High Dose Iodine (grams)


Oct 13, 2014
Take pure dmso, add some elemental iodine, the solution forms within seconds, then add to a glass of water. E.g. 300mg iodine, 1 tsp dmso. By weight, it is 1 part dmso to 1 part iodine. This is a ratio that fully dissolves, going higher on the iodine would likely leave some solids. Always take with a large amount of water as it is very strong, e.g. mixed in to 8 ounces of water, it is so strong it can burn through skin easily without added water. IMO, this is superior to lugols, you can make a life time supply of iodine dmso tincture this way with $30 of ingredients and no special tools,,, where as making lugol's at home is much more involved. I also respond better to the iodine dmso tincture then I do to lugol's. Topical or internal application requires you to dilute with several ounces of water. I made the mistake of putting just a drop of the undiluted stuff on a section of skin and days later it was all scabbed over... it is healing fine thankfully. I will be diluting from now on.
How much did you take orally
Feb 26, 2018
How much did you take orally
The most I have taken was close to just under a gram, it was spaced out throughout a day. I have always responded pretty well to iodine though, and have worked my way up to that dose over many years.


Jan 25, 2014
Are either of you taking any supporting supplements with the high doses of iodine? I believe extra selenium and about 3 grams of vitamin C are recommended as well as salt if you start getting bromine detox symptoms.

I highly doubt anyone was doing this when using iodine up to and including the 1940s and many seem to have been fine. Also Albert Szent-Gyorgyi doesn’t that his patients had any bad reactions to high doses.

Szent-Gyorgyi used iodIDE, not iodINE. Nor did he use any of the "companion" nutrients, like the iodine doctors suggest. Funny, one of things Vitamin C is guaranteed to do is reduce iodine to iodide, if it comes into contact with it.
Nov 21, 2015
So you would take it for a few days if you were sick?

What about if you think you have build up of fluorine or mercury and you want to use it to help mobilise those? Could you pulse dose for a few days and then take a break for say 10 days and do it again?

I would take 1 gram or 2 grams per day of potassium iodide for a few days if I was sick. I wouldn’t see any reason to use any other iodine though. I eat some seafood that probably contains sufficient iodine for my needs.


Oct 2, 2018
Szent-Gyorgyi used iodIDE, not iodINE. Nor did he use any of the "companion" nutrients, like the iodine doctors suggest. Funny, one of things Vitamin C is guaranteed to do is reduce iodine to iodide, if it comes into contact with it.

So you think the requirement for Vitamin C is because people take the wrong form, the iodine form, which ends up chewing up Vitamin C by redcing iodine to iodide?

I would take 1 gram or 2 grams per day of potassium iodide for a few days if I was sick. I wouldn’t see any reason to use any other iodine though. I eat some seafood that probably contains sufficient iodine for my needs.

I was interested in pulse dosing it to reduce my body and CNS burden of mercury and fluoride. Been trying to do frequent dose chelation with alpha lipoic acid and either DMSA or DMPS, but the waking up at night and trying to chelate while working has really sapped me.


Oct 13, 2014
Take pure dmso, add some elemental iodine, the solution forms within seconds, then add to a glass of water. E.g. 300mg iodine, 1 tsp dmso. By weight, it is 1 part dmso to 1 part iodine. This is a ratio that fully dissolves, going higher on the iodine would likely leave some solids. Always take with a large amount of water as it is very strong, e.g. mixed in to 8 ounces of water, it is so strong it can burn through skin easily without added water. IMO, this is superior to lugols, you can make a life time supply of iodine dmso tincture this way with $30 of ingredients and no special tools,,, where as making lugol's at home is much more involved. I also respond better to the iodine dmso tincture then I do to lugol's. Topical or internal application requires you to dilute with several ounces of water. I made the mistake of putting just a drop of the undiluted stuff on a section of skin and days later it was all scabbed over... it is healing fine thankfully. I will be diluting from now on.
I understand the 300 mg of iodine to 1 teaspoon of DMSO to dissolve but how do you measure out the amount to take orally from there? What would be a drop etc
Mar 10, 2021
What are Ray and the community's opinions on the massive iodine doses that were routinely used in medicine until the 1940s?

“No, I have never recommended several milligram doses of iodide, and I have often pointed out the damage to the thyroid gland that even moderate iodide supplements can cause to the thyroid gland." -Ray Peat
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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