop into liquid, but I'm very suspicious of those.

I don't think hydrogen water is that great. Too much water, not enough hydrogen, but inhaling seems the way to go.

This is really cool. Especially that you are going to combine the Hydrogen and CO2.

But time for the REAL question.......... does it make your voice really high?????????


Mar 29, 2016
If anyone has more material on hydrogen gas other than interviews by Patrick Tympone of George Wiseman, please pass along. I don't care either for the interviews with Mark Sircus either. These interviews seem to me half infommercial, and half testimonial. There is a lot of stuff that leaves me hanging in the clouds.

-Like in Asia being advanced with hydrogen water. As in Korea having hydrogen bars being common. As if Asians have figured this out, and we have a lot of catching up to do.
- Or our body being 62% hydrogen, and only 2% vitamins, minerals etc. So what? If anything, it already means we have enough hydrogen, so why take in more? But what's the point in stating this?
-And then I don't know adding the fear element in here. That Aquapure is so safe because something like H2 is explosive. And George's unit is so safe.
-And then I'm not sure if what's really beneficial is the hydride ion H- and not the H2 gas. Reading elsewhere it's the H- ion that's the antioxidant, and not the H2 gas.
-So there's a lot of snake oil salesman selling it seems. It leaves a lot of mystery behind and the science is not spelled out clearly enough.
-The testimonials given by Wiseman are fantastic.
-And he talks of oxidants as if they're all evil. And antioxidants are angels. But in this forum, we understand there's more nuance to this. Too much talk of oxidative stress, and too much talk of the good of antioxidants, especially the "most effective" antioxidant called hydrogen. The only part I didn't hear is that it's the best thing since sliced bread.
-Then there's the vague association of hydrogen gas to structured water. Like riding shotgun on it to sell his product.
- The 1-year guarantee and lifetime warranty is nice, but no cigar with me. This alludes to Wiseman's confidence in his product, and I don't doubt that he'll run away from his guarantee and warranty as much as he talks too simplistically of the benefits, without getting into more technical details. Perhaps ORN's audience will get lost when he talks more detailed. But I sure wish he provides more detail on the science.

But wait! There was one article on his website about him discussing the hydride ion, H-. But if H- is what's beneficial, why does Wiseman warn us about H2, and about his machine being able to regulate the H2 content so well, in a very foolproof way, so that we don't risk an explosion? Is this to make us afraid of buying elsewhere, because there is the risk of an explosion by not using his product? But if it's the hydride ion that is providing the antioxidant effect, then why be worried about the H2?

And also, he tells us breathing hydrogen is a lot more effective than drinking hydrogen water, because he was able to see health improvements, especially with skin and hair, when he started breathing hydrogen gas instead of drinking hydrogen water. But this is in contradiction to an article of his, when he stated that his product provides the "trifecta" of hydrogen, oxygen, and expanded water - when he drinks hydrogen water? Doesn't breathing hydrogen gas deprive him of this trifecta?

Lastly, Patrick Timpone did ask him why we would need hydrogen gas. He asks Wiseman if our body can provide this hydrogen by itself if we eat organic and healthy stuff. And Wiseman says even if we eat organic and live a healthy life, we can't be assured we're getting good nutrition because many stuff labeled organic isn't truly organic in the perfect sense of it, and so it's still better to have the benefit of hydrogen gas on hand to deal with this "reality."

So, I don't know really if this is another new fad that will eventually fade. I don't know enough of George Wiseman, and I don't know if he shares the same glib pedigree as Travis Milton, the disgraced founder of Nikola Motors. Travis talks a good game, and I was smitten in how well he presented himself in an interview by TeslaCharts. Travis talks a really good game. But it was just that.

I believe we don't really need hydrogen gas. I believe there are cheaper ways to be healthy. I believe the body can make this gas if it is indeed needed. I think this is just another silver bullet of many silver bullets to come out from man's history of selling things for health. I believe our body can produce oxidants as well as antioxidants, and the body knows when to produce this. This comes out of the body's being in balance, and when in that state the oxidants are produced when needed. Such as when needed to deal with pathogens and toxins. But when the body sometimes end up out of balance, the oxidants can be produced in excess, and this causes oxidative stress, and the body then produces antioxidants to neutralize this stress. This is good if this happens only occasionally, and this condition is called an acute condition. But when imbalance is chronic, this sets up chronic oxidative stress, and chronic oxidative stress destroys our tissues, and causes deterioration in our organs. The demands placed on the body when it has to produce many oxidants that lead to oxidative stress, coupled with a need to produce plenty of anti-oxidants, could very well lead to exhaustion of nutrients and substrates, leading to our body not being able to maintain itself as well as it should. This is probably when we need to takes extra nutrients and supplements. We may need adaptogens also. These supplements may be oxidants, and may be antioxidants, but usually we don't know what we need. How do we know we need hydrogen gas? Sometimes, taking antioxidants may not help because it may neutralize the oxidants that are needed to kill pathogens. How do we know if the hydrogen gas is interfering negatively with the body's healing process, instead of helping? We really don't. Just like we don't know really if the ascorbic acid we're taking is really helping our immune system kill a pathogen, because the ascorbic acid could be countering the oxidative killing action of oxidants on pathogens, involved in the respiratory burst of phagocytic action of neutrophils and macrophages.

It all comes down to how well we know our body and the condition it's in. If we know how to feel our body well, intuitively, then good. If we can't rely on intuition, then we need to know how to diagnose ourselves. If we can use simple tests and forego with very expensive and complicated tests and procedures the better. If we can do these tests ourselves, even better, as then you can monitor more frequently, and you can find cause and effect relationships.

Lastly, George Wiseman talks about hydrogen being "able to deal with any disease known to man." I was deceived into wishing I have his unit. It is again snakes salesmanery at its best. I was salivating at the thought of how $2500 would be a great deal if it can save me so much from recurring hospital and doctor visits in the remainder of my lifetime. And the lifetime guarantee to boot. It practically assures me that I would be taken care of the rest of my life. For $2500.

Too good to be true, right? Walk away.
Last edited:


May 30, 2018
If anyone has more material on hydrogen gas other than interviews by Patrick Tympone of George Wiseman, please pass along. I don't care either for the interviews with Mark Sircus either. These interviews seem to me half infommercial, and half testimonial. There is a lot of stuff that leaves me hanging in the clouds.

-Like in Asia being advanced with hydrogen water. As in Korea having hydrogen bars being common. As if Asians have figured this out, and we have a lot of catching up to do.
- Or our body being 62% hydrogen, and only 2% vitamins, minerals etc. So what? If anything, it already means we have enough hydrogen, so why take in more? But what's the point in stating this?
-And then I don't know adding the fear element in here. That Aquapure is so safe because something like H2 is explosive. And George's unit is so safe.
-And then I'm not sure if what's really beneficial is the hydride ion H- and not the H2 gas. Reading elsewhere it's the H- ion that's the antioxidant, and not the H2 gas.
-So there's a lot of snake oil salesman selling it seems. It leaves a lot of mystery behind and the science is not spelled out clearly enough.
-The testimonials given by Wiseman are fantastic.
-And he talks of oxidants as if they're all evil. And antioxidants are angels. But in this forum, we understand there's more nuance to this. Too much talk of oxidative stress, and too much talk of the good of antioxidants, especially the "most effective" antioxidant called hydrogen. The only part I didn't hear is that it's the best thing since sliced bread.
-Then there's the vague association of hydrogen gas to structured water. Like riding shotgun on it to sell his product.
- The 1-year guarantee and lifetime warranty is nice, but no cigar with me. This alludes to Wiseman's confidence in his product, and I don't doubt that he'll run away from his guarantee and warranty as much as he talks too simplistically of the benefits, without getting into more technical details. Perhaps ORN's audience will get lost when he talks more detailed. But I sure wish he provides more detail on the science.

But wait! There was one article on his website about him discussing the hydride ion, H-. But if H- is what's beneficial, why does Wiseman warn us about H2, and about his machine being able to regulate the H2 content so well, in a very foolproof way, so that we don't risk an explosion? Is this to make us afraid of buying elsewhere, because there is the risk of an explosion by not using his product? But if it's the hydride ion that is providing the antioxidant effect, then why be worried about the H2?

And also, he tells us breathing hydrogen is a lot more effective than drinking hydrogen water, because he was able to see health improvements, especially with skin and hair, when he started breathing hydrogen gas instead of drinking hydrogen water. But this is in contradiction to an article of his, when he stated that his product provides the "trifecta" of hydrogen, oxygen, and expanded water - when he drinks hydrogen water? Doesn't breathing hydrogen gas deprive him of this trifecta?

Lastly, Patrick Timpone did ask him why we would need hydrogen gas. He asks Wiseman if our body can provide this hydrogen by itself if we eat organic and healthy stuff. And Wiseman says even if we eat organic and live a healthy life, we can't be assured we're getting good nutrition because many stuff labeled organic isn't truly organic in the perfect sense of it, and so it's still better to have the benefit of hydrogen gas on hand to deal with this "reality."

So, I don't know really if this is another new fad that will eventually fade. I don't know enough of George Wiseman, and I don't know if he shares the same glib pedigree as Travis Milton, the disgraced founder of Nikola Motors. Travis talks a good game, and I was smitten in how well he presented himself in an interview by TeslaCharts. Travis talks a really good game. But it was just that.

I believe we don't really need hydrogen gas. I believe there are cheaper ways to be healthy. I believe the body can make this gas if it is indeed needed. I think this is just another silver bullet of many silver bullets to come out from man's history of selling things for health. I believe our body can produce oxidants as well as antioxidants, and the body knows when to produce this. This comes out of the body's being in balance, and when in that state the oxidants are produced when needed. Such as when needed to deal with pathogens and toxins. But when the body sometimes end up out of balance, the oxidants can be produced in excess, and this causes oxidative stress, and the body then produces antioxidants to neutralize this stress. This is good if this happens only occasionally, and this condition is called an acute condition. But when imbalance is chronic, this sets up chronic oxidative stress, and chronic oxidative stress destroys our tissues, and causes deterioration in our organs. The demands placed on the body when it has to produce many oxidants that lead to oxidative stress, coupled with a need to produce plenty of anti-oxidants, could very well lead to exhaustion of nutrients and substrates, leading to our body not being able to maintain itself as well as it should. This is probably when we need to takes extra nutrients and supplements. We may need adaptogens also. These supplements may be oxidants, and may be antioxidants, but usually we don't know what we need. How do we know we need hydrogen gas? Sometimes, taking antioxidants may not help because it may neutralize the oxidants that are needed to kill pathogens. How do we know if the hydrogen gas is interfering negatively with the body's healing process, instead of helping? We really don't. Just like we don't know really if the ascorbic acid we're taking is really helping our immune system kill a pathogen, because the ascorbic acid could be countering the oxidative killing action of oxidants on pathogens, involved in the respiratory burst of phagocytic action of neutrophils and macrophages.

It all comes down to how well we know our body and the condition it's in. If we know how to feel our body well, intuitively, then good. If we can't rely on intuition, then we need to know how to diagnose ourselves. If we can use simple tests and forego with very expensive and complicated tests and procedures the better. If we can do these tests ourselves, even better, as then you can monitor more frequently, and you can find cause and effect relationships.

Lastly, George Wiseman talks about hydrogen being "able to deal with any disease known to man." I was deceived into wishing I have his unit. It is again snakes salesmanery at its best. I was salivating at the thought of how $2500 would be a great deal if it can save me so much from recurring hospital and doctor visits in the remainder of my lifetime. And the lifetime guarantee to boot. It practically assures me that I would be taken care of the rest of my life. For $2500.

Too good to be true, right? Walk away.
I agree with your skepticism of breathing hydrogen gas for health and device makers/sellers like George Wiseman and others. I think he is sincere but is a bit grandiose in his claims and ideas. I think he’s probably wrong that’s he’s discovered another phase of water that he calls “electrically expanded water.“ He probably sincerely believes this but others have observed no changes in voltage in water with HHO dissolved into it.

He also claims his device can imprint variable frequencies into water. I see no explanation for what this means or how his device accomplishes this.

Hydroxy generators don’t seem to be very complex. They’re based off devices originally designed to be used for small welding projects and those only cost a few hundred dollars. There’s quite a few people making these devices basically just assembling their own designs by themselves. It’s gained a lot of interest this year because it apparently is effective at treating symptoms of Covid.

My own conclusion looking at the research is that hydrogen gas saturation of tissues is therapeutic for many conditions, but there is a lot of overblown hype online too. Gut flora production of hydrogen gas is probably the natural way to get it, but inhalation devices may provide a more therapeutic level as many studies are demonstrating, but the devices being sold right now are overpriced currently for what they are and not very well designed. In a few years the industry and research will probably mature a lot. It might eventually be something that would be worthwhile to have in your household to treat a chronic inflammatory condition or something like a respiratory infection.


Mar 29, 2016
In a few years the industry and research will probably mature a lot.
I hope so. I'm hearing about what it does - the benefits. But it's very light on how it does it.

Like - how does H2 or molecular hydrogen become an antioxidant? How does it donate an electron for example.

It is all empirical. Perhaps that is enough for many, but it also betrays the lack of research on it that really turns heads.


May 7, 2017

If you ask your questions in Tylers's facebook group or scrape through the studies on his site, you may find your answers. Maybe check out some of his presentations. He acknowledges H2 is moreso a redox modulator than a conventional antioxidant. I wouldn't rely on George as the sole reference of H2 science. His main expertise is on the R&D side of things.


Mar 29, 2016

If you ask your questions in Tylers's facebook group or scrape through the studies on his site, you may find your answers. Maybe check out some of his presentations. He acknowledges H2 is moreso a redox modulator than a conventional antioxidant. I wouldn't rely on George as the sole reference of H2 science. His main expertise is on the R&D side of things.

Thanks. I'll check his site and if I have questions, I can check the fb group. Thanks again!
Nov 21, 2015
My headaches (20 years of really bad ones) have almost disappeared. Also I used to get up in the morning and sneeze 5 - 10 times, but I'm not doing that anymore. I am more and more convinced hydrogen gas is an absolute miracle.


Nov 29, 2017

Another good interview with George Wiseman. A couple things he noted that i found interesting...

We get most of our hydrogen from gut bacteria. The good pre/probiotics produce mainly hydrogen gas (farts with no smell). The bad bacteria produce mainly hydrogen sulphide and methane (smelly farts). Focus on getting the good hydrogen producing bacteria is the simplest method of increasing H2 in the body?

He also mentioned a rat study with 2% inhaled gas extending life expectancy 30-50%.

I’m drinking hydrogen rich water (500ml) about 3 times a day and have noticed I am improvement in digestive issues. I’m also eating more calories and not gaining fat like I normally would.

Lastly, I think hydrogen needs to be used by everybody no matter what health issues they may have. I will be purchasing a inhaler eventually, just don’t have the resources atm.


May 30, 2018
My headaches (20 years of really bad ones) have almost disappeared. Also I used to get up in the morning and sneeze 5 - 10 times, but I'm not doing that anymore. I am more and more convinced hydrogen gas is an absolute miracle.
Any update on your hydrogen and CO2 inhalation experiment setup? How would you review the new 600ml/m machine you bought after a few weeks of use?


May 8, 2017
I have the AquaCure. Been a staple for the last year. Highly recommend experimenting with hydrogen generators, although the price may be steep for many. Return periods are pretty lengthy so you have time to test.

Hydrogen4Health's Browns Gas machine v3.0 is the best value currently with super simple maintenance.

George Wiseman has the best customer service and sells books teaching how to make your own machine safely. We were supposed to get a deuterium depleted water attachment this year but pretty sure COVID sidelined those plans.

George and Tyler LeBaron have the most informative interviews online.

How? The hydrogen would just displace the dissolved CO2. Water can only hold so much gas.
Did you ever experiment with hydrogen water generators or the tablets? Curious if the hydrogen gas machines are worth the price and which has the most beneficial effects. The below says hydrogen water is better...

Comparing Hydrogen Water and Gas Technologies
"Many marketers of inhalation devices claim that inhalation delivers the most H2, far more than drinking water. While this is true in terms of pure volume, it is incredibly misleading and intellectually dishonest. Hydrogen Gas requires a FAR larger volume to illicit similar responses as consumption of water. In this review, researchers indicate that inhalation requires perhaps 100x higher volume of gas than drinking water." Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen - comprehensive review of 321 original articles - | Medical Gas Research | Full Text


Nov 29, 2017
Did you ever experiment with hydrogen water generators or the tablets? Curious if the hydrogen gas machines are worth the price and which has the most beneficial effects. The below says hydrogen water is better...

Comparing Hydrogen Water and Gas Technologies
"Many marketers of inhalation devices claim that inhalation delivers the most H2, far more than drinking water. While this is true in terms of pure volume, it is incredibly misleading and intellectually dishonest. Hydrogen Gas requires a FAR larger volume to illicit similar responses as consumption of water. In this review, researchers indicate that inhalation requires perhaps 100x higher volume of gas than drinking water." Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen - comprehensive review of 321 original articles - | Medical Gas Research | Full Text

I bought a pretty good water generator and have been using it for about a month now. I really like it.

I spoke with a “hydrogen” guy about this same question when I first purchased the device and he actually said he still prefers the water (even though he owns expensive inhalation machines.) I think hydrogen water’s direct effect is on the gut which is a big bonus. Only downside I’ve found with water.... is I pee a lot more.... Interesting thing is that my urine always maintains a yellow colour... typically if I drink to much plain water it becomes clear.

Browns gas is supposed to be unique to good gas machines though (but i don’t know about it’s effects that well)


May 7, 2017
Did you ever experiment with hydrogen water generators or the tablets? Curious if the hydrogen gas machines are worth the price and which has the most beneficial effects. The below says hydrogen water is better...

Comparing Hydrogen Water and Gas Technologies
"Many marketers of inhalation devices claim that inhalation delivers the most H2, far more than drinking water. While this is true in terms of pure volume, it is incredibly misleading and intellectually dishonest. Hydrogen Gas requires a FAR larger volume to illicit similar responses as consumption of water. In this review, researchers indicate that inhalation requires perhaps 100x higher volume of gas than drinking water." Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen - comprehensive review of 321 original articles - | Medical Gas Research | Full Text

Yea, tablets were the first thing I tried. They're the cheapest way to see if you get benefits from hydrogen therapy. I used DrinkHRW brand. Sprung for the AquaCure soon as the bottle ran out. More administration options and cheaper in the long run. The addition of inhalation made a significant difference.

"Better" depends on what you're trying to treat. Each application (oral, topical, inhalation) has an area it shines while also sharing overlapping benefits with eachother. Your quote comes from DrinkHRW, a business depending on the value of hydrogen water, so there's always going to be some inherent bias. There's more to the story than what he cited. The most unbias information I can find is Tyler's facebook group. They ban advertisements, product mentions, and discuss the science.


May 30, 2018
Yea, tablets were the first thing I tried. They're the cheapest way to see if you get benefits from hydrogen therapy. I used DrinkHRW brand. Sprung for the AquaCure soon as the bottle ran out. More administration options and cheaper in the long run. The addition of inhalation made a significant difference.

"Better" depends on what you're trying to treat. Each application (oral, topical, inhalation) has an area it shines while also sharing overlapping benefits with eachother. Your quote comes from DrinkHRW, a business depending on the value of hydrogen water, so there's always going to be some inherent bias. There's more to the story than what he cited. The most unbias information I can find is Tyler's facebook group. They ban advertisements, product mentions, and discuss the science.
Do you think the oxygen component of Brown’s gas is having any effect positive or negative? Would it be adding another 1-3% oxygen to the 21% oxygen of air? Or is that insignificant? Could this lead to hyperoxia or negate the effect of H2 saturating the blood and tissues?

There’s basically no medical journal research on inhaling Brown’s gas. The research on inhaling H2 suggests the benefits are from the signaling effects of short term saturation.

So many unanswered and unstudied question with Brown’s gas, but the anecdotes do seem to suggest the effects are similar to inhaling pure H2.


May 7, 2017
Do you think the oxygen component of Brown’s gas is having any effect positive or negative? Would it be adding another 1-3% oxygen to the 21% oxygen of air? Or is that insignificant? Could this lead to hyperoxia or negate the effect of H2 saturating the blood and tissues?

There’s basically no medical journal research on inhaling Brown’s gas. The research on inhaling H2 suggests the benefits are from the signaling effects of short term saturation.

So many unanswered and unstudied question with Brown’s gas, but the anecdotes do seem to suggest the effects are similar to inhaling pure H2.

At the rate people typically breathe brown's gas, the oxygen component is about an extra breath's worth of oxygen per minute. Seems negligible for most. Never seen anything regarding hyperoxia or O2 negating the effect on blood and tissue saturation. I feel saturation potential is more a discussion for water creation since breathing is typically limited to <4% total intake regardless of generation type.

Research rarely, if ever, refers to Brown's gas/HydrOxy/HHO as such. It's usually something like "66% hydrogen, 33% oxygen mixture" or simply "66% hydrogen."

Also being trialed for COVID:

But I agree pure H2 currently has much more scientific validity in general. Makes sense though, as its a more focused substance to research compared to Brown's Gas.


Aug 6, 2017
If anyone has more material on hydrogen gas other than interviews by Patrick Tympone of George Wiseman, please pass along. I don't care either for the interviews with Mark Sircus either. These interviews seem to me half infommercial, and half testimonial. There is a lot of stuff that leaves me hanging in the clouds.

-Like in Asia being advanced with hydrogen water. As in Korea having hydrogen bars being common. As if Asians have figured this out, and we have a lot of catching up to do.
- Or our body being 62% hydrogen, and only 2% vitamins, minerals etc. So what? If anything, it already means we have enough hydrogen, so why take in more? But what's the point in stating this?
-And then I don't know adding the fear element in here. That Aquapure is so safe because something like H2 is explosive. And George's unit is so safe.
-And then I'm not sure if what's really beneficial is the hydride ion H- and not the H2 gas. Reading elsewhere it's the H- ion that's the antioxidant, and not the H2 gas.
-So there's a lot of snake oil salesman selling it seems. It leaves a lot of mystery behind and the science is not spelled out clearly enough.
-The testimonials given by Wiseman are fantastic.
-And he talks of oxidants as if they're all evil. And antioxidants are angels. But in this forum, we understand there's more nuance to this. Too much talk of oxidative stress, and too much talk of the good of antioxidants, especially the "most effective" antioxidant called hydrogen. The only part I didn't hear is that it's the best thing since sliced bread.
-Then there's the vague association of hydrogen gas to structured water. Like riding shotgun on it to sell his product.
- The 1-year guarantee and lifetime warranty is nice, but no cigar with me. This alludes to Wiseman's confidence in his product, and I don't doubt that he'll run away from his guarantee and warranty as much as he talks too simplistically of the benefits, without getting into more technical details. Perhaps ORN's audience will get lost when he talks more detailed. But I sure wish he provides more detail on the science.

But wait! There was one article on his website about him discussing the hydride ion, H-. But if H- is what's beneficial, why does Wiseman warn us about H2, and about his machine being able to regulate the H2 content so well, in a very foolproof way, so that we don't risk an explosion? Is this to make us afraid of buying elsewhere, because there is the risk of an explosion by not using his product? But if it's the hydride ion that is providing the antioxidant effect, then why be worried about the H2?

And also, he tells us breathing hydrogen is a lot more effective than drinking hydrogen water, because he was able to see health improvements, especially with skin and hair, when he started breathing hydrogen gas instead of drinking hydrogen water. But this is in contradiction to an article of his, when he stated that his product provides the "trifecta" of hydrogen, oxygen, and expanded water - when he drinks hydrogen water? Doesn't breathing hydrogen gas deprive him of this trifecta?

Lastly, Patrick Timpone did ask him why we would need hydrogen gas. He asks Wiseman if our body can provide this hydrogen by itself if we eat organic and healthy stuff. And Wiseman says even if we eat organic and live a healthy life, we can't be assured we're getting good nutrition because many stuff labeled organic isn't truly organic in the perfect sense of it, and so it's still better to have the benefit of hydrogen gas on hand to deal with this "reality."

So, I don't know really if this is another new fad that will eventually fade. I don't know enough of George Wiseman, and I don't know if he shares the same glib pedigree as Travis Milton, the disgraced founder of Nikola Motors. Travis talks a good game, and I was smitten in how well he presented himself in an interview by TeslaCharts. Travis talks a really good game. But it was just that.

I believe we don't really need hydrogen gas. I believe there are cheaper ways to be healthy. I believe the body can make this gas if it is indeed needed. I think this is just another silver bullet of many silver bullets to come out from man's history of selling things for health. I believe our body can produce oxidants as well as antioxidants, and the body knows when to produce this. This comes out of the body's being in balance, and when in that state the oxidants are produced when needed. Such as when needed to deal with pathogens and toxins. But when the body sometimes end up out of balance, the oxidants can be produced in excess, and this causes oxidative stress, and the body then produces antioxidants to neutralize this stress. This is good if this happens only occasionally, and this condition is called an acute condition. But when imbalance is chronic, this sets up chronic oxidative stress, and chronic oxidative stress destroys our tissues, and causes deterioration in our organs. The demands placed on the body when it has to produce many oxidants that lead to oxidative stress, coupled with a need to produce plenty of anti-oxidants, could very well lead to exhaustion of nutrients and substrates, leading to our body not being able to maintain itself as well as it should. This is probably when we need to takes extra nutrients and supplements. We may need adaptogens also. These supplements may be oxidants, and may be antioxidants, but usually we don't know what we need. How do we know we need hydrogen gas? Sometimes, taking antioxidants may not help because it may neutralize the oxidants that are needed to kill pathogens. How do we know if the hydrogen gas is interfering negatively with the body's healing process, instead of helping? We really don't. Just like we don't know really if the ascorbic acid we're taking is really helping our immune system kill a pathogen, because the ascorbic acid could be countering the oxidative killing action of oxidants on pathogens, involved in the respiratory burst of phagocytic action of neutrophils and macrophages.

It all comes down to how well we know our body and the condition it's in. If we know how to feel our body well, intuitively, then good. If we can't rely on intuition, then we need to know how to diagnose ourselves. If we can use simple tests and forego with very expensive and complicated tests and procedures the better. If we can do these tests ourselves, even better, as then you can monitor more frequently, and you can find cause and effect relationships.

Lastly, George Wiseman talks about hydrogen being "able to deal with any disease known to man." I was deceived into wishing I have his unit. It is again snakes salesmanery at its best. I was salivating at the thought of how $2500 would be a great deal if it can save me so much from recurring hospital and doctor visits in the remainder of my lifetime. And the lifetime guarantee to boot. It practically assures me that I would be taken care of the rest of my life. For $2500.

Too good to be true, right? Walk away.
When i looked at the links shared here i almost spit out my coffee. A machine with same output can be had at 90% discount from china. At that price you also get a torch and can use it for welding if you don't find benefit from consuming the gas :D


Nov 29, 2017
@ecstatichamster any updates with regards to inhalation of hydrogen gas? I'm still eyeing a machine and what to know if you've seen further benefits?


May 30, 2018
@ecstatichamster any updates with regards to inhalation of hydrogen gas? I'm still eyeing a machine and what to know if you've seen further benefits?
I’ve been using the Hydrogen for Health Brown’s gas machine for a few weeks and taking a look at the most recent research. It looks like research is heading towards much higher inhalation rates, like 10x more in shorter sessions for a more therapeutic effect, which takes a lot of precaution to avoid explosion.

I’m noticing very positive effects from topical hydrogen water made with an H2 Nano on my scalp and face, so I’m not sure I’m going to continue with inhalation and may return the device before my trial period is up as those are the main issues I was interested in addressing. The chronic inflammation has improved much better than anything else I’ve tried in the last few years. I soak a cloth in the H2 nano water and keep it on my scalp and face for at least 30 minutes.

Inhalation at these lower rates of around 300 ml/min seems most effective for severe respiratory, circulatory or muscle inflammation as it concentrates the highest in those tissues at this inhalation rate. Since the scalp and face is my target tissue, topical water is probably the most effective way to get the highest concentration treatment.
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2017
I’ve been using the Hydrogen for Health Brown’s gas machine for a few weeks and taking a look at the most recent research. It looks like research is heading towards much higher inhalation rates, like 10x more in shorter sessions for a more therapeutic effect, which takes a lot of precaution to avoid explosion.

I’m noticing very positive effects from topical hydrogen water made with an H2 Nano on my scalp and face, so I’m not sure I’m going to continue with inhalation and may return the device as those are the main issues I was interested in addressing. The chronic inflammation has improved much better than anything else I’ve tried in the last few years. I soak a cloth in the H2 nano water and keep it on my scalp and face for at least 30 minutes.

Thanks @Nebula . You just saved me a couple of bucks for now :) I will start doing the same thing as I have heard topical water has lead to hair growth (anecdotally). I was pouring water on my head for a while but stopped. Thanks also for the reminder :) :)
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