
Nov 27, 2019

I need to inquire about the safety of two separate drugs/steroids that I'm inclined to take. Both of these would be to optimize hormonal issues engendered by 5-AR blocking via finasteride.

I'm positive that I need to push my system artificially with a drug in order to heal my hormones, steroid synthesis, and overall health from finasteride. Ray has even said that this cannot be done without some type of drug/hormonal therapy.

Many have discussed HCG on these forums, and I am now seriously considering taking it.

That being said, I am wary of anabolic steroids, as I've heard of the numerous deleterious effects they can have on the organism.

From what i've seen, HCG and Proviron appear to be mostly safe. I have heard that they can raise E2, would taking androsterone prevent that? I am hoping that my potential experience with them would be positive and safe. I certainly don't want to stress my body or cause any damage or unwanted symptoms like sleep disturbances, mental symptoms or hair loss. I understand it might have to get worse before it gets better, but I need to be sure I do whats right for my body.

That being said, Can anyone speak to either of these treatments? I will happily accept opinions, anecdotes, personal experience, info that is not your own, anything that will help me get a better idea of Proviron and especially HCG.

As always, thank you in advance for your knowledge and information.

Best, fever


Nov 23, 2020
hCG can definitely raise E2 level greatly after a while in some, there are such testimonials in other languages than English, so harder to access for most English-only speakers, however since most of the people posting online about their hCG experience in general have an idea about E2 and can proactively diet and supplement against it probably it is less of an issue for most of them, while others prescribed hCG by an urologist may have less of a capability to know exactly what is going on (do bloodwork, identify symptoms, etc)
Since I know at first had some urologist and endocrinologists in Europe actually believe high E2 will protect males and female against cancer and heart disease I would not expect them to even care about testing E2 or talk about it with their patient.
The irony of E2 is as soon some specific female cancer is discovered either an anti-E2 medication will be prescribed or other global hormonal shutdown medication will be prescribed, which shows the irony of stating high E2 is protective.


Nov 27, 2019
@Gustav3Y thanks for your feedback. Yeah, E2 is definitely one of my concerns. I feel like the high estrogen/estradiol is common among finasteride users, i guess because the lack of androgens allow estrogens to rule unopposed. It seems strange that taking HCG - which would optimize androgens and increase 5AR expression - would raise E2. What do you believe are some good methods of keeping it under control?

@michael94 hey thanks for your reply. I also found Ray saying that somewhere. In theory, i would intuitively think it would be fine, as it’s an androgenic steroid optimizer, but this is probably a good idea of why we shouldn’t always use intuition with our health. A couple testimonies did site Proviron as being androgenic and beneficial, but this one definitely seems riskier to me than HCG.

@MyUsernameHere do you have experience with DHT, proviron, or HCG?
Nov 16, 2012
I have experience with 11-keto DHT, Proviron and HCG and have used them recently or currently in one form or another. What specifically would you like to know?

Proviron I've used only shortly for 4 days (500 mg total) - it caused some HPTA suppression and high E2 symptoms towards the end of the course, we'll see if it improved anything.

HCG - may be transiently estrogenic but has helped me a lot and have been on for around 10 weeks, and am going back on now as well.

11-keto DHT I only find to be marginally useful in really high doses to saturate androgen receptors and cause suppression (if you follow it up with HCG). Otherwise I don't respond that well to it.


Nov 27, 2019
@MyUsernameHere Well, i’m looking into these compounds to rectify PFS symptoms - mental symptoms, sexual ones, and issues with steroid synthesis i guess.

I’m hesitant to try Proviron as it’s kinda controversial to some. but because of PFS, we might be in unique circumstances. the last thing i want to do is damage my body further that fin already did. also don’t wanna lose hair or anything like that.

Additionally, i noticed 11-Keto DHT was taken off of IdeaLabs. used to be on there. might be because people had issues with it and it was too much of a liability.

I feel like i’m rambling but yeah, thank you for giving me some info. if you have any more thoughts on those 3, i’m all ears. i’m interested in their effects, the dosing, the course, and side effects.

also just purchasing HCG is proving to be an obstacle. but i know i need to start soon. i’ll pm you as well.


@MyUsernameHere Well, i’m looking into these compounds to rectify PFS symptoms - mental symptoms, sexual ones, and issues with steroid synthesis i guess.

I’m hesitant to try Proviron as it’s kinda controversial to some. but because of PFS, we might be in unique circumstances. the last thing i want to do is damage my body further that fin already did. also don’t wanna lose hair or anything like that.

Additionally, i noticed 11-Keto DHT was taken off of IdeaLabs. used to be on there. might be because people had issues with it and it was too much of a liability.

I feel like i’m rambling but yeah, thank you for giving me some info. if you have any more thoughts on those 3, i’m all ears. i’m interested in their effects, the dosing, the course, and side effects.

also just purchasing HCG is proving to be an obstacle. but i know i need to start soon. i’ll pm you as well.

Neither Proviron nor HCG are hard to source: Tiromel.ws

Proviron made me feel low E2 and anxious.
HCG, never noticed anything from it.

For what it's worth, Aromasin is what gave me the most androgenic feeling and the best libido.

Good luck


Aug 12, 2020
You could try HCG and/or serms first before using Proviron though.


Jan 28, 2018

I need to inquire about the safety of two separate drugs/steroids that I'm inclined to take. Both of these would be to optimize hormonal issues engendered by 5-AR blocking via finasteride.

I'm positive that I need to push my system artificially with a drug in order to heal my hormones, steroid synthesis, and overall health from finasteride. Ray has even said that this cannot be done without some type of drug/hormonal therapy.

Many have discussed HCG on these forums, and I am now seriously considering taking it.

That being said, I am wary of anabolic steroids, as I've heard of the numerous deleterious effects they can have on the organism.

From what i've seen, HCG and Proviron appear to be mostly safe. I have heard that they can raise E2, would taking androsterone prevent that? I am hoping that my potential experience with them would be positive and safe. I certainly don't want to stress my body or cause any damage or unwanted symptoms like sleep disturbances, mental symptoms or hair loss. I understand it might have to get worse before it gets better, but I need to be sure I do whats right for my body.

That being said, Can anyone speak to either of these treatments? I will happily accept opinions, anecdotes, personal experience, info that is not your own, anything that will help me get a better idea of Proviron and especially HCG.

As always, thank you in advance for your knowledge and information.

Best, fever
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Dec 28, 2021

I need to inquire about the safety of two separate drugs/steroids that I'm inclined to take. Both of these would be to optimize hormonal issues engendered by 5-AR blocking via finasteride.

I'm positive that I need to push my system artificially with a drug in order to heal my hormones, steroid synthesis, and overall health from finasteride. Ray has even said that this cannot be done without some type of drug/hormonal therapy.

Many have discussed HCG on these forums, and I am now seriously considering taking it.

That being said, I am wary of anabolic steroids, as I've heard of the numerous deleterious effects they can have on the organism.

From what i've seen, HCG and Proviron appear to be mostly safe. I have heard that they can raise E2, would taking androsterone prevent that? I am hoping that my potential experience with them would be positive and safe. I certainly don't want to stress my body or cause any damage or unwanted symptoms like sleep disturbances, mental symptoms or hair loss. I understand it might have to get worse before it gets better, but I need to be sure I do whats right for my body.

That being said, Can anyone speak to either of these treatments? I will happily accept opinions, anecdotes, personal experience, info that is not your own, anything that will help me get a better idea of Proviron and especially HCG.

As always, thank you in advance for your knowledge and information.

Best, fever
Proviron is safe-ish, DHT is perfectly safe.
HCG, I wouldn't play with it.


Aug 12, 2020
If you wouldn't play with HCG, how do you keep your balls from shrinking when you use DHT?
Alphagels made this comment:

"For systemic absorption and some degree of supression to occur you’d need to apply DHT gel to a large surface area of vascular skin such as the inner arms and shoulders.

Even then supression is still minimal compared to testosterone use since Estrogen derived from the aromatisation of testosterone is what causes harsh shutdown and DHT cannot convert to estrogen.

DHT also has the added benefit of freeing up T from SHBG so you get a boost in free T."


Jun 8, 2021
Always gotta take it with a pinch of salt when it's a product that person/company is selling. I do feel this theory is pretty sound though.. That taking just enough to manage estrogen could potentially be more helpful than harmful.


Dec 28, 2021
If you wouldn't play with HCG, how do you keep your balls from shrinking when you use DHT?
When using unesterified testosterone or DHT transdermally, there is no testicular shrinkage.
At least not for me, after 2 years of continuous use of both at extremely high doses.


Nov 12, 2020
Alphagels made this comment:

"For systemic absorption and some degree of supression to occur you’d need to apply DHT gel to a large surface area of vascular skin such as the inner arms and shoulders.

Even then supression is still minimal compared to testosterone use since Estrogen derived from the aromatisation of testosterone is what causes harsh shutdown and DHT cannot convert to estrogen.

DHT also has the added benefit of freeing up T from SHBG so you get a boost in free T."
This is helpful. Thx.
When using unesterified testosterone or DHT transdermally, there is no testicular shrinkage.
At least not for me, after 2 years of continuous use of both at extremely high doses.
Thank you for the reply. I have some powder, DMSO, vitamin E oil, and 95% ethyl alcohol. Could you give me some suggestions regarding how to mix them properly?


Jun 8, 2021
This is helpful. Thx.

Thank you for the reply. I have some powder, DMSO, vitamin E oil, and 95% ethyl alcohol. Could you give me some suggestions regarding how to mix them properly?
Would also be great to hear where you applied, doses/ratios you experimented with and what felt best ?


Dec 28, 2021
This is helpful. Thx.

Thank you for the reply. I have some powder, DMSO, vitamin E oil, and 95% ethyl alcohol. Could you give me some suggestions regarding how to mix them properly?
For test base, I would only pour 100mg/ml of DMSO.
For DHT, 30% pure ethanol and 70% DMSO to achieve 80mg/ml.
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