
Jul 3, 2014
I think red light in the 650nm range is much more penetrative than infrared. The longer the exposure to red light the more ROS would be produced. I don't know if 30min would be enough as in studies 30min is usually the minimum duration of exposure and most studies use 60min or more.

So you're advocating red light exposure around 60 mins? I like red light a lot, but never have any idea how much or how little I should dose and there are so many factors like distance of the light to the body that I end up just going by feel.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So you're advocating red light exposure around 60 mins? I like red light a lot, but never have any idea how much or how little I should dose and there are so many factors like distance of the light to the body that I end up just going by feel.

Yes, that's what most studies used as exposure limit and Peat said the same when asked - exposure to red light for about an hour every night in the fall/winter.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Yes, that's what most studies used as exposure limit and Peat said the same when asked - exposure to red light for about an hour every night in the fall/winter.
Don't you think it can be disruptive to day cycles? Similar to exercise.

The first time I read someone considering it was Павел:
The Benefits of Near Infrared Light
There are hints that bright red and near infrared light exposure should occur in the daytime.

Night-time levels of melatonin, but not day-time levels, have been shown to abolish the effects of red and infrared light on cellular function, just as nitric oxide does.

This shows that melatonin, a circadian rhythm hormone, evolved to inhibit red light influences at night. If our “night hormone” is trying to block the influence of red light, we probably shouldn’t willfully expose ourselves to bright red light at night.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Don't you think it can be disruptive to day cycles? Similar to exercise.

The first time I read someone considering it was Павел:
The Benefits of Near Infrared Light

I think there is a thread somewhere on the forum where we discussed this several years ago with @Kasper. Red light is the least interfering with melatonin. UV and blue light are the most nefarious, which explains their cancer-causing effects with prolonged exposure at night.


Sep 11, 2013
I think red light in the 650nm range is much more penetrative than infrared. The longer the exposure to red light the more ROS would be produced. I don't know if 30min would be enough as in studies 30min is usually the minimum duration of exposure and most studies use 60min or more.

This seems rather long to me. Would that also be true if you use a device like this?
Combo Bodylight 2.0 - Red Light Man


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This seems rather long to me. Would that also be true if you use a device like this?
Combo Bodylight 2.0 - Red Light Man

I don't know how to compare their effectiveness as the studies I mentioned used regular red bulbs with different energy output and across wider area. Maybe smaller lights on more specific body area could work as well...I don't know of any studies comparing the effects of something like LED/LLLT and a red bulb.


Jan 23, 2016
Has anyone tried this with the handheld red light device from @LifeGivingStore? I'm probably going to try soon but I cannot confirm if that device provides strong enough light.


Jan 23, 2016
I wonder if this would dissolve Lewy bodies? For those concerned about this creating lipofuscin, would you agree that this might create lipofuscin in at-risk individuals, but if maintained, would dissolve the same lipofuscin?


Jan 23, 2016
I went ahead and tried to replicate this with oxidal and a handheld redlight device. I rotated the red light over my stomach and face for about an hour. It seemed to alleviate symptoms of a cold/flu I had at the time.


Sep 29, 2017
Does it matter on what body part you use the red light? 30-60 minutes is way too much for thyroid.

What do you mean it's way too much? I am not sure why some people here talk about limits such as 60min. There are no known adverse effects of red light as far as I know, and Peat recommends to use several hundred watts of incandescent (red) light continously from dusk til dawn during winter.


Jan 23, 2016
When I take NDT and use a blanket at night I'm prone to getting quite hot. I wonder if I'm reaching a temperature that destroys plasticizers?


Jan 23, 2016
Does anyone surmise that doing this would also oxidize Lewy bodies? This morning I took 1 gram of aspirin, 100mg of niacinamide, 2 drops of panquinone, few drops of oxidal, and went into the sun for 15-20 minutes. The warmth of the sun seemed to feel stronger than it normally does when I sunbathe. I am going to try and do this every weekend.


Mar 15, 2023
I suspect the topic of endocrine disruptors is on many forum users' minds. We have had multiple discussions about them here, and the ability of chemicals like BPA / BPS to act as thyroid antagonists and estrogen agonists.
Bpa-free Plastic Just As Dangerous As One With Bpa
Plasticisers (bpa, Dehp) Boost Pufa, Estrogen, Cortisol & Block Glucose Oxidation
Chemicals Used In Packaging, Carpets And Utensils (Telfon) Are Endocrine Disruptors
Chelating BPA

Now this new study below shows that chemicals like BPA are highly vulnerable to reactive oxygen species (ROS). The authors used a type of "photodynamic therapy" to generate ROS and destroy more than 99% of the BPA in the sample after just 2 hours of exposure. Unfortunately, the mechanism they used would be toxic in people as they used titanium dioxide and UV light as catalysts for ROS generation. Fortunately, there are safer methods that have been shown to work in humans. For example, simply having higher metabolism means generating more ROS. As such, thyroid, progesterone and avoidance of PUFA may be able to achieve the same but likely over longer periods of time. This matches well with Peat's response when asked about endocrine disruptors - i.e. he said simply keeping metabolism high is probably the best protection. However, at some point of tissue saturation with the disruptors, another approach may be needed. Perhaps the safest approach to implement this in humans is with methylene blue (MB) and red light. Either one of these on its own has been shown to increase ROS generation. In the case of MB, this effect starts at tissue concentrations of about 1 uM/L, which for most people can be achieved with doses of 3mg-5mg. Red light has also been shown to increase strongly ROS levels after about 30min of exposure to a bulb of at least 250W power. Combining both has a strongly synergistic effect and has in fact been patented by pharma companies as therapy for a host of diseases from bacterial/viral infections to cancer.
Methylene blue photodynamic therapy induces selective and massive cell death in human breast cancer cells
Bacterial Photodynamic Inactivation Mediated by Methylene Blue and Red Light Is Enhanced by Synergistic Effect of Potassium Iodide
Blue Dye and Red Light, a Dynamic Combination for Prophylaxis and Treatment of Cutaneous Candida albicans Infections in Mice
Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer
EP3157337A2 - Induced photodynamic therapy using nanoparticle scintillators as transducers - Google Patents

Most of the patented formulations use LLLT as the light source in order to ensure easier patent review process since LLLT is by itself considered a medical device in many countries. However, the same beneficial results have been achieved combining MB and any red bulb with sufficient intensity. I think even a 100W red bulb would work but the most pronounced effects is usually seen using 150W bulbs or higher. So, a dose of 5mg MB combined with 30min red light exposure may be all that is needed to do a periodic cleanse of these endocrine disruptors. This concentration (1 uM/L) and red light exposure (several 115 W bulbs for 60min) are widely used in Europe for decontamination of blood plasma from donors, and is known to quickly kill viruses and other pathogens.
Virus inactivation of blood products by phenothiazine dyes and light. - PubMed - NCBI

Given that MB builds up in tissues over time, it may be even more effective (and convenient) to take some MB for a week and then do the red light exposure for 30min-60min on just one day of the weekend. Btw, higher doses riboflavin (20mg+ daily) and other quinones like emodin, vitamin K, tetracyclines, etc have a very similar effect and can be used in lieu of MB. If a person spends considerable time outside and there is sufficient sunlight then the red light regimen may not even be needed and simply taking the 5mg MB on a daily basis may be enough.

New spheres trick, trap and terminate water contaminant

"...Micron-sized spheres created in the lab of Rice environmental engineer Pedro Alvarez are built to catch and destroy bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical used to make plastics. The research is detailed in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology. BPA is commonly used to coat the insides of food cans, bottle tops and water supply lines, and was once a component of baby bottles. While BPA that seeps into food and drink is considered safe in low doses, prolonged exposure is suspected of affecting the health of children and contributing to high blood pressure. The good news is that reactive oxygen species (ROS) – in this case, hydroxyl radicals – are bad news for BPA. Inexpensive titanium dioxide releases ROS when triggered by ultraviolet light. But because oxidating molecules fade quickly, BPA has to be close enough to attack."

"...Cyclodextrin is a benign sugar-based molecule often used in food and drugs. It has a two-faced structure, with a hydrophobic (water-avoiding) cavity and a hydrophilic (water-attracting) outer surface. BPA is also hydrophobic and naturally attracted to the cavity. Once trapped, ROS produced by the spheres degrades BPA into harmless chemicals. In the lab, the researchers determined that 200 milligrams of the spheres per liter of contaminated water degraded 90 percent of BPA in an hour, a process that would take more than twice as long with unenhanced titanium dioxide."
Has anyone been able to lower BPA/BPS and other plastics successfully from their body using methylene blue? Or recommend an additional methods? Unfortunately, as a teen I chewed on plastic bottle caps literally all of the time. And that's right around the time when my serious mental and psychical health issues started to arise. Took my awhile to get to the root of my problem and find the ray peat community. And I believe its' probably why my prolactin/estrogen remains extremely high despite using thyroid, progesterone, Bromo, and cypro. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!@haidut
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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