How Wolves Change Rivers, Complex Systems Outside - Inside, Macro - Micro


Jan 10, 2018

I would like to share this short video.
It reminded me of the complexity of nutrition and health in general.

I think, that it is a nice metaphor what it going on inside us. Thinking in analogies are a way, how the mind works. So it helps us to understand topics by understanding another analog topic.

Health/hormonal/digestion system is such a complex system with feedback loops, homeostasis, buffers, short term vs. long term, 1./2./3..../n. consequences... and self delusion, cognitive biases makes it even more difficult to grasp it.

We often just think of A -> B logic.

The other thing, that I liked, is the metaphor of a balanced ecosystem.
Are deer good or bad? Are wolves good or bad?
Is this food bad or good? Is this bacteria good or bad?

This simplistic dualistic thinking does not work. It is always a question of context and your point of view to that subject (how does that topic effect you).

Anyways, I liked these parallels.... makes it easier to understand myself.



Sep 24, 2016
That’s right. There is only context and homeostasis. And entropy. Death as the underlying determinant of all things physiological.

That’s why estrogen, cortisol etc., the bogeymen in them peat-cosmos, do have their place. But only so much.

The biggest delusion is that there is a static state of optimal health. And it remains to be seen if humans can ever grasp let alone bend to their will entirelyultra-complex systems like „life“.

The answer is in the meaning of existence itself. Is evolution blind? Purposeful? Created?


Jul 24, 2013
It is always a question of context and your point of view to that subject
Certainly, ecological ideas are closer to life, literally and metaphorically. Interconnectedness, trophic cascades, the precautionary principle, webs, and time scales beyond instant gratification are themes that rarely seep into other so-called sciences.

If not already viewed, it might be helpful to browse Dr. Peat's books, "Generative Energy", and also "Mind and Tisssue". Homeostasis, and the more recent allostasis, are faint echoes of life processes discussed years ago, by researchers cited by Dr. Peat.

New Page Title Here
"In nature and industry, the reactants, products, and energy changes are linked to the ecology and to the economy. In physiological chemistry, events in the organism are linked to the environment so closely that food, water, air, soil, and pollution form a firmly linked functional system."

Adaptive substance, creative regeneration: Mainstream science, repression, and creativity
"Sensitivity, the ability to respond appropriately to the environment, is probably a missing factor in the development of a tumor. The ability to become quiescent, to quietly participate in the ensemble of cells, is an essential feature of the sensitivity and responsiveness of the cells of complex organisms. The factors that support organized appropriate functioning are the factors that help cells to inhibit the excitatory state."

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016

I would like to share this short video.
It reminded me of the complexity of nutrition and health in general.

I think, that it is a nice metaphor what it going on inside us. Thinking in analogies are a way, how the mind works. So it helps us to understand topics by understanding another analog topic.

Health/hormonal/digestion system is such a complex system with feedback loops, homeostasis, buffers, short term vs. long term, 1./2./3..../n. consequences... and self delusion, cognitive biases makes it even more difficult to grasp it.

We often just think of A -> B logic.

The other thing, that I liked, is the metaphor of a balanced ecosystem.
Are deer good or bad? Are wolves good or bad?
Is this food bad or good? Is this bacteria good or bad?

This simplistic dualistic thinking does not work. It is always a question of context and your point of view to that subject (how does that topic effect you).

Anyways, I liked these parallels.... makes it easier to understand myself.

What a great video. Realizing the intelligence of animals is humbling.


Aug 6, 2019
Interesting. Almost like a drop of methylene blue, going into the body and consuming (oxygenating) the built up electron energy stores (the deer) leading to greater cell differentiation (the increasing variety of flora and fauna) and ultimately reducing estrogenic water diffuseness (the narrowing and redirection of the rivers).
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