How do you know you're metabolism is up (permanently)?


Nov 21, 2012
I always read here about getting metabolism up,but how do you actually know it's up without being able to measure with certain things? what are 'symptoms'? People sometimes talk about being burning hot,warm hands&feet?.....I'm not really cold,but I dont have burning hands&feet. Usually if I start to burn up,my heart pounds heavier and I feel mentally a buzz,but I think it's actually a sign of adrenal stress.
I do sometimes have this warm glowing feeling at the lower part of my neck. do you know if Candida is gone? and can you still have a leaky gut,thus foodintolerances,without Candida overgrowth?


Oct 10, 2012
Dutchie said:
I always read here about getting metabolism up,but how do you actually know it's up without being able to measure with certain things? what are 'symptoms'? People sometimes talk about being burning hot,warm hands&feet?.....I'm not really cold,but I dont have burning hands&feet. Usually if I start to burn up,my heart pounds heavier and I feel mentally a buzz,but I think it's actually a sign of adrenal stress.
I do sometimes have this warm glowing feeling at the lower part of my neck. do you know if Candida is gone? and can you still have a leaky gut,thus foodintolerances,without Candida overgrowth?

The question is when do feel burning hot, if after a meal than its probably your metabolism, but if its after not eating or exercising than its probably stress hormones. Adrenalin makes your hands and feet colder. The feeling of the mental buzz is most like dopamine increasing, since i feel the same way after eating or taking bromocriptine.

The reversal of symptoms that you first thought was due to candida. Paul Chek and Doug Kaufmann propose the idea that fungal infections affect 95% of the U.S population, but ray peat has alternative views on candida. I think the health industry has really scared people into thinking that everyone has candida. If you search candida you will probably find some remedies if you think you have it.

Yes you can have those symptoms with candida but it is probably a simple solution such as low thyroid, nutritional deficiencies, high estrogen, ect.


Nov 21, 2012
jag2594 said:
Dutchie said:
I always read here about getting metabolism up,but how do you actually know it's up without being able to measure with certain things? what are 'symptoms'? People sometimes talk about being burning hot,warm hands&feet?.....I'm not really cold,but I dont have burning hands&feet. Usually if I start to burn up,my heart pounds heavier and I feel mentally a buzz,but I think it's actually a sign of adrenal stress.
I do sometimes have this warm glowing feeling at the lower part of my neck. do you know if Candida is gone? and can you still have a leaky gut,thus foodintolerances,without Candida overgrowth?

The question is when do feel burning hot, if after a meal than its probably your metabolism, but if its after not eating or exercising than its probably stress hormones. Adrenalin makes your hands and feet colder. The feeling of the mental buzz is most like dopamine increasing, since i feel the same way after eating or taking bromocriptine.

The reversal of symptoms that you first thought was due to candida. Paul Chek and Doug Kaufmann propose the idea that fungal infections affect 95% of the U.S population, but ray peat has alternative views on candida. I think the health industry has really scared people into thinking that everyone has candida. If you search candida you will probably find some remedies if you think you have it.

Yes you can have those symptoms with candida but it is probably a simple solution such as low thyroid, nutritional deficiencies, high estrogen, ect.
Really burning hot doesmt happen really anymore,but i. find i get warm when sod/pot balance is rigth,but i also seem to need so much iron.

I dont have this white layer anymore on my tongue,but still flaky scalp and skin sometimes.

So;especoally bc of the high iron need if i migth still have leaky. Gut? I dont know what. causes the high iron need,as if it only functions on iron:s....


Oct 10, 2012
Dutchie said:
jag2594 said:
Dutchie said:
I always read here about getting metabolism up,but how do you actually know it's up without being able to measure with certain things? what are 'symptoms'? People sometimes talk about being burning hot,warm hands&feet?.....I'm not really cold,but I dont have burning hands&feet. Usually if I start to burn up,my heart pounds heavier and I feel mentally a buzz,but I think it's actually a sign of adrenal stress.
I do sometimes have this warm glowing feeling at the lower part of my neck. do you know if Candida is gone? and can you still have a leaky gut,thus foodintolerances,without Candida overgrowth?

The question is when do feel burning hot, if after a meal than its probably your metabolism, but if its after not eating or exercising than its probably stress hormones. Adrenalin makes your hands and feet colder. The feeling of the mental buzz is most like dopamine increasing, since i feel the same way after eating or taking bromocriptine.

The reversal of symptoms that you first thought was due to candida. Paul Chek and Doug Kaufmann propose the idea that fungal infections affect 95% of the U.S population, but ray peat has alternative views on candida. I think the health industry has really scared people into thinking that everyone has candida. If you search candida you will probably find some remedies if you think you have it.

Yes you can have those symptoms with candida but it is probably a simple solution such as low thyroid, nutritional deficiencies, high estrogen, ect.
Really burning hot doesmt happen really anymore,but i. find i get warm when sod/pot balance is rigth,but i also seem to need so much iron.

I dont have this white layer anymore on my tongue,but still flaky scalp and skin sometimes.

So;especoally bc of the high iron need if i migth still have leaky. Gut? I dont know what. causes the high iron need,as if it only functions on iron:s....

You don't need to be burning hot just warm enough, I don't know what "sod/pot". Flaky scalp and skin can arise from too much soap and shampoo, or/ and low thyroid. Why do you think you need alot of iron? You are probably craving something else that is in the high iron food.


Nov 21, 2012
Sodpot is sodium potassium. i dont use shampoo/soap.
in my bloodtests iron and hemoglobin turned up as very low,i also notice that i gape a lot even with sufficient.sleep. i dont think its a coincidence i. crave iron foods,but problem is that high&low iron have same symptoms


Jan 22, 2013
copper works in tandem with iron to form also helps balance iron levels, so maybe whether or not you up iron intake include some copper foods as well

I don't know if you can ever say for sure your metabolism is up permanently, but when its good you feel more motivated to do things and capable of doing them, a sense of good circulation and breathing, whereas if its low you feel more lethargic, cold, and/or in a state of pessimism, doubt, feelings of incabability, easily influenced

Candida and leaky gut are more of a result from food intolerance than the cause...that's the only thing really in my opinion, whether or not you tolerate a food, and if you don't it could cause a number of symptoms...but its not like candida sticks around and messes with anything you eat. If you tolerate a food and you eat it and get energy from it, its more likely to heal and clear out anything in its way then cause gut symptoms because of existing 'GI problems'

Nutrient interactions


Adequate copper nutritional status appears to be necessary for normal iron metabolism and red blood cell formation. Anemia is a clinical sign of copper deficiency, and iron has been found to accumulate in the livers of copper deficient animals, indicating that copper (probably in the form of ceruloplasmin) is required for iron transport to the bone marrow for red blood cell formation (see Iron Metabolism) (2). Infants fed a high iron formula absorbed less copper than infants fed a low iron formula, suggesting that high iron intakes may interfere with copper absorption in infants (5). "

actually read the whole top half of this page for more info


Oct 10, 2012
Dutchie said:
Sodpot is sodium potassium. i dont use shampoo/soap.
in my bloodtests iron and hemoglobin turned up as very low,i also notice that i gape a lot even with sufficient.sleep. i dont think its a coincidence i. crave iron foods,but problem is that high&low iron have same symptoms

Josh Rubin just did a video on people who have low iron blood results, heres the video.

I think you should probably check your thyroid, tsh, t3, t4, ft3 ect.

but if you dont want to do that, then I would try to absorb iron as much as possible. Meat with orange juice, no coffee with high iron foods, liver three times a week, more meat.


Nov 21, 2012
jag2594 said:
Dutchie said:
Sodpot is sodium potassium. i dont use shampoo/soap.
in my bloodtests iron and hemoglobin turned up as very low,i also notice that i gape a lot even with sufficient.sleep. i dont think its a coincidence i. crave iron foods,but problem is that high&low iron have same symptoms

Josh Rubin just did a video on people who have low iron blood results, heres the video.

I think you should probably check your thyroid, tsh, t3, t4, ft3 ect.

but if you dont want to do that, then I would try to absorb iron as much as possible. Meat with orange juice, no coffee with high iron foods, liver three times a week, more meat.

Thanx,I'm gonna look to the video.

I don't drink coffee and OJ. I guess I must introduce meat again. Weird thing is that if I eat high iron foods I seem to favor it with food sources that also inhibit part of the uptake or fiber and or foods with other nutrients/minerals to uptake the smaller amount of iron better (such as the maple syrup gelatin gummies). But I also notice that certain combinations for iron uptake cause strong heart pounding/sometimes headache, but simultaneously make me heat up really strong,giving mental&physical 'buzz of energy/happiness" and I start craving something to turn the heat&heartpounding down,which can be something different eacht time. So,I think this heartpounding is actually something bad and stressing to the body/adrenals.

P.S. Don't mean it in a mean manner,but is it me or is Josh Rubin getting chubbier each video? (I thought you couldn't get really chubby,let alone fat, on this diet?)


Nov 21, 2012
I also wonder if an increased metabolism calls for more fluid intake )bc of the warmth?) ?......bc lately I sometimes seem to feel so insatiable thirsty especially when I have this warm glowy feeling at the end of my neck/beginning of lower back and I have no idea if metabolism is up or what.Sometimes gobbling down some coconutwater helps,though it lowers the warm glowing feeling. Lately I also seem to think about certain foods rigth before I go to bed which can sometimes be annoying when I lie down in bed/am trying to get to sleep,even though I nstuffed myself a short while before or when I wake up (early) though I actually don't really feel hungry? I sometimes think it's more a mineral/fluid/sod.potas.-balance problem as it is a shortage within the body and I can't imagine all that much food being 'worked-out" that fast.

Also does high metabolism increase/speed-up bowel movements/volume and increase uptake? Sorry,for the gross topic,but lately I sometimes seem to have these large dumps......mostly rigth before it happening I feel bad/depressed/lethargic/thinking about food/mental hunger and after it I usually feel optimistic/happy/no cravings&hunger though thirsty sometimes. So,I guess the nutrients are being uptaken at that moment?


Oct 10, 2012
Dutchie said:
I also wonder if an increased metabolism calls for more fluid intake )bc of the warmth?) ?......bc lately I sometimes seem to feel so insatiable thirsty especially when I have this warm glowy feeling at the end of my neck/beginning of lower back and I have no idea if metabolism is up or what.Sometimes gobbling down some coconutwater helps,though it lowers the warm glowing feeling. Lately I also seem to think about certain foods rigth before I go to bed which can sometimes be annoying when I lie down in bed/am trying to get to sleep,even though I nstuffed myself a short while before or when I wake up (early) though I actually don't really feel hungry? I sometimes think it's more a mineral/fluid/sod.potas.-balance problem as it is a shortage within the body and I can't imagine all that much food being 'worked-out" that fast.

Also does high metabolism increase/speed-up bowel movements/volume and increase uptake? Sorry,for the gross topic,but lately I sometimes seem to have these large dumps......mostly rigth before it happening I feel bad/depressed/lethargic/thinking about food/mental hunger and after it I usually feel optimistic/happy/no cravings&hunger though thirsty sometimes. So,I guess the nutrients are being uptaken at that moment?

Yes faster metabolism makes you more thirsty, at least for me when I take thyroid.

Yes is does increase bowel movements.


Feb 9, 2013
Dutchie said:
jag2594 said:
Dutchie said:
P.S. Don't mean it in a mean manner,but is it me or is Josh Rubin getting chubbier each video? (I thought you couldn't get really chubby,let alone fat, on this diet?)

I watched a video recently where Josh Rubin addressed his weight issues. He said it was just his "genetics", and he feels great, has a great pulse, temperature, libido, and low stress hormones, so he "doesn't care" that he's overweight. I think that's a cop out answer. No one likes to be fat, and no one looks good being fat. I agree that genetics does play a huge role in how much bodyfat you have, and what kind of build you have, but when you're a "health expert" and people are paying you good money to learn your ways, it's a sin to be that overweight.

I don't know him personally and I'm sure he's a good guy. I like him in his videos, but he really should consider losing his spare tire.


Nov 21, 2012
jaketthomas said:
Dutchie said:
jag2594 said:
Dutchie said:
P.S. Don't mean it in a mean manner,but is it me or is Josh Rubin getting chubbier each video? (I thought you couldn't get really chubby,let alone fat, on this diet?)

I watched a video recently where Josh Rubin addressed his weight issues. He said it was just his "genetics", and he feels great, has a great pulse, temperature, libido, and low stress hormones, so he "doesn't care" that he's overweight. I think that's a cop out answer. No one likes to be fat, and no one looks good being fat. I agree that genetics does play a huge role in how much bodyfat you have, and what kind of build you have, but when you're a "health expert" and people are paying you good money to learn your ways, it's a sin to be that overweight.

I don't know him personally and I'm sure he's a good guy. I like him in his videos, but he really should consider losing his spare tire.
I wouldnt. Call him fat,but i get your point as to his (rolemodel)status towards clients,on the other hand it could be liberating to see a more normally build person as opposed to old guys like paul chek with his ripped body doing happy dances and stuff....

Maybe the problem is. Us people,that weve gotten too much of a warped ikage of what one should look like and see that as being healthy.


Nov 1, 2012
"Maybe the problem is. Us people,that weve gotten too much of a warped ikage of what one should look like and see that as being healthy."

I agree with you on that, Dutchie. I was thin and sick! I am overweight by 10 lbs. by weight charts, but overweight by 20 lbs from what I am used to. My health is more important than my weight. Our obsession with being thin is cultural and causes a lot of harm.


Feb 9, 2013
It seems like every man wants to look like a gladiator, and every woman wants to be 5'5", 115 lbs, with a flat stomach, perky boobs, and a shapely butt. A lot of people in our society shun everyone who DOESN'T look like that, which is absurd.

A guy 6 feet tall can be at a healthy weight of anywhere from 160 to 230 lbs depending on his body frame, and distribution of tissue.

I don't know Josh Rubin's exact height and weight, but I would guess about 5'6", 250 lbs, based on what I've seen of him. He does have a big frame. No question about that. He would look like a skeleton if he weighed 150 lbs. But he has a good 30 lbs of fat chilling around his mid-section, which is not good at all. I like that he doesn't get wrapped up in his weight, but as a health professional, you need to take care of your inward and outward appearances. He only seems to be concerned with one.


Oct 10, 2012
jaketthomas said:
It seems like every man wants to look like a gladiator, and every woman wants to be 5'5", 115 lbs, with a flat stomach, perky boobs, and a shapely butt. A lot of people in our society shun everyone who DOESN'T look like that, which is absurd.

A guy 6 feet tall can be at a healthy weight of anywhere from 160 to 230 lbs depending on his body frame, and distribution of tissue.

I don't know Josh Rubin's exact height and weight, but I would guess about 5'6", 250 lbs, based on what I've seen of him. He does have a big frame. No question about that. He would look like a skeleton if he weighed 150 lbs. But he has a good 30 lbs of fat chilling around his mid-section, which is not good at all. I like that he doesn't get wrapped up in his weight, but as a health professional, you need to take care of your inward and outward appearances. He only seems to be concerned with one.

Yes I would also make that argument, the problem is that he only advocates diet, when some people actually need a thyroid supplement ( cynomel,cynoplus) . I really do not respect that, just because his business is giving people advice on food. In most cases food cannot ever replace thyroid supplement if the cause is due to hormonal imprinting, social and economic subordination( which ray peat has mentioned).


Aug 22, 2012
jag2594 said:
In most cases food cannot ever replace thyroid supplement if the cause is due to hormonal imprinting, social and economic subordination( which ray peat has mentioned).

Can you elaborate on that or direct me to further information? I haven't come across this yet in my reading/listening to Peat.


Oct 10, 2012
FunkOdyssey said:
jag2594 said:
In most cases food cannot ever replace thyroid supplement if the cause is due to hormonal imprinting, social and economic subordination( which ray peat has mentioned).

Can you elaborate on that or direct me to further information? I haven't come across this yet in my reading/listening to Peat.

social subordination ... rone.shtml

In aging, tissues generally atrophy, with loss of both substance and activity. Ordinarily, organisms react to stress with increased activity of the appropriate functional system, but when the stress is inescapable, organisms adopt the strategy of decreasing their demands, as in hibernation or the defensive inhibition that has been called parabiosis, the state of being “not fully alive.” In many situations, serotonin (which is closely associated with estrogen) seems to be an important inducer of this state. There are many indications that estrogen is a factor [e.g., Shvareva & Nevretdinova, 1989, Saltzman, et al., 1989] in functionally suppressed states such as hibernation, social subordination, learned helplessness and depression. Social subordination in animals often involves high estrogen and reduced fertility.

hormonal imprinting

"Hormonal imprinting" refers to the great changes in sensitivity to hormones (and related substances) that persist after exposure to that substance early in life. When the mother's hormones are imbalanced during pregnancy or nursing, the baby is "imprinted" with an altered sensitivity to hormones. Leonell Strong showed that these effects could be exaggerated generation after generation. But--strangely, considering that he was a student of T. H. Morgan, who is considered to be the founder of classical genetics-- Strong found that a single treatment, or a series of treatments, with an extract of liver, or with certain nucleosides (the units for constructing DNA), could reverse the course of generations of breeding, and eliminate the susceptibility to cancer.


nutrition for Women PG 8

"Additionally, when the mothers general health is so poor that nutrition just during pregnancy can't over come the life long deprivation, the use of hormones could keep the mother in good health during pregnancy, and acts as a buffer between the fetus and the mother's metabolic instability. In some areas, thyroid hormone would be crucial. In every area, for a large percentage of women, progesterone can improve gestation. Thyroid supplementation would cost only about 2 dollars per pregnancy, progesterone would cost from 2 to 15 dollars. The difference between a passive person with an IQ 85 and an independent person with an 130 IQ is very great. If all the children in a village could be so healthy, many aspects of society would change. I would suppose this explains why none of the people who give money for research or humanitarian projects has been interested in supporting such a project. With adequate support, many foods could be evaluated for their effect, positive or negative, on gestation and brain development. "

more on thyroid

"Although he was a geneticist and bred the mice that demonstrated the inheritance of cancer, he also showed that simple therapeutic measures would not only prevent cancer in a susceptible individual, but would also prevent cancer in many generations of the treated animal's descendants... Inheritance isn't indelibly fixed. A physiological state is passed on…" —Ray Peat

Sometimes it takes many months to get the metabolic rate stable at a higher level, and it's often necessary to use a thyroid supplement. ... tandi.html


Dec 31, 2012
jag2594 said:
Yes I would also make that argument, the problem is that he only advocates diet, when some people actually need a thyroid supplement ( cynomel,cynoplus) . I really do not respect that, just because his business is giving people advice on food. In most cases food cannot ever replace thyroid supplement if the cause is due to hormonal imprinting, social and economic subordination( which ray peat has mentioned).

He doesn't advocate diet only. He/they push for people to get the nutrition right and create a foundation before supplementation. And even then, not in all cases; it's very individual. I think they encourage people to not just go get every "Peat" supplement and take it willy nilly because other people take it. Which is fair, I feel.
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