HOW TO GET FLAT GALEA ???? (which cures male pattern baldness for 100%)


Sep 27, 2015
Congratulations, you are the 1,000,000th person to come up with a 100% cure to male pattern baldness! Please email The MPB Research Committee to claim your prize, a $20 Chipotle gift card! 🎉

Just teasing.

I will say, my hair has been constantly improving ever since I stopped using vinegar topically with the intent to clean and possibly de-calcify my scalp. Vinegar is acidic, so it makes sense that it could break down or soften calcium. Lately I've been putting potassium bicarbonate on my scalp; it's more alkaline which I would think would promote a better environment for calcification to take hold. Yet, my hair has been significantly better with potassium bicarbonate as opposed to vinegar. While showering I've been noticing substantially less hair fall on the drain cover. Maybe the potassium itself is enough to antagonize calcium buildup in the scalp/skull. I've been micro-needling a bit as well, which is probably helping the topical potassium to really penetrate the skin.

Summary: Calcification bad. Potassium good?
May 29, 2013
This comes down to the movement of the cranial bones as a part of craniosacral rhythm. During the inhale, the bones of the face and skull open up like a flower petal (widening the skull), the spine being the stem. Upon exhale they close, narrowing and elongating the skull.

This isn't the best video but it should give you somewhat of an idea as to what's happening.

In healthy individuals the movement will optimize the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the nervous system via this pumping mechanism. CSF nourishes and protects the central nervous system, which can be thought of as the foundation for our organism. The cranial bones also determine posture as they dictate the relationship between the skull and spine. If the skull bones are contorted or assymetric, the spine must compensate accordingly. This phenomenon is reffered to as "Bowling Ball Syndrome".

As mentioned by @TheSir the catalysts for the inhale and skull movement are the sternocleidomastoid SCM muscles along with the trapezius muscles. These two muscles were once one in our fish ancestors, a muscle known as the cuccularis. In fish, the cuccularis elevates the gills, flushing fresh water over them. In humans, the SCM and trapezius elevate the ribcage (bringing air into the lungs) and pull the temporal bones (SCM) and occiput (Trapezius) open.


If our own gills are weak and not properly stimulating cranial mvoment then the skull will begin to take on this narrow and elongated shape. Not only does this place more physical pressure on the tissues of the scalp (limiting blood flow) but also curbs the pumping action of CSF. A malnourished CNS will eventually translate to sympathetic dominance, further imparing metabolism as a whole.

I am going to put together a post on this topic as I think it is the missing link for a lot of bioenergetic subjects, not just hair loss, discussed on this forum.

Some ways to help restore craniosacral function include:

-Lateral eye movement-
While keeping your head still slow shift your gaze from one side to another. You can also synchronize your tongue with the eyes, moving it from side to side as well. This helps stimulate parasympathetic nerves along with the subocciptal muscles that act as sensory organs as to the position of the skull in relation to the spine.

-Gill breathing-
I like to think of breathing through my ears as this stimulates SCM activity. You should also feel your sternum and clavicle gently rise during this act.

-Red light on the neck-
SCM and trapezius are chronically weak, red light can help restore metabolism allowing them to become stronger.

This is fascinating stuff - please do put that post together. I've long been interested in how mechanics can affect our health.


Oct 6, 2021
What makes it weird looking in your view? Are you able to feel the stretch in your skull?
Cause the head and neck are staying upward, its unnatural. Do you have some picture? Maybe Im not doing it corectly, I do feel some tension arround ears and eyes. Is this the strech feeling?


Jan 6, 2019
Cause the head and neck are staying upward, its unnatural. Do you have some picture? Maybe Im not doing it corectly, I do feel some tension arround ears and eyes. Is this the strech feeling?
By upward do you mean position or angle? You don't necessarily need to angle the head any higher, a neutral tilt will suffice. An upward head drive should however exist. Does the tension feel like it is originating from within the skull?


Oct 6, 2021
By upward do you mean position or angle? You don't necessarily need to angle the head any higher, a neutral tilt will suffice. An upward head drive should however exist. Does the tension feel like it is originating from within the skull?
Excuse my english I wanted to say forward. So as Im trying to do this my head and neck are going forward. Yes it feel from the skull plus some tension right below the nose. Im litle bit afraid to not overdo it as I have one implant from each side and if big expansion in maxilla happen they could loosen up. I have forward grown maxilla and jaw. Just want to keep my look and prevent balding if possible.


Jan 6, 2019
Excuse my english I wanted to say forward. So as Im trying to do this my head and neck are going forward. Yes it feel from the skull plus some tension right below the nose. Im litle bit afraid to not overdo it as I have one implant from each side and if big expansion in maxilla happen they could loosen up. I have forward grown maxilla and jaw. Just want to keep my look and prevent balding if possible.
Ah, try gradually pulling your head backward without breaking the feeling. Craning your head too much forward is not desirable in this case. I have no answer regarding implants sadly.


Feb 27, 2020
Congratulations, you are the 1,000,000th person to come up with a 100% cure to male pattern baldness! Please email The MPB Research Committee to claim your prize, a $20 Chipotle gift card! 🎉

Just teasing.

I will say, my hair has been constantly improving ever since I stopped using vinegar topically with the intent to clean and possibly de-calcify my scalp. Vinegar is acidic, so it makes sense that it could break down or soften calcium. Lately I've been putting potassium bicarbonate on my scalp; it's more alkaline which I would think would promote a better environment for calcification to take hold. Yet, my hair has been significantly better with potassium bicarbonate as opposed to vinegar. While showering I've been noticing substantially less hair fall on the drain cover. Maybe the potassium itself is enough to antagonize calcium buildup in the scalp/skull. I've been micro-needling a bit as well, which is probably helping the topical potassium to really penetrate the skin.

Summary: Calcification bad. Potassium good?
How do you apply the potassium bicarbonate to the scalp? Do you leave it in or wash it out after a while?


Sep 27, 2015

I put 1/4 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate and also urea (because why not?) into a 2oz glass spray bottle. Then I fill the bottle with warm water right before I shower. They are both highly water soluble so it dissolves very quickly, while I'm showering. After applying it, I leave it in my hair. It makes my hair feel dry, but it still looks good.

I have also been considering trying minoxidil for the first time since it opens potassium channels. Needling + minoxidil + potassium, could really jam potassium into the cells of the scalp, which would hopefully prevent or reverse calcification, which is presumably what is causing the non-flat galea shape that OP is concerned with. (Please note, I would wait a few hours before applying anything to my scalp after I've needled it.)


May 11, 2022

I put 1/4 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate and also urea (because why not?) into a 2oz glass spray bottle. Then I fill the bottle with warm water right before I shower. They are both highly water soluble so it dissolves very quickly, while I'm showering. After applying it, I leave it in my hair. It makes my hair feel dry, but it still looks good.

I have also been considering trying minoxidil for the first time since it opens potassium channels. Needling + minoxidil + potassium, could really jam potassium into the cells of the scalp, which would hopefully prevent or reverse calcification, which is presumably what is causing the non-flat galea shape that OP is concerned with. (Please note, I would wait a few hours before applying anything to my scalp after I've needled it.)
nice, i will try next time. there wouldnt be any problem by using potassium citrate with magnesium topically right? also i noticed the same shedding with acv, altough it was good in the beginning but i overused i guess. i think 1 acv cleanse biweekly should be good. i heard it cleanses the minerals aswell thats why but that should be solved with potassium and magnesium


Sep 12, 2015
Congratulations, you are the 1,000,000th person to come up with a 100% cure to male pattern baldness! Please email The MPB Research Committee to claim your prize, a $20 Chipotle gift card! 🎉

Just teasing.

I will say, my hair has been constantly improving ever since I stopped using vinegar topically with the intent to clean and possibly de-calcify my scalp. Vinegar is acidic, so it makes sense that it could break down or soften calcium. Lately I've been putting potassium bicarbonate on my scalp; it's more alkaline which I would think would promote a better environment for calcification to take hold. Yet, my hair has been significantly better with potassium bicarbonate as opposed to vinegar. While showering I've been noticing substantially less hair fall on the drain cover. Maybe the potassium itself is enough to antagonize calcium buildup in the scalp/skull. I've been micro-needling a bit as well, which is probably helping the topical potassium to really penetrate the skin.

Summary: Calcification bad. Potassium good?



Sep 27, 2015

I have seen that article before, and I despise how it's written. "My secret" ... "it's so simple." ... "You need to understand". It reminds of me the poster formerly known as gbolduev. There are so many cynical people in the health world who gain the attention of desperate people by feigning certainty.

With that being said, I don't remember why I started experimenting with potassium, but it very well may have been partly due to that article lol. I do believe that fungus plays a role in MPB. I also apply piroctone olamine to my scalp for that reason. I don't want to get too terribly deep into the topical discussion since the posters in this thread seem more concerned with the mechanical and postural view of things, and I want to allow them to explore that angle.

However, since that article mentions sodium (in a negative light), I will say that used to put sodium onto my scalp as well, and nothing positive ever came of that. And as I previously mentioned, I don't recommend putting vinegar on the scalp, especially if you don't wash it out relatively soon after application.

I realize that the complex matter of MPB probably isn't solved by potassium, but I'm liking it a lot right now. One of the main reasons I tried it is because it's dirt cheap and water soluble. I have done plenty of experimenting with topicals and I've become burnt out on exotic, difficult to track down, difficult to mix, messy, expensive treatments. It would be pretty funny if a significant portion of MPB sufferers could solve it through such a cheap and simple avenue as element K. Maybe the complicated part is just figuring out how to penetrate it into the skin and jam it into the cells.

I don't mess around with oral potassium as recommended by the article; I already drink coconut water, and adding supplemental dietary potassium on top of that sounds like it could get out of hand and become dangerous.

I'm not a big believer in the postural angle, but I can see how it could play a role. I don't understand what you guys are talking about in most of this thread, but if it helps blood/energy flow to the scalp, then it's probably a good thing, especially for MPB prevention.


Sep 24, 2016
Thinking out loud, do men and women metabolise calcium differently?
Calcium is one of evolutions prime drivers for genders to even evolve.

Read Belgian evolutionary biologist Arnold de Loof on Pubmed about it



Sep 24, 2016
I think „calcification“ and focusing on calcium alone isn’t sufficient, even if the skull Form might well play a role or even constitutes, as the hypothesis of this thread postulated, the possibility of MPB to develop or not.

As with any Hypothesis, pictures of bald Males with flat Galeas or „Eggheads“ with hair would falsify it. There are those types, but I agree they are more seldom. Which provides interesting hints.

So, bone is much more than just calcium. And how bone tissue builds and organizes depends on many influential signals and factors, not least immunological, epigenetic and genetic ones.

This means that by attempts to „decslcify“ tissue the desired outcome won’t be achieved. I‘m also not convinced that calcium influx in cells more than „functional“ isn’t the root cause of fibrosis but downstream of immunological onsets that end with fibrosis and senescence.

@GorillaHead alludes to a novel peptide that gives actual results in humans? That’s indicative that a substantial „programming“ intervention is needed to turn the causal chain around or cut it somewhere. Peptides can modulate all sort of immunological and epigenetic things.
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Mar 24, 2018
i know and i already have results when i keep doing it on flattening galea it works, but i notice when i stop for 3 days or so the bumps and ridges come again. so i want to know the root cause and other treatments to support. cause in the end the answers is in my opinion also a key point on reversing aging and looking better aesthetically cause if u start to observe from now on, everybody with the headshape is showed u is aging extremely well and look handsome. also i am not cherrypicking this also, i am observing for a long time right now. every bald man has ugly galea shape 99% of the time and males with nw0 perfect dense hairline have really everything on point their skin etc
The head massages will providing blood flow too. And probably have to be daily.

There are plenty of guys with things not on point with perfect hairlines.

Mewing, correcting structure, and improving on any facial asymmetry might be top of your list.


Apr 15, 2015
I've been drinking almost 2 liters of milk daily for the last year , I think my hair impproved a lot
Also I eat a lot of cheese and take k2 vitamin and carrot salad
But I think it is all about progesteron/estrogen in milk and has nothing to do with decalcification
These days I feel much better on a milk diet, it took me a while to get adapted to lots of dairy
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May 11, 2022
The head massages will providing blood flow too. And probably have to be daily.

There are plenty of guys with things not on point with perfect hairlines.

Mewing, correcting structure, and improving on any facial asymmetry might be top of your list.
yes thats at the top of the list cause mewing , posture improves ur facial structure and flattens the galea. if ur galea is flat and wide, you can get away with everything ur basically immune to hairline recession, only thing that can happen to u is telogen efflium, increased hair shedding all over but nothing permanent
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