Having problems adjusting


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
Hi guys,
I'm having trouble adjusting to Ray Peat style eating, have been having some headaches and stomach problems, also skin issues

I got very stressed when i was younger and I think I developed an anxiety disorder, I also got very depressed and started losing hair at the corners, developed dark circles, dry skin and generally looked (still do) terrible

I then went paleo for about a year trying to fix myself and I'm pretty sure this exacerbated things, I was eating low carb and loads of pufas

Now I'm trying Ray Peat because it makes sense to me and I'm not trying to lose weight (like most paleo people) I just want to feel and look good and have a feeling it's something to do with my thyroid, but I am getting incredible anxiety. Could this be the increased sugar while still having the pufas stored? I take vitamins D and E and eat a diet of fruit, eggs, gelatin, goats cheese and goats milk

How long does it take to adapt? I'm really worried that I'm just messing myself up more

Any advice would be great


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
It will probably take a little adjustment at first, do you eat frequent meals?


Jan 28, 2013
I had some anxiety flare-ups the first week or two. I found that sipping on some well-salted oj helped quite a bit. I don't know if it's the salt or the fructose, likely the combination.

I've been consuming alot of table sugar (at least 2 cups a day) and I find that if my table sugar consumption gets too far ahead of my oj consumption that still, I get the inner fidgets. Dr. Peat has written that fructose is more effective in fighting stress than glucose or sucrose. Salt is also anti-stress.

So, perhaps you might want to try increasing your fructose and/or salt intake. Definitely, salt your oj.


Jan 27, 2013
Hey huntingBears how is it going now? I'd be interested to know because I am having problems adjusting too, mainly foggy head.


Nov 9, 2012
Dean said:
I had some anxiety flare-ups the first week or two. I found that sipping on some well-salted oj helped quite a bit. I don't know if it's the salt or the fructose, likely the combination.

I've been consuming alot of table sugar (at least 2 cups a day) and I find that if my table sugar consumption gets too far ahead of my oj consumption that still, I get the inner fidgets. Dr. Peat has written that fructose is more effective in fighting stress than glucose or sucrose. Salt is also anti-stress.

So, perhaps you might want to try increasing your fructose and/or salt intake. Definitely, salt your oj.

Btw, you don't need to salt your oj. This would spoil the taste, and if you try to get large, therapeutic quantities of salt that way then the oj will become undrinkable. You could instead chase down 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt first by putting it on your tongue and rinsing it down with regular OJ, or dissolve in a bit of water to an easier drink. In any case, if you take a lot of salt, do take enough liquids at the same time otherwise you might get diarrhea.

I agree with others than if you do a Peat diet, relying on sugar, then you need to eat more often. You want to be continuously ingesting sugar during day and possibly night if you wake up, small loads at a time (enough to feel satisfied).


Feb 24, 2013
Your body needs about 3 weeks to adjust to any changes in diet. When you eat a certain way, your body has the habit of making certain enzymes in certain proportions and it needs time to adjust. Smaller, more frequent meals is better and a little salt in the OJ is good and the intestines NEED sodium as a carrier to get the nutrients through the intestinal wall. Salt to TASTE, don't overdo it. I don't recommend salt plain or in pills, just make sure there is a little in everything.
Also, don't over eat. Eat what you can digest.


Feb 20, 2013
I was on low-carb, high-fat paleo diet before Ray Peat style eating. I am guessing you were not eating dairy and gelatin during your paleo time. If you are young and lean , most likely your PUFA sotrage is not that big. I think your digestion problems are coming from dairy and gelatin. It takes long time to get adjusted to dairy if you were not used to it. I know most people have problems with digesting gelatine.

You can try hydrolysate collagen from great lakes. These gelatins are partially pre-digested. Gelatin is a major stress reducer and a great sleeping aid.

Egg whites can be very allergenic.

You can stop dairy for a while and see what happens. If cheese is not a problem then for now just try cheese.
You can do this diet without dairy also. You have to make sure you are getting your calcium from eggshell powder ( i find it allergenic, i use precipitated chalk in orange juice to reduce acidity and get calcium ) or cheese.
Most calcium supplements have allergenic excipients. You need about 1500 mg of calcium daily.

You will need daily raw carrot salad or you can chew a carrot daily to improve your hormones.

You also need a serving of liver every week.

I think its good idea to take it slow. I felt great just after adding sugar and oj to my diet . I added dairy after a long time.
I was milk intolerant all my life and it took me 3 months to get adjusted to milk. I started with half a cup of milk and slowly build up to a quart.


Nov 30, 2012
I think the change of seasons can be a stressful time of year for many. I started this diet last summer and noticed the warm weather, bright light and long days helped a lot.

Coconut oil and aspirin help block the effects of PUFAs. It takes years to detox them from your tissues so be patient.

I feel less anxious on a lot of salt so you might try adding some, as much as a tablespoon, to your milk. To offset the saltiness, you can add some sugar also.

Protein is a critical part of this diet and is important for healthy skin. You may have to experiment to see what works best for you. I ate fewer eggs in the beginning and still drink a lot of milk and cheese and not as much meat. However, meat and gelatin is a great combo. You might like some shrimp prawns, white fish or oysters also. Maybe having more food choices might help.

Frequent meals are important. I've noticed a ratio of about 1 gram of protein to 2 grams of carbs works well, but just having some sugar or fruit with protein is good too.

Mexican Coke is a great instant stress reliever and goes great with string cheese.

As for your skin, it will improve and probably pretty quickly. In the meantime, you could try scrubbing it with a microfiber cloth (cheaper than a Clarisonic):
http://ncnskincare.com/exfoliate-c-2/mi ... cloth-p-15
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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