Hello and thank you for your sanity ...


Sep 9, 2021
I would just like to say hello and thank you so much everyone for this amazing forum.

I came here for the discussion and advice on health first and foremost, as I suppose most of us did but very quickly I also got into the covid threads and I have been reading them throughly and listening to the videos and clips and reading the links to all the articles for the last month now. I wasn't able to register at that time but I have now been able to and so I just wanted to write to say that the threads have really kept me going throughout the last month when things here in France have been getting worse re the vaxx.

We were mandated country-wide in the middle of August, with no access to cinemas, gyms, swimming pools, intercity trains or buses, museums, art galleries and large gatherings nor cafes, bars and restaurants and larger shopping malls for those who were not double jabbed (although the supermarkets and stand-alone shops have been free of the mandate). Health workers have been mandated and there has been huge pressure from the community for 12-15 y.o.s to also get the vax for entry into school (which has on the whole been successful). I believe at the moment 14% of the population of France are vaccine-free (over 12). I have decided to stay in the 'control group' for as long as I possibly can - i.e. forever. I am homeschooling my daughter this year and not participating in the things that I love to do i.e. eating out, shopping at larger malls and meeting up with friends to have a coffee etc. all first world problems I know, but ....

also, in our town we must wear masks OUTSIDE on the main streets, no matter if you are the only person on that street.

There are only one or two people that I know living here who have not had the jab now, so I do feel rather isolated and these forum discussions have really helped keep me going, given me the 'other' side of the story with factual information that I could make my own mind up about without bias and also it has helped me persuade my husband not to get vaxxinated (for the moment). I think it is an amazing resource and I am deeply saddened that no counter-narrative is widely encouraged in the mainstream news. Through your links I discovered Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Kary Mullis, Mike Yeadon, Geert Vanden Bossche, Roger Hodkinson and many amazing websites and articles. I have seen some sanity in this utterly crazy crazy world thanks to you all.

There is going to be a review of the mandate here in France on November 15th, and I hope by then the government will see sense and open up the cafes and restaurants etc. again to the non-vaxxed (in the same way that Denmark has just done). By then unfortunately, there will not be many of the 'control group' left, it will be so minuscule in fact, that we may be completely forgotten about and the 'pass sanitaire' may become a way of life for the French forever.
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Oct 6, 2020
I would just like to say hello and thank you so much everyone for this amazing forum.
... I just wanted to write to say that the threads have really kept me going throughout the last month when things here in France have been getting worse re the vaxx.

Hey, welcome to the forum. Glad you find strength here. I certainly find myself questioning my sanity at times but i think that is normal when the rest, or lets say, majority of the world seems to make a consensus to normalize something that is anything but normal.

also, in our town we must wear masks OUTSIDE on the main streets, no matter if you are the only person on that street.



Dec 8, 2016


Sep 13, 2012
Welcome! And good for you for standing against the mandate. I homeschool as well for many reasons, it has been really challenging but I just could not turn them over to people I don't know and not be in control of their education. Thankfully here in the US we seem to have freedoms that most other countries don't have. I really feel for you not having access to those comforts anymore. How do they manage it? Is there someone checking their card before entry? Kinda reminds me of Nazi Germany... asking for their papers..


Sep 9, 2021
Welcome! And good for you for standing against the mandate. I homeschool as well for many reasons, it has been really challenging but I just could not turn them over to people I don't know and not be in control of their education. Thankfully here in the US we seem to have freedoms that most other countries don't have. I really feel for you not having access to those comforts anymore. How do they manage it? Is there someone checking their card before entry? Kinda reminds me of Nazi Germany... asking for their papers..
thank you, homeschooling is very challenging yes, but very rewarding! The owners of the establishments are the ones liable for fines so they must check the passes of everyone entering, either by sight or through a QR reader. I hear in some regions it is not so strictly adhered to but I live in the countryside and even here it is enforced everywhere.


Nov 18, 2019
Hey welcome @lululovesmilk! Ray Peat Forum is simply a gold mine of information and resources. Fantastic support for the choice to remain fully human and not cave to these tyrannical measures.


Jul 13, 2014
I would just like to say hello and thank you so much everyone for this amazing forum.

I came here for the discussion and advice on health first and foremost, as I suppose most of us did but very quickly I also got into the covid threads and I have been reading them throughly and listening to the videos and clips and reading the links to all the articles for the last month now. I wasn't able to register at that time but I have now been able to and so I just wanted to write to say that the threads have really kept me going throughout the last month when things here in France have been getting worse re the vaxx.

We were mandated country-wide in the middle of August, with no access to cinemas, gyms, swimming pools, intercity trains or buses, museums, art galleries and large gatherings nor cafes, bars and restaurants and larger shopping malls for those who were not double jabbed (although the supermarkets and stand-alone shops have been free of the mandate). Health workers have been mandated and there has been huge pressure from the community for 12-15 y.o.s to also get the vax for entry into school (which has on the whole been successful). I believe at the moment 14% of the population of France are vaccine-free (over 12). I have decided to stay in the 'control group' for as long as I possibly can - i.e. forever. I am homeschooling my daughter this year and not participating in the things that I love to do i.e. eating out, shopping at larger malls and meeting up with friends to have a coffee etc. all first world problems I know, but ....

also, in our town we must wear masks OUTSIDE on the main streets, no matter if you are the only person on that street.

There are only one or two people that I know living here who have not had the jab now, so I do feel rather isolated and these forum discussions have really helped keep me going, given me the 'other' side of the story with factual information that I could make my own mind up about without bias and also it has helped me persuade my husband not to get vaxxinated (for the moment). I think it is an amazing resource and I am deeply saddened that no counter-narrative is widely encouraged in the mainstream news. Through your links I discovered Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Kary Mullis, Mike Yeadon, Geert Vanden Bossche, Roger Hodkinson and many amazing websites and articles. I have seen some sanity in this utterly crazy crazy world thanks to you all.

There is going to be a review of the mandate here in France on November 15th, and I hope by then the government will see sense and open up the cafes and restaurants etc. again to the non-vaxxed (in the same way that Denmark has just done). By then unfortunately, there will not be many of the 'control group' left, it will be so minuscule in fact, that we may be completely forgotten about and the 'pass sanitaire' may become a way of life for the French forever.

View: https://twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1470511566466523137


View: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0aZte37vtFTkYT7b0b04Qz


May 17, 2021
I would just like to say hello and thank you so much everyone for this amazing forum.

There is going to be a review of the mandate here in France on November 15th, and I hope by then the government will see sense and open up the cafes and restaurants etc. again to the non-vaxxed (in the same way that Denmark has just done). By then unfortunately, there will not be many of the 'control group' left, it will be so minuscule in fact, that we may be completely forgotten about and the 'pass sanitaire' may become a way of life for the French forever.
Hi @pushkin ... hope you are doing well! Wondering how things were in France and how you are holding up?


Sep 9, 2021
Hi @pushkin ... hope you are doing well! Wondering how things were in France and how you are holding up?
Hi Jinju thank you for your message, yes we are all okay here in France. The mandate still stands of course, so no cafes etc until August 2022 but that is nothing compared to what is going on with some countries in Europe. We are holding up okay, we have a couple of friends left who are still not vaxxed to chat with about it all but the number is diminishing. France currently has 9.3% of eligible population who have not received a single jab. I am still coming to the forum a few times a day to get my dose of sanity .... !


May 17, 2021
Good to know :)

I am still coming to the forum a few times a day to get my dose of sanity .... !
I do the same....
You are certainly not alone. I am battling similar issues, just in another country. Hang in there!


Apr 28, 2018
Welcome@pushkin. You see now, you are not alone in your thinking and in what you are experiencing. We all pray that this forum stays up for this dose of sanity...from here in the frontier of Alaska, we see the same tyranny sneaking in to our systems one by one...it has all been thought out so well, and implemented with the right human pawns in place paired with technology. Stay aware, and fluid, and ready to counter with your own moves.
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