Help with numbness and pins-and-needles feeling


Feb 7, 2017
Good update. Thanks. I have been venturing out into the sun these past few days. I have a screened in patio and ask my husband to move the chair into the sun for me. Hate to ask for help. Character flaw there so big deal that I'm getting help. Yesterday, I spent sun-time in a roc-center rocking chair. This is a good step in healing my sciatica.
The numb toes on the opposite foot? we'll see how that goes.

It's really hard to take the time to sit in the sun. This used to be easy, but after the Plandemic, I think it's harder.
The CO2 bag therapy really helps as well.

We don't realize how inflammed our system really is at times and until that's sorted out, the numbness can take a bit to settle. Moving in a progressive and integrative manner using your whole body is important as well. Bigger bonus if you do it out in the sun, possible barefoot on grass. Just make sure our blood sugar is good before, during and afterward.
Nov 21, 2015
Dr. Peat suggested that it is possibly a deficiency of B12 or pantothenic acid. My B12 is okay as I tested it not long ago. So I’m going to try some supplemental pantothenic acid. I’ve been supplementing B1 and B3 for a long time and perhaps I have developed a deficiency in pantothenic acid as a result.
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