High metabolism atracct more women ?


May 10, 2020
Has anyone noticed that by improving metabolism, it seems that women observe us more and that men feel more frightened?

I noticed this when taking dhea, but does improving metabolism have any effect? what did you notice?


Sep 22, 2020
Absolutely not. I noticed more respect from my male peers (surprisingly), and a range of responses from a wide range of women (which swings from hostility, aggression to some women finding me hilarious and charming).
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Probably not if you aren't already attractive looking enough to begin with.

I notice zero difference and I've taken almost everything except high dose AAS, some downstream androgens & such.

I'm also not convinced that supraphysiological hormones attract women either.

How were men attracting women before steroids existed, if so? Not like every ladies man takes roids -- some even have not much muscle mass or significant "androgenic looks" either.

A general rule of thumb if increasing metabolism improves your sex or romantic or whatever life as a guy is: more women and sex. Stuff so vague like "women looking at me" is not much of a case. Are you at least kissing, heavy petting or etc. with more ladies? If not then I don't see much of a real argument that improving metabolism is gonna make an otherwise unsuccessful guy become a Casanova or Gigachad or something along those lines.

I'm totally fine being proven wrong here though, don't get me wrong. I want to see these guys in action if they exist -- but IRL I have yet to observe some nerdy, Peter Parker throw some "compounds" on himself and then go places where there are women and watch them melt like he is some lustrous hunk, or at least eyeball him hard.
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May 10, 2020
I've certainly made progress doing this, more kisses, more opportunities, I think there's some pretty obvious correlation between hormones and attractiveness, all derived from a high metabolism, but what do you guys think?


Mar 12, 2017
I definitely notice huge changes in how people treat me according to my hormone status and metabolic rate. With a low metabolism, I might as well be invisible socially. No one even glances at me or greets me. When it's high or I'm very androgenic, I get a range of responses. The men are either respectful if they're less androgenic or somewhat standoffish or rude if they're more androgenic but lacking in confidence. The androgenic and confident ones treat me like a friend. Like we're part of some secret "bro" club, haha. Women range from being intimidated but stealing glances while playing with their hair, to overt choosing signals like strong eye contact and smiles or they become hostile if they're older or apparently estrogen dominant. The calmness of a high androgen state seems to drive them crazy.


Sep 25, 2018
How were men attracting women before steroids existed, if so? Not like every ladies man takes roids -- some even have not much muscle mass or significant "androgenic looks" either.
This is like saying „I‘m not convinced cosmetic surgery can improve your dating prospects. How were people attracting other people before plastic surgery? Not like every ladies men gets surgery.“


May 10, 2020
I definitely notice huge changes in how people treat me according to my hormone status and metabolic rate. With a low metabolism, I might as well be invisible socially. No one even glances at me or greets me. When it's high or I'm very androgenic, I get a range of responses. The men are either respectful if they're less androgenic or somewhat standoffish or rude if they're more androgenic but lacking in confidence. The androgenic and confident ones treat me like a friend. Like we're part of some secret "bro" club, haha. Women range from being intimidated but stealing glances while playing with their hair, to overt choosing signals like strong eye contact and smiles or they become hostile if they're older or apparently estrogen dominant. The calmness of a high androgen state seems to drive them crazy.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Has anyone noticed that by improving metabolism, it seems that women observe us more and that men feel more frightened?

I noticed this when taking dhea, but does improving metabolism have any effect? what did you notice?
Hi,from my experience,having high energy+environnementals factors promoting masculinity will make your posture stronger,your voice deeper,more stress resilient,enthusiastic,in social context you will manifest more power, and you will submit way less whever in obvious or subtile manners,better sense of humour,optimistic,high confidence with womens and mens,all of these characteristics will be appreciate by most womens and mens,some of them will dislike you because you increase their insecurity by manifesting more power than them specifically some mens,but its pretty rare that these mens will admit it or behave badly because of it,thats for the short/mid term changes,and it will make you way more playfull,not much fatality,only solutions,you wont have a fleeing eyes lookings anymore,you will watch womens that you enjoy in the eyes long enough,therefore you will get more womens keeping the eyes contact and some of them giving some more obvious signs such as smiling in response to you and your looking
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Probably not if you aren't already attractive looking enough to begin with.

I notice zero difference and I've taken almost everything except high dose AAS, some downstream androgens & such.

I'm also not convinced that supraphysiological hormones attract women either.

How were men attracting women before steroids existed, if so? Not like every ladies man takes roids -- some even have not much muscle mass or significant "androgenic looks" either.

A general rule of thumb if increasing metabolism improves your sex or romantic or whatever life as a guy is: more women and sex. Stuff so vague like "women looking at me" is not much of a case. Are you at least kissing, heavy petting or etc. with more ladies? If not then I don't see much of a real argument that improving metabolism is gonna make an otherwise unsuccessful guy become a Casanova or Gigachad or something along those lines.

I'm totally fine being proven wrong here though, don't get me wrong. I want to see these guys in action if they exist -- but IRL I have yet to observe some nerdy, Peter Parker throw some "compounds" on himself and then go places where there are women and watch them melt like he is some lustrous hunk, or at least eyeball him hard.
hi,even with a mediocre face,energy+masculine characteristics you can please a lot of womens.no,supraphysiological lvls of exogenous hormones does not necessary atttract womens,a lot of mens taking exogenous hormones and being muscular still lack masculine characteristics,just being muscular isnt enough."some even have not much muscle mass or significant "androgenic looks" either."some mens that have relation ship with a lot of womens for sure do not look like the most androgenic,but they still have enough masculinity in their physics and/or behaviors,mature womens arnt attracted by boys/childs,so even with less evident androgenicity such as beard/whiskers high muscle mass,there is others masculine characteristics that are appreciated by womens such as your bone disposition,your proportions,behavior....if the nerdy peter parker still has a very similar environnement that shaped him to look mediocre,he will surely behave mediocre,if these ccompounds have a real influence on his biological state there can be some drastic short/mid term changes,behaviors the most pronounced,and more subtile for physics
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Jan 15, 2022
United States
I'd say that your androgens, especially DHT, make a decent difference. The main thing really is confidence, which increasing T levels will help. This is not a replacement for practicing socializing, however. You still need to approach girls and get used to talking to them both as friends and as potential lovers. Don't expect them to flock to you just because you're more androgenic than the general population.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Let me put it in a more simple way.

Yes, the high metabolism is (generally) good for everyone. Yes, the "pheromones" can make an experience better with people/social contexts. Yes, people can respond differently depending on energy and such.

But no, I've never witnessed, say, a hideous person suddenly manifesting positiveness in others based on their internal state. I can't tell you any "ugly dudes" who pull (obviously not counting some rare celebrity or something that is exceptional) regardless of how healthy or social they are.

Yeah, my social ability is not so good but the fact that some girls STILL WERE INTERESTED at some points despite this shows it must be innate -- or something more like looks rather than the numerous other factors people attribute to attraction. Maybe there are other things than looks -- I don't know it all -- but to deny that the attraction to another or "love at first sight" concepts are somehow mistakenly perceived is being anti-truth. Metabolism does not extremely affect (adult looks) that much -- so if good metabolism mattered more then I expect to see hideous guys with good metabolisms getting girls and smoking hot stud guys with slower metabolisms dying virgins or at least never getting female attention despite socializing.

Also key in the fact that HOW YOU FEEL can affect how you want to understand or comes to terms with your situation or life circumstances. Obviously an "incel" (in quotes because sometimes they are more "volcel" for sure) with positive mindset will reframe how he sees his state of being rather than one with a negative, depressive and/or angry mindset.

If it matters so many things then either all of these things "magically" just work together for some, or some just have things (like looks) that attracted them to another (meaning health overall, or immediately, however defined, is negligible in attraction to a strong degree).

Nobody here believes I am healthy -- I am probably one of (if not the) craziest, most off the rails posters in the history of this forum to date.

But experience trumps theory, right? It may sound better to be hopeful for other things, but false hope is worse, I think, than the uncomfortable and tough to cope with truths.

If we all believe everything in theory can be changed for the better then why would the world or humanity keep seemingly getting worse? Are people just choosing to open the can of worms, or are they just actors without serious choices, in the unfolding of more wretchedness or balance disruptions in the animalistic ebbs and flows?

Seriously if all it took was to be "healthy" (and that being postulated as a CHOICE) then what real number of men would CHOOSE less health?

That would consequently mean less good experience in life and less of the benefits out of it (supposedly). I do not choose bad things -- I only want the best of things in the best of ways.

But the fact that I am in a miserable place despite not wanting to be tells me people cannot really control most of the biggest factors in what influences our lives, health and outcomes.

Not even just with sex/romance and looks but the whole net across. Life just works out like a dream for some, whereas like torture for others. You can't tell me this is fair, right? Yet who will do anything about it?

Not me, not you and not even Ray himself. He points out how the "channel" through which energy dictates results, but never makes any means to fix the stratum or structure as a whole but merely the way "transmissions" can work. Not that this isn't good but it does not address the very things I am rambling on about here.

No, I want something done about unfairness, but nobody can help this. Nobody is going to tell me why I had to suffer as an impressionable kid growing up while I had relatives living the high life. I don't care if there was more or less "health" behind it -- I was the one who got the poor deal on life from the start.

Now I have to spend every waking moment worrying about how to "fix" myself when the whole damned world around me is broken but happier. You think this is anger or depression but deep down you might be inclined to see this is the dark reality. And yet I live on to work hard in a world where I have received so little, expected of me to bring so much to the table for robot people who are seemingly soulless but obviously successful when it comes to the dog eat dog world I have (partially) excluded myself from.


Jun 16, 2015
I definitely notice huge changes in how people treat me according to my hormone status and metabolic rate. With a low metabolism, I might as well be invisible socially. No one even glances at me or greets me. When it's high or I'm very androgenic, I get a range of responses. The men are either respectful if they're less androgenic or somewhat standoffish or rude if they're more androgenic but lacking in confidence. The androgenic and confident ones treat me like a friend. Like we're part of some secret "bro" club, haha. Women range from being intimidated but stealing glances while playing with their hair, to overt choosing signals like strong eye contact and smiles or they become hostile if they're older or apparently estrogen dominant. The calmness of a high androgen state seems to drive them crazy.
This is the correct answer

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Let me put it in a more simple way.

Yes, the high metabolism is (generally) good for everyone. Yes, the "pheromones" can make an experience better with people/social contexts. Yes, people can respond differently depending on energy and such.

But no, I've never witnessed, say, a hideous person suddenly manifesting positiveness in others based on their internal state. I can't tell you any "ugly dudes" who pull (obviously not counting some rare celebrity or something that is exceptional) regardless of how healthy or social they are.

Yeah, my social ability is not so good but the fact that some girls STILL WERE INTERESTED at some points despite this shows it must be innate -- or something more like looks rather than the numerous other factors people attribute to attraction. Maybe there are other things than looks -- I don't know it all -- but to deny that the attraction to another or "love at first sight" concepts are somehow mistakenly perceived is being anti-truth. Metabolism does not extremely affect (adult looks) that much -- so if good metabolism mattered more then I expect to see hideous guys with good metabolisms getting girls and smoking hot stud guys with slower metabolisms dying virgins or at least never getting female attention despite socializing.

Also key in the fact that HOW YOU FEEL can affect how you want to understand or comes to terms with your situation or life circumstances. Obviously an "incel" (in quotes because sometimes they are more "volcel" for sure) with positive mindset will reframe how he sees his state of being rather than one with a negative, depressive and/or angry mindset.

If it matters so many things then either all of these things "magically" just work together for some, or some just have things (like looks) that attracted them to another (meaning health overall, or immediately, however defined, is negligible in attraction to a strong degree).

Nobody here believes I am healthy -- I am probably one of (if not the) craziest, most off the rails posters in the history of this forum to date.

But experience trumps theory, right? It may sound better to be hopeful for other things, but false hope is worse, I think, than the uncomfortable and tough to cope with truths.

If we all believe everything in theory can be changed for the better then why would the world or humanity keep seemingly getting worse? Are people just choosing to open the can of worms, or are they just actors without serious choices, in the unfolding of more wretchedness or balance disruptions in the animalistic ebbs and flows?

Seriously if all it took was to be "healthy" (and that being postulated as a CHOICE) then what real number of men would CHOOSE less health?

That would consequently mean less good experience in life and less of the benefits out of it (supposedly). I do not choose bad things -- I only want the best of things in the best of ways.

But the fact that I am in a miserable place despite not wanting to be tells me people cannot really control most of the biggest factors in what influences our lives, health and outcomes.

Not even just with sex/romance and looks but the whole net across. Life just works out like a dream for some, whereas like torture for others. You can't tell me this is fair, right? Yet who will do anything about it?

Not me, not you and not even Ray himself. He points out how the "channel" through which energy dictates results, but never makes any means to fix the stratum or structure as a whole but merely the way "transmissions" can work. Not that this isn't good but it does not address the very things I am rambling on about here.

No, I want something done about unfairness, but nobody can help this. Nobody is going to tell me why I had to suffer as an impressionable kid growing up while I had relatives living the high life. I don't care if there was more or less "health" behind it -- I was the one who got the poor deal on life from the start.

Now I have to spend every waking moment worrying about how to "fix" myself when the whole damned world around me is broken but happier. You think this is anger or depression but deep down you might be inclined to see this is the dark reality. And yet I live on to work hard in a world where I have received so little, expected of me to bring so much to the table for robot people who are seemingly soulless but obviously successful when it comes to the dog eat dog world I have (partially) excluded myself from.
hi,it isnt about being sociable in it self,it is about the degree of power you manifest in your sociability,lot of peoples seems sociables,talk with peoples make them laugh but mostly lack power manifestations in their interactions,you can be sociable and fun to others and still be submissive.pretty sure you have seen in your lifes mens with mediocre faces even displeasing facial characteristics that still manage to hang out with womens you found pleasing,way more beautifull/hot that the man she is hanging with."
If we all believe everything in theory can be changed for the better then why would the world or humanity keep seemingly getting worse? Are people just choosing to open the can of worms, or are they just actors without serious choices, in the unfolding of more wretchedness or balance disruptions in the animalistic ebbs and flows?
Seriously if all it took was to be "healthy" (and that being postulated as a CHOICE) then what real number of men would CHOOSE less health?"

making choices even choices that require a lot of will power wont necessary grant you what you want,you might not even have in your environnement what you you need to accomplish what you wish,and you might not even know what you need to accomplish what you wish,99.99%of peoples want to feel good,experience pleasures,power...but again even if you act to get those,you might not even use the rights elements/Tools.from my experiences and perspectives the lack of transmission of valuables experiences from our parents grand parents is one of the most impactfull causes of peoples having to suffer to much up until they find well being/happyness.unfairness is mostly a feeling,rather than a reasonable/conscious djugement,you will eventually reach a state where you wont experience these negatives feelings of frustration/impotency/unfairness anymore and your perspective on these very same topics will probably change.i consider i suffered enough in my life,i feel good enough now,i dont feel unfairness anymore,i feel optimistic,and the ideas that pop in my minds are like"glad i went through that,so i can transmit my experiences to the peoples i care about and my coming childs,so they will experience a far greater intense positive enjoyable experience of life that they might have never get close to,with out me transmitting these experiences.",when you get enough energy and power physically/mentally,you wont feel fatality/impotency,only solutions


Jun 7, 2016
attracting things is feminine and passive so think about the mindset.

Women are the ones attracting things towards inside them.


Jun 7, 2016
I definitely notice huge changes in how people treat me according to my hormone status and metabolic rate. With a low metabolism, I might as well be invisible socially. No one even glances at me or greets me. When it's high or I'm very androgenic, I get a range of responses. The men are either respectful if they're less androgenic or somewhat standoffish or rude if they're more androgenic but lacking in confidence. The androgenic and confident ones treat me like a friend. Like we're part of some secret "bro" club, haha. Women range from being intimidated but stealing glances while playing with their hair, to overt choosing signals like strong eye contact and smiles or they become hostile if they're older or apparently estrogen dominant. The calmness of a high androgen state seems to drive them crazy.
The high androgen calmness is rare and women mistaken the coldness of the dark triad men as the former but later realise after being traumatised. Women who are vulnerable are more likely to be fooled by dark triad men.

Go on any YouTube video talking about dark triad men and there will be 50000 comments from women sharing their horror stories with these men.


Jan 6, 2015
being energetic(good metabolism) and in good spirit makes you more outgoing and confident and less shy and timid, that way it helps. something you cant fake!

i noticed when my metabolism is good my posture is more straight , my body and face is relax , i make more eye contact and i can smile naturally.it makes you more charming! they can hear it in you voice also.
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Feb 13, 2021
Has anyone noticed that by improving metabolism, it seems that women observe us more and that men feel more frightened?

I noticed this when taking dhea, but does improving metabolism have any effect? what did you notice?
Yes! Boost your metabolic rate high enough and you will start feeling like king Solomon! What woman doesn't want a man who can eat all the food in sight and still stay lean??

Well...not sure if 'frightened' is the right word to use, but men are definitely more respectful towards me than they used to be.

Things that have the biggest effect include:

- Prog/preg/DHEA
- Raw milk and cream
- Free and Easy Wanderer
- Sexual transmutation work

Also, if one is inclined to spirituality and completely ceases to crave the affection of women, they may very well find themselves getting much more affection. Life is strange...


Mar 12, 2017
Yes! Boost your metabolic rate high enough and you will start feeling like king Solomon! What woman doesn't want a man who can eat all the food in sight and still stay lean??

Well...not sure if 'frightened' is the right word to use, but men are definitely more respectful towards me than they used to be.

Things that have the biggest effect include:

- Prog/preg/DHEA
- Raw milk and cream
- Free and Easy Wanderer
- Sexual transmutation work

Also, if one is inclined to spirituality and completely ceases to crave the affection of women, they may very well find themselves getting much more affection. Life is strange...
Whenever you crave something desperately, you unknowingly push it away because you are operating from an energy of lack. You're sending a signal you don't have what you want. The secret in life is to live like you already have what you want and you will soon find yourself having exactly what it is you want. Neediness is our biggest foe.
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