How to detox Microcrystaline Cellulose?


Dec 9, 2019
I discovered I was extremely sensitive to MCC (microcrystaline cellulose) several years ago when it was used as the tableting powder for a compounded medication. Symptoms began with light headedness, POTS, daily increasing headache, hair loss, then progressed to gastro issues so severe that I thought I had appendicitis. At the time, I was just about to go to the ER, when I opened up to my FB support group and someone else was having the same symptoms- the other people ongroup, asked what her filler was and it was MCC. I discovered my filler was also MCC. The next day I did not dose, and my symptoms began to fade.
Since then I dutifully watch for MCC - which, sadly, is more and more common.

5 weeks ago I decided to HBOT (hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment). The first session went well (although I needed some help with my initial claustrophobia, so I took what I take to help me sleep). All went well, and that night I slept very well. Two days later I did another "dive" and that night I could not sleep. The pharmacy (who has it on their note to avoid mcc) had switched generics. I didn't seem to have a severe reaction, but my sleep wasn't as good. Then my hair really started to fall out. My vascular system got worse - vs better. And my neuropathy got worse - vs better. These had improved after just my first dive.

I increased everything that usually improves my health and hairloss, but hair continued to fall, and my sleep kept getting worse, veins and nerves. I thought it was possibly a herx reaction to the HBOT.

Then Friday, I had a new generic for a different medication. By now, I'm lucky to be getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and again the pharmacy has it noted to avoid MCC, so I took the new generic. Within an hour I was dizzy and my head was spinning and throbbing, and I was flushing and developing a rash. Oh, this was far too familiar. Sure enough MCC was not only the first filler, but the only filler. I then decided to look up the generic that was switched on my other med about 5 weeks ago - MCC was the third filler (less symptoms).

Currently, my health is now worse than prior to starting HBOT (all that $ GONE!).

I believe that MCC is especially detrimental for those of with Ehlers Danlos.

To me mcc feels like it causes the same (or similar) damage as high oxalates - shredding through your tissue, BBB, vascular system, etc. Apparently, these tiny particles even enter the cell.

I have searched and searched for a way to bind, dissolve, remove, whatever... this stuff from my system, but have come up empty. Ideas anyone? Thank you!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This is the first I’ve heard about MCC sensitivity but I do recall taking a pregnenolone supplement with it as an ingredient years ago and noticing something wasn’t right. It’s certainly in a lot of supplements and medications. I’ve tried over the years to do my best to avoid additives because of Peat’s warnings. I really hope someone who knows more on the subject replies.


Dec 9, 2019
Belmar Compounding pharmacy in Colorado (they do extensive national compounded) has had many people report problems with MCC. The sad part is that most people don't report it because they think they are reacting to the active ingredient - not the filler.
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